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本卷共 31 题,其中:
短对话 5 题,长对话或独白 5 题,单项填空 15 题,完形填空 1 题,阅读理解 3 题,任务型阅读 1 题,句型转换 1 题
简单题 5 题,中等难度 20 题,困难题 6 题。总体难度: 中等
短对话 共 5 题
  1. What is the man going to do?

    A. Buy a new bag.   B. Make a phone call.   C. Use the bathroom.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. What did the man buy?

    A. A new car.   B. Some junk food.   C. A new bicycle.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. What will the man teach the woman?

    A. How to play the piano.   B. How to do math.

    C. How to get a good deal at the market.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. What's the woman's suggestion to the man?

    A. Start saving money.   B. Buy some clothes.   C. Not waste time.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. What are the speakers going to do?

    A. Paint the walls white.   B. Buy a new table.   C. Get rid of the mark on the table.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

长对话或独白 共 5 题
  1. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.What does the woman order at first?

    A. A fish sandwich.   B. A turkey sandwich.   C. A chicken sandwich.

    2.How much money does the woman give the man as a tip?

    A. Nine dollars.   B. Five dollars.   C. One dollar.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.When does the conversation take place?

    A. At 8:00 a.m.   B. At 9:00 a.m.   C. At 10:00 a.m.

    2.What does the woman like doing?

    A. Playing the piano.   B. Playing the violin   C. Playing the drum.

    3.What will the man do next?

    A. Draw a picture.   B. Write down his hobbies   C. Buy some notebooks.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.What was the woman doing in the beginning?

    A. Reading an article.   B. Watching TV.   C. Listening to music.

    2.Why was the young man in the story homeless?

    A. He had lost his job.   B. Everything he owned was stolen.

    C. His family didn't want him to come back.

    3.Where did the young man meet the group of people?

    A. At a bus station.   B. In the homeless shelter.   C. In a park.

    4.What did the group do for the young man?

    A. They gave him a job.   B. They bought him a plane ticket.

    C. They bought him some nice clothes.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。

    1.When did Tom Cruise start acting?

    A. At age 9.   B. At age 16.   C. At age 19.

    2.How many times has Tom Cruise won an Academy Award?

    A. Three.   B. Two.   C. Zero.

    3.Who was Tom Cruise's second wife?

    A. Nicole Kidman.   B. Katie Holmes.   C. Mimi Rogers.

    4.How is Tom Cruise thought of by other actors?

    A. He deserves more awards.   B. He is kind and thoughtful.

    C. He should do more for his community.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  5. After the new type of rice was introduced, the farmers produced ________ rice this year as last year.

    A. as twice much as   B. twice as much

    C. twice much as   D. twice as much as

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

单项填空 共 15 题
  1. Could you show me the mobile phone you'd like ________?

    A. to repair it   B. repairing it   C. to have repaired   D. having it repaired

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Hearing the son paid little attention to the marriage and _________ he remained _________with his work, the mother was quite anxious if he could find a girlfriend.

    A. /, occupied   B. that, to be occupied

    C. /, to be occupied   D. that, occupied

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The researchers who study jokes want to find out _______ people from different nations and cultures find funny.

    A. why   B. that   C. what   D. whether

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. ______ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.

    A. Which   B. What   C. It   D. As

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. (2015•湖北) The team are working hard to ________ the problem so that they can find the best solution.

    A. face   B. prevent

    C. raise   D. analyze

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying "We love you so much."

    A. that   B. to which   C. in which   D. which

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  7. ----Have you heard any sound last night ?

    ----Yes . At about 2 o'clock in the morning,a gun short ____________.

    A. rang up   B. rang off   C. rang back   D. rang out

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  8. What do you imagine ______ to Johnson?

    A. happening   B. having happening   C. has happened   D. to have happened

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. In spite of the advanced medical technology, many Americans have no ________ to the good health care for poverty.

    A. access   B. entrance   C. introduction   D. devotion

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. _________ their normal school hours,many of my students have additional evening or weekend classes.

    A. Aside from   B. In need of   C. In case of   D. Regardless of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. It is not easy to get along with him, but the friendship of his, will___________ last forever.

    A. once gaining   B. once gained   C. while gaining   D. to be gained

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. ---As is reported, retirement age should be put off immediately.

    --- Easier said than done.We take___________all factors into consideration, we shall be faced with some other social problems.

    A. unless   B. until   C. if   D. once

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. I find the problems are easy _________.

    A. to be worked out   B. working out

    C. to work out   D. working them out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. —To be a promising student is not an easy job. It takes time.

    —I can't agree more. ____________. There is no short cut.

