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本卷共 28 题,其中:
单项填空 20 题,完形填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,其他题 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 24 题,困难题 3 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 20 题
  1. — Are you cleaning my room, Serena?

    — ______. I can’t bear seeing your room in a mess!

    A.  You are clever B. Not at all

    C. I can’t help it  D. No chance

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. China is seeing ______ growing trend in the number of people owning pets and ______ recent survey finds that one in 13 Chinese now keep animals.

    A. the; the   B. a; the   C. a; a   D. the; the

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. At the beginning of a speech, it is very important to grab the audience’s attention and make them interested in ______ you have to say.

    A. which   B. what   C. that   D. who

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Across China, ordinary people are becoming more and more ______ of the issue of environmental protection.

    A. dependent   B. ignorant   C. alike   D. aware

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. There was a time ______ I thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father.

    A. when   B. which   C. that   D. what

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. Close the door of fear behind you, and you ______ the door of faith open before you.

    A. have seen   B. will see   C. are seeing   D. saw

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. Being happy is a skill that can be learned like a foreign language, and one way to ______ ourselves to be happy is to write down the little things that cheer us up each day.

    A. convey   B. appeal   C. train   D. attempt

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Henry made a list of all the possible solutions, ______ helpful in handling the present situation, though.

    A. none of which   B. none of them

    C. all of which   D. all of them

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Admit it or not, many of us see that higher education equals a diploma, which ______ provides us with opportunities for a better life.

    A. in need   B. in return

    C. in place   D. in turn

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to ______ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills.

    A. hang out   B. leave out

    C. work out  D. figure out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. The upset mother thought to herself, “If only I ______ what’s going on in my little boy’s head right now.”

    A. know   B. knew   C. have known  D. had known

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  12. The director was fully convinced that this moving story, if ______ for television, would be a hit.

    A. adapted      B. being adapted

    C. to be adapted  D. having been adapted

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. Meeting my dear teachers and fellow students after so many years was indeed a warm occasion, ______ I’d strike into my heart forever.

    A. that    B. one   C. when   D. what

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. — How is that, Blair?

    — I wonder ______ it takes to be a good teacher beyond patience and a great knowledge of students.

    A. how is it that   B. how it is that

    C. what it is that  D. what is it that

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious, studied ______ that soon changed into a smile.

    A. impression   B. expression   C. conclusion   D. information

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  16. There is a common belief among the students in our school ______ they should try their best to learn and reach the peak of their academic performances.

    A. that    B. which   C. if    D. whether

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  17. As is known to all language learners, newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless ______.

    A. exactly   B. finally   C. frequently   D. gradually

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  18. If you want to get your ability ______, you have to show it in your work rather than complain all day.

    A. to recognize      B. recognizing

    C. being recognized D. recognized

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  19. The findings support another study which showed that being happy ______ reduce the risk of heart disease.

    A. need   B. shall   C. must   D. can

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  20. — Are you sure the delegation will come to our school next week?

    — ______. The head of it has just emailed me about the departure time of their flight.

    A. No wonder        B. You bet

    C. Don’t mention it  D. Definitely not

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

    Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. What’s more, he is quite different from others in ideas and    : beating or bringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such a    : a dutiful son is the    of the rod, which is deeply impressed in his mind from his father. So I was emotionally upset and    in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was randomly beaten, so I would bring blows on other smaller kids”. And Dad would deal me a heavier    the next time.

    It    that I completely lost control of this blow and found it impossible for me to    on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long. Everything went from bad to worse for me so much    I couldn’t write out the English alphabet,    could I do arithmetic (算术).    , I was sent into a reformatory school(劳教所) where I stayed guilty for two and a half years. This time Dad shed bitter tears, saying, “Son, it is not that I don’t love you but that I should not have been so angry at your failure to    my expectations!”

    Retiring from the army, he gave me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world.    getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is    valuable but he who travels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guess you are now fully prepared to get started for work.” At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly    and went bankrupt(破产); it was not long    I started to engage in a dye-stuff plant which happened to be blown up. At all these, my father only gave me such words, “I will congratulate you on your god-given setbacks and failures, which will help you make    mistakes in life.”

