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本卷共 20 题,其中:
单选题 10 题,完型填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,补全对话6选5 1 题,信息匹配 1 题,阅读判断 1 题,阅读单选 1 题,单词填空 1 题,多任务混合问题 1 题,材料作文 2 题
简单题 3 题,中等难度 17 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 10 题
  1. —What do you want to be in the future, Xiao Ming?

    —I want to be __________ doctor like Zhong Nanshan.

    A.the B.an C.a

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. —I have a toothache these days. I don't feel like eating anything.

    —You should go to see a __________.

    A.teacher B.dentist C.policeman

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. —It's raining outside. I forgot to bring __________ umbrella.

    —I've got one. You can use __________.

    A.my, mine B.me, mine C.my, my

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. The apartment has __________ floors and Mr. Black lives on the __________ floor with his family.

    A.twelve, twelve B.twelve, twelfth C.twelfth, twelfth

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. A very __________ snowstorm attacked my hometown on April 20th, 2020.

    A.heavy B.heavily C.heavier

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. Most students look forward to __________ back to the classroom to have lessons with their classmates.

    A.come B.came C.coming

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. —Mum, there aren't __________ eggs in the fridge. We'd better go to the supermarket to buy __________.

    —OK. Let's go.

    A.some; any B.any; some C.any; any

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  8. —What were you doing at this time yesterday?

    —I __________ a movie named Lost in Russia directed by Xu Zheng.

    A.was seeing B.saw C.am seeing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. To avoid gathering (聚集), neither the students nor their head teacher __________ going to the party this evening.

    A.was B.are C.is

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. —Could you tell me __________?

    —Sure, go along this street, turn left at the second crossing. You'll find the bank on your right.

    A.how I can get to the Bank of China B.where is the Bank of China

    C.where can I find the Bank of China

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. In 2020, there are a number of people and their heroic deeds(英雄事迹)moving us. Yu Tiefu is an excellent and kind doctor. He was born in Mudanjiang, a small city in Heilongjiang Province in 1978. He graduated _______  Qiqihar Medical College. In 2008, he became a doctor in Qiqihar No.1 Hospital. He _______ won many prizes since then.

    A picture made him popular on the Internet in 2016. He had just finished an operation and then he would do the next operation immediately (立即). He was so tired that he fell _______ against the wall. He was always working for a long time without rest. _______ hard-working he was!

    Because of the epidemic(疫情)he was much _______than before. On April 25th, 2020, 126 doctors and nurses from Qiqihar No.1 Hospital were_______ to Mudanjiang to fight against the epidemic. Yu Tiefu was among _______ . Although his parents and brother lived there, _______ he didn't tell them about this special task. He took his job _______ . He came into contact with(与……接触) ________ persons with COVID-19 virus(病毒)closely and asked them about their feelings every day. He also helped the nurses disinfect(消毒)the wards. He got on well with the patients. Some patients were afraid of the virus, he made them feel ________ and encouraged them to cheer up.

    On May 27th, they finished the work successfully and went back to Qiqihar. But he couldn't return home directly to see his wife and his________ daughter. He had to be in isolation(隔离)in Hemei Hotel. ________ he left us and his beloved(热爱的)job forever on June 1stbecause he was overtired. He was only 42 years old when he died. He prepared a present________ his daughter, but he couldn't give it to her by ________ . He had no chance to hug his wife and daughter again. He is a common man, but he did the most unusual things. Yu Tiefu is a real hero. We should learn from him.

    1.A.for B.from C.of

    2.A.has B.have C.having

    3.A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep

    4.A.How B.What a C.What

    5.A.busy B.busier C.busiest

    6.A.send B.sent C.sending

    7.A.they B.their C.them

    8.A.but B./ C.and

    9.A.seriously B.serious C.terrible

    10.A.much B.a lot C.a lot of

    11.A.relaxed B.relax C.relaxing

    12.A.five years old B.five-year-old C.five-year-olds

    13.A.Unluckily B.Luckily C.Happily

    14.A.to B.in C.for

    15.A.herself B.himself C.itself

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. Do you often "Dianzan"? It means clicking(点击)the praise sign. If you agree to me, please "Dianzan". As we know, "Dianzan" is one of the most popular word nowadays. When someone shows their ideas or share their happiness on mobile phones, we can "Dianzan" for them. At New Year's Day in 2015, President Xi Jinping used the word "Dianzan" to thank we great county and Chinese people. So from then on "Dianzan" was accept and used by more and more people.

