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本卷共 7 题,其中:
完型填空 1 题,补全短文6选5 1 题,回答问题 1 题,阅读单选 1 题,单词填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
中等难度 7 题。总体难度: 中等
完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Do you know Xingfeng Square(广场)? It's a good _______ to have fun(乐趣) . It's about 4 kilometers _______ our school. Now let me tell you _______ to get there. First, you need _______ Bus No.6.Then you should _______the No.2 bus at Markov Hotel. It'll take you there.

    There are _______ shops around Xingfeng Square. You can see a big bookstore _______ your right. It's _______ a bank and a post office. You can buy or _______ books there. In the center of the square, you can see many people ________. They are happy.

    1.A.place B.street C.library

    2.A.away from B.away C.away to

    3.A.when B.where C.how

    4.A.to get B.getting C.to take

    5.A.change B.change to C.drive

    6.A.a lot B.a lot of C.a little

    7.A.on B.in C.at

    8.A.across B.around C.between

    9.A.look B.see C.read

    10.A.dancing B.to dance C.cross

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全短文6选5 共 1 题
  1. 1.Of course!

    Cherry Park Elementary School in Oregon, USA is an example.2. They ask their students to play outside, read books or spend time with their family after school. Principal Kate Barker believes homework can help middle school students learn better, but it does little good to elementary school students. 3..

    Many students and their parents think the policy is very good. “There're enough exercises for us at school.4.” says one student. Some education experts don't think so. “Our study shows some homework for young students can lead to success,” says Harris Cooper , a professor of Duke University. 5.. 

    What do you think of the policy?

    A.In fact, not only experts but also some students say they feel bored without homework.

    B.So they decided to take the no-homework policy last year.

    C.Would you like to play instead of(代替) doing homework after school?

    D.The teachers at this school say no to homework.

    E.Is there a school that gives children no homework?

    F.There should be no homework after school.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. It is popular to ride a bike to school, but there is a new rule for riding a bike in Taiwan—all the middle school students must have a test of riding a bike.

    The test is not difficult. There are two parts: a written test and a road test. For the first test, there are 6-hour lessons for them. Students can learn traffic rules and structure(结构) of a bike.

    Before the road test, students must learn to ride a bike on S-shaped road or a rough(不平坦的) road. Teachers help them to practicing riding a bike. When students pass the test, they can get a license(执照) for riding a bike. The test is good for students to go to school happily and come back home safely.

    1.What are the two parts of the test?


    2.What can students learn from the 6-hour lessons?


    3.What must the students do before the road test?


    4.Can students get a license after they pass the test?


    5.What is the test good for?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 1 题
  1. Ad1


    An old house to rent in the city.

    Close to the bus station.

    One bedroom and one kitchen.

    350 yuan a month.

    Call Mr. L ee at 443-0126



    A strong boy ,

    Work in the garden or do the housework.

    Three hours a week.

    25 yuan an hour,




    We have great teachers here. If you want to learn to draw pictures well, call us at 432-8892.

    We have classes on Saturdays and Sundays. You can just pay(支付) 50 yuan a week.

    1.Susan wants to rent a quiet house under ¥300 a month to study English, but she doesn't like Mr. Lee's house. Because she thinks_________.

    A.it is old. B.it is too small C.it is dear

    2.Bill wants to work in the garden in his free time. He can call_________.

    A.443-0126              B 452-8763              C.432-8892

    3.Bill needs 300 yuan to buy a new bike. How long does he need to work in the garden?

    A.Two weeks. B.Three weeks. C.One month.

    4.Kate wants to learn to draw pictures very much. She should read _______ to know more information(信息)

    A.Ad1 B.Ad2 C.Ad3

    5.Where can you read these ads?

    A.At the Lost and Found. B.In a history book. C.In a newspaper.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. Many people are 1.(迁移)from the countryside to cities for work. Cities are large and interesting but they are 2. (吵闹的). The t3. is heavy and the cost of living is high. Now some of these people miss country life. In the countryside, there are many houses w4. big yards. The air is fresh and life is q5.. Many people like living there.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. An English teacher is teaching her students animal 1. (name).

    “Boys and girls, let's 2. a game. Guess what animal I'm 3. about,” says the teacher. “This is a big animal. 4. (it) name begins with 'E'.” Jim is a clever boy. He says, “Elephant.” “That's 5. !” the teacher says 6. (高兴地).

    Then the teacher asks the students about the 7. (two) animal. The animal's name begins with “T”. “That's so easy,” Jim quickly(很快地) says. “Two elephants.” The teacher is not happy, 8. she doesn't stop the game. Then she asks the students 9. (guess) the third animal. The animal's name begins with “M”. “Maybe 10. elephant!” says Jim. The teacher is very angry(生气的).

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你是李华,你们班来了两名新同学。请你根据下面表格中的内容,用英语给他们介绍一下你们学校的生活。


























    interesting, subject, outdoor activities, 练习practice, 英语口语spoken English




    Our school life


    Welcome to our school.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析