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本卷共 31 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,根据首字母填空 5 题,根据中/英文提示填空 5 题,回答问题 1 题,书信作文 1 题
中等难度 31 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 15 题
  1. When I saw Alice waiting for me at the gate of the zoo, I walked ________ her quickly.

    A.at B.for C.towards D.without

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  2. I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can ________ in our spare time.

    A.reads B.reading C.to read D.read

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  3. —Jenny was sad ________ she didn’t pass the math exam.

    —Let’s cheer her up.

    A.because B.and C.but D.if

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  4. We have many other things to do this afternoon, so we’d better________ the problem before lunch.

    A.answer B.check C.cause D.solve

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  5. —Tina isn’t at school today. Do you know why?

    —She ________ have the flu, but I’m not sure about it.

    A.must B.can’t C.may D.should

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  6. The traffic rules are important to us. We must follow ________.

    A.it B.them C.her D.him

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  7. —You always wear school uniforms on Monday morning.

    —Yes. It’s one of the ________ in our school.

    A.plans B.hobbies C.habits D.rules

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  8. —Look at the toy. It was made by my cousin.

    —How ________ she is! I should learn from her.

    A.creative B.simple C.happy D.young

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  9. —Helen, why is Mary so tired?

    —She ________ late last night to study for a test.

    A.called up B.got up C.stayed up D.gave up

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  10. —Hurry up! Mrs. White is checking our homework.

    —Don’t worry. I ________ it already.

    A.finish B.finished C.will finish D.have finished

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  11. —The light is still on in the classroom now. If no one is there, please________ the light.

    —Ok, I will go and have a look.

    A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down D.turn up

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  12. —You were perfect at the ping-pong match between you and Scott. Were you the winner?

    —No, Scott was. He played________.

    A.good B.well C.better D.best

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  13. —I think one of the best ways to study is working in groups.

    —I agree. More chances ________ to students to learn from each other.

    A.offer B.are offered C.offered D.were offered

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  14. Could you tell me ________ the radio without any help?

    A.how did he repair B.what did he repair

    C.what he repaired D.how he repaired

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  15. —Do you mind if I ask you one more question?

    —________. What do you want to know?

    A.No, go ahead B.I’m sorry to hear that

    C.I’m afraid I can’t D.That’s too bad

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完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Once there was an ant named Tip. Tip was interested in everything _____him. One day, Tip saw many ants collecting______.“Why do we have to do that?” Tip thought.

    After a day of hard work, Tip’s mother got home. When his mother______him the delicious food, he asked, “Mom, why do you get food for winter now?” Tip’s mother______,“Son, we get food now______we can’t go outside in winter. It is very______in winter, and sometimes it rains or even snows. If we go out, we will be in serious danger.” Tip was very curious(好奇的)about winter. He______what rain or snow was really like.

    One day, it was raining. Tip was______enough to come to a hill. From the hill, he saw the outside world. The rain was so heavy and the outside world looked like a sea!Tip was very afraid and returned home quickly. Finally, Tip______his mother.

    From then on, Tip kept being curious.______, he listened to his mother and was more careful.

    1.A.from B.with C.around D.behind

    2.A.water B.money C.food D.air

    3.A.lifted B.served C.lent D.helped

    4.A.answered B.asked C.cried D.advised

    5.A.so B.until C.when D.because

    6.A.clean B.cool C.dirty D.cold

    7.A.wondered B.checked C.dreamed D.minded

    8.A.kind B.brave C.peaceful D.funny

    9.A.agreed with B.talked with C.argued with D.shared with

    10.A.Then B.Still C.However D.Luckily

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阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. When it comes to protect our environment, recycling is the least we all can do. Well, a seven-year-old boy, Ryan Hickman from California has shown us that it’s never too early to start recycling.

    The young boy became interested in recycling after his dad took him to a local recycling center when he was three years old.

