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本卷共 23 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 5 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 23 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. —Waiter, ________?

    —Wait a minute, sir. That’s $ 80 altogether.

    A. would you charge me                                       B. how much did we eat

    C. may I have the bill, please?                            D. would you take the money

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. Don’t be discouraged. ________ things as they are and you’ll enjoy every day of your life.

    A. Taking                          B. To take                      C. Take                              D. Taken

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children.

    A. look upon                    B. look after                  C. look into                       D. look out

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discovery which completely changed ________ man’s understanding of color.

    A. a; 不填                       B. a; the                         C. 不填; the                    D. the; a

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. Of all the books on the desk, ________ is of any use for our safety.

    A. nothing                        B. no one                       C. neither                         D. none

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. When I turned to the person ________ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate.

    A. seating                        B. being sat                   C. sit                                  D. seated

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  7. Bears often hide themselves in places ________ can’t be found by hunters.

    A. in which                       B. where                        C. that                               D. 不填

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  8. —I’ll join the music club ________ Mary is in the club, too.

    —You mean if Mary joins the club you’ll do, too.

    A. in case                         B. so that                       C. now that                      D. on condition that

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. The folk song concert was so well _______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.

    A. accepted                     B. recognized               C. received                       D. promised

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  10. In just a decade, the company has been ________ from a family business to a large operation.

    A. transformed              B. transmitted             C. transferred                 D. transported

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  11. In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help ________ there is human suffering.

    A. whoever                      B. however                    C. whatever                     D. wherever

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  12. But for their help, we ________ the program in time.

    A. can not finish                                                      B. will not finish

    C. had not finished                                                 D. could not have finished

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  13. I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother ________ on the phone all the time!

    A. was talking                 B. has been talking     C. has talked                    D. talked

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. —It’s the office! So you ________ know eating is not allowed here.

    —Oh, sorry.

    A. must                            B. will                              C. may                               D. need

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  15. To save the drowning child, the boy plunged into the icy water without hesitation, ____ his own safety.

    A. despite of                   B. regardless of           C. unaware of                  D. because of

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a quiet 36  of the splendid artwork.

    A young 37  viewing the paintings ahead of me 38  nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the man’s 39  for putting up with her 40  stream of words. 41  by their noise, I moved on.

    I met them several times as I moved 42  the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 43 .

    I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a 44  when the couple approached the 45 . Before they left, the man 46  into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He 47  it into a long stick and then 48  his way into the coatroom to get his wife’s jacket.

    “He’s a 49  man,” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in 50  there is a new art show.”

    “But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see.”

    “Can’t see! You’re 51 . He sees a lot. More than you and I do,” the clerk said. “His wife 52  each painting so he can see it in his head.”

    I learned something about patience, 53  and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 54  and the courage of a husband who would not 55  blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined.

    1.A. touch                                  B. view                           C. wander                         D. stare

    2.A. lady                                     B. man                            C. couple                           D. clerk

    3.A. chatted                              B. argued                       C. screamed                    D. yelled

    4.A. attempt                             B. independence          C. wisdom                        D. patience

    5.A. vivid                                     B. constant                   C. casual                           D. vague

    6.A. Adopted                             B. Adapted                   C. Conducted                   D. Disturbed

    7.A. through                              B. to                                C. towards                       D. from

    8.A. anxiously                            B. urgently                    C. quickly                          D. sensibly

    9.A. comment                           B. decision                     C. purchase                      D. profit

    10.A. entrance                          B. exit                             C. front                              D. queue

    11.A. plugged                            B. held                            C. reached                        D. bent

    12.A. made                                B. lengthened               C. brought                        D. broadened

    13.A. led                                     B. found                         C. forced                           D. tapped

    14.A. brave                                B. rough                         C. smart                            D. generous

    15.A. wherever                         B. whatever                  C. whichever                    D. whenever

    16.A. wrong                               B. silly                             C. equal                             D. unique

    17.A. describes                         B. draws                        C. shows                           D. decorates

    18.A. kindness                          B. pride                          C. enthusiasm                 D. courage

    19.A. support                            B. sight                           C. expectation                 D. confidence

    20.A. get                                    B. hope                           C. allow                             D. cause

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 5 题
  1. Shopping in the United States changes a lot. About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family. Women went from the bakery to the butcher’s to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week. Then, about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born. In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores.

    The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall. A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof. Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular. The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping. If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee. Malls are places for teenagers to hang out. Many teens will often just “go to the mall” and spend time with their friends.

    The recent change in American shopping was the superstore. Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot and Toys“R”Us have been built all across the United States. Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores. Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close. They just cannot compete with their giant neighbors.

    And now, online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the States. People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet. Online shopping has lots of advantages. For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores. While, online shopping also has its disadvantages. People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. And privacy of personal information may be let out.

    1.Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?

    ①small stores  ②superstores  ③shopping malls  ④shopping online   ⑤supermarkets

    A. ①②③④⑤               B. ①⑤②③④             C. ②③④①⑤                D. ①⑤③②④

    2.Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?

