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本卷共 21 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,单词填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
中等难度 19 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 15 题
  1. --_________?   -----I have a stomachache.

    A. What can I do for you   B. What’s the matter with you

    C. What’s wrong to you   D. What’s the wrong with you

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. –Jimmy, could you please take out the rubbish? --______________.

    A. That sounds interesting   B. Of course, I’ll do it at once

    C. Sorry, I couldn’t   D. My pleasure

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. –Let’s ______ a time to meet. I miss you so much !  ----How about this Sunday?

    A. look up   B. give up   C. fix up   D. put up

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. — Many teenagers show (an) ________ in the game of King Glory now.

    --I agree, but they can’t be lost in the game.

    A. control   B. interest   C. feeling   D. experience

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. –Do you know that Coco won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film?

    --Yeah, the news ________ my spirit a lot.

    A. grew   B. added   C. rose   D. raised

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. –You hurt my feelings by doing that.   – I’m sorry I hurt you.  I didn’t _______ to.

    A. want   B. decide   C. mean   D. plan

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. –Look at the dark clouds in the sky up!

    --Hurry up! Dark clouds are often _______ of the heavy rain.

    A. symbol   B. sign   C. signal   D. message

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. –This cup of coffee is too ________ for me to drink.

    --Maybe you should add some water or milk.

    A. heavy   B. excited   C. strong   D. light

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. –What happened to Mary? She is so scared.

    --She saw a terrible car accident just now. Her voice ________ as she told us about it.

    A. cut   B. troubled   C. hurt   D. broke

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. –What would you like, tea or coffee ?   -- ________, thanks. I’d like a cup of water.

    A. Neither   B. Either   C. Each   D. None

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  11. –How does Jim go to school?

    --He ________ to school in his father’s car, but now he _________ to school.

    A. is used to go, is used to walking   B. used to go, is used to walk.

    C. is used to walking, used to walk   D. used to go, is used to walking

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. –Why were you so excited just now?

    --I_________ going on a journey to Sanya for summer vacation.

    A. imagined   B. noticed   C. trained   D. risked

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. – What’s the trouble with Judy?

    --Her legs ________and she fell down because of a long walk.

    A. put out   B. broke out   C. try out   D. gave out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. –Look! Mario is standing ________ there. I want to cheer him up.

    --I think you don’t need to. Just leave him ________. Maybe he needs some quiet time now.

    A. lonely; lonely   B. lonely; alone   C. alone; alone   D. alone, lonely

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. –As a monitor, don’t turn a ________ eye to some students’ bad behavior in the class.

    --I can’t agree more.

    A. close   B. blind   C. deaf   D. lonely

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Most people need to hear those “three little words”-I love you.Once in a while, they hear them just in time.I _________ Connie the day she was sent to the hospital, where I worked as a woman volunteer.Her husband, Bill, stood _________ nearby as she was transferred to the hospital bed.Although Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was _________.As we became familiar(熟悉), she said how frustrating(沮丧) it was to be married 32 years to a man who often called her “a silly woman”. She looked out of the window at the trees in the courtyard. “I’d give anything if he’d say I love you, it’s just not in his _________.”

    Bill visited Connie every day.In the beginning, he sat next to the bed _________ she watched the soaps.Later, when she began sleeping more, he paced up and down the hallway outside her room.Soon, when she no longer watched television and had fewer _________ moments, I began spending more of my _________ time with Bill.

    One day, over coffee I got him on the _________ of women and how we need romance in our lives. “Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked(knowing his answer), and he looked at me as if I was _________. “I don't have to,” he said.“She knows I do!” “I'm sure she knows,” I said, “but she needs to hear what she has __________ to you all the years.”

    We walked back to Connie's room.Bill __________ inside, and I left to visit another patient.The date was February 12.

    Two days later when Bill saw me, he allowed himself to come into my __________ for a long time.His face was __________ with tears.Finally, he leaned back against the wall and __________ a deep breath.“I have to say something,” he said.“I have to say how good I feel about telling her.”He stopped to __________ his nose.“This morning I told her how much I loved her…and loved being married to her.You should have seen her smile!”

