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本卷共 28 题,其中:
听句子或对话选择图片 5 题,听句子选答语 5 题,听长对话回答问题 1 题,听短文填写表格 1 题,单选题 10 题,补全对话7选5 1 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 2 题,单词填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 25 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
听句子或对话选择图片 共 5 题
  1. A.    B.    C.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. A.    B.    C.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. A.    B.    C.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. A.    B.    C.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. A.    B.    C.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

听句子选答语 共 5 题
  1. A. Sorry. It’s a secret.   B. I am OK.   C. I can’t tell you.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. A. Kangkang was.   B. Kangkang did.   C. You’re right.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. A. Yes, I would.   B. Let’s go.   C. Yes, I’d love to.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. A. Let’s make it half past two.   B. At the school gate.   C. Sometimes.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. A. Certainly.   B. Good idea.   C. Not at all.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

听长对话回答问题 共 1 题
  1. 1.Wang Fang is going to see a film.

    A. T   B. F

    2.Li Kang would like to go with Wang Fang.

    A. T   B. F

    3.They will meet at three this morning.

    A. T   B. F

    4.Wang Fang and Li Kang meet on the way.

    A. T   B. F

    5.They will go there with their skating shoes.

    A. T   B. F

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

听短文填写表格 共 1 题
  1. 1.Is Mike good at playing basketball?


    2.When do Jack and Jim play basketball?


    3.Which is Jack’s favorite basketball player, Yao Ming or Michael Jordan?


    4.What do Mike and his friends do on Tuesday evenings?


    5.Is Ronaldo Mike’s favorite football star?


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

单选题 共 10 题
  1. I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _______ the teachers’ relay race.

    A. join   B. join in

    C. take part   D. have part in

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The motto of the modern Olympics is “_______”.

    A. Fast, high, strong   B. Faster, higher, stronger

    C. Faster, high, strong   D. Faster, high, stronger

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The first Olympics started in_______.

    A. Atlanta   B. London

    C. Athens   D. Sydney

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. —Li Lei is the first _______ the finishing line.

    —How great he is!

    A. pass   B. passing

    C. to pass   D. past

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Li Ming will take part in the boys’ _______.

    A. 800-meter race  B. 800-meter races

    C. 800 meter race  D. 800-meter-races

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. —Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday?


    A. That’s right.   B. Best wishes.

    C. Good idea.   D. It’s nothing.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. Don’t shout at him. He is only _______ boy.

    A. a eight-year-old   B. an eight-year-old

    C. a eight years old   D. an eight years old

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. He is ill. I don’t know _______ he will come to school.

    A. how   B. weather   C. when   D. whether

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. All the Chinese were ___when they heard Liu Xiang won the first. It was really___.

    A. exciting, excited   B. excited, exciting

    C. exciting, exciting   D. excited, excited

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. —Hi,I’m Xiao Li.I’m very glad to_______friends_______you.

    —Me,too. I’m Xiao Wang.

    A. get ; like   B. make ; with

    C. get; with   D. make ; to

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

补全对话7选5 共 1 题
  1. 从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)

    A: What do you plan to do this weekend?

    B: 1.

    A: I hear there's going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it.  2.

    B: Of course. Basketball is my favorite, But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity!

    A: You're lucky. I have some free tickets.   3.

    B: Great!  4.

    A: Let’s meet at the bus stop at half past five.

    B: I think there must be a big crowd(拥挤)of people there. 5.

    A: OK. See you at five o'clock.

    B: See you.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Look! The boy over there is Kangkang. He looks strong because he exercises every day. He is one of my best ______. He ______ a new day with morning exercises. After morning exercises, he ______ English at home. Then it’s time ______ breakfast. His ______ habits are very ______. He eats a lot of vegetables. He ______ eats junk food. He says it’s bad for ______to eat junk food too much. In the afternoon, he goes swimming with his friends. Now he is ______to swim pretty well. He often ______ TV at home and sometimes he surfs the Internet and talks with me on the Internet.

