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本卷共 1 题,其中:
信息匹配 1 题
中等难度 1 题。总体难度: 中等
信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. Time management is the process of planning how much time should be spent on activities. Good time management allows you to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers your stress and leads you to success.


    Make a plan

    The best way to achieve success and keep your life in order is to make a plan.


    Give full attention

    Get away from your phone and computer. Although they are important to daily communication, they can take up much more attention than they deserve. Consider shutting them off completely as you work on a task that requires your full attention.


    Learn to say “no”

    Many business leaders put a lot of their success down through simply saying “no”. That is, they put their efforts in the few areas that are really important and have the courage to say “no” to everything else.


    Give yourself a break

    Taking breaks is good for your brain. Don't be hard on yourself: you will actually perform better if you take breaks and find a hobby besides study. Only an active brain can solve problems better.


    Word Bank

    deserve 应得  involvement 参与

    A.Hope above suggestions will be helpful to your study and daily life.

    B.For example, if you do your homework at night, you'd better turn off the phone in order to be more careful.

    C.What you achieve importantly depends on the way you manage your time. Here is some advice on how to manage your time better.

    D.Those who ask for your involvement would be more disappointed if you unwisely agreed to do something, but then failed to finish it. So, be honest with yourself and others.

    E.This starts as a list of all the tasks that are important for achieving your goals. Write them down, and don't just depend on your memory: it's not as good as you think it is.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析