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本卷共 7 题,其中:
阅读单选 4 题,补全短文6选5 1 题,多任务混合问题 1 题,材料作文 1 题
中等难度 4 题,困难题 3 题。总体难度: 中等
阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. Li Shijin, 30, didn't expect to make a living through his voice.

    Li began to work as a company salesman in Liaoning Province in 2012. He tried to find a part-time job as a wedding host to improve his confidence.

    Around the spring festival in 2014, he started listening to audiobooks (音频书). After being a listener for two years, he decided to record himself reading books. Then, he posted his first audiobook Youth Will Not Return on Qingting in 2016. It was broadcast (广播) and listened to about 20 million times.

    A year later, after he had read three audiobooks, he was signed up as a voice performer by Qingting. However, he was under great pressure (压力) when he was signed up by Qingting. "To improve my ability, I didn't sleep for more than five hours a day during that year. I had better results the following year. "Also, to improve his performance, Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing(配音) and how to write a play in 2018. So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.

    On the road to success, Li put a lot of effort. Many people tried to get a foothold (立足地) but failed, while he made it!

    When talking about the secret of his success, he said, "Many people have good abilities and many work very hard, but they may fail. Early birds get worms. I believe they will get chances and succeed sooner or later if they hold on to their dreams and keep on trying."

    1.Why did Li work as a wedding host?

    A.To develop his interest B.To make a living. C.To make friends. D.To improve himself.

    2.How did Li feel after being signed up by Qingting?

    A.Happy. B.Sad. C.Worried. D.Lucky.

    3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

    A.Li succeeded easily. B.Li never failed.

    C.Li succeeded through hard work. D.Li succeeded because of good luck.

    4.Put the following into correct order according to the passage.

    ①Li posted his first audiobook.          

    ② Li went to the university.

    ③Li started to listen to audiobooks.        

    ④Li was signed up by Qingting.

    A.①②③④ B.③①④② C.③①②④ D.④①②③

    5.Which is the best title for the passage?

    A.A friend in need is a friend indeed. B.Chances favor (偏爱) the prepared mind.

    C.Two heads are better than one. D.Time waits for no man.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  2. Stop motion movies

    Stop motion is a special type of movie-making. It uses real objects—instead of drawings—to tell a story. The story characters can be people, animals, or even everyday objects. You can make them out of clay (橡皮泥) or just use some small toys.

    Give it a try, and be creative! Get your parents and friends together and show your film!


    Make up short story. Make sure it has a beginning, middle and end. Then write down your story.

    Pick a place where you’re going to shoot the movie. Make sure you’ll have enough room to take pictures.

    Collect or make the characters you’ll need for your movie, then prepare any backdrops (背景幕布) (Even a piece of cloth will work).

    *A smart phone or camera that shoots videos

    *A support with three legs used for the phone or camera

    *Your imagination and a story to tell

    *Characters (Use action figures (动态木偶), toys, etc., or make some with clay)

    *A good place to shoot a movie

    *Whatever else you need for your story

    Set up your first shot (拍摄). Put your characters and props (道具) at the right place for your first scene. Keep your “movie camera” steady (稳定的) and in the same place.

    Repeat the step above over and over and over until you complete your story.

    1.Stop motion is a special way to make________.

    A.characters B.movies C.props D.backdrops

    2.When making stop motion movies, you must use ________ to tell a story.

    A.real objects B.drawings C.real people D.real animals

    3.Why is “a support with three legs” needed?

    A.To shoot a movie. B.To make characters.

    C.To support the backdrops. D.To keep the phone or camera steady.

    4.This passage teaches readers ________.

    A.how to make a movie B.how to tell a story

    C.how to pick a place D.how to set up your first shot

    5.This passage is from a website (网站) for ________.

    A.adults B.kids C.parents D.teachers

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. How did people tell the time before clocks were invented?

    At first, the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day when the sun was directly overhead in the sky. They also knew when it was morning or evening.

    Later, the Egyptians used sticks. These sticks measured (测量) time during the day. The sun shone on the tall stick and the stick made a shadow (阴影). As the sun moved across the sky, the position (位置) of the shadow changed. This would let people tell what time it was.

    Over time, the Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks. The sundial has a type of shadow stick on it. As the sun shines on it, a shadow appears on the numbers. Each number stands for an hour of the day. But sundials don't work at night or on a cloudy day! There are no shadows unless the sun is out.

    Water clocks used water to measure time at night. Water dripped (滴落) slowly from one bowl into another. The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.

    People also used sand-glasses. You may have seen one. Some games still use sand-glasses. The sand falls from the top of the sand-glasses to the bottom. It measures short amounts of the time. The more sand falls, the more time has passed. When the sand has finished falling, you have to turn the sand-glasses over.

    1.At first, the ancient people told the time by looking at ________.

    A.the stick B.the shadow C.the sun D.the moon

    2.Which picture can be a "sundial"?

    A. B. C. D.

    3.Sundials can be used to tell the time when it is ________.

    A.sunny B.rainy C.cloudy D.snowy

    4.Which is right according to the passage?

    A.Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night. B.Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt.

    C.Sand-glasses usually measure a long time. D.The water clock told the time by the water level in the bowls.

    5.What's the main idea of the passage?

    A.Something about sundials. B.How to tell the time by looking at the sun.

