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本卷共 25 题,其中:
单项填空 14 题,单选题 1 题,完形填空 1 题,阅读理解 3 题,其他题 2 题,单词拼写 3 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 23 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 14 题
  1. ______ interesting the book is! I want to buy one, too.

    A. How   B. What   C. How an   D. What an

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his __  _ and had a bad fall.

    A. place       B. chance        C. memory      D. balance

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. I’m not sure if blue looks good _____you.

    A. in            B. with         C. at            D. on

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful. It’s hard to imagine she is already in her      .

    A. fifty   B. fifties   C. fiftieths   D. fiftieth

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Spud practiced _____harder and got the coach to change his mind.

    A. too           B. even         C. little          D. many

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. You _______be too careful when you are driving.

    A. can’t           B. mustn’t       C. can           D. must

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. I have some difficulty ______English.

    A. to learn         B. learn         C. learning        D. learned

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  8. During the 12th five -year plan, China ____ great achievements in environmental protection.

    A. has made       B. made        C. was making    D. will make

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. It is reported that a space station ______ on the moon in a few years.

    A. was built   B. will be built

    C. is built    D. has been built

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can____ any problem you face.

    A. hand out     B. work out

    C. find out       D. put out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. You have to know ______ you're going if you are going to find the best way of getting there.

    A. what    B. that    C. where     D. who

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  12. Through the V-Day parade we show ______ our strength, _____ the Chinese people's mind to keep peace.

    A. either…or       B. neither…nor

    C. not only…but also  D. both…and

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. —Sir, could I hand in my homework a bit late?

    — _______, since you’ve been unwell these days.

    A. You can’t be serious       B. I’m afraid not

    C. Good idea               D. Well, all right

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. —The boy’s father failed to find a job. ______. He got a cancer.

    —How sad! We should give him a hand.

    A. It never rains but pours

    B. Every dog has its day

    C. A miss is as good as a mile

    D. The grass is always greener on the other side

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单选题 共 1 题
  1. ---The light in his room is still on. Do you know _______?

    --- Maybe at midnight again.

    A. what’s he doing   B. why he stays up so late

    C. if he is busy studying   D. when he will stop working

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 完形填空,阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Years ago, a very rich man and his young son shared an interest in collecting art. They traveled around the world, collecting      works of art by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.

    When war broke out, the son left to      for his country. After a few weeks, the old man received a     saying his son had died. The man became very lonely and sad.

    One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting – it was      by his son. The painting was important to the man      the world would never think it a great work. He told his neighbors it was the      gift he had ever received.

    The following spring, the old man died. All of the old man’s paintings would be      at an auction(拍卖). The auction began with a painting that was not on any of the buyers’      ... it was the painting of the old man’s son. “Who will open the price at $100?” the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or      their hand. Someone said: “Who cares about that painting? Let’s get on to the good ones.” More voices followed in      . “No, we must sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the picture of the son?”

          , a good friend of the old man spoke: “Will you take $10 for the painting? That’s all I have.” “Will      go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more      he said: “Going once ... going twice ... sold!” The auctioneer looked at the crowd and said that the whole auction was     . “According to the father’s will,    takes the son’s picture gets the whole collection, ” the auctioneer said.

    In the eyes of a father, nothing is more valuable than his son – not even paintings of the famous artists are as important as his son’s.

    1.A. priceless       B. useless       C. helpless       D. careless

    2.A. train         B. fight       C. cheer        D. practise

    3.A. letter         B. book        C. diary         D. bag

    4.A. decorated       B. drawn       C. bought       D. repaired

    5.A. before       B. when        C. until        D. though

    6.A. cheapest      B. oldest       C. greatest     D. biggest

    7.A. donated        B. counted      C. sold        D. named

    8.A. lists         B. desks       C. pockets      D. notebooks

    9.A. shook          B. showed       C. raised       D. touched

    10.A. agreement      B. public       C. trouble      D. need

    11.A. Slowly        B. Suddenly     C. Finally      D. Luckily

    12.A. somebody       B. anybody       C. everybody     D. nobody

    13.A. noise        B. action        C. choice       D. silence

    14.A. out          B. off         C. on           D. over

    15.A. Whatever       B. Whenever      C. Wherever       D. Whoever

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 3 题
  1. During all this time, I never stopped thinking about leaving. When I travelled across to the other side of the island, I could see the other islands, and I said to myself, “Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”

    So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe(独木舟). Next, I had to get it down to the sea. How silly I was! Why didn’t I think carefully before I began to work? Of course, the canoe was too heavy. I couldn’t move it! I pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didn’t move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.

    In my sixth year on the island, I did make myself a smaller canoe, but I did not try to leave in it. The boat was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now, and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there, and so I had two homes.

    I kept food and tools at both of my houses, and also wild goats. There were many goats on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learned to take food from me, and soon I had goats’ milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my corn fields. And so, many years went by.

    1.We can infer(推断) from the first paragraph that the writer_______.