    A. Small stores.              B. Shopping malls.       C. Supermarkets.           D. Superstores.

    3.Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?

    A. Because they can buy goods at a reduction in price.

    B. Because they are across the United States.

    C. Because they sell all kinds of products people need.

    D. Because they are built near small towns.

    4.What’s the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?

    A. Wasting time.                                                    B. Fixed prices.

    C. Leaking personal information.                       D. No chance to do physical activities.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. Volunteers, as an essential part of a successful world exposition, are a major channel for the public to participate in, serve and share the world exposition and a means to showcase the image of the host country and city. The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.

    I. Basic Requirements for Volunteers

    l  Be willing to participate in voluntary services of Expo 2010;

    l  Age limit: Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30, 1992 and Expo City Voluntary Service Station volunteers before April 30, 1994;

    l  Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC;

    l  Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010;

    l  Possess necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position;

    l  Be in good health to meet the requirements of corresponding voluntary positions.

    II. Further Information for Volunteers

    l  Source

    l  Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.

    l  Signup methods

    l  Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup. They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.

    l  Time

    l  May 1 – December 31, 2009

    III. Volunteer Training

     Volunteer training includes general training, special training and position training. General training is carried out through the Internet, while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.

    IV. Volunteer Types

    l  Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in the Expo Site, mainly including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, event and conference organization and volunteer management.

    l  Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo’s information booths at key transportation centers, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site. They offer services including information, translation, interpretation and even first aid.

    1.What’s the purpose of this writing?

    A. To give some basic information of the World Expo 2010

    B. To recruit(招募) the volunteers for the World Expo 2010

    C. To praise the hard work of the volunteers

    D. To attract people to visit the World Expo 2010

    2.If you were born in April 1993, where can you be a volunteer?

    A. In the Expo Site.                                                 B. In the host country.

    C. In the Expo City.                                                 D. In Chinese mainland.

    3.Which of the training will be done on the Internet?

    A. General training.                                               B. Position training.

    C. Classroom training.                                          D. Special training.

    4.Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers?

    A. Visitor flow management.                              B. Helping the disabled.

    C. Assistance in media service.                          D. Emergency first aid.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. With alarming regularity, we read about oil tankers having accidents near land and the terrible consequences of the oil spills(泄露) on people, nature, and the environment.

    Millions of dollars have been used in developing special chemicals to help dismiss the spills and to clean up the animals, beaches, and land spoiled by the oil. Unfortunately, when many of these chemicals are used, more damage is caused to the environment, especially to lives in the sea.

    Of all of today’s environmental disasters, an oil spill may actually be one of the least serious. Although oil is poisonous, it is a natural material. In the end, it breaks down naturally. There are, of course, long-term effects, but it is usually more serious in the short term.

    Nature by itself works better than chemical materials, but when there is a spill we demand that governments act immediately with as much hi-tech knowledge as possible. In 1967 the tanker Torrey Canyon sank off the Sicily Isles near the coast of England and spilled 120,000 tones of oil into the ocean. If you go there today, you will find it hard to see any sign that it ever happened.

    Governments seem to accept the risk of transporting millions of tons of oil by ship every day so that we can fill up our cars and drive around and cause even more environmental damage. Interestingly, the biggest companies in the world produce cars, and the next biggest supply the gasoline to make them run!

    We should be thinking more about reducing our dependency on oil. Governments should be encouraging research into new technologies, such as cars run by solar power(太阳能), electricity, hydrogen, and so on. Much of this research has, in the past, been held back by the oil, gas, and coal.

    If the world’s millions of cars were 10% more efficient(高效的) — and the industry could easily produce cars at least twice as efficient — we would need many fewer tankers crossing the oceans each year. If this happened, the risks of oil spills would be reduced, and the air we breathe would be cleaner and fresher, too.

    1.What is the passage mainly talking about?

    A. Oil tanker accidents.                                        B. What oil pollution is.

    C. Oil spills pollution.                                             D. How to reduce oil pollution.

    2.How does the author support the idea that oil spills are not as serious as people believe?

    A. By giving an example.                                      B. By making an argument.

    C. By giving a description.                                    D. By drawing a diagram.

    3.What does the underlined word “risk” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

    A. Transportation depending more on oil.

    B. More environmental damage being caused.

    C. Millions of tons of oil spilling into the sea.

    D. Poisonous oil breaking down naturally.

    4.Which suggestion is made for reducing oil tank accidents according to the passage?

    A. We should build safer oil tankers in the near future.

    B. Tankers should not be allowed to sail near the coastlines.

    C. We should develop new technologies to cut oil use.

    D. Countries should build more oil pipelines under the sea.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. They are among the 250, 000 people under the age of 25 who are out of work in the Netherlands, a group that makes up 40 percent of the nation’s unemployed. A storm of anger boils up at the government-sponsored (政府资助的) youth center, even among those who are continuing their studies.

    “We study for jobs that don’t exist,” Nicollets Steggerda, 23, said.

    After thirty years of prosperity, unemployment among 10 member nations of the European Community has reached as much as 11 percent, affecting a total of 12.3 million people, and the number is climbing.

