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本卷共 32 题,其中:
单选题 14 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 4 题,根据中/英文提示填空 5 题,填空 1 题,单词填空 1 题,汉译英:整句 5 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 6 题,中等难度 24 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 14 题
  1.      terrible mess you have made!

    ―Sorry, I will clear it up right now.

    A. What   B. What a   C. How   D. How a

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. When you _____ yourself with others, you miss the wonder of who you are.

    A.compare B.communicate C.contact D.connect

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. —Did you see anyone walk by just now?

    —No, I ______ a movie.

    A.have watched B.was watching C.watched D.am watching

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. —I am very proud of the _________ China has made to fighting against COVID-19.

    —A great country usually takes great responsibility.

    A.advantages B.contribution C.challenge D.development

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. Earth is ________ only home to everyone. Let’s try to make it ________ greener world to live in.

    A.a, a B.a, the C.the, a D.the, the

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. —Which course would you like to choose this term, DIY or STEM?

    —__________. I prefer photograph.

    A.Both B.Either C.None D.Neither

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. —__________will you stay in London this summer holiday?

    — About 2 weeks, I think.

    A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How much

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Betty is a new student in our class. We know _______ about her except her name.

    A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. He will, no doubt, be recommended as this Year’s Excellent Officer because he is clever, easy-going. And, ________ ,hardworking.

    A.after all B.in all C.at all D.above all

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. President Xi said, “As teenagers, you should be ready to _______ new challenges any time.”

    A.take up B.take on C.take away D.take off

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  11. —When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?

    —Not until the work________tomorrow.

    A.will be finished B.is finished C.will finish D.has finished

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. — How was your job interview yesterday?

    —Oh, I couldn't feel ________. I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.

    A.worse B.easier C.better D.happier

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. —Could you please tell me       ?

    —Oh, I’ll go there to attend a party.

    A.why you’ll go to Beijing B.how you’ll go to Beijing

    C.when you’ll go to Beijing D.whether you’ll go to Beijing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. Just as the saying goes, “______.” My cousin has made his dream come true after years of hard work.

    A.practice makes perfect B.no pain, no gain

    C.every dog has its day D.actions speak louder than words

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. I can remember the day when my father told me the news in a restaurant. Now almost two years has passed since that day. Looking back, I thought it almost seems like a ________ from a movie. My dad had just told me that he was going overseas to ________ our country in Iraq. I didn’t shout or cry, but a river of tears did fall from my eyes. The only thing I could ________ on my way home was, “Why my dad?”, “Why now?”

    Shortly after he ________, I began my junior year in high school. In the beginning, we wrote letters and emails to________ all the time. Though we had an eight-hour zone difference, we were able to ________ fairly well. Every morning before ________, I would run to my computer to check my email and couldn’t wait to see ________ there was a message in my inbox or not. His emails were always a great way to start the ________ because he would always have a funny story or joke to tell me. We were never really ________ before he left, because at that time all he wanted to ________ was what was going on in my life, but I just didn’t want to ________ and let him into my world.

    Eventually(终于), it was time for my dad to return home from the battlefield. Almost a year had passed and I was so ________ to see him and get one of his big bear hugs.

    Today as I’m about to have a new adventure(冒险)at college, I fell closer to my dad than ever.________ my dad and I have a(n)________ way to go in building our father-daughter relationship, I hope that it will continue to develop in the years to come.

    1.A.role B.dream C.sign D.scene

    2.A.tour B.represent C.serve D.support

    3.A.try out B.think about C.get through D.look into

    4.A.left B.stopped C.replied D.decided

    5.A.everyone B.others C.another one D.each other

    6.A.take a photo B.set an example C.keep in touch D.play a part

    7.A.study B.darkness C.work D.school

    8.A.that B.if C.whether D.which

    9.A.day B.conversation C.journey D.race

    10.A.cheerful B.close C.painful D.upset

    11.A.improve B.enjoy C.prove D.know

    12.A.hold up B.come up C.open up D.speed up

    13.A.puzzled B.shocked C.excited D.satisfied

    14.A.Although B.Because C.As D.Unless

    15.A.separate B.long C.proper D.easy

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. Arriving in New York

    There are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take bus or taxi to any place in New York.

    Eating out

    There are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldn’t eat at McDonalds every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example.


    There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue but you don’t have to pay a lot to stay in the city; there are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young people.

    Public Transport

    In New York, there’s a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it’s cheaper. But you don’t have to use public transport-there are lots of places you can go to on foot. The Empire State Building, 5th Avenue and Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!

    Places to see

    Finally, there are a lot of places to see in New York-Times Square, the Statue of Liberty. And you shouldn’t go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.


    Shopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York.

    1.How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?

    A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

    2.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New York?

    A.$ 10.8 B.$ 10.08 C.$ 18 D.$ 10

    3.When you visit New York, you should ____________________

    A.eat at McDonalds every day B.take a taxi whenever you go out

    C.stay at the best hotel D.climb the Statue of Liberty

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. My father was born in a small town in the US. He wanted to get out and begin a new adventure. He began that adventure by traveling to different cities in the US before going on to other countries. He took his wife and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him.