    A. All roads lead to Rome   B. Slow but sure wins the race

    C. Practice makes perfect   D. Rome is not built in a day

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. John graduated from a key university and he was very good at his major. He wished to find a good job. One day, he went to a company to _______ for a job. He got the news in a newspaper. He did some research on this company. When he was _______, everything went well. The manager asked him some questions and he answered them _______. John was very satisfied with his performance and was very _______ that he could get the job. But at that moment, the manager's phone _______. He picked up the phone, listened and nodded. And then he turned around and said to John, “Sorry, I want to get some important _______ now. Please give me the book with the red _______ on that desk.” John looked around and found 3 books on the desk, so John went to the desk, took one book and handed it to him _______. Holding the book, the manager _______ the phone and said, “Sorry, we cannot give the job to you.” John was ________ and wondered why. The manager said, “There are three ________. First, when you came into the office room, I found that the third button on your shirt had been missing. Second, there are three books with red covers on that desk, but you didn't ask me which one I needed and you took one ________. Third, I was answering the call. You should ________ to the desk to save time. These ________showed you are not a careful person.” Therefore, John didn't get the job.

    We can learn a(n) ________ from John's experience. Some people don't ________ the details in our life. But it is the details that ________. Not only should we value what we learn but also we should pay more attention to the details. Sometimes they can even ________ our success or failure. We should form the habit of being careful and learn to keep the ________between quantity and quality. We should keep in mind that ________ comes first, without which quantity is of no significance.

    1.A. vote   B. apply   C. prepare   D. wait

    2.A. questioned   B. contacted   C. asked   D. interviewed

    3.A. generally   B. fluently   C. immediately   D. slowly

    4.A. confident   B. lucky   C. grateful   D. excited

    5.A. answered   B. rang   C. lost   D. called

    6.A. arrangement   B. information   C. response   D. insight

    7.A. picture   B. character   C. cover   D. mark

    8.A. politely   B. eagerly   C. purposely   D. quickly

    9.A. held on   B. picked up   C. hung up   D. searched for

    10.A. disappointed   B. surprised   C. helpless   D. worried

    11.A. reasons   B. results   C. collections   D. methods

    12.A. regularly   B. randomly   C. finally   D. certainly

    13.A. go   B. walk   C. move   D. run

    14.A. facts   B. details   C. parts   D. stories

    15.A. idea   B. lesson   C. skill   D. subject

    16.A. provide   B. mention   C. ignore   D. mind

    17.A. count   B. trouble   C. interest   D. impress

    18.A. describe   B. determine   C. replace   D. value

    19.A. balance   B. importance   C. selection   D. competition

    20.A. quantity   B. safety   C. quality   D. promise

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. Ocean Dome

    Leave it to Japan to create the largest indoor theme park on the beach. The beauty of it is that it can be enjoyed no matter how warm or cold is outside. You can see power from waves, a volcano that erupts every hour. The dome clear sky ceiling makes you think you are enjoying hot weather even in winter.

    Nitendo Amusement Park

    Like it's not strange enough to be a grown up addicted to Nintendo games, here comes a park ready to let you experience exactly the same games live. It may sound cool and it may be safe. But surely spending time in such a place can only show that you have a funny taste in experiencing gaming.

    Alien Apex Resort

    Located in Roswell, a known spot for alien related events, this one is the place for the fans of alien life to enjoy themselves. One can get abducted(绑架) here, enjoy seeking help and have fun. Strange enough is that anybody would want to……

    Suoi Tien Park

    Buddhist theme park, this one comes with Bible like story, heaven and hell, a lot of real thrills and of course some unusual fun including bats, crocodiles and crazy rides. It is a cool experience for crazy fans and it can really be something you would like to visit as a young person

    Digger Land

    Seeing the hard work of the digging machines can be actually full of education for kids. This park has everything any amusement park would have but dirt is dominant(最突出的). You can be sure your kids will enjoy getting dirty by doing crazy things involving digging with excavators(挖掘机) or operating heavy machines.

    1.In Nitendo Amusement Park you can ________.

    A. play Nitendo games on the net   B. enjoy Nitendo games live

    C. see power from waves   D. break your addiction to games

    2.How do fans of alien life feel when they are abducted in Alien Apex Resort?

    A. Excited.   B. Strange.   C. Puzzled.   D. Terrified.

    3.Where do kids get education by doing something personally?

    A. In the indoor theme park on the beach.   B. In Buddhist theme park.

    C. In Nitendo games park.   D. In Digger Land.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 3 题
  1. Program fools humans

    Have you ever been so bored that you started a conversation with a “chatbot (聊天机器人)”? You probably discovered quickly that it wasn't much fun, because the things it says hardly ever make any sense and chatting with it doesn't provide the same kind of back-and-forth as a human conversation.

