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本卷共 32 题,其中:
单项填空 25 题,完形填空 1 题,其他题 2 题,阅读理解 2 题,单词拼写 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 31 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 25 题
  1. As we know, none of us likes pollution.

    A. no one  B. not everyone  C. someone   D. nothing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. .Every teacher is supposed to be honored(诚实).

    A. think  B. allow   C. should   D. may

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. —Hi, have you found your lost watch?

    —Not yet, I have looked for it everywhere, but I still haven’t found it.

    A. at those places        B. here and there

    C. somewhere           D. over there

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Trees are very important to our environment. They can stop wind from blowing the earth away.

    A. kept   B. put   C. take   D. prevent

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  5. There are more than 5000 students in our middle school.

    A. many   B. much more   C. over   D. much

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. There are _____  living things on the earth, we must care for our home --- the earth.

    A. million    B. millions    C. million of   D. millions of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. —Lily, _____ you _____ your ticket?

    —Not yet!

    A. diD. find        B. have; found

    C. has; found        D. do; find

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Xiao Li, hurry up, _____ you will miss the bus.

    A.but     B.and       C.or      D.since

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. You’d better speak aloud ______ we can hear you.

    A.so that    B.as … as     C.as if     D.since

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. —Have you ever _____ Mudanjiang to see the Jingbo Lake?

    —Yes, I have.

    A.went to    B.gone to   C.been in   D.been to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. —Have you finished your homework ______?

    —Yes. I have finished it ______. I did it yesterday.

    A.already; yet    B.just; already

    C.yet; already    D.ever; already

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. When we went into the park, we saw someone _____ Chinese Kungfu.

    A.plays   B.played  C.to play  D.playing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. — How long have you been in Beijing?

    — I have been here ________.

    A.for one year ago       B.since a year  

    C.since one year ago       D.for last year

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. —Our country _____ progress in science and culture in recent years.

    A. made such        B. has made such 

    C. made so         D. has made so

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. — John sings well in our school.

    —_____ We all like his songs.

    A. So do I.          B. So is he.

    C. So he does.       D. So does he.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  16. They have finished ______ of the work. We will have to finish the rest tomorrow.

    A. two three     B. two thirds

    C. two third     D. second threes

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  17. There is ____ snow and it’s _____ cold this winter.

    A. too much; too much     B. too much; much too

    C. much too; much too     D. much too; too much

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  18. —Oh, I lost my wallet with my ID card in it!

    — ________.

    A. What a mess!   B. It must be fun

    C. That too bad.  D. Just so-so.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  19. My uncle works as a(n) _____ in Beijing. His main job is to help visitors from other countries.

    A. actor     B. guest       C. guide      D. planter

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  20. My good friend always encourage me _____ trying and never give up whenever I’m in trouble. It makes me moved.

    A. keep       B. stop       C. to stop     D. to keep

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  21. You _____ read in the sun, It’s bad for your eyes.

    A. not ought to     B. ought to

    C. ought to not     D. ought not to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  22. —Would you like to be a volunteer to help clean the room?

    —_____ .

    A. That’s easy.   B. It’s a pleasure.

    C. Not at all.   D. Of course not.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  23. Too much pollution changes people’s life. Our government has done ____ to stop pollution.

    A. useful something         B. useful anything

    C. something useful         D. anything useful

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  24. _____ everyone in our team played well in this football match, we _____ lost it.

    A. Although; but   B. Although; still

    C. Though; and      D. Though; but

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  25. —It’s very important for us to save water.

    —I agree with you. I hope _____ can realize that.

    A. nobody       B. everybody

    C. anybody      D. somebody

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. Water is very important to all the living things,   water shortage is a big problem in some places when some of us are wasting it.

    Teesha is ten years old. She    collect water from a ditch(沟渠) near her home. The water was brown. It had a    smell. Teesha’s name means “alive and well”. But the bad water often made her feel sick.

    Many families in Africa have no clean water. So many people      diseases. Teesha’s own brother    from cholera(霍乱). He was only six years old.

    Teesha’s village was    . They got a new well(水井). Volunteers from other countries found out the best place to dig the new well. Soon, the people had clean, fresh water. The  volunteers taught Teesha’s family how to keep it fresh.     taught Teesha’smother how to use different bowls of water for different things. Some water was for    vegetables. Other water was    their animals.

    Teesha’s family will enjoy their clean water. She hopes that children in    villages will soon have clean,fresh water. As the Nigerian saying goes, she hopes her country will have “Peace, Rain, Prosperity(繁荣)!”

