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本卷共 9 题,其中:
七选五 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 9 题。总体难度: 中等
七选五 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to talk to your child about a future career

    Thinking about a future career can bring a lot of stress. 1.   This cuts up the question into workable issues that you and your child can enjoy dealing with throughout their childhood years. Here’s how:

    ●In your child’s life, there are times when they are given the opportunity to see and/or discuss a certain career. Schools have Career Day, an aunt or uncle talks about what they do for a living or your child’s youth group goes on a trip to a hospital and talks to the staff there. 2.

    ●When your child shows interest in a certain career, you should do some research. Then, you can offer your child some information on that job and related jobs. 3. It is a wonderful free online resource.

    ●Help your child weigh the pros and cons for his or her different career interests. Encourage your child to narrow(缩小) the choices down to five at the most.

    ●4. This is a good time to begin ordering in college and technical school lists. Use the lists and any other information you have found as an ice breaker for more conversations with your child.

    ●5. Make this a clear message. Teach your child that part of being independent is knowing when and who to lead on, trust and respect.

    A. Do you feel you have open communication with your child?

    B. The Occupational Outlook Handbook gives you what schooling is needed.

    C. The final decision lies with your child, but you do have the right to have input.

    D. Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions your child will make in life.

    E. Figure out the path your child would have to take to obtain the schooling for his career choices.

    F. Each of these times is an opportunity for you to ask your child what he thought of those jobs or that field of work.

    G. Parents need to learn to help their child conquer this great question by dropping seeds of conversation as time goes by and watch them grow into ideas.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. One evening last fall, while Marcos Ugarte did his homework and his father, Eduardo, a teacher, prepared lesson plans, they heard shouting outside. Eduardo, 47, and Marcos, 15, stepped onto the balcony(阳台) of their two-story home. Immediately, Marcos’ s eye was caught by a flame from one of their neighbors’ houses.

    "Dad, the house is on fire!" Marcos cried. Dressed only in shorts, the barefoot teen

    dashed towards the Mas’ home with his dad. Grandmother Yim Ma, mother Suzanne Ma, and son Nathan Ma were gathered on the front grassland shouting for help. When the Ugartes got there, they saw through the open front door that father Alex Ma was falling down the stairs, coughing, his face black with dirt.

    "Is anyone else in the house?" Eduardo asked.

    "My son!" Alex managed to say, pointing to the second floor.

    Eduardo started up the stairs, but thick, black smoke, swirling ash, and extreme heat forced him to his knees. He inched upstairs and down the hall where Alex said he would find Cody, eight, who had locked himself in a bedroom. "I’d never seen smoke like that," says Eduardo. "My glasses immediately turned black from the ash."

    As the fire spread across the hall, Eduardo banged on the bedroom door and tried to turn the handle. But Cody didn’t respond, and Eduardo made his way back downstairs. At the same time, Marcos saw Yim and Suzanne pulling an aluminum(铝) ladder out of the garage. "Cody was standing at the window, screaming for help," says Marcos.

    "I knew I had to do something." He grabbed the ladder, positioned it near the window, and climbed towards the boy. When Marcos reached the window, he pushed the screen into the room and persuaded Cody out. "It’s OK," Marcos told him. "I’ve got you." Holding Cody with one arm, Marcos moved down the ladder. Halfway down, he handed the boy to a neighbor.

    The day after the fire, Alex visited Marcos. "Thank you for saving my son," Alex said. "You are his hero forever."

    1.What’s the passage mainly about?

    A. How a family got saved from a fire.

    B. How a fire happened.

    C. How a teen became a hero.

    D. How a barefoot teen saved his neighbor.

    2.The Ugartes went onto their balcony to ________.

    A. have a rest

    B. enjoy the cool

    C. see where the fire was

    D. see what was the matter

    3.When the Ugartes got to the fire scene, ________.

    A. the Mas were all out to safety

    B. father Alex Ma was saving his son

    C. Cody was trapped on the second floor

    D. Cody was sleeping in bed

    4.Why did Marcos say something to Cody?

    A. To calm him.                        B. To educate him.

    C. To amuse him.                    D. To upset him.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Japanese high school students either walk or ride bicycles if the distance is not too great. In other cases, students must take public buses and trains. After junior high school, students attend schools based on their high school entrance examination scores. So some students travel a great distance to attend the school.


