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本卷共 11 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,单词拼写 1 题,单句改错 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,提纲类作文 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 10 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Coca-Cola, which reportedly produced more than 3 million tons of plastic packaging in 2017, announced Thursday it wants to “help fix the world’s plastic waste problem one community (社区) at a time.”

    The soda giant is doing so by providing $ 5.4 million for recycling programs in cities like Atlanta, Boston, Denver and Houston. In these cities, partners, like The Green Blue Institute and The Recycling Partnership, which receive the money, will work together to improve recycling rates.

    “We focus on areas where we have the ability to make the biggest influence on communities through the funding and expert skills of Coca-Cola employees,” Carlos Pagoagoa, Coca-Cola’s group director of community partnerships, said in a statement. “In each city, local partners will work together to identify barriers to recycling on a local level and test a range of solutions,” he added. “We hope the learnings from these ‘model markets’ can offer solutions to other cities facing similar challenges.”

    As part of the effort, The Recycling Partnership and the city of Atlanta, where the cola company’s headquarters are based, will send street teams out to open recycling carts and leave citizens cards informing them what they can and can’t recycle, and let them know how their efforts work.

    “Two of the most urgent problems with recycling in the U. S. today are lack of access, followed by pollution in recycling,” Keefe Harrison, CEO of The Recycling Partnership, said in a statement. “We know from the success of Atlanta in 2017 that the citizens want to recycle, and that communicating with them in the street works.”

    Last year, Coca-Cola announced its task to collect and reuse a bottle or can for each one it sells, and increase the amount of its products out of recycled materials to 50% by 2030. The brand also aims to make all its packaging fully recyclable by 2025.

    1.What does Coca-Cola company intend to do in the program?

    A.Produce less packaging.

    B.Help deal with plastic waste.

    C.Pick up waste in communities.

    D.Build a plant to recycle plastic waste.

    2.What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A.How Coca-Cola conducts its program.

    B.What organizations participate in the program.

    C.How Coca-Cola chooses cities for the program.

    D.What the local people do in Coca-Cola’s program.

    3.What do street teams do to help?

    A.Sort out various waste in the city.

    B.Look into the cause of pollution.

    C.Instruct local people what to recycle.

    D.Hand cards to the locals in person.

    4.What does Keefe Harrison think of the program?

    A.Promising. B.Difficult. C.Pioneering. D.Costly.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The skin under the eyes is delicate, which is why it sometimes appears sunken and has darker coloring than elsewhere on the face. Aging and health problems play a role in sunken eyes but other factors can contribute too, so it may affect younger people as well.


    The most common cause of sunken eyes is dehydration, or not having enough water in the body. Consuming too much coffee, soda, and prepackaged drinks may increase production of urine, which may lead to dehydration.

    Vitamin shortages

    Shortages of vitamin C, vitamin K, and iron can cause eyes to become sunken. Vitamin C helps with absorbing iron and decreasing bruising, while vitamin K is responsible for blood thickening, the lack of which may cause unhealthy skin. Easy bruising and unhealthy skin will result in sunken eyes.

    Weight loss

    Most people tend to lose weight in their face first. Sometimes, the weight loss is sudden enough to make blood vessels below the eyes easy to see, and the skin clear, producing the appearance of sunken eyes. Sudden weight loss may also cause nutritional shortages, which can lead to sunken eyes.

    Not enough sleep or poor-quality sleep can cause sunken eyes and a person’s DNA or the habit of smoking can also contribute to sunken eyes. Most cases of sunken eyes relate to the quality of an individual’s nutrition and healthy living. When these causes are corrected, sunken eyes can be resolved without further treatment. This means that causes can be avoided or treated in good time to prevent the recurrence of sunken eyes.

    1.What can we do to prevent dehydration according to the text?

    A.Have certain drinks less. B.Refuse coffee.

    C.Drink more water. D.Say no to soft drinks.

    2.What will lead to bruising below the eyes?

    A.Lack of vitamin K. B.Water shortages.

    C.Lack of vitamin C. D.Nutritional shortages.

    3.Which of the following should be avoided for people losing weight?

    A.Pale faces. B.Sudden weight loss.

    C.Clean skin. D.Narrow blood vessels.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the greatest resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty­five thousand! There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort, even though some aspects of English usage and the meaning of many words have changed since Shakespeare’s day.

    However, it is surprising that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, and that he died there in 1616. He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town, but of this we cannot be sure. We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children. We know that he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces. But this is almost all that we do know.

    However, what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its details but the products, the plays and the poems. For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing about the plays. Sometimes, indeed, it seems that the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear under the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

    Fortunately, this is not likely to happen. Shakespeare’s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and critics and all their works have been forgotten.

    1.What’s Para.1 mainly about?

    A.The great varieties in writing styles.

    B.The great length of Shakespeare’s works.

