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本卷共 13 题,其中:
完型填空 1 题,阅读判断 1 题,阅读单选 1 题,补全短文6选5 1 题,根据中/英文提示填空 5 题,语法填空 1 题,多任务混合问题 2 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 4 题,中等难度 8 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 简单
完型填空 共 1 题
  1. If you’re a teen who thinks you need expensive gym membership to get into shape, think again. You likely have all the equipment you need right in your own _______.

    Your home is full of opportunities to develop your muscles and get fit. Start early in the morning to refresh yourself and you'll be full of energy all day. _______ you get out of bed, move the pillow from under your head and do a set of 20 sit-ups. With your heart beating _______, get up and do 20 jumping jacks (开合跳). Stretch (伸展) for five minutes to further _______ up your muscles, and then run slowly in place for a full minute.

    Besides, add weight exercise to your daily exercise for _______ calories. Place weights (哑铃) on the floor in front of your feet. Keep your back straight and your head up, bend your knees and pick up the weights for an overhead press. Bend your arms and push the weights straight _______ your head. Lower the weights to shoulder _______ and then lift and lower them for 8 to 12 times.

    Don't get bored with your home workout _______ doing the same exercises for too long. Pick up a jump rope and _______ for two minutes. With your heart beating faster, run in place for ________ two minutes. Drop to the floor and do "spidermen". Place your hands on the floor under your shoulders and stretch your legs out behind you with the weight on your toes.

    Try these indoor activities and get fit!

    From: https: //www.livestrong.com

    1.A.home B.school C.classroom D.hand

    2.A.When B.Until C.Before D.After

    3.A.higher B.harder C.less D.louder

    4.A.look B.stay C.warm D.put

    5.A.recycling B.helping C.inventing D.burning

    6.A.along B.above C.inside D.beside

    7.A.height B.body C.weight D.size

    8.A.without B.to C.instead D.by

    9.A.swim B.lie C.jump D.relax

    10.A.other B.more C.else D.another

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. When we were little kids, we knew about traffic lights. The color red means stop, the color green means go and the color yellow means slow down or show some caution (小心). But why are these colors used for traffic lights? Why couldn't they be colors like blue, brown or orange? Here is the history of the colors for traffic lights.

    Well, it's important to know that before there were traffic lights for cars, there were traffic signals (信号) for trains. At first, railway companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go and green to mean caution. But train drivers had a few problems with the color white meaning go. They could easily mistake stars at night for the signal to go. So railway companies moved to the color green to mean go, and the color yellow to mean caution.

    The color red has a lot to do with danger. Red is the color with the longest wavelength (波长), so it can be seen from a greater distance than other colors. The color yellow is used to mean caution because it has a little shorter wavelength than red, but not as short as green.

    Believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because they were easier to see in poorly-lit areas. But people once again used red to mean stop after more highly reflective (反光) materials were developed. Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones and school buses continue to be painted yellow.

    Traffic lights really came a long way.

    From: https: //www.rd.com

    1.The earliest traffic signals were for trains.

    2.The color blue was once in early traffic signals.

    3.The color green can be seen from a greater distance than other colors.

    4.Back in the 1900s, yellow was used to mean stop.

    5.School buses are painted yellow because this color can be seen at all times of the day.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 1 题
  1. Antarctica (南极洲) is the coldest, driest and windiest place on our planet. What would it be like to live and work there? On Oct. 15th, 2019, 50 Chinese scientists set sail from Shenzhen, heading for Antarctica. This was our country's 36th Antarctic expedition. The ship, Xuelong 2, is the first icebreaker made in China. Xuelong 2 is one of the world's best research icebreakers.

    It can sail to any place around the world in one trip without refueling (加燃料). It can work in temperatures as low as -30%℃. It is the first in the world to use two-way ice-breaking technology, which means that it can break the ice while moving forward or backward.

    Because of Antarctica's special environment, scientists from around the world have been there to do studies for many years. The study of Antarctica's geology (地质) is also important. Rock in Antarctica can tell scientists what the weather was like a long time ago. And they can help scientists understand how the earth has changed over time. There are also many wild animals, such as penguins and seals. Scientists can learn how animals live in cold places by studying them.

