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本卷共 23 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完形填空 1 题,阅读理解 3 题,其他题 1 题,选词填空 1 题,补充句子 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 4 题,中等难度 19 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. ---Mum, I'm old enough to wash________ clothes by myself.

    ---All right. You can just wash________.

    A. my, your    B. mine, yours

    C. my, yours   D. your, my

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. --- Jack likes listening to ________music very much.

    --- but she doesn’t like ______music that we heard just now.

    A. the, the       B. a, the

    C. the, /        D. /, the

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. ---I hear Jack Chan will come to Zhengzhou next week.

    ---Really? _______ he comes, my younger sister will be very happy,

    A. If       B. Until

    C. Unless    D. Before

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. ---Will you come here on Monday or Tuesday?

    ---I am afraid _________day is OK. I am busy recently.

    A. either   B. any

    C. both     D. neither

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. ---How long did you spend going through the jungle during the exciting vacation?

    ---Going through the jungle______ us about three weeks.

    A. spent       B. used

    C. paid       D. took

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. ---You look so cool!

    ---Really? But ______has ever told me that before.

    A. somebody   B. everybody

    C. nobody     D. anybody

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. ---What ______ do you have for Paul?

    ---I think he should study harder than before.

    A. news     B. advice

    C. help     D. information

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. In some foreign countries, such as Canada, children usually leave their parents when they grow up. It makes the old feel_______.

    A. alone       B. lonely

    C. frightened   D. enjoyable

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. ---Did you go to Tom’s twelfth birthday party last Sunday?

    --- No, I ________ .

    A. wasn’t invited     B. didn’t invite

    C. am not invited     D. haven’t invited

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. ---Have you found the information about the famous people ______ you can use for the report?

    ---Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.

    A. who      B. what

    C. whom      D. which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. ---Look! It must be Jack on the playground.

    ---It _____ be him. Because I saw him enter the school library just now.

    A. mustn’t        B. can’t

    C. shouldn’t       D. may

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. ---What do you think of the book?

    ---Wonderful. In fact, I’ve never read a _______one before.

    A. worse     B. good     C. bad     D. better

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. —Don’t________ too long, or you’ll be tired the next day.

    —OK, mum. I’ll be ready.

    A. stay up    B. look up

    C. take up   D. put up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. —Have you ever heard of Xiao Shenyang?

    —Yeah. ____ funny person he is! Everyone laughed when they watched his performance.

    A. How    B. How a   C. What    D. What a

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. Your T- shirt is so cool. Could you tell me _____ ?

    A. where you buy it        B. where do you buy it

    C. where you bought it      D. where did you buy it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)。

    Living in another country can be very lonely. Last year I went to a middle school in America.

    I had no friends there. I was      alone, and sometimes I felt like I was the only person in the world.

    One Monday, our teacher     a boy into the classroom and told us, “This is Terry King, your new classmate.” He was tall and fat, and when he     , his eyes turned into a line. He was always smiling, and it seemed like he had no       .

    Terry took the seat next to me. Then he looked at me for a second. I didn’t realize that we      become good friends later.

    After school that day, I went to a      to play my favorite computer game. When I went inside, I got a big surprise: Terry was there and was playing the      game!

    “Hey, I’m surprised to see you here,” I said. I sat down beside him.

    “Me, too, ”he smiled, and his eyes turned into a line. I turned round and looked at his screen. He was a good     .

    I hoped we could play     . I asked excitedly, “Do you like this game, too?”

    In fact, I had never talked to a classmate so freely before, but his      helped me to open up.

    “Would you like to play with me?” I asked.

    “Sure,” he answered. He seemed as happy as I was. As we started the game, we started our friendship, too.

    1.A. always  B. never    C. seldom   D. luckily

    2.A. met   B. brought   C. invited   D. followed

    3.A. cried  B. frightened   C. smiled D. shouted

    4.A. friendsB. worries   C. family   D. hobbies

    5.A. should B. must    C. could   D. might

    6.A. net barB. club    C. company   D. coffee house

    7.A. amazing B. boring   C. same   D. different

    8.A. student B. boy    C. guy    D. player

    9.A. carefully B. easily   C. together D. peacefully

    10.A. smile   B. exercise  C. advice  D. question

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 3 题
  1. I am the captain of a ship from the Singapore Marine Police Force(新加坡海岸警备队). I have been with the Marine Force for eight years, though I was twenty-seven now. I loved the sea because of the cool sea winds, the fresh smell of the sea and the beautiful scenery. I also wanted to catch criminals(罪犯) and so I joined the Marine Police Force and do what I love.