    1.A. because  B. and     C. but          D .so

    2.A. used to     B. was used to     C. uses to     D. gets used to

    3.A. nice     B. terrible   C. good     D. sweet

    4.A. increase    B. reach        C. hide     D. get

    5.A. dead      B. death        C. died       D. dying

    6.A. lucky     B. funny      C. interesting        D. exciting

    7.A. He     B. They   C. We     D. You

    8.A. clean     B. cleaned     C. cleaning    D. to clean

    9.A. at   B .for       C. in       D. on

    10.A. the others B. others      C. the other     D. other

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 2 题
  1. Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from one place to another. They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.

    No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed. They did not have to look for food any longer. They could stay in one place and grow it.

    People began to live near one another, so the first village was established (建立). Many people came to live in the villages, and these villages became even larger.

    When machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. People built factories. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities began.

    Today, it’s strange that some people are moving back to small villages. Can you tell me why?


    1.People moved from place to place to hunt animals.

    2.The story says,“No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed.” In this sentence, the word “they” means people.

    3.When machines appeared, life in the cities changed again.

    4.All people like to live only in big cities.

    5.People built factories after the cities grew big.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。

    1.I _______ (be) to Mount Huang with my parents.

    2.Our teacher told us there were many _______(home) people in the streets.

    3.Look, there are some butterflies ______(fly) in the garden.

    4.The air_______(pollute) caused  too many problems.

    5.To Protect the environment, we should ______ (use)the plastic bags.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 2 题
  1. A kind of little cars may take the place of today’s big ones many years later. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking in cities, and the streets will be less crowded.

    The little cars of the future will cost less. Driving will be safer, too, since these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for going around a city, but they will not be useful for a long way. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline (汽油). If big cars are still used with the small ones, two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the small, slower ones.

    1.There is much pollution in the air today because _____.

    A. people drive big cars      

    B. people drive little cars

    C. small cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline

    D. the usual size of cars today is too small

    2.The usual size of cars today is _____.

    A.much smaller than the future one 

    B.as big as the future ones

    C.as small as the future ones    

    D.bigger than the future ones

    3.Which of the following statements (陈述) is NOT TRUE?

    A.Big cars cost more.

    B.Big cars are not useful for a long way.

    C.The cars of the future will be smaller than today’s cars.

    D.Small cars are slower than big ones.

    4.The streets will be less crowded because _____.

    A.there will be fewer cars in the future 

    B.there will be fewer people in the streets

    C.three kinds of roads will be built  

    D.future cars will be smaller

    5.Two kinds of roads will be needed in the future because _____.

    A.there will be too many cars in the future

    B.more and more people will go to cities

    C.big cars run faster and little cars run slower

    D.it looks more beautiful to have two kinds of roads

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The Red Cross Society of China(RCSC)(中国红十字会)has so far received 150 million yuan (18 million U.S. dollars) as donation (捐款) for tsunami-hit (遭受海啸袭击的) countries, reports from the RCSC said on January 14, 2005.

    2.66 million U.S. dollars of the money were sent to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Maldives soon after they were hit by the killer disaster(灾难)late last month. The rest of the money will be sent for rebuilding villages, schools and orphanages (homes for children who lost their parents) in the disaster areas, the reports said.

    According to the reports, two RCSC’s rescue (营救) teams have arrived in Indonesia and Sri Lanka on Friday. A third team will go to Thailand early next week.

    The RCSC will report how much money has been collected and the uses of the money on its website on time, the reports said.

    1.The passage is probably from _____.

    A.a newspaper 

    B.an advertisement

    C.an instruction (指导) book

    D.a storybook

    2.Which countries were hit by a tsunami (海啸)?

    A.Indonesia, China.

    B.Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.

    C.Thailand, Japan and Maldives.

    D.Sri Lanka, Australia.

    3.How many RCSC’s rescue teams have arrived in the tsunami-hit countries?

    A.One.   B.Two.   C.Three.   D.Four.

    4.The rest of the money will be used to rebuild _____ in the disaster area.

    A.schools, airports and shops

    B.villages, factories and stations

    C.orphanages, gyms and schools 

    D.villages, schools and orphanages

    5.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.The RCSC has so far received U.S. $ 20.66 million in donation for tsunami-hit countries.

    B.A third team will be sent to Maldives next week.

    C.Two RCSC’s rescue teams have arrived in Thailand.

    D.The uses of the money will be reported on its website on time by the RCSC.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词拼写 共 1 题
  1. 根据句意,用所给汉语的正确形式填空。

    1.________(到目前为止),there are millions of people have gotten this help.

    2.People have ________(砍倒了)too many trees, so some rich land has changed into desert.

    3.You should________(关掉)the electricity when you leave a room.

    4.Protecting the environment is our duty, let’s t be ________.(环保使者)

    5.Working in a noisy place is ________(对……有害)our hearing.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达。

    同学们,在我们的身边,时常会看到一些不好的行为,这些行为污染了我们身边的环境。请你以一个环保小使者的身份并以How to Protect the Environment 为题写一篇80词左右的短文。
















    难度: 中等查看答案及解析