    1.A. looked   B. met   C. watched   D. saw

    2.A. nervously   B. carefully   C. happily   D. carelessly

    3.A. excited   B. upset   C. cheerful   D. mad

    4.A. eyes   B. heart   C. brain   D. nature

    5.A. after   B. while   C. before   D. where

    6.A. sleepy   B. reading   C. waking   D. standing

    7.A. difficult   B. lonely   C. happy   D. volunteer

    8.A. subject   B. idea   C. lesson   D. event

    9.A. crazy   B. bored   C. surprised   D. ill

    10.A. loved   B. meant   C. given   D. done

    11.A. disappeared   B. appeared   C. fell   D. ran

    12.A. hands   B. arms   C. face   D. feet

    13.A. red   B. black   C. wet   D. felt

    14.A. held   B. took   C. lost   D. felt

    15.A. wash   B. keep   C. run   D. blow

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. 1.The above material is probably      .

    A. a photo of a western woman

    B. an advertisement

    C. an article about a sofa bed

    D. an announcement

    2.The sofa bed is sold by a(n)       company.

    A. Chinese   B. British   C. American   D. Canadian

    3.The sofa bed in the material mostly deals with the problem of _______.

    A. Price   B. style   C. material   D. space

    4.‘convert’ in the material means      .

    A. sell   B. change   C. produce   D. show

    5.It’s clear the if you buy the kind of sofa bed      .

    A. you’ll have a lower price

    B. you need to call on 21 stores

    C. you’ll have to go to experts for advice

    D. you must be a member of Futon company

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. This is my story. It is the beginning of the second semester and a new year in eighth grade. I was over at my best friend Christina’s house. Yet again, she was listening to her favorite CD-Dream Street. When I got to her room she turned down her music and we talked about it. She said that she was the best DS fan ever. I said they’re OK and I like the music. Then she went on to say that I wasn’t a “true” fan, so I left her house and walked home. The next day I found a note in my locker(衣物柜). It was from Christina. It said, “I do not consider you as one of my friends. You are a liar.”

    After that dreadful day it got worse. I didn’t smile, or even talk to my other friends. I completely shut myself off from the world. I just didn’t understand what went wrong. Finally after a few days, some of my friends got together and came to me. They tried their best to comfort me and make me smile.

    The time that I realized something very important was that night. After several sleepless nights, I suddenly realized that I was loved, and I had other friends, I could get over it. Quickly, I turned on my light and started writing a letter to each of my friends. I wrote about the good times and how much I cared about them. I told what was happening to me, why I was so upset, and I thanked each of them for helping me. The next day I gave my friends the letters. When they finished reading them, they thanked me and gave me a big hug. I realized that I needed to be strong and how friends could help with your problems and help you heal.

    1.From the reading we know _______.

    A. Christina is a good student

    B. the writer and Christina are still good friends

    C. the writer did something wrong to her friends

    D. the writer learned a good lesson from the experience

    2.Which of the following is closest to the word “liar”?

    A. Honest people   B. Foolish people   C. Dishonest people   D. Shy people

    3.How old is the writer most probably?

    A. 8-10   B. 12-14   C. 16-18   D. Over 20

    4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Friends should learn from each other.

    B. The writer gets on well with other students.

    C. Good friends should have similar hobby.

    D. The writer had a fight with Christina.

    5.The best title for the reading is ______.

    A. Trouble in Friendship   B. Break off Friendship

    C. The lost Friendship   D. True Friendship

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. On Sundays my father always wore that gray apron(围裙). After breakfast when he always announced: "Go ahead everyone. I'll wash the dishes!" For the next hour Dad did the dishes, singing songs like I Had a Hat When I Came In.

    I suppose it was strange for a boy's father to wear an apron. It was the last Sunday in August. My father seemed happy as we walked home from the supermarket together.

