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本卷共 9 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,提纲类作文 1 题
简单题 3 题,中等难度 5 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Hiking England


    Our journey sets out early this morning with a Coast to Coast tradition approaching the Irish Sea. Then set off along the rocks of St. Bees Head. Turning inland, we’ll pause for a typical pub lunch on our way to Ennerdale Bridge, located at the foot of the Lake District mountains. (15 miles hiking, 8 hours)

    Accommodations: Ennerdale Country House Hotel


    Today we’ll walk into impressive Lake District National Park, where glass-like lakes reflect mountains that rise from their shores. Our pleasant walk covers the southern edge of Ennerdale Water, the park’s most western lake. After lunch near the Black Sail Hut, climb a 2,000 foot mountain and take in the beautiful views of lakes and pastures (牧场). We finish in Borrowdale, a short transfer (转乘) from our hotel. (13 miles hiking, 9 hours)

    Accommodations: Inn on the Lake


    Take a short drive to Grasmere, where the great poet William Wordsworth wrote some of his most well-known works. Visit the poet’s home, and walk through the village where he found inspiration. Then climb over Grisedale Hause enjoying views of Helvellyn, England’s third-highest mountaintop. Hike down the valley toward Lake Ullswater and spend the night in Glenridding. (9 miles hiking, 5 hours)

    Accommodations: Glenridding Lake Hotel


    The day begins with a scenic journey on Lake Ullswater to Howtown. From here, we cross a historic Roman road on our way to Bampton. Hike to the 12th-century Shap Abbey. A short transfer takes us to our hotel in the typical English village of Ravenstonedale. (12 miles hiking, 7 hours)

    Accommodations: The Black Swan

    1.When do travellers walk the longest distance?

    A. On Day 1.   B. On Day 2.

    C. On Day 3.   D. On Day 4.

    2.Where is William Wordsworth’s home?

    A. At Grisedale Hause.   B. At Helvellyn.

    C. At Grasmere.   D. At Glenridding.

    3.What is special about Ravenstonedale?

    A. It offers travelers a nice pub lunch.

    B. It presents beautiful views of pastures.

    C. It has England’s third-highest mountaintop.

    D. It is an example of traditional English villages.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. As years went by, I realized that one of the biggest problems of these adults are worry. A large majority of students were businessmen, executives, salesmen, engineers, accountants: a cross section of all the trades and professions—and most of them had problems! There were women in the classes — businesswomen and housewives. They, too, had problems! Clearly, what I needed was a textbook on how to conquer worry—so again I tried to find one.

    I went to New York’s great public library at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street and discovered to my astonishment that this library had only twenty-two books listed under the title WORRY. I also noticed, to my amusement, that it had one hundred and eighty-nine books listed under WORMS. Almost nine times as many books about worms as about worry! Surprising, isn’t it? Since worry is one of the biggest problems facing mankind, you would think, wouldn’t you, that every high school and college would give a course on “How to Stop Worrying”?

    Yet, if there is even one course on that subject in any college in the land, I have never heard of it. No wonder David Seabury said in his book How to Worry Successfully: “ We grow up with as little preparation for the pressures of experience as a bookworm asked to do a ballet (芭蕾舞).”

    The result? More than half of our hospital beds are occupied by people with nervous and emotional troubles.

    I looked over those twenty-two books on worry, reposing (靠) on the shelves of the New York Public Library. In addition, I purchased all the books on worry I could find; yet I couldn’t discover even one that I could use as a textbook in my course for adults. So I decided to write one by myself.

    1.What made the writer realise one of the adults’ biggest problems?

    A. His wide reading.

    B. His practical survey.

    C. His scientific research.

    D. His students’ real situation.

    2.The writer went to New York’s great public library with the purpose of _________.

    A. getting a book for his teaching

    B. finding some material for his new book

    C. obtaining some information for his research

    D. borrowing some books on worms for his students

    3.What do David Seabury’s words in Paragraph 3 show?

    A. Worry is extremely common.

    B. We lack knowledge of worry.

    C. We show no interest in worry.

    D. Worry can hardly be controlled.

    4.The writer wrote the passage to __________.

    A. show us how to conquer worry

    B. warn us of the possible danger of worry

    C. persuade us to get rid of worry

    D. explain why he wanted to write a book on worry

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. Happy, angry, amazed—these are some of the emotions we like to express these days when we’re sending a message on our smart phones. That’s why many of us now add little pictures to our texts to brighten up someone’s mobile screen but we’re also using them as a quick way of telling someone how we’re feeling. Yes, emojis have become a vital tool for communication.

    Let’s clear one thing up first—there are emojis and emoticons (表情符号). The latter are little images made using normal keys on a keyboard. For example, a colon, two dots, followed by the curved line of a close brackets is a “smiley face”.