    C.How to tell the time in the past. D.Some inventions in China.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. The opening of the Beijing—Zhangjiakou high-speed railway took place in December, 2019. The railway is a milestone in China’s railway development because it has used the latest technologies in railway building.

    The railway is 174 kilometers long, with 10 stations. The stations are managed by one control center, which is described by China Railway Beijing Group — also known as CR Bejing — as an “intelligent (智能的) brain”. The center collects and shares the stations’ real-time information. “With the information, the workers in the center can control the stations’ lighting and temperature, monitor (监测) trains’ operation and deal with emergencies(紧急情况).” said Zhu Dianping, from CR Beiing.

    Zhu said some trains on the Bejing—Zhangjiakou line are “smart” as they provide 5G signals and wireless charging (无线充电) for passengers, as well as intelligent lighting. These trains can start and stop, open and close doors, and deal with emergencies themselves.

    All the ten stations provide e-ticket services. Travelers who have bought tickets online can use their ID cards instead of waiting in line for paper tickets.

    At Qinghe Railway Station in Beijing, China’s first visual remote ticket vending machine (远程可视售票机) has been installed (安装) to help passengers who are not able to afford tickets online. Passengers keep in touch with the conductor through the machine and buy tickets according to video instructions.

    In addition, the Badaling Great Wall Station, the deepest underground railway station in China, is another great example of the country’s achievements in railway building.

    1.What does the word “milestone” mean in Chinese?

    A.英石(重量单位) B.垫脚石 C.里程碑 D.里程表

    2.The control center is described as ________.

    A.CR Beijing B.Railway Beijing Group C.a railway station D.an “intelligent brain”

    3.Which is right according to the passage?

    A.Each station has a control center.

    B.All the trains can start and stop themselves.

    C.All the stations have visual remote ticket vending machines.

    D.The Badaling Great Wall Station is the deepest underground railway station in China.

    4.E-ticket services are provided so that travelers ________.

    A.can buy cheaper tickets B.needn’t wait in line for paper tickets

    C.can only buy tickets online D.can buy paper tickets

    5.What is special about the Bejing—Zhangialou high-speed railway according to the passage?

    A.Fast and cheap. B.Long and deep. C.Smart and intelligent. D.Expensive and steady.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全短文6选5 共 1 题
  1. Want to save the earth? Plant a tree!

    What's causing global (全球的) warming? Is it man-made? Or are temperatures simply changing naturally? Whatever the case, we can at least try to slow things down. But how?

    The Wilderness Project has an idea. 1.. If the earth has more trees, greenhouse gases will be reduced, and this will help stop global warming.2. and improve air quality (质量).

    3.. In Belgium, the Organization for Forests worked with farmers to help them plant more trees. In Spain, the Canopy Project plants one tree for every Spaniard (西班牙人) in order to improve the environment. In Germany, a teenager named Felix Finkbeiner has been leading a global movement to plant more trees.4..

    Now, lots of people all over the world have already been planting more trees. In fact, if everyone plants one tree, just one, it will do great good to our environment.

    So what can you do to help?5., although you need to get advice on how to look after it. Or you can join a tree planting project such as the ones mentioned above to help save the earth.

    So, go on, plant a tree…and save the earth!

    A.Maybe you can buy a young tree to grow

    B.They suggest that we should plant more trees

    C.Another question is how quickly the sea level will rise

    D.Many countries are calling on people to plant more trees

    E.What's more, they improve human health by producing oxygen (氧气)

    F.He was nine when he came up with the idea of planting trees around the world

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

多任务混合问题 共 1 题
  1. Songs about growing up

    Thousands of songs about growing up are available (可得到的). They can always get a response (反应) from teenagers in some way. While listening to the songs, old or new, teenagers can always feel themselves or understand themselves.

    a. Songs about being a teenager

    Growing up isn't always easy. Teens always want to be independent, but parents have a hard time letting go. There can be moments of worry, uncertainty and even anger. Some songs speak of (2) those feelings and can help them get through this period.

    b. Songs about(3)___________

    As teenagers grow. They're likely looking toward the day when they'll be able to work hard to achieve their dreams. The Westlife's song I have a dream is well-known. The key lyrics (歌词) are "I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope (处理) with anything... You can take the future even if you fail". This song has encouraged so many teenagers to fight for their dreams.

    c. Graduation songs

    Graduation songs usually speak of the joy of this season of their life. These songs are perfect for graduation parties and get-togethers with friends. As they graduate, they can sing "Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten...".

    When teenagers grow up, they find childhood is a bittersweet (苦乐参半的) time. (5) They've looked forward to the day for so many years and finally it is here. However, they may not be sure about whether they're ready for it. At this time, listening to songs about the sweet days of childhood can always make them relaxed.

    1.What is the response from teenagers while they are listening to the songs?


    2.What does "those feeling" refer to?


    3.Complete the subtitle (副标题) for "b".


    4.What are graduation songs about according to the passage?


    5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 少年智则国智,少年强则国强。根据下图提示写一篇英语短文, 描述作为青少年的你们将如何成长,并说明原因或目的。除了提示中的内容,请你至少再补充一条。

    build up our bodies by…;

    keep strong and healthy

    develop some interests;

    for example,…;

    make ourselves fully developed

    do housework; such as…;

    help parents; learn to be independent (独立的)



    1、语言通顺, 要点齐全, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;


    3、80~100词, 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

    As teenagers, we are the future of our homeland. We should develop ourselves fully. But how? Here is my opinion.


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析