    The school day begins at 8:30. Then students assemble in their homeroom classes for the day's studies. Each homeroom has an average of 40-45 students. Students stay in their homeroom classrooms for most of the school day. Only for physical education, laboratory classes, or other subjects requiring special facilities(设备) do students move to different parts of the school. Between classes and at lunchtime, classrooms can be noisy, lively places. Some schools may have a cafeteria(自助餐厅), but most do not. In most schools, students bring a box lunch from home, prepared by the mother in the early morning hours.

    Japanese students spend 240 days a year at school, 60 days more than American

    students. Students in high schools take three years' studying of each of the following subjects: mathematics, social studies, Japanese, science and English. Other subjects include physical education, music, art, and moral studies(思想品德课). All the students in one grade level study the same subjects. Given the number of required subjects, electives(选修科目) are few.

    ◆After-school Activities

    Club activities take place after school every day. Students can join only one club, and they rarely change clubs from year to year, so the clubs are relatively stable. Clubs are made up of sports clubs (baseball, soccer, judo, kendo, etc.) and culture clubs (English, broadcasting, science, etc.). New students usually are encouraged to select a club shortly after the school year begins in April. Clubs meet for two hours after school each day and many clubs continue to meet during school vacations.

    1.Most Japanese high school students often have their lunch ________.

    A. in restaurants

    B. in school cafeterias

    C. at home

    D. in homeroom classrooms

    2.Students in the USA go to school ________ days a year.

    A. 180                B. 200                C. 240                D. 300

    3.The underlined word "rarely" in the fourth paragraph means "________".

    A. always            B. never            C. seldom            D. often

    4.The best subtitle for the second and third paragraphs may be "________".

    A. At school        B. In class            C. Subjects            D. Homerooms

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Kids may need to apologize if they do something they know was wrong-like telling a lie or breaking a rule on purpose. When they do something their parents tell them not to do, or they don't do something they are supposed to do, they apologize, too.

    Grown-ups can apologize,too,to other grown-ups or even to kids. After all,even grown-ups make mistakes sometimes. By apologizing when they're wrong,grown-ups can set a good example and show kids how to do the right thing and apologize when they need to.

    Saying I'm sorry when you need to is the right thing to do. It does a lot of good. But by itself,it might not be enough to make everything all better again. Sometimes along with an apology,a person needs to fix the mistake or promise to do better. Sometimes doing a nice thing for the person after you apologize helps show that you really are sorry and want to be friendly again.

    Sometimes a heartfelt "I'm" sorry fixes everything right away. Other times,it might take a while for someone to feel friendly after you apologize. You might need to give the other person some time. Even after you say you're sorry,you might still feel bad about what you said or did-but you can feel good about apologizing and about making up your mind to do better.

    When someone apologizes to you,you might not feel like being friendly again right away. Once in a while,if a person doesn't change,you might not want to be friends anymore. You might feel glad that the other person apologized and admitted being wrong. But if someone keeps behaving in mean ways or does something that keeps hurting,you might not feel the same way anymore. Just because someone apologizes to you doesn't mean you have to be friendly again. That part is up to you.

    1.The writer suggests that grown-ups should set a good example of ________.

    A.working hard

    B.making an apology

    C.doing good deeds

    D.making mistakes

    2.The underlined pronoun "it" (in Paragraph 3) probably refers to ________.

    A.promising to do better

    B.a lot of good

    C.fixing mistakes

    D.saying I'm sorry

    3.What would you like your friend to say to you if he/she hurts you?

    A.I am really wrong.

    B.Excuse me.

    C.I beg your pardon?

    D.What's wrong with you?

    4.The passage mainly deals with a topic about ________.





    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. A friend asks you to be a volunteer. Your husband asks you to glance over an e-mail he is writing to his boss. You say you’d love to. Really! But..."I don’t have time".

    It seems plausible(有道理的). We’re all busy these days, right? But there are reasons not to use these four words, at least with yourself.

    Here’s the big one: it is not true. You tell yourself "I don’t have time" to exercise, but we all have 168 hours a week. If someone offered to pay you $100,000 a week to go to the gym for 5 of those 168 hours, you would probably find the time to do it. Since that isn’t going to happen, this is a more exact description: "It’s not a priority(优先考虑的事)."

    There are a million things we could be doing with our time; some are priorities and some are not, even if it’s wrong to say so. Try it. "I’m not going to read to you tonight, sweetie, because it’s not a priority. Daddy’s present priority is to check my e-mails."

    Using the words "I don’t have time" keeps us from admitting to the fact that how we spend our time is a choice. It puts the responsibility for our lives on someone else: a boss, a client or a family member.