    As we all know, life in Antarctica is not easy-it's cold and sometimes dangerous. But scientists say it's still quite fun. For example, some scientists study how penguins walk, what they eat and why they move from one place to another. They are excited to see the cute animals playing around. They hope their studies can help protect them.

    Xuelong 2 finished its tasks and returned to Shanghai on April 22, 2020.

    1.How many Chinese scientists headed for Antarctica on Oct 15th, 2019?

    A.Fifteen. B.Nineteen. C.Fifty. D.Two hundred.

    2.Xuelong 2 is ________.

    A.the first icebreaker made in the world B.the first in the world to use two-way ice-breaking technology

    C.one of the best research icebreakers in China D.the second icebreaker made in China

    3.According to Paragraph 3, scientists study________ in Antarctica.

    A.how the weather has changed B.the geology and wild animals

    C.the original plants D.how the rock disappeared

    4.Which of the following best describes scientists’ life in Antarctica?

    A.Not easy but still quite fun. B.Dangerous and boring.

    C.Hard and dangerous. D.Safe but quite tiring.

    5.When did Xuelong 2 return to Shanghai from Antarctica?

    A.In mid-March 2020. B.In late March 2020.

    C.In mid-April 2020. D.In late April 2020.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

补全短文6选5 共 1 题
  1. It may be difficult to maintain (维持) healthy eating habits while leading a busy life, but it is not impossible. The five simple tips below will help you have a healthy eating plan to fit into your busy schedule.


    Just grab (抓) a sheet of paper and outline the meals you will have Monday – Sunday. This makes food shopping and preparation so much easier. Placing Post-it notes on your refrigerator where you will see the plan every day works just as well.


    You can cook one main ingredient recipe on Monday, and then use that same recipe for different meals throughout the week. Chicken, for example, can be eaten for dinner one night. What’s left over can be diced and used to make an easy Chicken Salad Sandwich for lunch the next day.


    If you think your freezer is just for storing half eaten cartons (盒) of ice cream, you should think again. You can prepare a bunch of one-dish meals like casseroles, chilies, and stews, and then freeze them. When you’re ready to eat, just pop your meal into the oven or place it on the stove (火炉) and you have a hot, fresh, home-cooked meal in no time.


    Healthy breakfast shakes and smoothies will leave you feeling energized and full for a few good hours. There are so many delicious ways to mix up your shakes and smoothies that you’ll never get bored.


    If you eat lunch at your work place, pack your meal for the next day. You can also pack your own healthy snacks, such as nuts, dried fruits, etc., and take it with you in an insulated bag (保温袋).


    A.Keep calm and freeze on.

    B.Watch how other people solve troubles.

    C.Pack your lunch the night before.

    D.Plan your meals out.

    E.Shake it up in the mornings.

    F.Cook once; eat it twice (or three times!)

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

根据中/英文提示填空 共 5 题
  1. This is Helen’s _____________ (第九) year in China.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Soap is _____________ (广泛) used in our lives around the world.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. Ben is sitting _____________ (在……中) a group of children, telling them a story.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. Tara works _____________ (努力) than her sister Tina.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The kids did the cooking by _____________ (自己).

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. Life is better with clean hands

    Having clean hands is important because people often use their hands to touch their eyes, noses and mouths. Touching these areas 1. (give) germs (细菌) the chance to go into the body.

    “Washing hands is an important lifetime habit for 2. (stay) healthy,” doctors say. Cleaning your hands is one of the best and also the 3. (easy) ways to protect yourself from getting sick. But it takes more than just placing your hands under running water for a few 4. (second).

    How can you make sure you are washing your hands 5. (correct)? Here are five easy steps you can take to wash your hands.

    ● Wet your hands 6.warm water.

    ● Lather up (起泡沫) with soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands,7. your fingers, and under your nails (指甲).

    ● Rub (搓揉) your hands for 8. least 20 seconds-about the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" song twice.