    A. was probably from England    B. lived happily on the island

    C. lost his way on the island   D. was born on the island

    2.The writer was very unhappy because________.

    A. he had cut down a small tree

    B. he had a very fine canoe

    C. he couldn’t move the canoe

    D. he had made a small canoe

    3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. The writer made fields with high fences to keep many wild goats in.

    B. The writer didn’t try to leave the island because he had two homes on it.

    C. The writer made himself a smaller canoe in his sixth year on the island.

    D. The writer knew the canoe was too small for a long journey across the sea.

    4.This story is mainly about how the writer_______.

    A. kept goats in the fields    B. leave the island

    C. built houses by himself     D. survived on the island

    5.This story is probably a part of a(n)_______.

    A. telephone message B. advertisement

    C. travel guide    D. novel

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The place of the family computer may turn into a hot argue as your children get older. Whether you have one computer in the house or five, you should think the following things as you make a final decision.

    There is a certain number of danger if you allow your children to have a computer with Internet in their rooms with no pa­rental direction. They may share improper information and chat with strangers if they know that no one will be watching.

    This does not mean that you cannot allow your children to have a computer in their rooms. Think allowing a computer without Internet. This is especially useful for teens who use the computer for creative projects, playing video games and listening to music. Keep in mind, however, that it is possible that your kids are more skilled at computers than you are and may re­move any blocks you have in place.

    Computer Use

    The way your family computers are used will play a role in deciding where they should be placed. A machine used only for homework will need to be in a quiet place where there is low traffic. One used for chatting online can be in the room where most of the family spend their time. If Mom and Dad use a computer for work, those needs will also have to be thought.


    Space must also be considered in computer placement. The computer will need electricity, plenty of desk space and a spot away from this bright light of windows. You will not want it placed in a room where your kids may be noisy.

    1.The text is written for__________.

    A. teachers    B. parents   C. students   D. children

    2.Which of the following might be a danger to children?

    A. Chatting with strangers. B. Doing their homework.

    C. Playing video games.     D. listening to music.

    3.What might be the best place for family computers used by students?

    A. Beside a window.    B. Near the door.

    C. At the corner.      D. In front of a TV set.

    4.Which world can be put in the empty box?

    A. Safety.       B. Difficulty.

    C. Friendship.   D. Attention

    5.What can we learn from the text?

    A. A child should not be allowed to use a computer.

    B. A child should not be allowed to get online.

    C. A computer takes up a lot of desk space.

    D. Many things decide the place of family computers.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. In the past, many people depended on horses for transportation(运输), farming and other kinds of work. Nowadays a lot of people still like to ride horses. So it is not surprising that many expressions about it are still used by Americans today.

    Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall. Today, if a girl is too proud and looks down upon others, you might say she should "get off her high horse."

    Last night, I got a telephone call while I was watching my favorite television show. I decided not to answer it because "wild horses could not drag me away" from the television -- there was nothing that could stop me from doing what I wanted to do.

    Sometimes you get information "straight from the horse's mouth." It comes directly from the person who knows most about the subject and is the best source. Let us say your teacher tells you there is going to be a test tomorrow. You could say you got the information "straight from the horse's mouth." However, you would not want to call your teacher a horse!

    You may have heard this expression: "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." That means you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do.

    In politics, a "dark-horse candidate" is someone who is not well known to the public. Sometimes, a dark horse unexpectedly wins an election(选举).

    Another piece of advice is "do not change horses in midstream." You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river. Or make major changes in an activity that has already begun.

    1.What does the underlined word “it” mean in the first paragraph?

    A. the horse      B. riding horses

    C. raising horses  D. horse racing

    2.The expression “get off her high horse” is used for a girl____.

    A. who has a lot of money

    B. who is cleverer than others

    C. who is respected by others

    D. who thinks she is better than anyone else

    3.What can we learn about the news “ straight from the horse’s mouth”?

    A. It is very hard to get the news.

    B. The news will be true and reliable(可靠的).

    C. The person who gives the news is called a horse.

    D. The news is a lie and can’t be trusted.

    4.Which of the following can describe a person who wins an election unexpectedly?

    A. do not change horses in midstream

    B. wild horses could not drag me away

    C. dark-horse candidate

    D. get off her high horse

    5.What’s the best title of the passage?

    A. The horse is a kind of useful animal.

    B. The expressions used by Americans.

    C. Some expressions about the horse.

    D. It is popular to use the word “horse”.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 2 题
  1. 任务型阅读。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。

    A young man traveled by train. As it was running across a wild land, the passengers looked out of windows without aims.

    When the train came near a turning, it slowed down and then a simple house came into view. It was the only house the passengers saw on such a long journey. Everybody on the train admired it with eyes wide open. Some passengers even began a discussion about it.

    The young man was also impressed by the scene. On his return, he got off the train at the nearest station from the house and found his way there. Its owner told him he was troubled by the noise of the train and that he wanted to sell the house but nobody would buy it.

