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本卷共 23 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完型填空 1 题,选词填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,补充句子 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 4 题,中等难度 14 题,困难题 5 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. A: I enjoyed the performance very much.

    B: Yes, it was really good. I think          boy in white was the best actor.

    A. a             B. an           C. the         D. /

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. There is        news about this movie star in the newspaper.

    A. many          B. a few           C. a lot        D. little

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. A: You look very nice in your new dress today.

    B: Oh, really? I          it when it was on sale.

    A. buy        B. bought         C. have bought      D. will buy

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. You          drive your car so fast It's very dangerous.

    A. wouldn't      B. shouldn't       C. couldn't       D. mightn't

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Smile to the world          the world will smile back to you.

    A. nor           B. but           C. or           D. and

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. Mrs. King put a coat          the sleeping girl to keep her warm.

    A. over       B. with        C. behind         D. beside

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. —It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous.

              You can make it!

    A. Congratulations!          B. Take it easy.

    C. Look out!              D. Have a good time.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. It is helpful to          a good habit of reading in language learning.

    A. take           B. show          C. develop        D. match

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. I still remember the college and the teachers         I visited in London years ago.

    A. what          B. who         C. that         D. which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. I'm surprised to hear from her.          , we last met ten years ago.

    A. On one hand           B. That is to say

    C. Believe it or not         D. In other words

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. Flowers          along the road in the last few years.

    A. plant      B. planted     C. have been planted     D. were planted

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. I don't remember           the book yesterday.

    A. where I put             B. where did I put

    C. where will I put           D. where I will put

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. It's much          to have a small lovely room than a big cold one.

    A. good      B. well       C. better      D. best

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. Sally took a photo of her friends while they          computer games.

    A. play       B. are playing   C. have played   D. were playing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. She's not strong enough          walking up mountains.

    A. to go       B. going      C. go        D. went

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a distance of about 80 miles. It was late, and I was driving       .

    At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroad with a traffic light. I was      on the road by now, but as I came near the light, it turned       , and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right, and behind me. Nothing. No car, no suggestion of headlights,       there I sat, waiting for the light to       , the only human being, for at least a mile in any      .

    I started wondering why I       to run the light. I was not afraid of being caught, because there was      no policeman anywhere around and there certainly would have been no       in going through it.

    Much later that    , after I'd met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I'd stopped for that light       me. I think I stopped       it's part of a contract(契约) we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it's an agreement we have, and we trust each other to follow       : we don't go through red lights.

    We do       we say we'll do. We show up when we say we'll show up.

    I was so      of myself for stopping for that red light. And as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, I had to tell someone.

    1.A. fast            B. slowly                C. carefully            D. hard

    2.A. late            B. alone                C. worried            D. afraid

    3.A. green        B. yellow                C. red                D. dark

    4.A. and            B. or                C. so                D. but

    5.A. return        B. change                C. start                D. continue

    6.A. attention        B. background            C. direction            D. information

    7.A. refused        B. decided            C. prepared            D. forgot

    8.A. hardly        B. luckily                C. usually            D. clearly

    9.A. danger        B. excuse                C. space                D. energy

    10.A. moment    B. night                C. afternoon            D. morning

    11.A. depended on    B. looked forward to    C. stayed away from    D. came back to

    12.A. though        B. unless                C. because            D. until

    13.A. me        B. it                    C. him                D. us

    14.A. what        B. how                C. why                D. that

    15.A. tired        B. ready                C. proud                D. sorry

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

选词填空 共 1 题
  1. 先阅读短文,掌握其大意。然后从方框中所给的词中选出恰当的10个,并用其适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)

           something,  write, when, gift, understand, member,       

           birthday,  lucky,  easy, like,  different,  secret.        

    If your birthday is coming, what presents will your parents buy for you? It's not    1.  for Chinese parents to choose a birthday present for their children. Many American parents also have the same problem .But    2.   they have got American girl—an American company. It is famous for its beautiful dolls. Though there are many famous dolls in the world. American girl dolls are becoming one of the most popular birthday    3.   for girls.