    Better to be truthful: "I have another volunteer job on which I am focusing my energy right now. It is the cause that is most important to me." Or, to your husband "I wish you had mentioned this earlier. Right now, my priority is to get our children dressed and out of the door for school. I will be available around lunch time if you would like to talk".

    1.What does the word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?

    A. Saying "I don’t have time".

    B. Saying "We are all busy today".

    C. Checking your husband’s e-mail.

    D. Telling your friend you won’t be a volunteer.

    2.From the third paragraph we can learn that ________.

    A. it is enough to exercise for five hours a week

    B. we are too busy to exercise these days

    C. we can earn $100,000 a week by exercising

    D. we don’t often regard exercise as a priority

    3.What is the text mainly about?

    A. How to be responsible for our lives.

    B. How to get time to do exercise.

    C. How to say no to others without saying "I don’t have time".

    D. How we should spend our time reasonably these days.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    Sometimes a mother’s greatest gift is the smallest detail of her child’s life, freely shared.

    When I was busy with my housework in the ________, I was surprised to find the front door was ________ suddenly. Julie, our oldest child, came in. She’d been married for three months. I was still trying to get used to her ________ elsewhere. Sometimes I even set her place at the table without ________. Julie handed me a small group of daffodils(水仙花) and said, “Guess what!” ________ she opened the box on the table and bent to see what was inside. As I put the flowers in ________, I answered happily, “What?”

    She began telling me some small ________ of her new life as she made herself a sandwich. She’d learned to make cake by herself, and her boss was ________ of her because of her hard work. We sat at the kitchen table, and I ________ her eat, listening to her every word ________. It was a ________ visit. Julie had to go to work. I thanked her for her flowers and for her visit; then I walked to the door with her and ________ as she drove out of the yard.

    ________ in the kitchen I sat and looked at the flowers. My daughter’s ________ was as bright and dear as the ________ spring daffodils. Suddenly, I ________ the phone and dialed(拨) my own mother’s number. She lived a hundred mile away. When she ________, I said, “Guess what!”

    “What?” she answered hopefully. Like Julie I didn’t have any ________ news, just little details of the day and the children. ________ I’d come to understand in the last hour how valuable small talk could be. Just before I hung ________, my mother said ,‘‘You made my day.’’

    1.A. kitchen            B. bedroom            C. study        D. sitting room

    2.A. closed            B. opened            C. raised        D. dropped

    3.A. studying        B. playing            C. living        D. appearing

    4.A. feeling            B. seeing            C. listening    D. thinking

    5.A. though            B. once                C. if            D. as

    6.A. water            B. food                C. blood        D. air

    7.A. jokes            B. experiments        C. details        D. memories

    8.A. proud            B. sure                C. ashamed        D. full

    9.A. let                B. watched            C. had            D. made

    10.A. safely            B. bravely            C. happily         D. strangely

    11.A. busy            B. little            C. long            D. short

    12.A. stayed            B. waved            C. sang            D. cried

    13.A. Further        B. Nearby            C. Up            D. Back

    14.A. visit            B. trip                C. greeting        D. smiling

    15.A. last            B. next                C. early        D. late

    16.A. picked out        B. picked up        C. made out        D. made up

    17.A. answered        B. said                C. replied        D. thought

    18.A. good            B. bad                C. small        D. big

    19.A. So                B. Or                C. But            D. And

    20.A. on                B. up                C. back                D. out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Man: I have been thinking about 1. (join) a healthy club myself. My doctor has been encouraging me to get more exercises. Which club do you belong 2. ?

    Woman: It 3. (call) the Health Club. I have only been going 4. June, but I have already noticed a big improvement. I feel like a new person.

    Man: Really? What do you do there?

    Woman: They have a gym with exercises 5.  (equip) and indoor pool. I usually start by working out for about 20 minutes. Then I take a swim after exercising. The water 6. (feel) great.

    Man: That sounds good. But aren’t you afraid 7. over-working yourself?

    Woman: No, no. Everything is   8. (care) controlled. If you are interested in seeing for yourself, I am going again Tuesday. Why don’t you come along as my guest? You will enjoy 9..

    Man: Thanks. That is 10. good idea. I just might.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    There is no doubt whether setting a goal is very important. By set goals you are

    taking control of your life. It is having a map to guide you to where you want to head.

    With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want. On the contrary, without the goal, you do not know where to go or what you want. Then your life becomes dull or meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.

    We find that successful people were always those having and achieving their goal.

    They set goals, short-term or long-run, to help realize our dreams. Therefore, from my point of view, we should make clear what we really want it and follow our plans as many winners do.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:
















    难度: 中等查看答案及解析