    That experience made a deep impression on him. After that, Ryan decided to start his own recycling business. Later on, Ryan’s recycling company was born.

    Ryan collects and sorts bottles and boxes from his neighbors. He and his parents give empty bags to their neighbors so that their neighbors can reduce their cycles(循环). Finally little Ryan takes the things that can’t be used now to the recycling center.

    Since starting his own recycling business, his company has recycled more than 200,000 bottles and boxes. He has also tried to save $11,000 for college. In early 2019, Ryan’s recycling story went viral and he was even invited to be a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

    “Ryan is very crazy about recycling, and he would like to get everybody else be interested in it as well,” said his mother. If you are inspired by Ryan Hickman’s little business, start recycling now.

    Next time when you see a bottle on the ground, please pick it up.

    1.Where does Ryan Hickman come from?

    A.England. B.America. C.Canada. D.China.

    2.According to the passage, what’s the least thing we all can do to protect the environment?

    A.Recycling. B.Planting trees. C.Saving water. D.Collecting paper.

    3.Who are always helping Ryan Hickman save his recyclables?

    A.His teachers. B.His friends. C.His classmates. D.His parents.

    4.When was Ryan Hickman invited to be a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show?

    A.In late 2019. B.When he was 3 years old.

    C.In early 2019. D.When he was 7 years old.

    5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

    A.A kind father. B.An excellent helpful boy.

    C.A great recycling center. D.A crazy boy.

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  2. It was a Friday afternoon. Mason was shopping at a store when he met a boy and his mom. When Mason overheard(偶然听到)the mom telling her son Zach that she was only able to spend $20 on new shoes,he decided to buy Zach any pair in the store.

    “The mother told him that they only had twenty dollars to spend on his shoes and that they should be careful with what they chose,” Mason said. “She was working with a budget(预算)and I got that. We all get new shoes and clothes at this time of the year before going back to school,” said Mason, “I asked the boy what type of shoes he would like. He said that he just wanted something comfortable. At that point, I said I was going to get him anything he wanted.”

    Zach chose a pair at last and Mason paid for him. He was so excited that he ran to his mom and showed her the new shoes.

    Zach’s mom couldn’t believe what a stranger did for them and posted a photo of Mason with her son on the Internet to remember this great act of kindness.

    1.What was Mason doing when he met the boy and his mom?

    A.He was taking a walk in the park. B.He was doing some shopping.

    C.He was selling things on the street. D.He was taking a photo.

    2.From the first paragraph we can learn that ______.

    A.the mom and her son lived a poor life B.the mom and her son often buy shoes in that store

    C.the son felt angry for not buying the shoes D.the mom didn’t want to buy her son shoes

    3.Why did Mason pay for the boy?

    A.Because Mason knew the boy very well. B.Because the boy’s mom asked him to do that.

    C.Because he wanted to give the mom a hand. D.Because he didn’t know how to spend his money.

    4.Zach’s mom posted the photo on the Internet to ______.

    A.get more help online B.show she had a rich friend

    C.make them famous online D.show her thanks to Mason

    5.What’s the best title for the passage?

    A.A birthday gift for a boy B.An interesting photo of a boy

    C.A kind act from a stranger D.A pair of free shoes from a mom

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  3. At the age of 16, Einstein always played with a group of naughty(调皮的)kids. Because he was so busy playing, he didn’t study enough and failed his final exam.

    One morning, when Einstein was holding a fishing rod and was about to go fishing with his friends, his father stopped him and said calmly, “Einstein, you’re so fond of playing all day that you failed your exam. I’m worried about your future.”

    “What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also failed, but don’t they still get to go fishing?”

    “My boy, you can’t think like that,”  his dad said. “There is a story that people tell in our hometown. Listen to it now.”