    That might have made you wonder: will a computer ever be able to talk like a human?

    That day is certainly getting closer now. A computer program named “Eugene Goostman” has successfully passed the Turing test – by fooling people into thinking it was a 13-year-old boy, reported AFP on June 9.

    While you may have never heard of the Turing test, it means a lot in the world of artificial (人工的) intelligence.

    According to USA Today, the test was first invented in 1950 by Alan Turing, a British computer expert best known for his code-breaking work during World War II. In his test, a group of human judges take turns having keyboard conversations for five minutes with two subjects – a human and a piece of computer software. If up to 30 percent of the judges fail to tell the two apart, the program is considered to have passed the test.

    “If a machine is indistinguishable (无法区分的) from a human, then it could be said to be ‘thinking’,” wrote Turing in his paper Computing, Machinery & Intelligence back in 1950.

    No computer had ever passed the Turing test before. But this time, Eugene Goostman, developed by two Russian scientists to simulate (模拟) a 13-year-old boy, managed to convince 33 percent of judges that it was human.

    Machines are close to “reaching the milestone of communicating with us in a way that we are comfortable with”, Professor Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading, UK, told The Telegraph. “This brings closer the time in which robots start to play an active role in our daily lives.”

    Some people feel a bit disturbed by the news. They worry that computers will outsmart humans in the near future and take over the world. But Warwick said that it is unlikely that this will happen any time soon. After all, computers have only just learned to have a five-minute conversation, while we humans can do so much more than that.

    1.What is the main purpose of the article?

    A. To inform us about the disadvantages of talking with a “chatbot”.

    B. To introduce the background and significance of the Turing Test.

    C. To explain how the computer program “Eugene Goostman” works.

    D. To report on a recent breakthrough in the world of artificial intelligence.

    2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Turing Test according to the article?

    A. Several computer programs have successfully passed the test since it was introduced.

    B. A program that is believed to have passed the test must fool at least half of the judges.

    C. The Turing Test is used as a way to determine whether machines can think.

    D. Machines that have passed the test can communicate with us freely.

    3.What is Warwick's attitude toward the invention of Eugene Goostman?

    A. He expects it to play a more active role in our daily lives.

    B. He is optimistic about humans' control of computers in the coming years.

    C. He is concerned that computers might one day get the better of humans.

    D. He feels uncomfortable communicating with machines like Eugene Goostman.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Most teens can't wait to learn to drive. Not so with me. Driving made me nervous. I didn't get a license until I turned 24 years old. As a result, when I first married, we only had one car and car pooled to work. My husband's hours were different from mine by one hour. I worked earlier. So he dropped me off and went to the diner to drink coffee until work time.

    Then, in the afternoons, I leisurely walked the three miles to his work place where I waited in his car, reading a book.

    One day while waiting for him, I noticed the most beautiful Cadillac pull in the lot. It was powder blue and sleek looking. The kind of car you dream about. I was busily admiring the car, when I noticed the driver. Honestly, she was probably the prettiest woman I had ever seen off the movie screen.

    She pulled into the spot beside our car and it was all I could do not to stare. There was a striking resemblance to Liz Taylor. Jet black hair and alabaster skin. Our eyes made contact and she smiled at me. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and teeth like an even row of pearls. She was wearing a light blue shirt that just matched her car. Peeking through her long, softly curled hair I could see gold hoop earrings. They had to be gold to shine like that. A couple of minutes later, a nice looking man came out of the building, entered her car, leaned over and kissed her and she drove away.

    Sitting there in my jeans, shirt and hair in a pony tail, I wanted to cry. How could some people have it all?

    Maybe I would have forgotten about her, but the following week, I saw her again. Then it became almost routine to see her about once a week. She seemed friendly and always waved, flashing a big smile. My envy lingered long after she drove away.

    Many nights when sleep evaded me, I would think about the beautiful lady. I wondered if she and her husband ate out, and where they dined, and what she was wearing. I wanted her to get out of the car and let me see her full length. Did she wear really high heeled shoes and pants, or a skirt.

    I would get my answers in a couple of weeks.

    Sitting in our usual parking lot, I was holding my book, watching her over the top of it. She was waiting and when her husband came to the car, she called to him. They spoke a few words and he opened the car door for her to step out. He took her arm and helped her out of the car. I could see very well as she moved to get out. She was wearing a skirt.

