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本卷共 28 题,其中:
单选题 19 题,完型填空 1 题,补全对话6选5 1 题,信息匹配 1 题,阅读判断 1 题,阅读单选 1 题,填空 1 题,回答问题 1 题,材料作文 1 题,话题作文 1 题
中等难度 28 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 19 题
  1. — Why not post ________ news on the Internet so that more people can give hands to the sick girl?

    — What ________ good advice you've given me!

    A.the; a B.the; / C.a; /

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. — How about yesterday's movie?

    — It was awful. By the time I got to the cinema, the movie ________ for about fifteen minutes.

    A.has began B.has been to C.had been on

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The students won't give up ________ their dream.

    A.work for B.working for C.to work for

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. — I cut my finger when I used the knife. What ________ I do?

    — You'd better put a bandage on it.

    A.need B.could C.should

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. — What happened ________ Terry?

    — He hurt himself ________ soccer during the World Cup.

    A.on; playing B.to; playing C.to; to play

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. Working hard makes ________ possible for us to pass the final examination.

    A.this B.that C.it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. Everything seems ________ better.

    A.to be B.is C.being

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. —I’m not going to swim the day after tomorrow.

    —________. I have to stay at home and do chores.

    A.So am I B.Neither I am C.Neither am I

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. It’s very clever ________ him ________ out such a difficult problem.

    A.of; to work B.of; working C.for; to work

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. — Need I finish my homework today?

    — Yes, you ________.

    A.need B.can C.must

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. I didn't know Jack's address ________ he wrote to me.

    A.because B.when C.until

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. — Where is my MP5 player, Lucy?

    — I don't know. It isn't here. Maybe ________ took it.

    A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. The music is too loud, would you mind ________?

    A.turn it down B.turning it down C.turning down it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. We should turn off the lights ________ we leave the room.

    A.where B.while C.as soon as

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. The police ________ looking for the lost dog at the station.

    A.is B.was C.are

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  16. I can only have ________ food because I'm ________ late.

    A.a bit; a little B.little; a bit C.a bit of; a little bit

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  17. Who is ________ of them five?

    A.the tallest B.much taller C.tallest

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  18. His aunt is considering ________ out the information.

    A.to check B.checking C.check

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  19. His brother ________ for three months.

    A.has joined the army B.has been in the army C.has become a soldier

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. We go to school every day and enjoy our school life. School life is usually _______ of fun, and the school seems to be _______ place in the world.

    But do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not _______ ? How do we make the school safer and keep _______ away from danger? Here are some _______ for us to be safe in an easy way. For example, we must remember some important rules _______ the playground. Before we do sports, we need to do some warm-up activities, and after that we _______ drink some water. And in the classroom, we need to learn how to behave _______ . Don't run in the hallways. We mustn't fight with _______ run after each other. And teachers need to keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from ________ . Students should remember not ________ naughty and get ourselves into trouble. What's more, we can have some ________ to learn to protect ourselves from a fire. ________ , we can know where to go if there is a fire in our school. We should learn to use the fire extinguisher (灭火器), too. I don't think we should put out a fire alone ________ it is too dangerous for young students. Well, I think all of us should think more of our ________ in school.

    1.A.fill B.full C.filled

    2.A.safe B.safer C.the safest

    3.A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough

    4.A.we B.our C.us

    5.A.advice B.information C.suggestions

    6.A.to B.on C.at

    7.A.shouldn't B.should C.can't

    8.A.well B.good C.proper

    9.A.and B.but C.or

    10.A.run B.running C.to run

    11.A.being B.to being C.to be

    12.A.exercise B.shows C.practice

    13.A.On the way B.In the way C.By the way

    14.A.although B.so C.because

    15.A.safe B.safely C.safety

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全对话6选5 共 1 题
  1. (At break, Amy meets Ken in the hallway)

    Amy: Hi, Ken. Jane's birthday is coming. Have you received her invitation?

    Ken: Yes, 1.

    Amy: Me too. I'm just thinking about the gift. 2.

    Ken: Well, she likes writing. Why not get her pens and books?

    Amy: 3. I think she'll be happy to get them.

    Ken: Yeah, by the way, how will you buy the gift? Will you ask your parents for money?

    Amy: 4. I've already saved my pocket money.

    Ken: You're right. I think we should learn to manage pocket money. I just spend it on the things I really need.

    Amy: That's true. 5.

    Ken: What a kind girl! Learning to save and use money are both important to us.

    A.Yes, please.

    B.Sounds good.

    C.Of course not.

    D.How about you?

    E.I also use it to help others in need.

    F.Have you got any good ideas?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.


    The world has many beautiful sounds. We can hear the songs of birds and the laugh of people. We can listen to cool music. And it's all because of our ears!

    They bring us a world of sounds.


    China is famous for tea, both in the past and now. Tea is produced in lots of different areas in China, such as Fujian and Zhejiang Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand or by machine and then are sent for processing.


    The ancient Chinese made the world's first toothbrush. They took some hard hair from pigs and fixed it onto a handle. The handle is made of bamboo. Later, toothbrushes were brought to the rest of the world.


    When you do nothing, you learn nothing. But when you try, even though you may not be successful, you'll learn what doesn't work. This brings you closer to what will work. It doesn't matter how many times you fail. What matters is that one day you'll be successful.


