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本卷共 22 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,其他题 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 22 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. Beginning college is exciting: many of us can be easily excited by ___ details of running ______ well-balanced life.

    A. /; the               B. the; a               C. /;a              D. the; /

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. _____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

    A. As               B. For              C. With             D. Through

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. — Is this Mr. White’s office, Mary?    — Yes, _____.

    A. that’s all right     B. it doesn’t matter   C. after you            D. please yourself

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. He hated wandering about and expected to find a ____ position in the civil service of government.

    A. temporary      B. significant          C. proper           D. permanent

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. August 8th, 2008 is a special day, ____, I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.

    A. one              B. what                 C. which                D. the one

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. With the effects of global warming, trees ________ their leaves much later in the year.

    A. are losing      B. have lost            C. lost             D. were losing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. As the visiting prime minister puts, China’s influence in the world will continue to strengthen ______ its economy grows.

    A. although         B. until            C. as              D. before

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to ____ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.

    A. polish up        B. take up          C. use up               D. make up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Under no circumstances________ to the teacher.

    A. is this the first time he has lied          B. this is the first time he has lied

    C. is this the first time has he lied          D. this is the first time he is lying

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. There are so many beautiful cars________, but he is at a loss which to buy.

    A. to be chosen     B. to choose from       C. to choose            D. for choosing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. Jane was so________for the news of her lost child that she was almost driven ________.

    A. proper; madly    B. thirsty; mad         C. sad; madly      D. curious; mad

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. We were two hours late that day, which was due to the _________.

    A. crowded traffic    B. crowded traffics       C. busy traffic              D. busy traffics

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. ______ has recently been done to improve the conditions of elementary schools, a great number of children are unable to go to school.

    A. That         B. What                 C. In spite of what    D. Though what

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. — He should have come to join in the thorough cleaning.

    —He _____, I think. It’s not his turn.

    A. needn’t have to   B. needn’t have      C. didn’t have to       D. doesn’t need to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. The Hotel Al Arab ______ the first and only 7-star hotel in the world was designed in the

    shape of a sail of 321 meters.

    A. was considered   B. considering     C. being considered     D. considered

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Haddy’s parents are different than the average(普通人). While she was 36  up they required her to 37  . First of all she had to work around their home. Later on Haddy worked for other people.

    When Haddy was 14 years old her mother and father told her that they were no 38  going to buy her clothes. Sure, they would continue to buy shoes for her and also the special clothes 39  suits, but 40  else was her responsibility. Some people thought that they were 41  . But they wanted to teach Haddy some 42 lessons. One thing she learned was that nothing is cheap or 43  . She learned how to deal with her money 44  . Another thing she learned was how to keep from 45  out her clothes too fast.

    Also, even 46 Haddy went to school she was 47  to work. All through her high school and 48  years she worked as well as studied. Haddy’s parents had plenty of 49  but they felt she would 50  her education more if she had to 51  it. And strange 52  it may seem, they had heard that students who worked part-time generally got 53  grades than students who did no work.

    Now Haddy is a mother herself. She requires her 54  to do the same 55  she did, especially working part-time as they go to school.

    1.A.going            B.bringing       C.growing        D.getting

    2.A.study            B.play           C.learn          D.work

    3.A.longer           B.sooner         C.less           D.fewer

    4.A.and              B.or             C.as             D.like

    5.A.what             B.anything       C.nothing        D.everything

    6.A.responsible      B.lazy           C.poor           D.careless

    7.A.difficult        B.daily          C.valuable       D.useless

    8.A.free             B.expensive      C.useful         D.proper

    9.A.quickly          B.slowly         C.carefully      D.suddenly

    10.A.working         B.wearing        C.giving         D.taking

    11.A.when            B.as             C.until          D.since

    12.A.permitted       B.required       C.ordered        D.forced

    13.A.school          B.work           C.primary        D.college

    14.A.time            B.children       C.money          D.work

    15.A.value           B.have           C.use            D.receive

    16.A.enjoy           B.pay            C.pay for        D.work for

    17.A.if              B.as             C.although       D.though

    18.A.worse           B.better         C.more           D.less

    19.A.husband         B.mother         C.parents        D.children

    20.A.as    B.what C.which    D.that

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech.

    So, you have to give a speech—and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, it’s over. I’m just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”

    Cheep up! It doesn’t have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.

    If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.

    1.The main idea of this article is________.

    A.that it is hard to make a speech B.that a poor speaker can never change

    C.to always make a short speech       D. that you can improve your speaking ability

    2.Paragraph 2 implies that ________.

    A.many people talk too long

    B.many people are happy to give a speech

    C.many people don’t prepare for a speech

    D.many people are afraid of giving a speech

    3.The phrase “talk over their heads” means ________.