    ● Wash your hands 9. (good) under warm, running water.

    ● Dry your hands with a clean towel (毛巾).

    You should always wash your hands before 10. after eating, after using the toilet, after returning home, after touching animals ...

    We hope you can have the habit of hand washing.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

多任务混合问题 共 2 题
  1. Minzhe has a large tea plantation (种植园) in his hometown in Guilin, Guangxi. (A) It covers an area of more than 650 square meters.

    The quality of tea has to do with the tea plants. The leaf-picking and processing play an important part, too. A tea plant can only be picked when it is about three years old. At each picking, only young leaves can be picked. And tea plants are usually of different height. So Minzhe hardly ever uses machines. As an experienced tea farmer, Minzhe knows which leaves to pick and when to pick these leaves.

    Planting tea needs great patience and lots of hard work. The day begins early for Minzhe.

    He starts working at 5 o'clock in the morning. (B) He walks through the plants slowly and picks tea leaves carefully.

    April is usually the busiest month for Minzhe. It's the best time to make best green tea.

    Minzhe has to pick about 90,000 pieces of young leaves to make one pound (磅) of green tea. Soon after picking the leaves, he begins processing (C) them. The leaves are dried and rolled and then shaped. A heavy smell of the tea leaves fills the air in the workshop.

    Minzhe picks about 50 pounds of leaves to make delicious tea in a full day's work. It makes him feel proud of himself. Being a tea farmer is hard work. However, for good tea, it is always worth it, Minzhe says.

    1.将文中(A)处划线的句子“It covers an area of more than 650 square meters.”译成汉语。



    ________________, ________________ and ________________ are all important to the quality of tea.

    3.回答问题。Why does Minzhe hardly ever use machines?


    4.将文中(B)处划线的句子He walks through the plants slowly and picks tea leaves carefully. 译成汉语。__________________________________________________________________

    5.写出文中(C) 处划线代词them所指代的内容。


    6.从文中找出与“The workshop is filled with a heavy smell of the tea leaves.”意思相同或相近的句子。


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Koalas are tree-hugging animals with big, round ears and black oval (椭圆形的) noses.

    They are a symbol of Australia, the only place in the world where they are found. They are loved by many people for their small size and cartoon-like features.

    A koala mother gives birth to and raises only one baby koala at a time. (D) During a koala mother's life, she will produce up to six babies. A newborn baby is born blind with undeveloped features. It measures less than 3 cm in length. Upon birth, the baby makes its way to the mother's pouch (育儿袋).  It develops its eyes, legs and fur here. In fact, it lives in the mother's pouch for about six months. Then the baby will climb on its mother's back and stay with her up to a year.

    Koalas spend most of their time eating and sleeping. Eucalyptus leaves are the only food koalas eat. Although the leaves are not good to most animals, koalas can digest (消化) the leaves very well. Eucalyptus leaves have a fair amount of water, so koalas seldom drink water. They eat 3 hours per day, usually during the nighttime, and rest 16 to 18 hours a day.

    Koalas face many threats (威胁). The loss of their home is the biggest threat. Fire has also become a huge threat to them. Not only do koalas die when fire sweeps through their home, but it kills eucalyptus trees that they depend on for food. Koalas also are threatened by dogs, cats and other animals.


    Many people love koalas because of their __________________ and cartoon-like features.

    2.将文中(D) 处划线的句子During a koala mother's life, she will produce up to six babies.译成汉语。_________________________________________________

    3.回答问题。How long does the baby koala live in the mother's pouch?



    Koalas spend most of their time __________________.

    5.从文中找出与“hardly ever drink water”意思相同或相近的表达。






    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 难忘的初中生活就要结束了,你即将迎来全新的高中生活。为了尽快适应新的环境,你打算在英语俱乐部的QQ群里留言,谈一谈自己在高中学习、生活、与人相处等方面可能遇到的问题,并向大家寻求建议。


    1. 适当表达自己的观点;

    2. 不得出现真实的人名和校名;

    2. 词数: 80~100词,留言开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Hi, everybody. How's it going? I'll become a senior high school student this September.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析