    She haltingly walked around to the passenger side very slowly, leaning on a walking cane. Sitting sideways in the car, she lifted one leg with her hands and then the other one. The beautiful lady had a prosthesis on the left leg and a brace on the right leg. I couldn't watch them drive away as the tears were blinding me. For weeks I had envied this woman and her way of life, while I had been able to walk three miles to our car!

    When my husband arrived and found me crying, he immediately asked what was wrong. Through my tears, I told him about the beautiful lady. He said he knew her husband and also knew the story. The beautiful lady and her parents were in a car that either stalled or got caught on the railroad tracks and was hit by a train. Both parents were killed and she was severely injured. She was only 12 years old. The railroad made a large settlement with her because the crossing had no signals. He explained her car was specially built for her needs as well as the home.

    I prayed for forgiveness all the way home. The lady I thought had everything I didn't. I realized how lucky I was to have my parents, the ability to walk, run or dance through life and many wonderful things money can't buy. I would not have traded places with the beautiful lady for anything.

    When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, don't be fooled.

    1.After seeing the beautiful lady, the woman concluded_______.

    A. the beautiful lady led a rich and happy life

    B. the beautiful lady liked to show off herself

    C. she and her husband must make more money

    D. she shouldn't have married her husband

    2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. The woman learned that health and family are more important.

    B. The woman was poor and couldn't afford another car and fancy clothes.

    C. The woman envied the beautiful lady of her capable husband.

    D. The woman regretted marrying her husband.

    3.The underlined word “haltingly”(paragraph 10) probably means ________.

    A. proudly   B. excitedly   C. difficultly   D. steadily

    4.Which of the following do you think can be the best title of the passage?

    A. Seeing is believing   B. Trust her heart instead of her look

    C. Looks can be deceiving   D. Fooled by her look

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。


    When was the last time you read a book or a magazine article? Do your everyday reading habits centre around updates on the Internet? In case you are one of countless individuals who don't make a habit of reading you may be passing up a great chance: Reading has a number of advantages and only a couple of advantages of reading are recorded below.

    Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you never know when it might be useful to you. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to overcome any challenge you'll ever face. Besides, here's a bit of food for thought:Should you ever find yourself in a terrible situation, remember that although you might lose everything else — your job, your possessions, your money, even your health — knowledge can never be taken from you.

    At the same time, the more you read, the more words you gain, and they'll surely make their way into your everyday vocabulary. Being able to express your ideas clearly in words is of great help and knowing that you can speak to higher-ranking people with self-confidence can be a great encouragement to your self-esteem(自尊). Reading books is also important for learning new languages, as non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context, which will improve their own speaking and writing fluency.

    When you read a book, you have to remember a lot of characters, their backgrounds, ambitions, history as well as the various plots(各种各样的情节) through every story. That's a fair bit to remember, but brains are wonderful things and can remember these things with ease. Amazingly enough, whenever you remember something new, new synapses(神经元的突触) are formed and existing ones are strengthened. How cool that is!

    No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other issues faced in daily life, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well-written novel can transport you to other fields while an interesting article will distract(使分心) you and keep you in the present moment, letting stress away and allowing you to relax.

    You Should Read Every Day




    ◆ The more you read, the more adequately it 1.you for different troubles in life.

    ◆ Knowledge is what will stay with you 2..


    ◆ You can enlarge your vocabulary by reading, which may help you in your job and make you 4. when you talk with your leaders.

    ◆ Words in context will help a foreign language learner use the language




    ◆ You will try to 7. in mind the contents of a book while reading and that is somewhat 8. for your brain.

    ◆ The more you try to remember, the9.you will be at remembering.

    Stress reduction

    ◆ An interesting writing will transfer your attention to its plot so that you feel 10. and forget about your worries.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

任务型阅读 共 1 题
  1. 1.By the 10th century, Old English had become the ____________ (官方的,正式的) language of English.

    2.The two were fighting violently, ____________ (忽视) all the others around them.

    3.My best friend has a(n) u_________(独特的) way to make me happy, so we always get along very well.

    4.Drive carefully when you come to a _______________(十字路口).

    5.She leaned over and __________(小声说) something in his ear.

    6.My uncle is doing so well in his business that he has to e__________ another five people in his restaurant.

    7.If you v__________ to do something, you offer to do it without being forced to do it.

    8.With the exam a________________, more and more students show signs of anxiety.

    9.I p__________ when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.

    10.King Henry Ⅶ was a poet who showed great c__________ for language.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

句型转换 共 1 题
  1. 1.正好与人们认为的相反,鲨鱼很少攻击人类。

    __________ __________ __________ many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.


    The discovery of new evidence __________ __________ the thief__________ __________.


    “Thank you so much for coming to my __________,”said Polly __________ __________.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析