    What makes American girl dolls so popular among girls ? The    4.   is in her matching (相配的)hair, skin, eye color, clothing and so on. That is to say, there are    5.   kinds of dolls for buyers to choose and the dolls look   6.  their owners. The company hopes their dolls can make girls   7.  that it is OK to be different from others.

    The company gives each American girl doll her own name and special background. They also invite writers to    8.  books about her. The stories in the books are mainly about different periods of American history. So    9.   the girls are playing with their dolls, they can get a lot of fun and they can learn    10.  about history, too. "

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. San Francisco has many museums. You can visit one and learn something new, We have art, science, history and other special museums. Some museums are open every day. Some are only open on certain days. Many museums are expensive, and others are free. But some of the expensive ones have free days. May museums have websites. The websites usually have information about the things you can see in the museums.

    On a museum's website you can get information about .ticket prices and free days. You can also know where the museum is and when it is open. Sometimes the information is on the first page, and it's very easy for you to find. But sometimes you have to click (点击)  on the words like Visit Information, or About to find the information. That will be hard work for you.

    1.San Francisco has many museums for you visit and            .

    A. learn something new   B. play computer games

    C. watch the movies     D. click on Information

    2.Some museums in San Francisco are open every day, but some are only open        .

    A. on weekdays       B. on weekends

    C. on certain days     D. on holidays

    3.Many museums have         with information about the things you can see in them.

    A. ticket prices       B. their websites

    C. open hours       D. free days

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. To write a great news story, you have to make sure it is correct, relevant (相关的) and fresh.

    For a start, all the information in a story must be correct. Not only the spelling and grammar, but also the facts.

    Any mistakes that appear in a story can get a newspaper into big trouble.

    For example, if a newspaper said that Yang Liwei was the first man to go into space, it would be wrong. He wasn't the first. The newspaper would probably lose lots of readers because of that mistake

    A news story is not only correct , but also relevant to its readers. People are mostly interested in news that happens near to them. That is why you care more about what happens at your school than at American schools. It is also why newspapers in Beijing don't talk about much news in Shanghai or Hong Kong .

    Finally, news must always be fresh. When you pick up your evening newspaper, you want to read about news that happens that day. You don't want to read about news from last week!

    So, now you know what makes a good news story. Have a good look at our newspaper and see if it is full of good news .You can try writing a news story for our newspaper like a real reporter.

    1.The writer mentions          main factors (因素) to make a news story really great.

    A. two     B. three    C. four     D. five.

    2.According to the writer, newspaper in Nanchang should talk much about news in       

    A. Nanchang         B. Hong Kong.

    C .Shanghai.         D. Beijing.

    3.Which of the following is true ?

    A. A small mistake can't get a newspaper into trouble.

    B. A lot of people like reading about news from last week.

    C. The passage doesn't tell us who was the first man to go into space.

    D. People are mostly interested in news that happens far away from them.

    4.The passage mainly talks about           

    A. why to be a good reporter.

    B. where to find interesting news.

    C. when to choose a good newspaper.

    D. how to write a great news story

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. The human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information than most computers. However, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers don't forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we don't usually have to. But everyone can improve their memory if they want to. Here are some suggestions.

    ◆Try to use new information immediately. For example, if you meet someone who says "Hi! I'm Carlos," don't just say "Hello." Repeat the person's name. Say "         "

    ◆Break a big number into smaller parts. For example, it's hard to memorize (记忆) 109244153. But if you break it into three parts—109/244/153—it becomes easier.

    ◆Write out what you need to remember over and over again. This will help you keep it in mind longer, especially for memorizing formulas (公式) or facts.

    ◆Always review information. If you bring what you've learned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. For example, before you go to sleep, it's a good idea to review the new things you learned that day.

    ◆Discuss with a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. You can have a discussion about what's right and what's wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.

    Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory. And everyone's memory gets better if they use it often enough.

    All of the suggestions are helpful. If you follow them, you are certain to improve your memory.

    1.Which should be put in the blank (空格)in Paragraph 2 ?

    A. Hello, Carlos.      B. How do you do?

    C. Hello, I am Sophia.   D. Glad to meet you!

    2.What can help memorize a big number more easily according to the passage?

    A. To store it in a computer.        

    B. To break it into smaller parts.

    C. To discuss it with a friend.        

    D. To review it before you sleep.

    3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    A. Discussing with friends can help you remember things.

    B. Always reviewing information can help you fall asleep.

    C. Formulas and facts can help you learn about your brain.

    D. Human beings can improve their memory by computer.

    4.What does the sentence "Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory" mean?

    A. You should tell others about your bad memory.

    B. You should believe in other people all the time.

    C. You should ask others to improve their memory.

    D. You should have confident in your memory ability.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981. At that time, they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English. This was because they were now living in an English-speaking country.

    Now the Vieira children are adults, and they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and friends. But they cannot communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new countries, they often leave their own customs and mother language behind. This is-a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.

    One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world. You do not have to depend on others to talk for you, so you're more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.

    Furthermore, speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively. Local expressions, vocabulary, and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person's understanding of another culture. So, knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.

    Finally, having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries. If people from different countries can communicate well, the world can become closer. Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each other's problems.

    The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact, there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people don't try to learn another language. It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.

    1.What is the passage mainly about?

    A. The benefits of learning other languages.

    B. The reasons why people come to America.

    C. The importance of learning English.

    D. How to learn another language.

    2.The passage begins with the experience of the Vieira family in order to          

    A. discuss the need for teaching a new language

    B. introduce the passage's main characters to the readers

    C. describe the advantages of moving to another country

    D. show the problems of speaking only one language

    3.The underlined phrase "multi-language speakers" (Paragraph 5) means "people who know            ."

    A. their mother language       B. a new language

    C. more than one language     D. body language

    4.According to the last paragraph, which of the following is the worst?

    A. Not knowing another language.

    B. Forgetting one's mother language,

    C. Refusing to learn another language

    D. Failing to communicate with others.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

补充句子 共 1 题
  1. 请阅读下列短文。根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并将其答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。(每小题2分)

    The history of the fortune cookie

    Do you know about fortune cookie?

    1.       They not only taste good, but also have a surprise inside. It is a small piece of paper with a meaningful saying printed on it. These sayings usually give people some food for thought.

    2.       Because Chinese restaurants in China Town usually give customers some free fortune cookies. However, they originated in (起源于) America 3.         But some people believe that a Chinese immigrant (移民) , David Jung, invented the fortune cookie in 1918.

    David Jung lived in Los Angeles and was the founder of the Hong Kong Noodle Company. He cared about all the poor he saw in the streets hear his shop. 4.     Each cookie had an inspirational verse (鼓舞人心的诗句)inside it.

    5.       But it is the "fortune" inside that matters.

    A. No one is sure about who invented the cookie.

    B. The fortune cookies have a long history.

    C. So he created the cookies and gave they away for free.

    D. If you eat the cookies, you'll be a lucky person soon.

    E. Many people think fortune cookies came from China.

    F. That who actually invented the fortune cookie is not important

    G. They are common in foreign countries' Chinese restaurants.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 某中文网站提出“走路去上学”的倡议,请你就这一话题写一篇约80词的英语短文。

    内容提示:1. 走路有利于健康且安全;

             2. 和同学结伴可以相互了解,相互帮助;

             3. 不需要父母接送,学会自理;

             4. 道路上车辆减少,城市不再拥堵;


    要求:1. 要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。

    2. 文中不得出现真实校名及姓名,否则不予评分。

    3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数,可适当发挥。

    参考词汇: be good for, each other, send, no longer, crowded

    Walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise.                           

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析