    1.A. classmate   B. friend   C. friends   D. teacher

    2.A. start   B. begin   C. starts   D. begins with

    3.A. reading   B. sees   C. looks   D. reads

    4.A. to take   B. to have   C. for take   D. for have

    5.A. eats   B. eating   C. to eat   D. eat

    6.A. good   B. bad   C. well   D. badly

    7.A. always   B. often   C. never   D. usually

    8.A. healthy   B. health   C. healthily   D. fit

    9.A. be able   B. able   C. able to   D. to able

    10.A. watches   B. reads   C. sees   D. looks

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 2 题
  1. There is an Asian (亚裔的) American basketball player in the NBA. Do you know who he is? Yes, he is Lin Shuhao. His English name is Jeremy Lin. He is another basketball star after Yao Ming. So many people call him the second Yao Ming. But he doesn’t like it. In the 1970s, his family moved to America from Taiwan, China. He is twenty-seven years old. His elder brother is Josh and Joseph is his younger brother. He studied at Harvard University (哈佛大学) from the year 2006 to the year 2010. His father, a fan of the NBA, taught him to play basketball when he was young. Now Lin Shuhao plays for the Houston Rocket (休斯敦火箭队). He works hard and plays very well. Now he is popular with many people.

    1.Lin Shuhao was born _______.

    A. in 1982   B. in 1984   C. in 1986   D. in 1988

    2.Li Shuhao learnt to play basketball from _______.

    A. his father   B. Yao Ming

    C. his elder brother   D. his classmates and teachers

    3.He _______ from 2006 to 2010.

    A. lived in Taiwan with his family   B. played for the Houston Rocket

    C. studied at Harvard University   D. began to learn basketball

    4.Many people likes him because _______.

    A. he looks like Yao Ming

    B. he works hard and plays basketball very well

    C. he is tall and looks good

    D. he graduated from the famous Harvard University

    5.Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. He has two brothers.

    B. He is a Chinese.

    C. He likes people to call him the second Yao Ming.

    D. He was born in Taiwan.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. More and more people around the world are joining in dangerous sports. Some people climbed the highest mountains; some traveled into unknown parts of the world; some sailed small boats across the largest sea. Now some people begin to look for new excitement.

    Bungee jumping (蹦极) and motorcycle racing (摩托车赛) are quite dangerous sports. Bungee jumping only lasts for a few minutes or even seconds. You jump from a high place, about 200 meters above the ground, and there is a rubber band (橡胶带子) tied to your legs. When you jump down, the rubber band pulls you up. About 2,000,000 people around the world have tried bungee jumping.

    Why do people join in these dangerous sports? Some scientists say that it is because modern life has become safe and it is not interesting. In the past, people lived in danger. They had to go out and look for food, and life was like a fight but was interesting.

    Many people think that there is little excitement in life. They live and work in safe places, buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.


    1.People like to join in dangerous sports because _______.

    A. they have a lot of free time

    B. they can go to the hospital if they are hurt

    C. they need excitement

    D. they don’t need to look for food

    2._______ is not a dangerous sport.

    A. Climbing the highest mountains

    B. Playing table tennis

    C. Traveling into unknown parts of the world

    D. Sailing small boats across the largest sea

    3.In bungee jumping, you _______.

    A. jump up as high as you can

    B. jump down with a rubber band tied to your legs

    C. jump down without a rubber band

    D. jump to the ground

    4.In the past, people lived in danger because _______.

    A. the living condition (生存条件) was poor

    B. there was no doctor or hospital

    C. there were many dangerous animals

    D. all of above

    5.Which is NOT true?

    A. Everyone’s life is interesting.

    B. Many people live and work in safe places.

    C. Many people buy food in shops.

    D. People can go to see the doctors when they become ill.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个合适的词,使短文完整、通顺。

    Once there was a boy who lived alone with his father. The boy loved American football very much, but he couldn’t take part in the games because he was half the size of other boys. At all the games, this hopeful boy sat beside the football field and 1. played.

    The boy was always beside the football field, but his father always stood next to him and never 2. a game. All through in high school he was still an audience. His father always encouraged(鼓励)him.

    When the boy went to junior high school, the American football teacher kept him on the school team because he always practiced hard and provided(提供) the other team members with high spirits(精神). But, he never got to play in a game.

    It was the 3. of his last American football season. His father died that morning and the teacher allowed(允许) him to take a rest. The following Saturday, the boy came back and wanted to play in the game. The teacher and the players could not believe their eyes. He ran and passed 4. a star. In the closing seconds of the game, he ran all the way for the winning touchdown.

    He told the teacher with tears(泪水) in his eyes, “Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind(失明的)? Dad came to 5. our games in the past, but today was the first time I could play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!”

    It is the father’s love for his son that helps the son succeed(成功).

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你叫Peter, 上周日你校在操场举办了一场运动会。根据表格信息并发挥想象写一篇作文。要求60词左右。





    girls’400-metre relay race



    the long jump



    boys’100-meter race



    难度: 中等查看答案及解析