    Soon the young man paid 30,000 dollars for the house, thinking it a wonderful place for advertisement. It faced the railway turning, where the train had to slow down and the bored passengers would cast their eyes at the house to refresh their minds.

    The young man tried to contact big companies and make them realize the place was the perfect for advertisement. Finally the Coca-Cola Company put up an advertisement on the house. The young man got 180,000 dollars for three year’s rent.

    Good chances always hide somewhere around us, waiting for those who are careful and smart enough to find them.(改编于《初中英语读本9A》)

    Where the railway   1.

    The thing

    A simple house

    The only one the passengers saw on a 2.   journey.

    The   3.

    The passengers

    ◆Everybody thought   4.  of it with eyes wide open.

    ◆Some passengers even   5.   it.

    The owner

    ◆He was    6.  by the noise of the train.

    ◆He wanted to sell the house but  7.  would buy it.

    The young man

    ◆He got off the train and found his way there;

    ◆He 8. the house for 30,000 dollars;

    ◆He rented the house to Coca-Cola Company for its   9.  .

    The theme

    Good chances always hide somewhere around us, waiting for those who are    10.   and smart enough to find them.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 阅读与回答问题

    Lizzie was born in 1842. She lived in a small house on a farm with her parents and two brothers. Her father and older brother worked in the fields picking cotton, and her mother and younger brother worked in the vegetable garden. Lizzie worked in the farmer’s house.

    The farmer didn’t like Lizzie’s older brother and gave him the hardest jobs. Lizzie was afraid that one day the farmer would hurt her brother, or sell him to another farmer.

    Many slaves(奴隶) tried to run away to the free states. But most were caught by slave catchers or tracking dogs. However some slaves found clever ways to escape(逃跑). Lizzie was one of them.

    Everyday she went to the farmer’s house, where she made beautiful clothes for the farmer’s daughters. She was allowed to keep small pieces of left-over materials, and she stitched(缝) these together into small patterns. Then she stitched the small patterns together to make a quilt. The patterns all had names such as ‘Flying Geese’, ‘Bear’s Paw’, or ‘Nine Patch’.

    That quilt was really a map. Lizzie hung it on the clothes line outside the house, and her brother and other slaves saw Lizzie’s map and knew which way to go.

    They also knew that Lizzie’s cabin was a “safety house” because a quilt with a sky blue square in the middle meant “safety house”. At each safe house, they were hidden and given food. With the quilt’s help, they knew the way to get to the next safe house until they got to the free states in the north.(改编于《新理念英语》)

    回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过6个词。

    1.How many people were there in Lizzie’s family?


    2.Why did Lizzie decide to help her older brother?

    Because _________________________________

    3.Who did Lizzie make the clothes for?


    4.How did she help her brother and other slaves?


    5.What do you think of Lizzie?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词拼写 共 3 题
  1. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。

    1.Tom always keeps his things in good ______.(顺序)

    2.His father is very ______with him in his study.(严格)

    3.Simon likes to learn about the world _______the Internet. (凭借)

    4.Peter, my English teacher, never fails to ________ us to study hard. (鼓励)

    5.John could ______believe his eyes. He was too surprised to say a word.(几乎不)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 根据句意用所给的单词的适当形式填空。

    1.I would certainly think _______before I follow your suggestion.(two)

    2.I think China’s action in South China Sea is well worth_______.(praise)

    3.Keep trying hard, and you will      in making your dream come true.(success)

    4.Paper cut is a      Chinese skill with a history of thousands of years.(tradition)

    5.He is a very shy boy and it is ______ for him to be so active in class today. (usual)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。

    Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason. Everyone wants to be happy.

    As the saying goes: When you smile, the world s  1.   with you; when you cry, you cry alone. Wearing a smile will help you to w  2.   lots of friends.

    Life is full of u 3.   and downs. We can’t change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one. To help us do this, it’s good to know some of the factors that i   4.   happiness.

    One of the biggest factors is social r   5.  . People who are close to family and friends are h  6.   than people who don’t have those relationships. Another factor is work or school. If you enjoy school, e   7.  if you have lots of homework or extra classes, you will still feel that your school life is meaningful and happy. But if you h 8.   school, your negative attitude(态度) may cause you to feel bored and upset that you have to do so much work.

    A third factor is your attitude towards life. How do you feel if you fail in an exam? Maybe you think it’s unfair because you always study hard and should get a good m  9.  . You can't stop blaming(责备) yourself. Or, maybe you accept it. You go through the paper c 10.   , find out why you made stupid mistakes, and tell yourself, "Take it easy! I’ll do better next time!" Your attitude makes a big difference.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达

    假定你是李华,你的英国笔友正在写一篇关于各国中学生课外阅读(extra-curricular reading)情况的调查报告,他给你发了一封电子邮件,想了解相关情况。请你根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。




    Dear Helen,

    Thank you for your email. Now I would like to tell you something about




    Best wishes!


    Li Hua

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析