    A.speak too loudly                                   B.look at the ceiling

    C.look down upon them              D.use words and ideas that are too difficult

    4.All of the following statements are TRUE except ________.

    A.a lecturer does not need to organize his speech

    B.few people know how to make good speeches

    C.research is important in preparing a speech

    D.there are simple steps you can take to improve your speaking ability

    5.The title for this passage may be ________.

    A.Do Not Make a Long Speech        B.Try to Enjoy a speech

    C.How to prepare for a Speech  D. How to Give a Good Speech

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Imagine a boy from a small village in East Africa, He from a very early age has been looking after cattle. At twelve years old he knows more about cattle than most of you. However, he has never been to school. Has this boy ever had any education?

    Education is discovering about ourselves and about the people and things around us. All the people who care about us — our parents, brothers, sisters, friends — are our teachers. In fact, we learn something from everyone we meet. We start learning on the day we are born, not on the first day" we go to school. Every day we have new experiences, like finding a bird's nest, discovering a new street in our neighborhood, making friends with someone we didn't like before. New experiences are even more fun when we share them with other people.

    Encouragement from the people around us enables us to explore things as much as possible. As we grow up, we begin to find out what we are capable of doing. You may be good at cooking, or singing or playing football. You find this out by doing these things. Just thinking about cooking doesn't tell you if you are good at it.

    We learn so much just living from day to day. So why is school important? Of course you can learn some things better at home than at school, like how to do the shopping, and how to help old or disabled people who can' t do everything for themselves. At school, teachers help us to read and write. With their guidance, we begin to see things in different ways.

    1. The writer takes the African boy as an example to show that _______.

    A. African children are very poor

    B. some children are unlucky

    C. education takes many ways

    D. schools are of great importance

    2.In the eyes of the writer ________.

    A. we have to learn from the people around us

    B. school is not important at all

    C. only the people caring for us can teach us

    D. education takes place everywhere

    3.One can find out what he is good at by _________.

    A. the encouragement of people around       B. the teachings of those he or she meets

    C. thinking of it when growing up           D. trying practicing it

    4. How the writer looks at the role of school is that ________.

    A. school is not so important as our living places

    B. school enables us to understand the world in other ways

    C. school teaches us something useless at home

    D. school cannot prepare us for our daily lives

    5. The passage tells us that _________.

    A. everyone gets education from the day he or she is born

    B. different education trains different classes of people

    C. school is absolutely necessary if one wants to understand the world

    D. everyone will find out what he or she is good at

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Welcome to my Message Board!

    Subject: Slimming down classics?




    6: 34 AM

    Orion Books, which decides there is a market in creating cut-down classics (经典著作), is slimming down some novels by such great writers as L. Tolstoy, M. Mitchell and C. Bronte. Now, each of them has been whittled down to about 400 pages by cutting 30 to 40 pages per cent of original, with words, sentences, paragraphs and, in a few cases, chapters removed. The first six shortened editions, all priced at £6.99 and advertised as great reads “in half the time”, will go on sale next month, with plans for 50 to 100 more to follow. The publishing house believes that modern readers will welcome the shorter versions.




    9: 40 AM

    Well, I’m publisher of Orion Group. Thanks for your attention, Mr. Handsome.

    I must say, the idea developed from a game of “shame” in my office. Each of us was required to confess (承认) to the most embarrassing blanks in his or her reading. I admitted that I had never read Anna Karenina and tried but failed to get through Gone with the Wind several times. One of my colleagues acknowledged skipping (跳读) Jane Eyre. We realized that life is too short to read all the books you want to and we never were going to read these ones.

    As a leading publishing house, we are trying to make classics convenient for readers but it’s not as if we’re withdrawing the original versions. They are still there if you want to read them.

    Ms. Weir


    11:35 AM

    I’m director of the online bookclub www.lovereading.co.uk

    Mr. Edwards, I think your shortened editions is a breath of fresh air. I’m guilty of never having read Anna Karenina, because it’s just so long. I’d much rather read two 300-page books than one 600-page book. I am looking forward to more shortened classics!




    4:38 PM

    I’m from the London independent bookshop Corckatt & Powell.

    In my opinion, the practice is completely ridiculous. How can you edit the classics? I’m afraid reading some of these book is hard work, and that is why you have to develop as a reader. If people don’t have time to read Anna Karenina, then fine. But don’t read a shortened version and kid yourself it’s the real thing.

    1.According to the message board, Orion Books ___________.

    A.opposes the reading of original classics

    B.is embarrassed for cutting down classics

    C.thinks cut-down classics have a bright future

    D.is cautions in its decision to cut down classics

    2.In Mr. Edwards’ opinion, Orion Group is shortening classics to _________.