    The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly started and my parents were    invited to    . Dad didn’t say a single word    me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was in a state of    emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears in my eyes.

    1.A. practices   B. approaches    C. attempts     D. promises

    2.A. emotion      B. regulation    C. principle     D. patience

    3.A. relief      B. product      C. reminder     D. process

    4.A. disturbed   B. ashamed       C. delighted    D. confused

    5.A. blame      B. argument      C. strike       D. blow

    6.A. made out     B. turned out     C. carried out  D. came out

    7.A. contribute   B. appeal        C. concentrate  D. approve

    8.A. now that     B. as if        C. only if       D. so that

    9.A. nor       B. so          C. either      D. seldom

    10.A. To tell the truth B. Generally speaking C. To make matters worse D.What’s more

    11.A. live up to   B. come up with  C. get down to   D. look back on

    12.A. At         B. Upon        C. By        D. Through

    13.A. undoubtedly  B. abundantly     C. eventually  D.unconsciously

    14.A. represented  B. supported     C. guaranteed   D. performed

    15.A. after     B. since        C. before        D. until

    16.A. more       B. fewer       C. many        D. few

    17.A. apparently   B. appropriately  C. relevantly   D. honorably

    18.A. show up     B. hold up      C. take up      D. call up

    19.A. in honor of  B. in favor of  C. in praise of D.in remember of

    20.A. organized   B. mixed       C. matched      D. evaluated

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. It was in October. I was aimlessly wandering down the street, heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset. I had an urge to speak to someone on the street to share that beauty, but it seemed everyone was in a hurry.

    I took the next-best action. Quickly I ducked into a department store and asked the lady behind the counter if she could come outside for just a minute. She looked at me as though I were from some other planet. She hesitated, and then seemingly against her better judgment, she moved toward the door.

    When she got outside I said to her, “Just look at that sunset! Nobody out here was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone.”

    For a few seconds we just looked. Then I said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.” I thanked her for coming out to see it; she went back inside and I left. It felt good to share the beauty.

    Four years later my situation changed greatly. I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage. I was alone and on my own for the first time in my life. I lived in a trailer park which, at the time, I considered a real come-down, and I had to do my wash in the community laundry room.

    One day, while my clothes were going around, I picked up a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in similar circumstances. She had come to the end of a marriage, moved to a strange community, and the only job she could find was one she disliked: clothing sales in a department store.

    Then something that happened to her changed everything. She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset. The stranger had said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,” and she had realized the truth in that statement. From that moment on, she turned her life around.

    1.The author asked the woman to go outside to ______.

    A. admire the sunset  B. cheer her up

    C. offer some help   D. have a chat

    2.Four years later, the author ______.

    A. found her dream job

    B. put an end to her marriage

    C. worked in a laundry room

    D. lived in the same community

    3.After reading the article in the magazine, the author was probably ______.

    A. disappointed   B. puzzled

    C. inspired      D. overjoyed

    4.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?

    a. I shared a few words and beautiful sunset with the woman.

    b. The woman I met years ago got into frustration after divorce.

    c. I got divorced and felt lost in my life.

    d. I came across a beautiful sunset but had no one to share with.

    e. The woman felt astonished by the invitation from a stranger.

    f. I recognized the woman I met before in the magazine.

    A. b, d, e, f, a, c   B. d, e, a, c, f, b

    C. d, e, a, f, b, c D. b, d, e, a, c, f

    5.What can be the best title for the passage?

    A. Sharing Beauty  B. Never give up

    C. Beauty of Life  D. An Unforgettable experience

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Bookie’s, the campus bookstore is located at the Campus Activity Centre, main floor.

    Bookie’s is the only place in Kamloops to buy your course textbooks. There is a booklist in the bookstore listing the books required for each course. If you need help in finding your course textbooks, ask any of the staff in the bookstore.

    There are more than just textbooks at bookie’s. They carry a wide variety of stationary, art supplies and gift items. You can also buy telephone cards, postage stamps and bus passes. You must show your student card to get a discount for the bus passes.


    1) Do I need my receipt to return books?


    2) How long do I have to return books?

    Books purchased must be returned within ten working days of the date of the purchase.

