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本卷共 32 题,其中:
单选题 13 题,语音题 1 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 4 题,根据中/英文提示填空 5 题,划线部分提问 3 题,同义句转化 2 题,填空 1 题,单词填空 1 题,书信作文 1 题
中等难度 24 题,困难题 8 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 13 题
  1. —Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.


    A.I hope so B.I’m afraid not C.Sorry, I won’t D.It’s nothing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. ________ old man behind Mary is ________ university teacher.

    A.An, an B.A, the C.The, a D.The, an

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. (2013•盐城市)I think coffee tastes good, but not_______ likes drinking it.

    A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. --What should we do now, Mr. Clark?

    --Please turn to Page _________and look at the __________ picture.

    A.Twelve; fifth B.Twelfth; fifth

    C.Twelve; five D.Twelfth; five

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province. Over       people live in the old city.

    A.8 millions B.8 million C.8 million of D.8 millions of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6.        there        a basketball match next week?

    — Yes, there is.

    A.Will; be B.Is; going to have C.Will; have D.Is; going to be

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. One million, two hundred thousand and twenty-six means _______.

    A.102,000,206 B.1,200,026 C.10,002,026 D.1,200,260

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Which of the following sentences has a falling tone?

    A.Don’t take photos by the lake.

    B.Let’s go shopping together, shall we?

    C.Would you like some coffee?

    D.Is there a shopping center over there?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. (2013四川内江)The old man is a good swimmer,and even now he often swims ________ Tuojiang River after supper.





    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. — Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Sunshine Park?

    —________along the road for about ten minutes, and you will see it on your right.

    A.Walk B.Walks C.To walk D.Walking

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. Both  Hangzhou  and Shanghai are       the east of China. Shanghai lies       the north-east of Hangzhou.

    A.in; to B.to; in C.in; in D.to; to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. We want to know     he will come back, as we are worried about his safety.

    A. how often   B. how soon   C. how much   D. how long

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. — Shall we go to the zoo this Sunday?

           . It’s fun to see all kinds of animals

    A.Yes, we shall B.Good idea

    C.I don’t think so D.Yes, I’d love to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语音题 共 1 题
  1. Which of the following words has the stress on the last syllables?

    A.Halloween B.country C.tomorrow D.beautiful

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Germany has a lot to see. Here are two famous places.


    Visiting Cologne is a must when you________in Germany. The city is________its churches (教堂). The Cologne Cathedral is the most important one. It took over 600 years to finish________ it. And it’s close to the train station, so it’s________ to get there. With  so many churches and cathedrals,  you may ________ that your trip is   going to be religious (宗教的). Please________. Cologne also has the largest number of pubs (啤酒屋) in Germany.

    Black Beauty

    The Black Forest is a large area of forests, hills and villages. It________ in southwest of Germany. Titisee Lake is a must-see. But you also shouldn’t________ some other places, like the spa town Baden and the German Clock Road. Please remember: No visit to the Black Forest is perfect (完美的) without________the Black Forest Cake.

    ____________ a trip to Germany. You will never forget the country.

    1.A.work B.study C.travel D.remember

    2.A.made of B.famous for C.careful with D.full of

    3.A.fixing B.following C.building D.designing

    4.A.different B.difficult C.dangerous D.easy

    5.A.worry B.care C.ask D.sound

    6.A.do B.don’t C.watch D.think

    7.A.comes B.lies C.stays D.goes

    8.A.visit B.watch C.smell D.miss

    9.A.crossing B.driving C.tasting D.fixing

    10.A.Plan B.Leave C.Use D.Change

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. 1.The Zika virus can infect people through    .

    A.water B.mosquitoes C.air D.internet

    2.If 500 people get the virus, about       people will probably get sick.

    A.25 B.50 C.100 D.200

    3.What else do we know about the Zika Minus?

    A.It is impossible to get it from mosquitoes in Canada.

    B.Some infected people don’t have symptoms.

    C.There is a vaccine for the Zika virus.

    D.Lots of people have died from this virus.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Xu Rujun with his classmates in Shanghai did something special this year. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking (乱穿马路).

    As part of the school project, Xu’s school has told its students to do more community work.

    After the half day of exhausting (筋疲力尽的) work, Xu told himself not to jaywalk any more. “I think through community work, we get to help others and more importantly, we grow a sense of responsibility (责任感),” he said.

    Community service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation (毕业). For those Americans who have finished 1,400 hours of community work. They can be awarded (奖励) nearly ¥5,000(33,000 yuan).

    Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010. Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grade.

    Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jiangsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets (对联) on the walls and cheered up the people living there.

    Li Xiaotian, 15, of Anshan said he used to clear flyers(小广告) from telephone poles(电线杆)with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked for three hours under the summer sun. “It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads-we really felt proud,” he said.

    1.What was the special thing Xu Rujun did this year?

    A.He became a cleaner to work in the street.

    B.He helped the traffic police at a crossroad.

    C.He became a policeman.

    D.He stopped people from talking.

    2.From this passage we know that   

    A.Xu Rujun’s school is in the middle of a big city.

    B.Xu Ruiun and his classmates do some community work every day.

    C.Xu Rujun and his classmates often hold small flags when they cross the roads.

    D.Xu Rujun and his classmates think it is good for them to do some community work.

    3.Which of the following is TRUE about community service?

    A.It has become a very important art of education only in China.

    B.It is very important in school education in some foreign countries.

    C.It is the only part of the school project for teenagers around the world.

    D.It needs students to finish at least 1,000 hours of community work.

    4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

    A.The students in Shanghai helped people to keep the traffic rules.

    B.The students in Suzhou visited the old people’s home.

    C.The students in Anshan cleaned the telephone poles under the summer sun.

    D.The students in Sichuan sent Spring Festival couplets to the old people.

    5.Where can we probably find the passage?

    A.In a textbook. B.In a diary. C.In a newspaper. D.In a novel.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. Wang Jinyuan is an eighth-grader at Chongzhou High School, Sichuan. But thanks to an online course, he is studying with his peers (同龄人) at Yucai Middle School in Chengdu.

    In every class, he and his classmates watch online course videos from the school. “It’s like I have classes together with students at Yucai,”Wang said.

    Wang is not alone. Students from more than 200 schools in rural areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou are doing the same thing. They all use the online courses made by Yucai Middle School. The school started the online course program in 2007. It records (录制) courses, makes them into videos and offers them to other schools.

    The online courses give students new ideas and broaden their horizons (拓宽视野). They can learn from their peers (同伴) studying in the city. “I remember that a topic in English class was about volunteering.” said Wan Jinyuan, “Students shared a lot about their own experiences. But it was hard for me to talk about it because I had little experience. It encouraged me to do more.”

    But students don’t completely rely on online course. They still interact with (和……互动) teachers. In fact, the teachers edit (剪辑) the videos before using them. “I cut off some parts, like the discussion parts,” said Zhang Xiaomin, Wang’s English teacher. “I will let my students discuss for themselves, rather than only watch. Then, if necessary, I will show them what their peers said in their discussions. We benefit (受益) a lot from it.” Teachers further explain key points that students don’t understand.

    Also, students can watch the videos again after class.

    1.Which of the following is TRUE according the passage?

    A.The students at Chongzhou High School have classes with those at Yucai Middle School every day.

    B.The online courses were made by Chongzhou Middle School about ten years ago.

    C.Students in rural areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou get new ideas and learn more by attending online courses.

    D.The teachers don’t need to edit the videos before using them.

    2.The underlined word “rural” in Paragraph 3 means    .

    A.far away in space B.far from towns

    C.connected with a town or city D.connected with the countryside

    3.What’s the best title for the passage?

    A.Online courses in cities B.Online courses in countryside

    C.Online help for rural students D.Online help for city students

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. When you’re not at home, many worries may start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off? Did I lock the door? Are the kids doing their homework or watching TV? With a smart home, you can forget all of these worries.

    A smart home is a home with a communication network. This  network  connects(连接) devices (装置), such as lights and TV sets, and makes them to be controlled( 控制) from far away through electrical wiring( 电线), mobile phone communication or WiFi over the Internet.

    More and more people may start to think about owning a smart home, because it makes life much easier. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can record (录制) what happens inside the home and send the video to your phone. When you are on holiday abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to come in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants.

    Besides, smart homes are easy to fix. Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum ( 最 少 量 ) of tools, using only the guiding information. When there is a problem, you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional (专业人士).

    However, for home-users, the smart home technology is far from perfect. It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. Also, because the smart home system ( 系 统 ) allows its owner to get home information from anywhere, it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers ( 黑 客 ), who may secretly use or change the information in the system.

    Now, many scientists are excited about the future of smart home technology. Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your fridge. While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure — smart home technology will change the way we live and work.

    1.According to the passage, nowadays a smart home can lock the door through    .

    A.electric lights B.mirror technologies

    C.mobile phones D.shopping programs

    2.The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about    .