    It's easy to feel lonely when you're on the road. As my mother said repeatedly ,“We made lots of new friends on our trip—most of them were workers who fix cars, since we often spent hours in repair shops during the journey."

    Getting along sometimes seemed impossible. There were always a lot of arguments, especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to sit in the middle. But even if it was hard, we did learn a lot about forgiveness. When in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been a one-hour drive but was nearly three, thanks to bad roads and worse traffic.“Did you put our suitcases (行李箱) in the car?" My father asked my mother as we arrived. "No," she said. "I thought you did." That

    was how a seven-hour car trip turned into a 16-hour car trip, which was mostly spent in silence. In situations like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger. We were stuck (困在) in a rolling box with the same people for the rest of the journey. Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and pushing one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

    This is why road trips were like moving universities to us. We earned our PhDs(博士学位) in how to get along with other people just by traveling in that old car.

    1.Who did the writer’s family make many friends with on their trip?

    A.Other travelers. B.Shop owners. C.Car repair workers. D.Tour guides.

    2.What does the underlined word "forgiveness" in Paragraph 3 mean?

    A.原谅 B.放弃 C.坚持 D.遗忘

    3.What do we know about their trip in the Philippines?

    A.They took a train to Quezon City.

    B.The writer's mother lost their suitcases.

    C.One of the writer's sisters was pushed out of the car.

    D.They spent more time driving than they planned.

    4.What word would the writer use to describe these trips?

    A.Adventurous. B.Educational. C.Boring. D.Surprising.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. Have you ever read stories of Sherlock Holmes—a famous detective? Here is one of his cases.

    Stapleton, Charles’ younger brother, found that he would inherit (继承) the Baskerville lands if Charles and his nephew(侄子) —Henry both died.

    Charles who had a weak heart believed super natural stories. After knowing this, Stapleton had the idea of buying a huge hound, and of using the phosphorus(磷) to make it shine like the hound in one story.

    Then Stapleton asked his friend Laura to write a letter to bring Charles to the moor gate on that sad night. The hound, which was shining with phosphorus, chased Charles down the Yew Alley. Charles’ fear was so great that his weak heart stopped, and he died but the animal did not touch the dead body. There was no sign of murder. It was difficult for Holmes to find the murderer.

    Two weeks later, Stapleton learned that Henry had reached England. He took his wife and the hound with him. He wore a false beard and followed Henry in London. He wanted to use the same way to murder Henry there. He needed something to give the hound Henry’s smell, so he paid a woman at Henry’s hotel to steal one of his shoes. The first one was a new one, which was no use for the hound, so it was put back. And then another older shoe was stolen. Before he was ready to murder Henry, he wasn’t sure if his wife would keep his secret, so he did not tell her the truth. He locked her up in their hotel. She knew that he must have some evil plans. She sent Henry a letter which was made of words cut from a newspaper.

    After receiving the letter, Henry realized he was in great danger and it must have something to do with his uncle Charles’ death. So he asked Holmes for help.

    1.What's the relationship between Stapleton and Henry ?

    A.Father and son. B.Friends. C.Uncle and nephew. D.Strangers

    2.Paragraph 4 is mainly about _______.

    A.how Stapleton bought the hound B.how Stapleton made the hound shine

    C.how the hound killed Charles D.how the hound chased Charles

    3.The first new shoe was not useful for the hound because ___________.

    A.it didn’t have Henry’s smell B.it belonged to Henry’s wife

    C.the hound saw nothing about Henry D.the hound didn’t like the smell

    4.What may happen if Stapleton’s wife didn’t send the letter to Henry?

    A.It may be easy for Henry to find that he was in danger.

    B.It may be easy for Stapleton’s wife to know the truth.

    C.Henry may be murdered easily with no sign like Charles.

    D.Henry may get to know the truth much more easily.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Have you ever taken a flight from Beijing Daxing International Airport (BDIA)? After opening on Sept 25, BDIA drew attention not just for its design , but also for its many high-tech facilities (设施) and services.

    The new airport, seated in the southernmost part of Beijing, is made up of a main terminal (航站楼) ,a supporting service building and a parking lot.

    Together, they cover an area of about 1.4 million square meters, which is equal to 63 Tian'anmen Squares, according to Beijing Review.

    The new airport is expected to handle(处理) 45 million passenger trips a year by 2022 and 72 million by 2025, China Daily reported. With more runways planned, the new airport will eventually handle more than 100 million passengers each year. That's around the total population of the UK and Canada combined(总共的).

    The airport has many new technologies that make it smarter and more efficient (有效率的). It is the world's first airport with a double-deck departure and arrival (双进双出) design for its terminal building.“It's more efficient for passengers than any other large airport terminal of the same size in the world," Guo Yanchi, the chief engineer in charge of construction (建造),told China Daily.