    Websites can know how much people support the opinions according to the number of "Dianzan". Experts can know what teenagers are caring about by "Dianzan", either. At the same time, that can help them to solve teenagers problems. Clicking the praise sign is such an easy thing. Have you ever clicked the praise sign for somebody?











    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全对话6选5 共 1 题
  1. Jerry: Hello, Alice. You look very upset. What’s the matter?

    Alice: 1. I’ve had a cough, a running nose and a sore throat. You know the COVID-19 virus is still scary now. I am afraid that I have already ...

    Jerry: Don’t be afraid. A fever is the common symptom(症状)of the disease. 2.

    Alice: No, I don’t. I have just taken my temperature. It’s normal.

    Jerry: If so, don’t worry. 3. It’s been cold these days, and you should take care of yourself.

    Alice: You’re right. Sometimes I’m too careless.

    Jerry: 4. You can get some advice from the doctor.

    Alice: Good idea! 5.

    Jerry: Sure! Let’s go now.

    A.Maybe you’ve just had a cold.

    B.I’m not feeling well.

    C.How long have you been like this?

    D.Do you have a fever?

    E.Could you please go with me?

    F.You’d better go to see a doctor, or it may be more serious.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. Hi, I'm Zhang Li from Yucai Middle School. I can't sleep well and I always wake up several times during the night. In order to help me sleep well, I've collected some good ways. Here are some suggestions.

    1.Go to bed at the same time every night. Try not to break this habit on weekends. Wake up at the same time every morning. If you are getting enough sleep, you will wake up naturally.

    2.Don't play on the computer for more than half an hour before you sleep. Studies show that it is bad for the quality of your sleep. Reading a book or listening to light music is good for sleep.

    3.A clean environment is necessary. Make sure that you have turned off the lights in your room before you sleep, and that the temperature is comfortable.

    4.Exercising will help you to go to sleep more easily. Walk for 45 minutes every day and you will sleep better at night. But don't do it just before you go to bed.

    5.Use hot water to wash your feet before you sleep every night. Washing feet for about twenty minutes every time helps you fall into a deep sleep. Keep on doing it, you can sleep well.

    A.Have a nice environment

    B.Wash feet with hot water

    C.Don't get up early

    D.Have regular sleep habits

    E.Take exercise properly

    F.Tum off your computer

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. Henry was a very vain(爱慕虚荣的) man and he spent plenty of time looking at himself in the mirror. He even went to the barber's shop every week to have his hair cut. He was nearly fifty, but he didn't want people to know his age, so he always tried his best to make himself look younger. He also spent most of his money on clothes. He believed that every woman thought he was handsome. He did not have women friends, but he had an explanation(解释) for this. "I'm so excellent that the women can't make a perfect match with(和……般配) me. That's why they don't make friends with me."

    One day he bought a new special shirt from a high-fashion men's shop. It was very expensive. When he got home and took it out of the box, he found a note in it. The note said, "Please write to me and give me a photo of yourself." The note was signed "Julia" and there was an address to write to. Henry wrote to Julia at once, telling her about himself. Then he put a photo of himself in the envelope(信封) and posted it.

    A week passed and then he received a reply. He opened it quickly, hoping there would be a photo of a beautiful woman inside and that she would like to make friends with him.

    However, it was very disappointing(令……失望的) to him. The letter said, "Dear Henry, thank you for writing to me. I work in the clothes factory. Everyone in the factory wants to know what kind of fool will buy such an ugly shirt."

    1.Henry went to the barber's shop every month.

    2.Henry didn't want people to know how old he was.

    3.Henry bought a beautiful shirt from a high-fashion men's shop.

    4.Henry didn't receive Julia's photo.

    5.Julia made friends with Henry according to the passage.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 1 题
  1. Welcome to Robot Toy Store! We've got some new robots. You'll have them!

    Name: Coco

    Price: $88

    For children of 4 to 6.

    It is happy, at times it's sad! It will play with you, but it will never ask you for water and food!

