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本卷共 11 题,其中:
其他题 10 题,阅读理解 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 10 题。总体难度: 简单
其他题 共 10 题
  1. Jack opened the door;________stood a woman he had never seen before.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. ________ (warn) of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ________(accompany) her.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. —My parents died when I was very small, and I started to make a living by selling newspapers at the age of ten.

    —I really have much sympathy________ you.

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  4. My little daughter's wish is ________ (take) to Disneyland this summer holiday.

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  5. The couple set ________ some money every month for their future use even though their income can only make ends meet.

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  6. Faced with such a hard financial problem, Jack tried to stand on his own two feet rather than turn________ his parents.

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  7. —Ring me ________ every day, will you?

    —With pleasure. Do ring ________, please.

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  8. There I saw ten children ________ all, two of whom were from Class 3.

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  9. Nearly every teacher likes students ________ obey and save a lot of trouble, although he knows that such students may lack the creative potentiality.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. The project ________ (accomplish) by the end of 2014 will expand the city's network to cover 2,000,000 users.

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阅读理解 共 1 题
  1. We can make all the jokes we want about taking baths ourselves, but if we are ill in bed and can't get up, we'll be thankful to the nurses who help us get clean. While I am not a nurse, and have never given anyone a bath, I would imagine that it would take a lot of sympathy (同情) and patience to do so.

    Yet those who attended the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems last month were introduced to Cody, a robot that can bathe human beings.

    The robot has a base that can be turned to all directions, two human­like arms, and movable wrists (腕). It uses a camera to locate parts of the human body.  It then uses bath gloves to clean with a little pressure.

    The robot was designed at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Charles Kemp of the Healthcare Robotics Lab is the senior researcher for the project. In a test run, Cody   was able to remove 96% of a test subject's dirt—not bad  for a robot.

    But don't go asking for Cody yet—he's still a model.  Yet researchers believe that one day Cody may take the  place of nurses for this task.  Researchers say that Cody  will give patients dignity and protect their personal information. I suppose that would depend on the patient.  I'm  not sure whether a robot using a camera would make me  feel very dignified.

    Even so, I can appreciate the need.  We don't have  enough nurses to go around, and those places that are the  most short­handed, for example, nursing homes, are those  that have the most patients who are unable to bathe themselves. Still, before I get there, I hope they think of a better way to solve the problem.

    1.The writer thinks bathing others must ________.

    A.be a lot of fun

    B.make you feel thankful

    C.take a lot of patience

    D.make you feel dignified

    2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

    A.Why and where Cody was designed.

    B.What Cody looks like and who designed it.

    C.What Cody can do and where it will work soon.

    D.How Cody works and what has made that possible.

    3.We know from the fourth and fifth paragraphs that ________.

    A.Cody can bathe patients better than a real nurse can

    B.robots like Cody are being produced in large numbers     right now

    C.Cody can take the place of nurses completely in hospitals

    D.researchers think Cody can protect patients' personal information

    4.There is a need for Cody because ________.

    A.people are becoming lazier

    B.it can bring down the cost of nursing

    C.there are not enough nurses

    D.there are too many nursing homes

    5.In the writer's opinion, Cody is ________.

    A.acceptable but not perfect

    B.strange but not creative

    C.clever and strong

    D.lovely and careful

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析