    A.make them easier to read           B.meet a large demand in the market

    C.increase the sales of literary books               D.compete with their original versions

    3.By describing the shortened classics as “a breath of fresh air”, Ms. Weir ________.

    A.speaks highly of the cut-down classics

    B.shows her love for original classics

    C.feels guilty of not reading the classics

    D.disapprove of shortening the classics

    4.Mr. Crockatt seems to imply that _________.

    A.reading the classic works is a confusing attempt

    B.shortening the classics does harm to the original

    C.publishing the cut-down classics is a difficult job

    D.editing the classic works satisfies children’s needs

    5.How many classics are involved in the massage board?

    A.Two. B.Three.   C.Four.    D.Five

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce larger volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This will involve ever - increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.

    There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be dwindled(减少). The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard . This involves the processing of solid wastes "prior to" disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal .

    A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste products into marketable byproducts. Other industries are potential economic uses for waste products.

    1.The purpose of this passage is ________.

    A.to alert the reader to the dwindling water supply

    B.to explain industrial uses of water

    C.to acquaint the reader with water pollution problems

    D.to demonstrate various measures to solve the pollution problem

    2.Which of the following points is NOT included in the passage?

    A.Industrial development includes the simplification of complex chemical processes.

    B.Diluting wastes needs certain amount of water.

    C.Demands for water will go up along with the expanding population .

    D.Intensive cultivation of land require more and more chemicals.

    3.The reader can conclude that _________.

    A.countries of the world will work together on pollution problems

    B.byproducts from wastes lead to a more prosperous marketplace

    C.science is making great progress in increasing water supplies

    D.some industries are now making economic use of wastes

    4.The author gives substance to the passage through the use of________.

    A.interviews with authorities in the field of water controls

    B.opinions and personal observations

    C.definitions which clarify important terms

    D.strong arguments and persuasions

    5.The underlined words "prior to"(para. 2)probably man________.

    A.after    B.during   C.before   D.beyond

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. 阅读表达(共五小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


    [1]Cooking carrots whole before chopping them up increases their anti-cancer properties by 25 percent, researchers say.

    [2]Leaving the vegetable intact (完整的) prevents valuable nutrients from being easily washed away into water. They can then be chopped up once cooked without loss of nutrients.

    [3]Carrots have long been prized for their health benefits, especially their vitamin and fiber content. They contain huge amounts of carotenoids(类胡萝卜素)which are converted into vitamin A in the body. They are also an excellent source of the anti-cancer compound falcarion (镰叶芹醇). In a previous study, Dr Kirsten Brandt found rats fed on a diet containing carrots or isolated falcarino were less likely to develop tumors than those which were not.

    [4]They also found that carrots boiled before they were cut contained 25 percent more falcarino than those that were chopped up first. Carrots which are cut have a higher surface area in contact with water, resulting in greater loss of nutrients, compared with boiling them whole. The heat softens the cell walls in the vegetable, allowing vitamins and falcarino to leach (过滤)out.

    [5]Dr Brandt said, "The great thing about this is that it's a simple way for people to increase their uptake of a compound, which is good for you. All you need is a bigger saucepan. Naturally occurring   sugars, responsible for giving the carrots its sweet flavor, were also found in higher concentration in carrots that had been cooked whole."

    [6]The team also carried out a taste on almost 100 volunteers comparing carrots boiled before being cut and some that are cut up first. More than 80 percent of volunteers said that carrots cooked whole tasted much better.

    [7]Boiling carrots whole appears to help them keep more of the nutrients. This is really a piece of good news because the method is of great value. Some other vegetables, such as parsnips (欧洲萝卜) which are from the same family and have a roughly similar size and texture can also be more nutritious by ____.

    1. What’ s the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words)


    2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (No more than 2 words)

    ________can be kept by maintaining the vegetable whole when we are washing it.

    3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 7 with proper words. (No more than 3 words)

    4. Why do people regard carrots as healthful vegetables? (No more than 8 words)


    5. What does the word "those line 2, paragraph 4)  probably refer to? (No more than 2 words)


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 下面的饼状图显示了某校对学生学业成绩评价的新体制,图表所示①—⑤项全面构成了一个学生的学业成绩。假如你是该校学生,请根据下列图示,以“The New Grading System in Our School”为题用英语写一篇短文。内容包括:



    注意:词数: 100—120,文章的题目和开头已给出(不计词数);

    图表说明:①     test results

    ②     notes

    ③     homework

    ④     class performances

    ⑤     teamwork

    The New Grading System in Our School

    In order to help students develop their abilities in all fields, our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system. This chart shows how it works.


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析