    3) What if I wrote my name in the book?

    Unfortunately, we can not give you a full refund for books not in mint condition as publishers will not accept this for credit.

    4) What happens if I miss the last day for return?

    We may purchase the text book as “used” in accordance with our Buyback program.

    5) What if I discover that my book has missing pages half way through the semester?

    We will replace the defective books, new or used, for a like copy of that title. Cash refunds are not given for defective books returned outside the normal return dates.


    1) What books do you buy back?

    We buy back all current edition textbooks. If we do not use them at UCC, we buy them back according to the value established in the North American marketplace.

    2) How much do I get for my books?

    If bookie’s is buying the book for use at UCC, you will receive 50% of the current new retail price. In order to receive optimum buyback price, discs and supplements must accompany the book.

    3) What happens to the books that I sell?

    Books for bookie’s are processed by our staff and sold to students at 75% of the new retail price.

    4) What condition do my books need to be in?

    Books should be in good condition, meaning that the cover is still attached and all pages intact. Notes and markings on the pages of the books are perfectly fine. Workbooks and study guides are generally not purchased back unless they are free of all markings. No sales receipt is required for these books.


    Monday–Thursday     9:00am–6:00pm

    Friday           9:00am–5:00pm

    Saturday and Sunday   Closed

    1.The intended readers of this passage are ______.

    A. book dealers  B. university students

    C. publishers   D. campus staff

    2.The underlined word “defective” can best be replaced by ______.

    A. latest   B. perfect    C. brand-new  D. incomplete

    3.Bookie’s will not buy back your used textbook if ______.

    A. the cover of the book is missing

    B. there are markings and notes on the pages

    C. you have lost the sales receipt

    D. you miss the last day for return

    4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Bookie’s is a place for students to buy their course textbooks.

    B. Student cards are needed to get a discount for the textbooks.

    C. Books bought in bookie’s should be returned within ten working days.

    D. Books bought back are processed by the staff and sold to students.

    5.The items which can be bought back don’t include ______.

    A. textbooks with markings

    B. workbooks with markings

    C. textbooks with covers and all pages

    D. study guides free of markings

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Detective Keeling took his client—a good­looking lady into the back yard of the store together. The lady opened a door in the wall and they entered the small room behind the store. They crossed the room to a locked door.

    Mr. Keeling took some special keys from his pocket. Moments later, one of the keys unlocked the door. The lady went into the store. She said she would hide under the table to keep watch on her husband. Mr. Keeling did not follow her.

    The detective went quickly to the policeman’s house. Then the two men hurried to the jewellery store. They looked through the window. The policeman was surprised. He spoke to Mr. Keeling, “I don’t understand. You told me, ‘Robbins took a young woman to a restaurant.’ Where is she?”

    “There she is!” said Mr. Keeling. He pointed through the window.

    “Do you know the lady with Robbins?” asked the policeman.

    “That’s his secret friend,” said Mr. Keeling.

    “No! You’re wrong! That’s Robbins’ wife,” said the policeman. “I’ve known her for fifteen years.”

    “What?” the detective shouted. His face became pale. “Who is under the table in the store?” He started to kick the door of the jewellery store. Mr. Robbins came to the door and opened it. The policeman and the detective ran into the store.

    “Look under that table!” shouted the detective. “Be quick!”

    The policeman lifted the cloth and put his arm under the table. He pulled out a black dress, a black veil and a woman’s wig(假发).

    “Is this young lady your wife?” Mr. Keeling asked the jeweller. He pointed at the woman.

    “Yes! She is my wife!” said Mr. Robbins angrily. “Why did you kick my door? Why are those clothes under my table?”

    “Please check all the jewellery in your store, Mr. Robbins,” the policeman said. “Is anything missing?”

    Some diamond rings and some expensive necklaces were missing. The missing jewellery was worth $800. Later that night, Mr. Keeling was sitting in his office. He was looking through a big book of photographs. They were photographs of criminals. The policeman had brought the book to the detective's office. Suddenly, Mr. Keeling stopped turning the pages. He looked at a picture of a handsome young man with a familiar face.

    The next morning, Mr. Keeling paid the jeweller $800, then closed his office.