    “There were two cats playing on a roof. One cat got caught off guard and fell down the chimney(烟囱)while holding the other cat. When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot on his face, while the other cat’s face was clean. Seeing the soot-faced cat, the clean cat thought its face must be dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its face. The soot-faced cat saw the clean-faced cat and thought its face was also clean, so it just swaggered(大摇大摆地走)down the street.”

    “Einstein, no one can be your ‘mirror’. You have to think for yourself. If you always notice what others say and do, you will never learn.”

    Hearing this, Einstein laid down his fishing rod and returned to his room. He decided to pay more attention to his studies and less attention to what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be successful.

    1.What was Einstein’s main problem in his father’s opinion?

    A.He failed his exams. B.He was not good at math.

    C.He liked playing too much. D.He had too many friends.

    2.The underlined word “soot” may mean “______” in Chinese.

    A.颜料 B.油渍 C.烟灰 D.污水

    3.Which of the following is TRUE about the story?

    A.The soot-faced cat fell into the chimney first. B.The soot-faced cat washed its face clean.

    C.The clean cat didn’t wash its face. D.Both of the cats made the wrong decision.

    4.What did Einstein decide to do after hearing what his father said?

    A.Make more friends. B.Pay more attention to his studies.

    C.Learn more knowledge from his father. D.Stay at home every day.

    5.Einstein’s father told him a story to ______.

    A.make him happy B.tell him a lesson C.teach him a skill D.keep him inside

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根据首字母填空 共 5 题
  1. We all know Teachers’ Day is in S______.

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  2. I always take an a______part in the sports meeting at school.

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  3. It’s too dark in the classroom, and we can’t see the words c______on the blackboard.

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  4. The singer’s v______is so sweet that most people like her songs.

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  5. Sam usually goes to work early to a______the heavy traffic.

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根据中/英文提示填空 共 5 题
  1. Let’s stop working and ______(放松)ourselves for half an hour.

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  2. The boy is very ______(懒惰的)and he never helps his mom with the housework.

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  3. Now many classic Chinese poems are _______(广泛地)spread in the world.

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  4. The book is of great _______(价值)to middle school students.

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  5. Tina was so ______(紧张的)that her knees were shaking.

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回答问题 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    During the Spring Festival, people enjoy not only reuniting(相聚)with their family, but also tasting the delicious food.


    With a history of nearly 2,000 years, dumplings are the most popular traditional food in China. They’re indispensable(不可缺少的)on Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner tables, especially in the north. The food is usually made before noon on New Year’s Eve and eaten at midnight. Sometimes, people put coins or nuts inside to make lucky dumplings.


    The custom of eating yuanxiao was first recorded in the Song Dynasty. At that time, people in Mingzhou-known today as Ningbo-created the food. They made different kinds of fillings, rolled them into balls, and then boiled them in a pot.

    Rice cakes

    During the Spring Festival, many people eat rice cakes, which symbolizes(象征)the idea that life is improving year by year.

    Other traditional Spring Festival food

    If you go to Guangxi you can see people enjoy eating zongzi during the Spring Festival. Eight-treasure rice, or babao fan in Chinese, is an indispensable food for people in Shanghai on Chinese New Year’s Eve. It represents reunion, good luck and health.

    1.When do people usually make dumplings?


    2.Was the custom of eating yuanxiao first recorded in the Song Dynasty?


    3.What does eating rice cakes symbolize?


    4.Where can we see people enjoy eating zongzi during the Spring festival?


    5.What is the passage mainly about?


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书信作文 共 1 题
  1. 近来,新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎疫情在英国蔓延。假如你叫李华,请你根据以下提示及要求,给你的英国笔友Jim写一封信,谈谈如何预防这种新型冠状病毒。


    (1)What should we do in our daily life?

    (2)What should we eat every day?





    参考词汇:face mask口罩;spit吐口水

    Dear Jim,

    How’s it going? I am learning that the terrible new coronavirus pneumonia has broken out in your country. Now I’m writing to tell you how to prevent this virus.


    With best wishes to you.


    Li Hua

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