    Sunglasses are invented in China. Chinese people use smoke to make the glasses dark. But these glasses are not used to keep the strong sunshine out. In those days, only judges wore them and others didn't know what they were thinking.

    Real sunglasses didn't come into being until the 20th century.

    A.Something about tea

    B.Try the best to do everything

    C.Ears bring us sounds

    D.Who can wear sunglasses

    E.Something about sunglasses

    F.The earliest toothbrush

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. Teeth are very important for our health. They will be our lifelong friends. So we should learn to protect them at a very young age. Here are some tips:

    First, we should eat right.

    *Don't eat too much candy or drink too much cola, or our teeth will go bad easily.

    *Have more cheese, milk and yogurt to make teeth strong.

    *Eat more vegetables and fruits to help teeth clean.

    Second, we should keep these numbers in mind.

    *2/Day Brush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime.

    *2-3 Minutes Brush for at least two to three minutes every time.

    *3 Months Get a new toothbrush every three months.

    *6 Months Go to the dentist every six months for a check-up.

    1.We're too young, so we needn't start protecting our teeth.

    2.Cheese, milk and yogurt can keep our teeth strong.

    3.We shouldn't brush our teeth before bedtime.

    4.We can brush our teeth for only one minute each time.

    5.At least four toothbrushes should be used in a year.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 1 题
  1. Ticket information about a comedy

    Date: 30th July-8th August


    Sat.-Sun.10:00a.m. 2:00p.m., 7:00p.m.

    Place: Panda Cinema

    Duration: 118 minutes

    Name: Hello Mr. Billionaire (《西虹市首富》)

    ¥35 per child or adult (day shows)

    ¥40 per child or adult (evening shows)


    ¥50 for 2 tickets for 2 children (day shows)

    ¥60 for 2 tickets for 2 children (evening shows)

    ¥65 for 2 tickets for 2 adults (day shows)

    ¥70 for 2 tickets for 2 adults (evening shows)

    Tickets for children below three are free.

    1.What kind of movie is this?

    A.An action movie B.A documentary. C.A comedy.

    2.If your mother is free only in the afternoon, she can watch her movie on ________.

    A.Sunday B.Monday C.Thursday

    3.How long does the movie last?

    A.About 1 hour B.About 1.5 hours C.About 2 hours

    4.You and your two ten-year-old cousins should spend at least ________ buying the cheapest tickets in the afternoon.

    A.¥105 B.¥85 C.¥50

    5.Parents should pay at least ________ if they go with their 2-year-old son in the evening.

    A.¥110 B.¥80 C.¥70

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. The computer has become an important part of people's lives. It has its own special words. One example is the word "mouse". A computer mouse is not a small gray animal. It is a small thing that you move around on a table in front of a computer. It was called a mouse because it looked like a real mouse with a tail at one end.

    Using a computer takes some training. People who are experts are sometimes called hackers. A hacker is usually a person who writes computer programs in a special computer language. But the word "hacker" is also used to describe a person who tries to steal information from a computer.

    Another well-known computer word is Google. It is the name of a popular search engine (搜索引擎). People use the search engine to find information about everything on Internet.

    If you google someone, you may find that person's name on a blog. A blog is a personal diary online. It might contain stories, pictures or songs on it. Some people add information to their blogs every day.

    Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

    The passage is 1. computer words. The computer has become an important part of people's lives.  The word "mouse" got its name because of its 2. . Using a computer takes some training. People who are experts are sometimes called 3. . Google is the name of a popular search engine 4. people use to find information about everything on the Internet. The last word is about a blog. The passage talks about 5. computer words.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. When your pen is broken, you think that's the end of its life. You throw it away. It then joins tons of other rubbish that is becoming a big problem in cities. This happens in other countries, too. Most Americans are making 7 pounds (3.17kg) of rubbish a day. So, an American makes about 102 tons of rubbish in a lifetime.

    If you simply throw away that broken pen, it goes to a landfill (垃圾填埋场) and is buried with other rubbish. To prevent polluting the groundwater, workers cover the rubbish with soil and keep it dry. And your pen will stay there for a long time, without having further use. But it could have a better place to stay in -the recycling bin. Have you ever noticed the different colors of rubbish bins in the street? Many cities in China have been running a waste-sorting campaign (垃圾分类运动). "They divide rubbish into "recyclable waste" and unrecyclable waste". Recycling waste can save energy, reduce (减少) greenhouse gas and keep landfill space free for unrecyclable waste.

    Take your pen as an example. At the recycling factory, its metal parts could be taken out and reused to make other things.

    But according to the experts, recycling is not enough. Making less waste should be put in the first place. They think that the best thing to do is just to keep using your things for as long as you can.

    1.How much rubbish are most Americans making every day?


    2.How should we deal with broken pens in order to reuse them?


    3.What are the advantages of recycling waste?


    4.Which parts of the pen can be recycled?


    5.In the experts opinions, what should we do to make less waste?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 武汉现在正在面向社会公开招聘十名志愿者。



    (2)   身体状况:健康;

    (3)工作勤奋。联系人: Mr. Li,电话:8543-6918。

    Volunteer Wanted for Wuhan


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

话题作文 共 1 题
  1. 话题作文:假设你是李华,你的好友王海沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,请你写一封电子邮件,进行劝导,并提几条合理化建议。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析