    1.At the beginning, the lady was able to go into the jewellery store because ______.

    A. she went to the back yard and found the way

    B. she was the owner of the store and had the key

    C. two men helped her together to enter the store

    D. Mr. Keeling unlocked the back door to the store

    2.The young lady who stayed with Mr. Robbins in the jewellery store was actually ______.

    A. Mr. Robbins’ sister   B. Mr. Robbins’ secret friend

    C. Mr. Robbins’ wife     D. a clever thief

    3.It can be inferred from the passage that Mr. Keeling cooperated with his client ______.

    A. so that he could get some jewellery from the store

    B. because he thought he was helping the lady

    C. because he wanted to play a joke on Mr. Robbins

    D. so that he could get a job as a policeman

    4.The missing jewellery worth$800 was in fact taken away by ______.

    A. a young woman   B. a young man

    C. a detective    D. a policeman

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. It was a weeknight. We were a half dozen guys in our late teens, hanging around “the flat” — as usual. The flat was poorly furnished, which, after some time, grew tiresome. We wanted action.

    We got in a car, big enough for all of us to crowd into — and off we went, in search of adventure. We soon found ourselves at Blue Gum Corner, a place named after the huge old blue gum tree that stood by there, a well-known local landmark. It stands at a minor crossroad leading to our town. The trunk is tall and smooth with no handholds for climbing. About six metres from the ground the first branch sticks out over the road. We parked beneath the huge old tree and discussed what we might do. All of a sudden we hit upon an idea — a hanging! I was chosen as “hangee”.

    The plan was quite simple. As I stood upon the roof of the car, the rope (绳子) was threaded down my jacket through my collar and down one leg of my jeans. I put my foot through the loop at the bottom. There I hung, still. The boys rolled about laughing until, a car, I hear a car! Before they ran to hide in the nearby field, they gave me a good push so that “the body” would swing as the car drove by.

    To our disappointment, the car simply turned off for town without even slowing. The boys came out of their hiding places and we discussed the situation. Surely they had seen me, hadn’t they? Then we heard another car. The act was repeated, but still without any obvious reaction. We played the game about five or six times, but as no one seemed to notice, we abandoned the trick.

    What we did not know was that every car that had passed had unquestionably seen “the body” and each one, too scared to stop, had driven directly to the local Police Station. Now at that time of the night, the local policeman was sound asleep in his bed, so the first person sent to the scene was the traffic officer that happened to be on duty that particular night. He had been informed that some person had been killed, by hanging, at Blue Gum Corner. When he arrived, the body was gone! And he was hearing “unnatural sounds” from the surrounding area. As far as he knew, some fierce animal was hiding in the field before him, possibly dragging a body behind him — and we thought we were scared!

    He went to his radio and made a call that really began to worry us. I lay so close that I could hear every word. He called for the “armed police” and a “dog team, better make it two” and he had a “serious situation” at Blue Gum Corner. Then the police officer arrived. After a briefing from the traffic officer he decided not to go into the field until armed police and dog teams arrived. Now two spotlights were on the field and none of us could move.

    As luck would have it, police cars cannot leave their spotlights on all night without charging their batteries. So, after a time, the two officers began lightening the field by turns, allowing us the opportunity to move on our fours for freedom. One by one, we all managed to steal away and make our way home. Behind us we left what must have looked like a small city of lights, police cars, roadblocks, barking dogs, armed officers and an old rope hanging from a tree.

    When I think back to that night, to that tree, to what the drivers of the cars think happened, to what police believe happened, and to what I know happened, I am reminded of a simple truth — our eyes see darkness and light, color and movement, our ears hear only vibrations (振动) in the air. It is how we explain these vivid pictures that shapes our “reality”.

    1.The boys made the “hanging” plan in order to ______.

    A. make a fool of the police

    B. draw public attention

    C. seek fun and excitement

    D. practise acting skills

    2.Seeing that no car passing by stopped, the boys must have felt ______.

    A. discouraged   B. proud

    C. annoyed      D. confident

    3.Why was the traffic officer sent to the scene of “hanging”?