    Recently, I was out on a boat with a few of my friends. We were not working but the Marine Police Force allowed us to use the sailboat for rest and amusement. We went fishing. We were on our way back when I found a ship with the name PSS Pollu. It was pouring oil into the sea. I was shocked. I picked up a loud speaker and shouted, "Stop your pollution at once and follow us back to shore!" But PSS Pollu decided to flee. We tried to catch them but their ship was too fast for us. We called the Marine Force base and asked for help. Two fast marine boats were sent and soon caught up with PSS Pollu and surrounded it. The ship had no choice but to give up. Six marine policemen searched PSS Pollu and discovered that it was carrying smuggled cigarettes(走私香烟). The men of PSS Pollu were charged in court. I was rewarded for the matter while off duty.

    1. The captain was     when he became a member of the Singapore Marine Police Force?

    A. eight       B. twenty-seven

    C. seventeen    D. nineteen

    2. The captain love the sea because he     .

    A. liked going fishing

    B. loved the fresh smell of the sea

    C. liked to catch the sea animals

    D. loved going boating

    3. The captain was out on a boat with some friends for     .

    A. working     B. stopping criminals

    C. swimming   D. resting

    4. Why did the captain call the Marine Force for help?

    A. Because the PSS Pollu want to flee.

    B. Because the men of PSS Pollu fight about them.

    C. Because his boat was too slow.

    D. Because he couldn’t pull the PSS Pollu back to the shore.

    5. What’s the best title of this passage?

    A. A Special Day off     B. Found Smuggled Cigarette

    C. I Was Award         D. Not Pollute the Sea

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. Students all around the world think it great to have some money in their pocket. But how much do they get?

    In the US, a little pre-school kid may get a dollar or two, but older children get more. A lot of American parents give pocket money to their children, but their children have to do chores.

    In Britain, kids in primary school get 4 or 5 pounds each week. When they enter middle school, they get about 9 pounds.

    In London, children get 10 pounds every week, children in Scotland get 8 pounds, and children in Wales get the most, about 13.5 pounds! Also, in British, boys get a little more pocket money than girls.

    Like kids in the US, British children do chores to earn their pocket money. That’s why British children know a lot about spending money. 7% of them spend less than £1 each week, 22% spend between £1 and £5, and 20% spend over £5 each week. What do they buy with their money? Most of them spend it on sweets, crisps and chocolate.

    Some parents may ask the question, the answer is: Of course yes!

    If children have some pocket money, they can learn to find out what things cost, save money for things that they want. There are lots of good lessons to learn:

    ★If you spend it all at once, there is no money until your next “pay day”.

    ★If you buy the wrong thing, you’ll be more wise next time.

    ★If you borrow money, you have to pay it back.


    1. In Britain, kids in primary school get ______ each month.

    A. 4 or 5         B. 9 pounds

    C. 16 or 20 pounds   D. 36 pounds

    2. _______ get the most pocket money according to the passage.

    A. Children in London   B. Children in Wales

    C. Children in the US   D. children in China

    3. If there are 50 students, about ______ children spend between £1 and 5£.

    A. four   B. eleven   C. nine   C. twenty

    4. According to the passage, most children usually spend pocket money on _______.


    A.            B.            C.           D.

    5. If a child buy the wrong things, he or she will _____ next time.

    A. become more intelligent

    B. sell them to others

    C. waiting for next “pay day”

    D. find some ways to return them

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Harry Potter

    JK Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter fantasy stories. Her series of Harry Potter books are great! Harry Potter has got worldwide attention, won many awards, and now sold more than 3 billion copies around the world. It has been translated into more than 60 languages. The books have already been made into popular films. In a word, the books are well worth reading and you can learn many things from them, the children, especially.

    Ages: 6 and older

    Cover price: $47.87

    Price: $23,87

    You save: %24.00

    Street French Slang Dictionary

    This dictionary covers all the things you need to know if you want to speak French like a native speaker. It isn’t huge, but it has more than 2,000 terms and expressions. It even includes gestures that are popular in France and English words used in French. 500 pages. Hardcover.

    Ages: 13 and older

    Cover Price: $ 59.08

    Price: $ 19.90

    You save: $ 39.18

    Campaigns: A Century of Presidential Races

    Every campaign since 1900, including the historic 2000 race, in images from the New York Times Photo Archives. With 360 photos, contemporary newspaper reports and an introduction by prize-winning historian Alan Brinkley. 360 pages. Hardcover.

    Ages: 13 and older

    Cover Price: $35.83

    Price: $14.00

    You save: $21.83

    What It Takes to Help Me Out

    An editor for US News & World Report, David L. Marcus takes us into a boarding school for troubled teens. The great stresses are put on these teens, which make them lose their nature. This should cause us a truthful, thought-provoking(发人深思的) thinking.