    Name: Beibei

    Price: $168

    For children of 6 to 8.

    It can tell jokes and play games with you. It was a 2019 Hot Holiday Toy! Now come and get your robot panda.

    Name: Superman

    Price: $118

    For children of 8 to 10.

    He can do all kinds of things, and you can chat with him in English simply.

    Name: Haohao

    Price: $299

    For children of 10 and up.

    A screen is on his face, and you can play video games on it. It will teach you to greet people in 20 different languages.


    1.Tony wants to buy a toy from the store, and he has 100 dollars. Then he can buy __________.

    A.Beibei B.Superman C.Coco

    2.How many languages can Haohao speak?

    A.20. B.15. C.10.

    3.Coco can __________.

    A.tell jokes B.play with children C.talk with you

    4.If Jim is 9 years old, __________ is a good gift for him.

    A.Superman B.Coco C.Beibei

    5.What do you know about Beibei?

    A.It can feel happy and sad if you play with it. B.It was very popular in 2019.

    C.It will ask you for something to eat.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. In March, 2020, a1. of the students couldn't go to school as usual. They had to stay at home to have lessons on the Internet. Liu Ming is an English teacher. He changed the way of teaching English. He taught English online. In order to make his lessons more creative, he asked his students to hand i2. their homework through a OR code (二维码). Mr Liu said, "When students finish doing their homework, they keep it on WeChat. Then each student makes his/her o3. QR code and gives it to me. So I check their homework anywhere by  4. (use) my mobile phone."

    Mr. Liu can receive the homework by email, QQ and WeChat. When Mr Liu scans (扫描) his students' QR codes, their homework a5. on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more colourful, with many pictures, music and even videos.

    Liu Ming's students like the new way and think it is interesting. We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with 6. (computer). The homework on the paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share. Mr Liu said, "It's worth 7. (try) to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don't want my students to fall behind the times."

    However, some parents are 8. (worry). They are afraid that their children will spend too much time playing games and less time studying. But in fact, most of the students still pay more a9. to their lessons. For students, it doesn't take them too much time. For teachers, it allows them 10. (check) the students' work at any time. And it's also an easy way to share homework with other students.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

多任务混合问题 共 1 题
  1. Mr. Smith is fifty years old. He has taught in a middle school for twenty-five years. He works hard and always comes to school (1) ______ time. (A) 他对学生们要求严格。He expects his students to be not only successful but also honest. His students do well in all kinds of fields. Some of them become famous people, but they still remember him and keep in touch with him. (B) Of course the old man is proud of it.

    This term he began to teach Grade One. Some of the new students were told about him, but the others didn't know him well. (C) He often told them how to be an honest person. One day, he gave them several examples in class and said, "I hate telling a lie most." (2) ______ the end of the class he told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1. The next morning, as soon as he came into the classroom, he asked, "Who's finished Exercise 8? A few students put up their hands. He shook his head and said, "Open your workbooks and see whether there's exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not."

    The students had a look at their workbooks and their faces turned red at once.



    (1)______   (2)______



    Of course the old man ______ ______ ______ it.




    Is there Exercise 8 in the workbook of Unit 1?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 2 题
  1. A:临近毕业,学校开展了组内自评和互评活动。假设你是Sunshine小组的组长请对组员Li Ming进行综合素质评价,并写一份“综合素质评价报告”。

    内容:1.他的爱好;   2.他的优点(两条);

    3.他的缺点或存在的问题;   4.根据所提到的缺点,提出适当的建议。



    Report of Quality Evaluation (评价) for Sunshine Group


    Li Ming






    Class 9, Grade 3



    Comment (评语)

    Li Ming is a member of my group.___________________________


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. B:2020年是非同寻常的一年,在举国上下抗击疫情的同时,教育部发出了“停课不停学”的号召,鼓励中小学生在线学习。但长时间观看电脑或手机,缺乏户外锻炼的机会,影响视力和身心健康。假如你是Lin Hui,请从以下三个方面说明在这个特殊时期里你是如何保持健康的。


    Do eye exercises, do body building exercises (健身操) …

    Eating habits

    Eat healthy food …

    Mood (情绪)

    Be happy, smile …




    Hello! I am Lin Hui. Let me introduce my life habits._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析