    A. Because a fierce animal kept the traffic in disorder.

    B. Because the local policeman was not available at that time.

    C. Because some naughty kids were playing a terrifying game.

    D. Because many scared drivers turned directly to him for help.

    4.The boys managed to escape from the field when ______.

    A. the two police cars were being charged

    B. the police officer was taking over the duty

    C. the traffic officer was making a call for help

    D. the two spotlights were not working together

    5.What is conveyed in the passage?

    A. Actions speak louder than words.

    B. The truth lies beneath the surface.

    C. Experience is the best teacher.

    D. To see is to believe.

    6.What would be the best title for the passage?

    A. Blue Gum Tree      B. A Body Found Hanging

    C. Escape to Freedom   D. A Disappointing Experience

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. 下面文章中有5处(第1~5题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    A. How to deal with listening practice

    B. Class atmosphere matters a lot in learning

    C. Monitoring activities is one of the main tasks of teachers

    D. How to evaluate student performance

    E. Group work needs organizing properly

    F. Communication skills play a big role in language learning

    Both instructors and learners can get benefits from the following learning strategies as long as they are properly made use of in language learning.


    The information presented in this section focuses on specific conversation, discussion, or presentation skills. The activities are generally self-explanatory, with students expressing opinions, making decisions, solving problems, planning presentations, and so on. Engaged in these activities, students have the possibility of communicating with each other in class. This section also includes lists of expressions used to illustrate different language functions, such as agreeing, disagreeing, and asking for clarity in order to help students expand their knowledge of English.


    In a speaking or listening course, students’ anxieties can affect their learning. For this reason, it is important to establish a friendly, relaxed classroom environment. It may help students 10 think of the classroom as a laboratory where they can experiment and take risks with the language. In such circumstances, students should realize that errors are a natural and expected part of learning a language. In addition, one of the goals of this pan is to encourage students to examine their awn opinions and values while at the same time showing respect for the opinions and values of others.


    Many of the activities in this section involve the students’ cooperating work in class. Generally, such an activity taken up by four members seem to work the best. Groups of three or five members may also be effective, depending on the activity. The first unit includes guidelines for organizing group work, with students taking on the following roles: leader, reader, summarizer, reporter, and observer (if necessary). Organizing all activities in this way makes the course truly learner-centered since students must take fall responsibility for carrying out each activity. As for seating, group members should arrange their seats or chairs in a small circle to encourage interaction.


    Being a teacher, in the course of group activities, you should circulate from group to group, which helps ensure that students are on task and are using English. While you should not participate in pair or group activities, you need to stay involved in what the students are doing. One important reason to circulate during activities is to keep track of the kinds of problems students have, such as grammatical accuracy, fluency, word choice, pronunciation and intonation discussion strategies, etc. However, it is generally not effective to correct students’ errors when they arc involved in an activity. The most practical way to deal with communication problems is to make notes of what you observe as you arc circulating. You can then use this information to provide feedback after the activity or to develop future lessons.


    At the beginning of the course, when they need to build up their confidence, students benefit most from encouragement and positive comment. If possible, you'd rather not grade the students fust few efforts at speaking in a group or to the class. Many students suffer such anxiety in speaking situations that any criticism at this stage can have the opposite effects. Commenting on students’ work does not necessarily mean grading them on the scene. Even if the programs requires formal grades, you should try to put off assigning grades until later in the term.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 短文改错





    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Life is complicated. We can’t avoid anything annoy or stressful. However, what is of great importance is that we should keep a good state of mind.

    An experience never fades from my memory. With a vital exam drawing near, I felt such nervous that I even couldn’t eat or sleep, thus make me very sleepy in class. Seeing this, my teacher comes to my help. With her aid, I adjusted myself and felt confidence again. In the meantime, a detailed plan was made go over my lessons. In the end, I managed to pass the exam.

    It was a good state of mind which helped me get through the exam. A good state of mind is what it takes to realize our goal. Whenever your emotion is out of the control, just keep in mind that only with possessing a good state of mind can you attain success.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达

    Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay on the topic of loving our parents.

    Your essay should meet the requirements below:

    1. Describe the cartoon and the message conveyed.

    2. Draw a conclusion and give your comments on the cartoon.

    3. Word limit: 100-- 120 words.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析