    Ages: 13 and older

    Cover Price: $ 59.64

    Price: $10.00

    You save: $49.64


    1. If you major in history, you will probably choose ________.

    A. the first book     B. the second book

    C. the third book    D. the fourth book

    2. Which book offers the biggest price cut?

    A. What It Takes to Help Me Out

    B. Street French Slang Dictionary

    C. Campaigns: A Century of Presidential Races

    D. Harry Potter

    3. The following books are for the children of the same ages except________.

    A. What It Takes to Help Me Out

    B. Street French Slang Dictionary

    C. Campaigns: A Century of Presidential Races

    D. Harry Potter

    4. From the first table, we can learn that ________.

    A. JK Rowling became successful because of the films

    B. Harry Potter hasn’t won any awards so far

    C. Harry Potter has now sold 60 million copies in the world

    D. Harry Potter is very successful and popular with children and adults

    5. Which of the following is NOT true?

    A. If you want to speak French like a native speaker, Street French Slang Dictionary is your best choice.

    B. Street French Slang Dictionary has more than 2,000 terms and expressions in 360 pages.

    C. The historian Alan Brinkley made the introduction fro the book Campaigns: A Century of Presidential Races.

    D. What It Takes to Help Me Out mainly tells about the troubled teens in a boarding school.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. Do you know that over six million American kids go to camp every summer? Summer camp has been a U.S.A tradition for over a hundred years. Today, kids have different reasons for making camp a part of their lives.

    1.      Camp might give you a chance to be with people from different states, or different countries. It’s a great way to make cool new friends and learn about different places and cultures.

    2.      Most camps offer games and activities that you probably can do in you backyard or even your neighborhood. You might try archery(射箭), sailing, pottery(陶器制造), dance, and a hundred other cool things! Staying home and doing the same old things seem boring.

    3.      Not all the things that kids do at camp are easy. Sometimes they’re difficult. Trying fresh challenges is rewarding(值得的). You can try new sports, learn new crafts and games, or you can push yourself to explore something.

    4.      All the activities at camp are great chances to learn something new. Such as pottery, sailing, or dancing, they can all becoming your favorite hobby. Camp can also help you develop important life skills like independence(独立), confidence.

    5.      With all the fun, games, and physical activity, going to camp can be a great way to get exercise and fresh air. Swimming, hiking, and playing sports are much healthier than hanging around at home all summer.


    A. To learn new skills

    B. To challenge yourself

    C. To try new things

    D. To get healthy

    E. To meet new people

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

选词填空 共 1 题
  1. 词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

    food  country   member  comfortable  use  certainly  from  free  enjoy  true  to  he

    Are you dreaming of traveling around the world without spending a lot of money? Now, your dream can come ____1.____. If you join a “couch surfers” club, you will travel ___2.____ with less money. What is a “couch surfers” club? People ___3.____ different countries meet each other on the Internet through this club. One day, if you travel to a __4.___ country, you can sleep on his couch and he will show you around his city for __5.___. He will take you to places of interest in ____6.__ country and you will share local delicious ___7.____. If you meet a nice member, you can even ____8.____ his car and watch his TV, just like you are old friends. In return, if he comes to your country for traveling, it’s your turn to be a nice host. ____9.___, here “couch” is only a symbol. It may be a comfortable bed waiting for you in a strange foreign country. A lot of people joined this “couch surfers” club and they __10.____ their foreign trips very much. Some people have been to more than 20 countries in this way.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补充句子 共 1 题
  1. 补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


    A:It’s Sunday today. We can take a good rest this evening.       1.      ?

    B:I have no idea.

    A:What about watching TV at home?

    B:Well, I agree with you. I haven’t watched TV for a long time.

    A:       2.             ?

    B:Animal World. It’s very, very interesting. What about you?

    A:       3.             . It’s much more exciting, I think.

    B:World Sports? I like it, too.

    A:Really?        4.            .

    B:That’s a good idea ! But I’m afraid that I’ll miss Animal World.

    A:        5.            ! Both of them are on the same channel.

    B:You mean they won’t begin at the same time?

    A:Of course not.

    B:Good luck! Let’s finish our homework as quickly as possible.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达(15分)




    For (正方)

    Against (反方)

    enrich our knowledge

    waste of time

    improve our English

    form some bad habits

    broaden our view(开拓视野)


    relax ourselves…

    fail the exam…



    Dear editor,

    I (don’t) think it is right for us to watch TV after school.




    ____________________________________________________  __

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析