    C.The richness of the content in Shakespeare’s works.

    D.The rich English language used by Shakespeare in his works.

    2.According to the passage, which of the following remains uncertain about Shakespeare?

    A.His date of birth. B.His marriage.

    C.His life in the Grammar School. D.His date of death.

    3.What does the last sentence in Para.3 mean?

    A.People can’t see the poetry of Shakespeare any more.

    B.The comment is printed on the poetry of Shakespeare.

    C.People don’t think the poetry of Shakespeare good any more.

    D.Some people pay more attention to the comment than to Shakespeare’s poetry.

    4.The underlined phrase “Shakespeare’s people” in Para.4 refers to ________.

    A.the characters in Shakespeare’s works B.the people whose native language is English

    C.the people living in Shakespeare’s day D.the readers of Shakespeare’s works

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. For most kids, back-to-school time is usually bitter-sweet. The bitter part is saying goodbye to carefree, unscheduled summer days. The sweet part is saying hello to a new school year and school friends.

    This exciting time is filled with smells of new books, paper and pencils. Children might wear a new set of clothes. And, of course, there are the first-day-of-school pictures that parents share with family and friends.

    However, going back to school can also be a stressful time for children and families. Every kid must make the transition from easy summer life to routines, schedules and homework. Families will have financial concerns. Parents often need to pay school fees or to buy new school clothes, sports equipment, musical instruments and school supplies.

    Back-to-school stress is different for different ages. Younger children may feel scared to leave their families. Making new friends and dealing with bullying can also cause stress for them. Older students may be stressed about their appearances, grades and getting into a good college.

    However, parents, teachers and children can all help to make the transition back to school easier. Mary Anne Aidala, an award-winning teacher, advises parents to focus on the basics — let kids get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and turn off electronics before bedtime.

    Lori Bambina has been a teacher for 22 years. She teaches first grade in NY now. According to her, routines and knowing what a teacher wants in the classroom help to reduce stress in kids. So, she focuses on the class routine during the start of the new school year. “Well, for the students, I have my classroom set up with a very clear system. So, I will introduce the system. Then I will revisit the system because at this young age they enjoy routines. And that routine is very comforting and will not cause them stress if they know exactly where things are located and what type of behavior is expected of them.”

    1.Back-to-school time can be stressful for parents because ________.

    A.teachers will set many challenging tasks for them

    B.they don’t know how to reduce stress in their children

    C.they need to organize everything well for their children

    D.they have to spend a lot of money for the new school year

    2.When older students go back to school, they may ________.

    A.be unwilling to go to college B.be worried about their studies

    C.be afraid to leave their parents D.have difficulty making friends

    3.Lori Bambina believes students will feel less stressed ________.

    A.the classroom is decorated beautifully B.teachers have low expectations of them

    C.they know what they are expected to do D.they have a good relationship with teachers

    4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

    A.Causes of back-to-school stress B.Mixed feelings about going back to school

    C.Getting school life back to normal D.Dealing with back-to-school stress

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. Having confidence isn’t always an easy thing to gain no matter who you are. Let me help you by giving some tips on how to improve your self-confidence.

    Make sure you understand the concept of acceptance. You must accept who you are. 1.Everyone has good qualities and it’s important to understand that about yourself.

    Make a list of the positive things about you. Forget your flaws or what you aren’t good at. 2.If you aren’t really sure, then ask family and friends.

    Go out and experience challenges.3. Learn more about yourself. We don’t know everything about us. Try new things. Challenging yourself to experience other things will make you learn more about who you are. This will help you feel prouder of yourself.

    4. Set your own standards and realize everyone is different. You don’t have to live up to what others expect to feel confident. They don’t know what is best for you. Everyone’s idea of being successful can differ from others’.

    Make sure you’re honest with yourself and others. I’ve discovered if people aren’t honest with themselves, others usually aren’t very confident in them.5.Honesty is the secret to many good things. Start being honest with yourself and others, and it can make you a better person with more confidence.

    A.Forget the idea of having to please others.

    B.It’s easy to lie, while it’s hard to tell the truth.

    C.Don’t be afraid to do something you’ve never done.

    D.Feel confident in yourself no matter what happens to you.

    E.Write down what you enjoy doing and what you are good at doing.

    F.It is necessary for you to find out the reasons why you are less confident.

    G.You can’t change who you are and must realize you have good qualities.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. It was 1972,and I was in second grade.In the classroom the teacher,Ms.Boyette,was ____ aloud to us from Island of the Blue Dolphins.And we had just come to a part of the book where the main ____ was training a wild dog.I was listening,caught up in the ____   of all.