    According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, 86 percent of check-ins can be done through self service check in kiosks (自助值机-体机) and 76 percent of luggage can be checked automatically (自动地) with the help of self service bag-drop machines. Other technologies, such as a facial recognition (人脸识别) system, allow passengers to have a quicker check-in and boarding process.

    The airport will also use a robot-operated parking system. Drivers just need to park their cars in given areas. Robots will then carry them to an empty space. When collecting their cars, drivers simply need to scan a parking ticket to find out where to collect their cars.

    1.What do we know about BDIA?

    A.It's very large. B.It is in Beijing's city center.

    C.It was designed by a Chinese architect. D.It's not completed yet.

    2.BDIA is expected to eventually handle        passengers every year.

    A.45 million B.72 million C.85 million D.100 million

    3.What do we know from Paragraph 5?

    A.Robots will help passengers board.

    B.Passengers will spend less time boarding at BDIA.

    C.Passengers won't need to check in in person.

    D.Machines will replace human workers at the airport.

    4.The smart parking lot shows us           .

    A.that it's not convenient to park cars at BDIA

    B.how new technologies make BDIA more efficient

    C.that BDIA is the largest airport in the world

    D.that building the airport was difficult

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

根据中/英文提示填空 共 5 题
  1. The teacher spent a long time _____ the problem to the boys after class. (解释)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation ______. (即使这样)

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. Mr. Green got her mother a pet cat for her______birthday. (九十)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. I’m strongly______smoking because it may cause cancer. (反对)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The price of the houses along Wenchang Road has______ greatly over the past few years. (上升)

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination(延迟,拖延), which means that they always delay(使延迟)doing something that must be done at once. Moreover, because they often put off their plans till “tomorrow”, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally. As a result, we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.

    Now that we know procrastination is something bad, why do some people not take immediate action? Well, there are some things that result in procrastination. Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things. Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay your goals and dreams until “someday”. Another cause of procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day. Actually, it’s surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have. Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.

    If you are one of those who often delay, then it’s time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act. Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family. Don’t let these things continue to be a desire(愿望,渴望) for you to do “someday”, but make a decision to do it at once.

    Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately. Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do. After understanding how to do what you want to do, get doing with the plan. It doesn’t matter how small the move you make is as the little things you do accumulate(累积)over time and move you to be closer to your goals. So, don’t wait until tomorrow; instead, start now! Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.

    Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously. Make a list of ten things you have been putting off. It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member, to getting the car fixed and cleaning up the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!

    Stay away from procrastination

    Paragraph outline

    Supporting details

    Problems with


    Procrastination can make one 1. to live life to the fullest.

    Procrastination can 2. one from achieving his goals.

    Some people don’t make progress just because of procrastination.

    3.Why people procrastinate

    People who delay doing things usually depend on others instead of 4..

    People don’t realize that each moment in a day is very 5..

    Procrastination also has something to do with making excuses.

    Ways to stop


    Make a decision.

    If you want to do something, do it 6. and never just desire it.

    Plan and 7..

    By making a plan, you will 8. how to do what you need to do.

    Spend your time doing those 9.things.

    Make a list.

    List ten things you like to delay.

    Make it a(n) 10. to finish them on time.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. When the novel coronavirus hit Wuhan, Zhong Nanshan, a famous respiratory expert (呼吸科专家),said to the public, “please don't go to Wuhan u1. it's really necessary." But Zhong, 84, rushed on an overnight train to Wuhan to f2. the disease.

    Many Chinese know Zhong as the hero who defeated (战胜) SARS in 2003. People share his photos and words online, saying they “trust every word of Zhong". He has given Chinese people confidence in

    winning this battle.

    A great doctor

    In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients and asked other doctors to send their most serious cases to him. After months of efforts,his treatment p3. for SARS was adopted (采纳) by China and then the whole world, which saved thousands of lives.

    Back to the frontlines

    Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again l4. an expert team to deal with the novel coronavirus. Zhong worries little about his own s5.. On Jan 18, he took a high-speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Two days later, he became the f6. expert to tell the public that the virus can be spread between humans. On Jan 29, he and his team spent over four hours online checking five patients who were in serious c7.. The next day, he chose a treatment plan for those patients. Under his guidance, his team d8. a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒) for the disease that can show r9. within 15 minutes.

    As People's Daily wrote,“the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan shows his professionalism (专业性) as a doctor, courage as a soldier, and a s10.  of duty as the backbone (脊梁) of our nation."

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

汉译英:整句 共 5 题
  1. 扬州一直以来以其美丽的园林而出名。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 熬夜太晚对我们的健康有害。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 这个男孩够细心,注意到了每个细节。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. 你工作越努力,你就会取得越大的进步。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. 墙上的标志提醒我们不要乱扔垃圾。                            


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 疫情期间,在教育部“停课不停教,停课不停学”的方针指导下,各校开展了线上课程的学习。学生们对此看法不一。假如你是李华,上周班会,你们班就网课学习的利弊展开讨论。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。



















    Last week, we had a discussion about whether it is good to take online courses. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析