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本卷共 33 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,阅读单选 3 题,补全对话7选5 1 题,完型填空 1 题,完成句子 5 题,汉译英:整句 3 题,语篇翻译 1 题,回答问题 1 题,填空 1 题,话题作文 2 题
简单题 5 题,中等难度 28 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 15 题
  1. As we all know, Wudang Mountain is the_______of Shiyan.

    A.proud B.pride C.progress D.purpose

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Bob is taking the desks away because they ______ too much room.

    A. stand up         B. pick up

    C.take up          D. listen up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The 3rd China's Got Talent (中国达人秀) gives the child a chance to show his special________.

    A.ability B.behavior

    C.education D.background

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. John is________ because of his illness.

    A.arrival B.absent C.sick D.happy

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. When you visit a museum, you should ___________ the instructions.

    A.compare with B.look forward to C.pay attention to D.try out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. — __________did you make your dream come true ?

    —By working hard all the time.

    A.What B.When

    C.How D.Why

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. After the Spring Festival,I __________ 3jin when I returned to school.

    A.put away B.put up C.put in D.put on

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. The farmers usually use___ to cut the wool off the sheep.

    A.brush B.scissors C.hat D.spirit

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. —Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.

    —Good job, Charlie. I’m ________ of you.

    A. tired B. proud C. sure D. sick

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  10. Bob is taking the desks away because they__________ too much room.

    A. take up B. pick up C. stand up D. put up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. —Don't _____hope. Everything will be over soon.

    —Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble.

    A.turn up B.give up C.clean up D.take up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. —Mr.Green _________ his son.

    —Yes, he enjoys talking about his son with any friend of his.

    A.takes care of B.gives up

    C.takes up D.takes pride in

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. —Mom,what can I do for you?

    —Lunch is ready. Please__________ the knives and forks at the table.

    A.lay out B.pick out C.help out D.put out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. She didn't know how to_________the problem,so she asked the teacher for advice.

    A.look out B.deal with

    C.worry about D.communicate with

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. —I will have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win.


    A.Good luck. B.Have a good time.

    C.That's such a pity. D.Don't mention it.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. Dragons are not real animals, but look like a combination (组合体) of many animals such as snakes, fish and deer. They have two horns (角) and a long moustache (胡子). With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea. They can make rain, too. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and goodluck. The emperors of ancient China loved dragons. Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.

    We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”. In Chinese, “excellent” people are often called “dragons”. A number of Chinese sayings and idioms talk about dragons, for example, “Hoping one's child will become a dragon,” which means hoping he or she will be successful.

    It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain characteristics. They are creative, confident, brave and quick-tempered. There are some famous “dragons” who have done excellent things, for example, Deng Xiaoping, the famous businessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao Wei. They are all very successful.

    There are also some traditional festivals about dragons in China, such as Dragon Head – Raising Day and Dragon Boat Festival. We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them. These two festivals come every year, but the Year of the Dragon comes every twelve years. It was the year of the Dragon five years ago.

    The dragon is very important in Chinese culture. As the “descendants of the dragon”, it is necessary for us to know the views on dragons in our culture. It can help us understand why our parents always want us to be “dragons”.


    1.What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?

    A.A combination of many animals. B.Chinese sayings and idioms.

    C.Traditional festivals. D.Strength and good luck.

    2.In the passage, the underlined sentence “Hoping one’s child will become a dragon. ” means ________ in Chinese.

    A.龙马精神 B.龙飞凤舞 C.望子成龙 D.龙腾虎跃

    3.What characteristics may the people born in the Year of the Dragon have?

    A.creative, confident, brave and powerful

    B.creative, confident, brave and quick-tempered

    C.lovely, confident, brave and quick-tempered

    D.lucky, confident, creative and successful

    4.Which of the following years is the Year of the Dragon?

    A.1997. B.1998. C.2012. D.2018.

    5.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A.Dragons are real animals.

    B.There are many Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons.

    C.People born in the Year of the Dragon must be successful.

    D.The “descendants of the dragon” are often called “dragons”.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Can you understand the following words?  “Long time no see.”  “Good good study, day day up.” “I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face.”