    A.the steps to use smart systems B.the prices of smart programs

    C.the good points of a smart home D.the tools for setting up smart devices

    3.Which of the following is TRUE about a smart home according to the passage?

    A.Smart homes can’t help feed pets nowadays.

    B.Smart homes cost a lot of money at present.

    C.You can’t control your smart home in other countries.

    D.It’s hard for hackers to get information from smart homes.

    4.What’s the writer’s opinion(观点) according to the passage?

    A.People will become less happy in the future.

    B.People’s life style will be different in the future.

    C.Mobile phones are the most important in smart homes.

    D.Smart homes are much better than other smart systems.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

根据中/英文提示填空 共 5 题
  1. She often looks for some_____(信息) about fashion on the Internet.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Go_____(径直地) on and you’ll find the library on your left.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The workers are painting all the_____(长椅) in the park now.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. We are now_____(准备) for the coming exam.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The pictures_____ (在下面) show you how to fix the machine.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

划线部分提问 共 3 题
  1. He lives on the eighth floor. (对划线部分提问)

    _____ does he_____?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. These are Millie’s trousers. (对划线部分提问)

    _____ are these?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. I will fly kites with my cousin next week. (对划线部分提问)

    _____ next week?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

同义句转化 共 2 题
  1. Cross the bridge and you will find the snack shop on your right. (同义句转换)

    _____ the bridge and you will find the snack shop on your right.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Turn left at the third turning. (同义句转换)

    _____ on the left.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。

    Every living thing on the earth is made up of cells (细胞). Cells grow and make new cells. Most cells are very small and we can’t see them with our eyes. Different cells have different uses. Our skin cells are special ones. The cells on the surface (表面) of our skin are old dead cells. New skin cells are right under the outside. These are the living skin cells. They work for our bodies. They help protect our bodies and heal ( 复原,治愈) cuts.

    Our bodies make skin cells all the time. As the old cells fall off, new cells grow in the same place. Each person makes about 18kg of skin cells during his or her life. Surface skin cells fit together closely with no gaps between them. When you cut or burn yourself, you can harm ( 伤 害 ) your skin cells. A small cut will not do much harm. Your skin will quickly heal itself by making new skin cells in just some days. How do skin cells work? First, the cells near the cut get bigger and move into the gap. Next, these bigger cells meet in the middle. They form a new layer (层) of skin cells. Finally, new cells will grow until the gap disappears completely. In this way, your skin can grow and get well itself.

    How amazing the tiny cells are! Next time you have a cut, don’t worry about it. Maybe in a few days, you will find it healed.


    Small cuts in the skin can heal themselves in a1.days.


    Two kinds of skin2.

    The cells on the skin are3.and dead.

    The living cells4.the surface are pretty new, so they work for 5. our bodies.

    6.to work

    Surface skin cells are7.to each other. When they’re cut or burnt, the cells nearby will become 8.and move into the gap. Then they9. in the middle and form new skin cells. At last, new cells will grow until

    there’s no gap.


    If your skin has a cut, don’t be10.because it will heal itself some days later.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 首字母填空

    Are there any animals that can return to their youth (青年时期)? There is one in the animal kingdom. It is the animal c1. the immortal jellyfish ( 永 生 水 母 ). Do you know a2.  about it?

    These small animals are just 4 to 5 millimeters ( 毫 米 )  l3.. Their digestive system ( 消 化 系 统 ) l4. like a light. That’s why they’re also called Turritopsis nutricula ( 灯塔水母 ). Scientists f 5.found them in the Mediterranean Sea in 1883, according to National Geographic. When scientists discovered ( 发 现 ) this, they were very s6. and they didn’t know much about it.

    When these sea animals get hurt  in d7.situations, they can change their cells(细胞) back to their earliest form—in other words, back to youth. The jellyfish’s cells can change into d8.kinds of cells. Muscle cells can become sperm (精子) or eggs, or nerve cells can change into muscle cells. T9., they grow again. Scientists are still wondering h10.this happens. Isn’t that amazing?

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

书信作文 共 1 题
  1. 假设你是 Lisa,想邀请交流生 Sandy 来你家。依据下面表格提供的信息,写一篇邀请信,介绍你的城市、社区及家庭。

    要求:1. 包含以上信息,可适当发挥;

    2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息;

    3. 不少于 80 词,首句和尾句已经给出,不记入总词数。

    Dear Sandy,

    I would like to invite you to my home.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    All the best ,


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析