    The bitter disappointment long expressed by British youths is spreading across the Continent. The title of a rock song “No Future” can now be seen written on the brick walls of closed factories in Belgium and France.

    One form of protest(抗议) tends to put the responsibility for a country’s economic troubles on the large numbers of “guest workers” from Third World nations, people welcomed in Western Europe in the years of prosperity.

    Young Europeans, brought up in an extended period of economic success and general stability, seem to be similar to Americans more than they do their own parents. Material enjoyment has given them a sense of expectation, even the right to a standard of living that they see around them.

    “And so we pass the days at the discos, or meet people at the café, and sit and stare,” said Isabella Cault. "There is usually not much conversation. You look for happiness. Sometimes you even find it.”

    1.Unemployment in the Netherlands has affected _______

    A. about 0.6 million people                       B. 250,000 people

    C. 1ess than half of the population                  D. one million people

    2.What Nicollete Steggerda said (Para.2) means that ________.

    A. what the students learn is more than necessary

    B. the students cannot get work after graduation

    C. the students’ aim in study is not clear

    D. school education is not sufficient

    3.The underlined word ‘‘it” in the last paragraph most probably refers to ________.

    A. material enjoyment                                       B. a sense of expectation

    C. a job                                                               D. happiness

    4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. British youths have pity on the unemployed on the Continent.

    B. British youths care about unemployment in France and Belgium.

    C. British youths show their disappointment over joblessness.

    D. British youths have confidence to find work on the Continent.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. Recently there was a major discovery in the scientific research — the mapping of all DNA in a human gene(基因) is complete. Couple of years ago, this seems an impossible task for scientist to accomplish. All this progress in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away. Human cloning has always been a topic of argument, in terms of morality(道德) or religion.

    Taking a look at why cloning might be beneficial, among many cases, it is arguable that parents who are known to be at risk of passing a genetic limitation to a child could make use of cloning. If the clone was free of genetic limitations, then the other clone would be as well. The latter could be inserted in the woman and allowed to ripen to term. Moreover, cloning would enable women, who can’t get pregnant, to have children of their own.

    Cloning humans would also mean that organs could be cloned, so it would be a source of perfect transfer organs. This surely would be greatly beneficial to millions of unfortunate people around the world that are expected to lose their lives due to failure of single (or more) organ(s). It is also arguable that a ban on cloning may be unlawful and would rob people of the right to reproduce and limit the freedom of scientists.

    Arguments against cloning are also on a perfectly practical side. Primarily, I believe that cloning would step in the normal “cycle” of life. There would be a large number of same genes, which reduce the chances of improvement, and, in turn, development — the fundamental reason how living things naturally adapt to the ever-changing environment. Life processes failing to do so might result in untimely disappearance. Furthermore, cloning would make the uniqueness that each one of us possesses disappear, thus leading to creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes, and chances are that those individuals would be regarded as “objects” rather than people in the society.

    Scientists haven’t 100% guaranteed that the first cloned humans will be normal. Thus, this could result in introduction of additional limitations in the human “gene-pool”.

    Regarding such arguable topics in “black or white” approach seems very innocent to me personally. We should rather try to look at all “shades” of it. I believe that cloning is only legal if its purpose is for cloning organs; not humans. Then we could regard this as for “saving life” instead of “creating life”. I believe cloning humans is morally and socially unacceptable.

    1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    A. Genetic limitations will be beneficial for some women.

    B. A large number of genes will prevent us from developing.

    C. First cloned humans might be normal according to scientists.

    D. Forbidding cloning might limit the freedom of scientists.

    2.What’s the author’s opinion on cloning?

    A. It should be entirely banned.                         B. It is acceptable if it is used for cloning organs.

    C. It will take away the right to reproduce.    D. It should be used in creating life.

    3.Where can you read this article?

    A. In a story book.                                                  B. In a magazine.

    C. In a science fiction.                                           D. In a novel.

    4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage(1—6 refer to paragraph 1—6)?

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






    In the 1860s, the President Lincoln declared                                                     76._______________

    that the slavery would be end in the USA. Inspired                                       77._______________

    by the promise, many black people joined in the Northern Army,                          78._______________

    which made the Civil War end earlier than expect.                                                79._______________

    And to the black people’s disappointment, they were                                              80._______________

    not treated as equal citizens. Since then, the black has                                           81._______________

    been fighting for freedom.

     During the struggle, many people are killed. The most famous                    82._______________

    one was Martin Luther King. He fought for the free                                                  83._______________

    for the black all their life. In 1963 he made his famous                                             84._______________

    speech “ I have a dream” under the statue of Abraham Lincoln,

    that inspired many generations in America.                             85._______________

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的班长李华,你们全班同学在暑假期间开展了“体验一天低碳生活”的活动。请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文,介绍同学们这一天的体验活动,并谈谈自己的感受。短文的开头已为你写好。词数不少于120。

    提示词:disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子     air conditioner 空调

    A Low-carbon Day

    The students in our class took part in an activity of “Experience a Low-carbon Day” during the summer vacation. …___________________________________________________________________


    难度: 简单查看答案及解析