    Yes, we call these examples Chinglish, like “people mountain, people sea”

    Chinglish usually means English vocabulary with Chinese grammar on street signs or products.

    However, many English speaking tourists love them. Tom has been living in Beijing for years. “I think many Chinese people dislike Chinglish. But I love it. It's quite interesting. I think if the translations of English in China are all perfect, something will be lost from Chinese culture.” However, Chinglish will probably become a part of history in future. Beijing has made a plan to correct Chinglish within(在…之内) five years. “It is so funny to see Chinglish on the signs. And they are a kind of trouble for communication between the Chinese and foreigners,” a Beijinger said.

    However, some people in China like Chinglish. They think that English has “borrowed” a lot from other languages such as German, French and Spanish in the past, and now as Chinese's turn.

    1.What is Chinglish according to the passage?

    A.The English words easy to pronounce. B.The Chinese words difficult to translate.

    C.The English words with Chinese grammar. D.The Chinese words that foreigners love.

    2.What does “people mountain, people sea” mean most probably?

    A.There are many people. B.Humans are powerful.

    C.All the people are running. D.Humans respect nature.

    3.What does Tom think about Chinglish?

    A.It shows Chinese are popular.       B It is hated by all foreign tourists.   C. It helps him to learn English well. D. It is also a part of Chinese culture.

    4.The last paragraph but one (倒数第二段) tells us that Beijing will________.

    A.put English words into Chinese B.change English and Chinese

    C.help foreigners to learn Chinglish D.correct Chinglish in future

    5.Some people, who love Chinglish, think that it is time for English to borrow something from ________.

    A.French B.Chinese C.Spanish D.German

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival.

    Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China

    "It'll soon be Chinese New Year. Before it, we'll clean the house and decorate (装饰) it for good luck. Every shop is going to close for a few days and we'll go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival. "

    Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia

    "Australia Day is on 26th January and it's an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there are lots of music and dancing. What fun!"

    Amy, 14, New York, USA

    "The first Thanksgiving Day was hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It's still a very important day for families to be together. This year we're going to visit my grandparents and we'll eat a delicious meal for turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year."

    1.How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?     





    2.During the Chinese New Year, tourists might      according to the passage.

    A.do a lot of shopping

    B.eat turkey

    C.go to beach parties

    D.see lion and dragon dances

    3.On Australia Day, Wendy and her parents often     .

    A.have a picnic in the countryside

    B.go to a swimming pool

    C.have a party at school

    D.clean the house and dance

    4.What do you think "turkey" is in this passage?     

    A.A country.

    B.A festival.

    C.A kind of food.

    D.A kind of drink.

    5.From the passage, we can learn that     .

    A.Amy is from Sydney, Australia

    B.Different festivals have different customs

    C.Many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year

    D.Thanksgiving Day is on 26th January in the USA

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全对话7选5 共 1 题
  1. A:Good morning,sir.1.

    B:I'd like to buy a shirt,please.

    A:Oh,good!We've got lots of new shirts of different styles. This way,please.2.

    B:Let me have a look first.

    A:This blue one is made of cotton,and that green one is made of silk. Both of them feel soft and cool in summer.

    B:The green one looks nice.3.

    A:Of course. Hmm,it fits you very well.

    B:Thank you!4.



    A:But it really looks beautiful on you.

    B:That is true. OK. I'll take it.

    A.Can I try it on?

    B.Here is the money.

    C.Which one do you like?

    D.Where is the shirt?

    E.What can I do for you?

    F.How much is it?

    G.That is a little bit expensive.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. LeiGong Mountain is well—known for its plants and animals.Every year,_________ from all over the country and even abroad come to visit it.It has become one of the most popular sights in QianDongnan.Visitors _________us a lot of businesses,jobs and money.If it’s _________,visitors can see many kinds of _________in the tree singing and some rare animals like monkeys climbing up and _________.

    Last Saturday, several of my friends and I went there _________.After about one—hour ride,we arrived there.To our _________,some visitors didn’t pay attention to protecting the environment. Plastic bags and bottles were thrown _________.We had to _________ the rubbish and put it into the dustbin.I think we should protect LeiGong Mountain from being __________,or the pollution will keep the visitors away.Let’s take action to make LeiGong Mountain more and more beautiful.

