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本卷共 13 题,其中:
单选题 9 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 2 题,看图作文 1 题
中等难度 12 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 9 题
  1. —Have you seen _______ film Auatar (阿凡达)?

    —Yeah. It’s _______ very exciting one, I think.

    A. a; an   B. the; an   C. the; a   D. a; the

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. These pictures _______ when we went to Mountain Tai last weekend.

    A. took   B. were taken   C. will take   D. will be taken

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. —Do you like the books?

    —Yes, they are very _______.

    A. interesting   B. interest   C. interested   D. interests

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Wang Ning likes talking with people and writing stories. Maybe he will be _______ when he grows up.

    A. an actor   B. a policeman   C. a doctor   D. a reporter

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. If you are _______ playing sports, you can help the kids have P. E.

    A. good with   B. good at   C. mad at   D. worried about

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. —More and more students feel stressed because of too much homework.

    —I agree with you. Some children don’t know _______ the problems.

    A. how to deal with

    B. what to deal with

    C. how to do with

    D. what to be done with

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. A lot of young trees _______ around Darning Lake last year and now it becomes more beautiful.

    A. are planted   B. were planted   C. planted   D. have planted

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. —Do you think our basketball team will win the match?

    —Yes. We have better players. I _______ them to win.

    A. guess   B. hope   C. expect   D. suppose

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. It only takes _______ from here to the centre of Beijing by underground.

    A. 40 minutes’   B. 40 minutes   C. 40-minute   D. 40-minutes

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond(池子). The king then told his people that one person _________ each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be _________ of milk.

    After _________ the order, everyone went home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just _________ a glass of water and put that into the pond instead. _________ it was dark at night, no one would notice it, so he quickly went and put the water into the pond and _________ home.

    In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his _________, the pond was only filled with water! What happened? Yes! Everyone had the same idea _________ that man. They all thought, “I don’t have to waste my milk. Someone else will do it.”

    Dear friends, when you plan to help poor people or people in trouble, do not think that _________ will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you. If you don’t do it, no one else will, so change yourself and make a __________.

    1.A. at   B. from   C. on   D. with

    2.A. filled   B. empty   C. crowded   D. full

    3.A. giving   B. refusing   C. receiving   D. offering

    4.A. hide   B. steal   C. waste   D. drink

    5.A. If   B. Since   C. While   D. After

    6.A. left   B. came   C. returned   D. arrived

    7.A. surprise   B. satisfaction   C. joy   D. taste

    8.A. with   B. to   C. as   D. of

    9.A. others   B. the others   C. none   D. neither

    10.A. face   B. mistake   C. living   D. difference

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 2 题
  1. There was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his free time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every colour, with long and difficult names, for competitions (比赛). He tried to grow a rose of a new colour to win the silver cup (银杯) for the Rose of the Year.

    Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very near to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen of age were often tempted (引诱) to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or near his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.

    But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass-houses, but nothing that he had done had been useful. He had been to school to report to the headmaster, but this had not done any good. He had tried to drive away the boys that threw stones into his garden, but the boys could run faster than he could, and they laughed at him from far away. He had even picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw, but they soon found others.

    At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice (布告) made of good, strong wood, some metres away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After this, Mr. Flowers had no further trouble; the boys were much more tempted to throw stones at the notice than at the glass-houses.

    1.It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to _______.

    A. build glass-houses in his free time

    B. grow the Rose of the Year in a silver cup

    C. win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new colour

    D. grow a rose with the longest name

    2.Boys were often tempted to _______.

    A. throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

    B. throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their school

    C. be in or near Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses

    D. play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses

    3.Mr. Flowers stayed in or near his glass-houses _______.

    A. at times when schoolboys were walking near them

    B. all the school day when there were no boys about

    C. where he could not be seen by the boys

    D. in his free time at the beginning and end of the school day

    4.Mr. Flowers had tried to _______ to protect his glass-houses.

    A. be on watch in his free time

    B. ask the headmaster for help

    C. pick up all the stones around his garden

    D. do all the above

    5.Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to _______.

    A. write some words on the glass

    B. put up a large notice to cover his glass-houses

    C. give the boys something else to throw stones at

    D. send for policemen

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. One Friday Mrs. King asked her class to write a story after class. “Use your imagination!” she cried “You can write your story about anything.” Kenny looked worried “A story?” he thought. “What could I possible have to write about? I don’t know any stories.” The bell rang and all the kids went home.

    The next day, Kenny sat at his desk at home, thinking and thinking. The warm sun was shining through the windows, making him drowsy. And soon he nodded off and fell fast asleep. As he slept, Kenny began to dream about fantastic things.

    First he dreamed that he was a world-famous doctor, saving all the cities and curing diseases. Then he dreamed that he was in a UFO. He was talking to strange but friendly space creatures (生物). Then he dreamed that he had become as small as a mouse by a mad scientist. He had to find a way to stop the plot (阴谋) of the mad scientist!

    Kenny dreamed wonderful and exciting things until his little brother woke him up. “What were you dreaming about?” he asked. Kenny told his brother the wonderful dreams. His brother enjoyed the stories. Suddenly, Kenny knew that he had his kinds of stories in his imagination.

    1.What did the teacher ask the students to do as homework?

    A. To act as a doctor.

    B. To read some stories.

    C. To help family members.

    D. To write a story.

    2.How many dreams did Kenny have?

    A. One.   B. Two.   C. Three.   D. Four.

    3.What was Kenny in his first dream?

    A. A great doctor.

    B. A mad scientist.

    C. A visitor on a spaceship.

    D. A good student.

    4.The underlined word “drowsy” means “_______”.

    A. unhappy   B. sleepy   C. upset   D. awake

    5.The best title for this passage is _______.

    A. A Strange Dream

    B. Mrs. King’s Class

    C. Writing a Story with Imagination

    D. An Evil Scientist

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

看图作文 共 1 题
  1. 你准备参加学校“英语角”开展的“用英语讲故事”活动,你选取了“曹冲称象”这个大家熟悉的故事。请你根据左边图片内容,用英语写一篇80词以上的小短文。

    How Cao Chong Had the Elephant Weighed

    Cao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present.






    难度: 困难查看答案及解析