    Not far away from me,there seated a boy who always frightened or ____ others,so I was ___ of this boy.While Ms.Boyette was reading,I looked over at him,for he was someone I was in the ____ of keeping an eye on.I ____ that he was listening too,that he was engaged by the ____ ,that he was leaning forward in his seat and listening with all his heart.I ____ at him,open-mouthed.I was ____ with a sudden knowledge that this boy was in fact just ____ me.He was a kid who liked a story.The boy must ____ my eyes on him,because he turned.Then something ____ happened.He smiled at me. ___ ,I smiled back,unafraid.We were two ____ smiling at each other.

    Why have I never forgotten this ____ moment? Why do I still ____ every detail of it? I think it’s because that moment illustrates so beautifully the _____of reading out loud.

    It shows us into a safe room,where everyone involved,the reader and the listener,can have that chance to ____ each other.We humans long not just for the story,not just for the flow of language,but for the ____ that comes when words are read aloud.

    1.A.shouting B.singing C.talking D.reading

    2.A.author B.character C.reader D.listener

    3.A.wonder B.silence C.warmth D.comfort

    4.A.greeted B.touched C.hurt D.refused

    5.A.aware B.terrified C.bored D.guilty

    6.A.habit B.form C.effort D.hope

    7.A.predicted B.imagined C.promised D.noticed

    8.A.speech B.story C.journey D.diary

    9.A.pointed B.nodded C.stared D.waved

    10.A.struck B.mixed C.cheated D.confused

    11.A.behind B.beyond C.around D.like

    12.A.ignore B.feel C.meet D.observe

    13.A.useful B.natural C.serious D.amazing

    14.A.Then B.Again C.Instead D.Besides

    15.A.strangers B.kids C.teachers D.enemies

    16.A.funny B.busy C.lucky D.small

    17.A.seek B.organize C.recall D.trust

    18.A.power B.courage C.amusement D.ability

    19.A.cheer B.see C.miss D.mention

    20.A.challenge B.knowledge C.choice D.connection

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

单词拼写 共 1 题
  1. 单词拼写

    1.He was surprised that his question should have caused such a strong _______________(反应).

    2.Your _______________(表现) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

    3.Don’t you believe in _______________(平等) between men and women.

    4.This is a copy of the famous picture, and the _______________(原来的) work is now in the British Museum.

    5.The US wants big cuts in European _______________(农业的) export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance..

    6.E_______________ your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.

    7.Most people would rather the c_______________ were sentenced to life in prison.

    8.One of the s_______________ to the heavy traffic problem is to reduce the number of vehicles.

    9.We have v_______________ summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.

    10.Roger turned down the i_______________ to speak at the science conference.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单句改错 共 1 题
  1. 单句改错

    1.Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenient to our life.

    2.At no time I feel they were being unreasonable.

    3.Unlike you, I am not accustomed to tell lies.

    4.Three months before, I bought an e-book reader, which is light and handy.

    5.As a rule, doctors in the hospital are paid by hour.

    6.Our diet was largely consisted of vegetables.

    7.Fortunate, I was selected as one of the student representatives to pay a visit to your school.

    8.He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others.

    9.Her room was furnished with some old furnitures.

    10.In the past few days, he has recited several articles, two poems including.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    An old man was seated in the train with his 25-year-old son. As the train started, the young man was filled with much joy and 1.(curious).

    He was seated on the window side. He stuck out one hand feeling the 2.(pass) air. He shouted, “Papa see all the trees are going behind”. The old man smiled and admired his son’s emotions.

    There was a couple 3. were seated beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the conversation between the father and the son. They probably felt somewhat awkward, 4.(observe) the 25-year-old man was behaving like a small child.

    Suddenly the young man again shouted, “Papa see the pond and animals. Clouds are moving with the train”. The couple was watching the young man, 5.(obvious) ashamed of him.

    Now it started raining and some waterdrops touched the young man’s hand. He was filled with even more joy and he closed his 6.(eye). He shouted excitedly again, “Papa, it’s raining; the water 7. (touch) me, see papa”.

    The couple couldn’t help themselves any 8.(long) and asked the old man, “Why don’t you visit a doctor and get your son 9.(treat)?” The old man said, “Yes, we have come from the hospital. Today my son got eyesight first time in10.(he) life.”

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    It’s been a long time before I left my hometown. I remember it was the beautiful place with an excellent environment, and people there were very kind-hearted. Last weekend, I make a call to a friend living there, but he sent me some pictures of the city by e-mail.

    From the photo, I can see that great changes have been taken place there. For example, the streets have become wide, and the buildings higher. Beside, the people are dressed modern clothes. Several modern shopping malls are being built.

    My hometown has changed very greatly that I can hardly believe my eyes. I hope my hometown can become better and better in the future.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

提纲类作文 共 1 题
  1. 假定你是李华,你代表你班邀请外教Mr. Smith一起游玩泰山,请按以下要点写信邀请。内容包括:

    1. 提出邀请;

    2. 介绍泰山;

    3. 说明游玩的时间和安排。




    Dear Mr. Smith,



    Li Hua

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析