    1.A.foreigners B.fiends C.visitors D.drivers

    2.A.lake B.bring C.carry D.lend

    3.A.cloudy B.rainy C.foggy D.sunny

    4.A.binds B.snakes C.tigers D.rabbits

    5.A.on B.of C.down D.away

    6.A.on foot B.by bus C.by car D.by bike

    7.A.happiness B.surprise C.fun D.interest

    8.A.everywhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.somewhere

    9.A.tum up B.take up C.play with D.pick up

    10.A.polluted B.made C.built D.thrown

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完成句子 共 5 题
  1. 他正处于困境,让我们帮帮他吧。

    He is_____. Let's give a hand to him.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. 那个小孩正在逐词阅读这篇文章。

    The kid is reading the passage________.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 好身体取决于鍵康的食物和足够的锻炼.

    Good health_____ healthy food and enough exercise.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. 昨天晚上的聚会以一首歌曲结尾。

    The yesterday's party_____ with a song.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. 在你决定之前,请再仔细考虑一下。

    Please_____ before you decide.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

汉译英:整句 共 3 题
  1. 不尝试一下,你永远不会知道。_______________________

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 每个人的学习能力与生俱来._____

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 我用那种方法学到很多。_____

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语篇翻译 共 1 题
  1. Students often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Let's see how Laura deals with her problems.

    One day, Laura lost her wallet and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She kept thinking, "1If my parents know it, how angry they will be!" In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes too. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.

    An expert called Robert Hunt says, "It is best for us not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them." He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. Students can ask for advice of their teachers or friends because they are glad to help others. In English, we say that sharing problem is like cutting it in half.2So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!



    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. Gulangyu,a beautiful island in Xiamen,Fujian,was successfully listed in the UNESCO World Heritage(世界文化遗产)on July 8th,2017.It’s not only the pride of my hometown,but also the pride of the whole nation.

    Gulangyu is separated from Xiamen by the 600-metre-wide Egret River(鹭江), with an area of 1.91 square kilometers. It’s like a garden on the water. You can go there only by ships. Cars, buses and bikes are not allowed to run on the island. It is so quiet that wherever you go, you can hear the sound of playing the piano. As a result of this, it is called “the island of music”.

    The first name of the island was Yuanzhouzi. In the Ming Dynasty it was changed as Gulangyu, meaning “drum waves”.Because the holes in the southwestern reefs (暗礁)hit by the waves make sounds like the drum beating.

    Today, Gulangyu is listed as one of the nation’s major travelling places of interest here include the Sunlight Rock,Shuzhuang Park,Gangzihou Bathing Beach and Memorial Hall to Zheng Chenggong,which are visited by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world.What’s more,the buildings and food are popular with visitors.

    Therefore, I hope our government can protect the fairyland well,especially the environment.

    1.Where does the writer come from?_____

    2.How big is Gulangyu?_____

    3.Can you ride bicycles on the island?_____

    4.Why is Gulangyu also called “the island of music”? _____

    5.How many places of inerest in Gulangyu are mentioned in this passage?_____

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. A different way of teaching is widely used in our English study.

    Before class. we make study plans first. Then we look up the new  words. listen to the recording and read the text. When we meet problems. we can t solve by ourselves. We always write them down in our notebooks.

    In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely. The teacher always offers help when we need. After discussion, It's time for us to give a report to the class. We also make conversations in pairs and practise a lot. It's really good for our listening and speaking.

    After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers. We can also surf the Internet for useful information.

    In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying. We can make more progress in our study.

    Main idea

    A different way of learning is 1.________ used in our English study.

    Before class

    We make study 2.________ first


    We sit in groups to 4.______the problem freely.

    After class

    We have 5._______ homework so we can go to the library .



    In a word. we can make more progress in the  new way.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

话题作文 共 2 题
  1. 根据要求完成小作文,词数:30词左右。请简单描述一下在紧张忙碌的学习之余,你是怎样放松自己的。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 根据要求完成大作文,词数:80~100词。我们的每一次变化都见证着我们的成长。请以 "The biggest personal change I've ever made"为题,并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。




    难度: 中等查看答案及解析