    The emoji was first invented in Japan in the late 1990s and the word “emoji” comes from the Japanese words for “picture” and “character”. The number of different images has dramatically increased since then and now we have a picture for every mood or situation.

    So now we have the option to give this new creation the visual “thumbs-up” but have you thought why we’ve become so addicted to using emojis? Professor Vyv Evans who has written a book called The Emoji Code says, “What we’re finding is that digital communication is taking over from certain aspects of face-to-face interaction…One of the reasons emojis are so interesting is that they really do enable us to express our emotional selves much more effectively.”

    Another advantage of emojis is that they are an international language—they don’t use words but tell a message in pictorial form so they can be easily interpreted whatever your native language.

    Emojis are a good way for showing empathy (共鸣)—they are a virtual hug or an adorable tease. But as linguist Neil Cohn says, “To many, emojis are an exciting evolution of the way we communicate while to others, they are linguistic (语言学的) Armageddon.” It does show there is a lot more to our communication than words alone but does this mean the decline in traditional writing?

    1.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A. The decline in traditional writing.

    B. The differences between emojis and emotions.

    C. The origins of the emoji.

    D. The rise of the emoji.

    2.Why are emojis appealing according to Professor Vyv Evans?

    A. Because they are easy to use.

    B. Because they allow us to express whatever we want.

    C. Because they enable us to express our feelings better.

    D. Because digital communication has taken the place of face-to-face communication.

    3.What can we know according to the passage?

    A. An emoji is a small picture which is made using normal keys on a keyboard.

    B. The emoticon appeared in Japan for the first time.

    C. People including linguists all become crazy about emojis now.

    D. Emojis have become a more effective tool to express our feelings in modern society.

    4.What does the underlined word “Armageddon” probably refer to?

    A. Nightmare.   B. Excitement.

    C. Preference.   D. Future.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is feared. Because rank has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. For example, children are not expected to question their teachers in school. It may be considered improper for young businessmen to suggest ideas that differ from those of older, more experienced members of the business.

    In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic accomplishments.

    This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people as bad for young people’s manners, that young people lack respect for authority. This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have a different attitude toward authority than may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible.

    As was mentioned earlier, you may notice the same questioning in social conversations. Although some individual may think that Americans are rude because of the direct manner with people, they are merely trying to learn more about your ideas.

    1.In many countries authority is seldom questioned for the following reasons EXCEPT that _________.

    A. people show great respect for it

    B. people are afraid of it

    C. people don’t care about it

    D. people are not trained to question those in authority

    2.National prizes are offered to students in America every year because _________

    A. the students of this age are very curious

    B. the students often go to the library and find the answer to a question for themselves

    C. the students may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts

    D. the students are encouraged to develop their creativity

    3.From the text we can infer that _________ .

    A. young people lack respect for authority in America

    B. what matters is that the questioning of authority leads to an effective solution

    C. questioning a person is impolite and his ideas as well

    D. American young people always give the impression of being rude to others

    4.What is possibly the best title of the text?

    A. Developing the Quality of Questioning

    B. Rude or Honest?—True Americans

    C. Questioning the Authority Is Impolite

    D. Bad Manners or Good Ways

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. Someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with blood cancer every three minutes. And although about three in ten blood cancer patients can find a matching donor in their families, 70 percent of patients depend on a stranger to step in. That was enough for me to know I wanted to help.

    I registered online with Delete Blood Cancer.1.Four years later I got an e-mail from the organization and it said I had a possible match. To make sure all systems were a go, I had a couple of extra blood tests. I needed to donate bone marrow (骨髓).2.And my bone-marrow recipient was a little girl.

    Four months later, donation day arrived. At 9 a.m., the procedure started. By noon, I was already on my way home from the hospital.3.My legs were sore, like I had bruised my bone or something. The doctors said the pain would gradually disappear a few days later.

    4.The discomfort was secondary to the emotional high of helping a little girl with cancer. To me, it doesn’t matter that I’ve never met the girl who received my bone marrow or that I don’t even know her name. I still feel like I have such a powerful connection with her.5.

    A year later, I haven’t heard how my bone-marrow recipient is doing, Delete Blood Cancer hasn’t come back to me asking for another bone marrow donation, so I hope that’s a good sign. But if they do call me back, whether it’s for her or someone else, I’d do it again.