    "Tommy," he said, "There comes a time in every boy's life when he must take on responsibilities(责任). Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so your mother and I can read the newspaper."

    "Wash the dishes!?"

    "Anything wrong with taking over the dishes, son?"

    I started to say something about a man's job or woman's work, but I knew quickly that my protests(抗议) would be of no use.

    I didn't taste a bit of breakfast that morning. Dad seemed excited as he talked about a soccer game on TV and didn’t notice me at all.

    Suddenly, everything grew quiet. My sister began to clear the table. My brother was eating the last of the egg from his plate. And then my father said to my mother, "Let's go and read the paper, dear."

    So this was what my life had come. I could learn Latin well, I could be good at playing baseball, I could do anything, but I could never do those dishes. There was nothing left but to refuse.

    My father came back into the kitchen, and in his right hand was the old apron.

    "I want you to have this, Tommy. It'll keep your clothes from getting wet." And before I could say a word, he had put the thing on me. "Thanks, Son."

    I looked down at the apron. It had seen better days. I could see my dad reaching for the dishes. Soon I was singing about I Had a Hat When I Came In. The words came out of nowhere. And I knew the kind of man I wanted to be.

    1.We can learn the father regarded doing housework as a person’s ________.

    A. interest   B. responsibility   C. task   D. entertainment

    2.Hearing his father’s suggestion, the writer thought the idea was ________.

    A. unacceptable   B. impossible   C. useless   D. boring

    3.When the writer was in the kitchen, the father came back to _______.

    A. show him how to do the washes   B. talk with him

    C. check his work   D. put the apron on him

    4.The result of the story probably is that _________.

    A. the writer still thought doing dishes was not his job

    B. the writer did nothing but to refuse

    C. the writer accepted his father’s idea and did as his father had done

    D. the writer wasn’t pleased to do as his father asked at last

    5.The reading is mainly about _________.

    A. the education of family responsibility   B. a united and happy family

    C. a story of the father and his son   D. a lesson of doing dishes

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读填词

    Ever since I was a child, my mouth has caused me trouble. I’m not a bad person; I have a hard time l1. when to keep my mouth closed.

    My mom has told me again and again, "Robert, your constant bad words are hurting me. If you continue to be this rude, you will get into big t2.."

    One day in English class I began working on my homework until I heard a classmate talking behind me. It was Nathaniel, talking to himself as u3..

    I said ever so nicely, "Nathaniel, would you be quiet?"

    Nathaniel continued talking to himself. I quickly shouted "Nathaniel, shut up!"

    For the next five minutes, we t4. hurtful words back and forth at each other.

    "At least I don’t have an ugly lazy eye like you!" I cried out.

    I knew this would upset him deep inside. It would hurt his f5. and shut him up.

    What I said filled him with anger. He tried to r6. over my seat and grab me as he shouted, "That’s it! That’s it!"

    I was s7. at his reaction, I sat back in my seat. Later on, we were taken to the teacher’s office. There, Mr. Black, our English teacher, asked us what m8. most to us and made us discuss it. It wasn’t until then that I finally found that when I hurt someone physically, the wounds finally heal(痊愈) e9.. but when I hurt someone with my words, sometimes the pain never goes away.

    At the end of discussion, I said sorry to Tom.

    When I went back to my room, I spent some time praying(祈祷). I began to consider how often what I said hurt others. But I believe that as I keep asking God to help me, he’ll tell me when to keep my mouth closed and it’ll make a big d10. to my life.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达

    1. Jenny在一家动物医院当志愿者。一天,她在路上遛狗时,她看见一位老人躺在马路的一边。

    2. 她拦了一辆出租车,要求司机帮忙把老人送到医院。

    3. 多亏了他们,老人的性命被及时挽救住了。

    4. 此后,她经常去老人家里帮他洗碗,扫地以及打扫起居室。


    参考词汇:扫sweep    遛狗take the dog for a walk   起居室 the living room

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析