    A. I won’t lie—for a while, I was in pain.

    B. I immediately broke down into tears on the phone.

    C. There’s something in our DNA that brought us together.

    D. That’s most often the case with young blood-cancer patients.

    E. Even though the doctors gave me painkillers, I didn’t try any.

    F. I met with all of the doctors who would be performing the procedure.

    G. Then my DNA was collected to see if I was a match for any patients in need.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. As a child, Jane was fond of animals. As a consequence, when she was growing up, all she ever______was as follows, “Jane, you should be a vet (兽医). You’re going to achieve great success in that field. That’s the very thing you should do in the future.” So when she got to the Ohio State University, she took biology, chemistry and some other______, studying hard to be a vet.

    Later on, she won a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, which allowed her to spend her______year studying in Manchester, England. Away from the family and the______from them, she found herself one day sitting at her desk, surrounded by biology books and staring out of the window, when it______hit her: “I’m in total______. I don’t want to be a vet!”

    Then she______all the things she’d done in her life and what had made her______. And then it hit her — it was all of the youth leadership conferences that she had volunteered at______the communications and leadership courses she had taken as selective courses back at Ohio State. “How could I have been so______? Here I am in my fourth year at school and just finally______that I’m on the wrong path. I just never took the time to admit it until now, ” she thought.

    ____by her new thought, Jane spent the rest of her year in England taking courses in communications and media studies. When______to Ohio State, she was eventually able to convince the administration to let her create her own program in “leadership studies”, ______it took her 2 years longer to finally graduate. She______to become a senior management adviser in leadership training and development for the Pentagon. She______founded a drug-prevention organization that_________the message, “Lead your own life with the skill and the______to say no.”

    So, never______someone else’s dreams. If you limit your______only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want.

    1.A. said   B. thought   C. considered   D. heard

    2.A. subjects   B. objects   C. projects   D. programs

    3.A. first   B. second   C. final   D. past

    4.A. promise   B. stress   C. complaint   D. press

    5.A. finally   B. clearly   C. closely   D. suddenly

    6.A. vain   B. misery   C. delight   D. surprise

    7.A. looked down on   B. looked back on   C. looked into   D. looked forward to

    8.A. useful   B. cheerful   C. talented   D. favorable

    9.A. but   B. or   C. and   D. so

    10.A. disturbed   B. ignorant   C. cautious   D. artificial

    11.A. aware   B. unconscious   C. afraid   D. satisfied

    12.A. Inspired   B. Disappointed   C. Attracted   D. Confused

    13.A. relating   B. returning   C. responding   D. referring

    14.A. if   B. as   C. although   D. despite

    15.A. managed   B. failed   C. tried   D. attempted

    16.A. still   B. never   C. again   D. also

    17.A. proves   B. conveys   C. concludes   D. warns

    18.A. ability   B. chance   C. will   D. heart

    19.A. take   B. break   C. realize   D. live

    20.A. smiles   B. choices   C. mistakes   D. reasons

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Chinese has overtaken French, Spanish and German to become one of the most popular foreign languages for jobseekers in the UK. Research shows graduates in Chinese earn1.average yearly salary of £31,000 or2.(much).

    “I had a lot of friends on other courses3.didn’t do much in first or second year. But for Chinese majors, you have to spend hours and hours4.(write) characters,” says Hannah Jackson, who graduated in Chinese Studies from Sheffield University in 2012.

    Hannah describes her course as “majorly intense”. “Most of my friends admitted to crying in the first week owing5.the course intensity (强度). I was almost told at one point that I might want to reconsider and drop out.”

    “The degree is6.(absolute) worth it. The efforts7.(pay) off so far. I like that I could live, work and operate with relative ease in China. Looking around at people who have studied French or Spanish at university, I find there’s no such chance8.(use) what they’ve learned in the workplace,” Hannah says.

    Hannah went to look for a job in Shanghai, where she found more employment9.(opportunity). After working as a project manager for Intralink Group for four years, she set up10.(she) own company earning £5,000 a day. She has now returned to the UK and works in business development for the Body Shop.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Yesterday, I stepped into a shop to have my watch repair. After the shop assistant checked the watch, she said she had to contact with her manager to see if this kind of problem could be fixed. As I was waiting the response from the manager, I saw a old man in a wheelchair roll himself over to the counter. No one seemed to have noticed him, so I got up, went over to his wheelchair and ask whether I could give him some helps. Kindly as I was, I found that I could do nothing to help her. At that moment, the assistant replied that it would cost little money to fix this problem. I was very sad and about to leave the shop while the old man said, “You are a nice and thoughtful boy, and I would like to help you pay for it.”

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

提纲类作文 共 1 题
  1. 假定你是晨光中学学生会主席李华,你校本月底将派一部分学生到美国一所中学去访问,并进行一场篮球友谊赛。请用英语给该校负责此项事务的联络员Mark写一封邮件,内容主要包括:






    Dear Mark,

    I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Council in Chenguang High School.



    Li Hua

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析