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本卷共 29 题,其中:
单选题 10 题,完型填空 2 题,阅读判断 1 题,阅读单选 4 题,根据中/英文提示填空 5 题,补全对话7选5 1 题,单词填空 1 题,完成句子 5 题
简单题 13 题,中等难度 16 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 10 题
  1. Helen’s mother always goes shopping _____________ Friday afternoons.

    A.in B.on C.at

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. She is _____________ famous singer in China and has many fans.

    A.the B.a C.an

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. The nurse _____________ is looking after the old man is Tom’s sister.

    A.which B.who C.what

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. I _____________ a math problem with Joe when Mike called me up.

    A.have discussed B.discussed C.was discussing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Get up early, _____________ you will miss your train.

    A.or B.and C.but

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. He felt tired, so he stopped _____________ a rest under the tree.

    A.having B.have C.to have

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. —Please tell me _____________ you have learnt English.

    —For three years.

    A.how long B.how often C.how soon

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. —Which is_____________, the blue one or the red one?

    —The blue one.

    A.good B.better C.best

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. We have to _____________ the sports meeting for the bad weather.

    A.put on B.put up C.put off

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  10. I waited _____________ they finished talking.

    A.until B.if C.because

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 2 题
  1. Li Fang is my desk mate. She is a top student in our class. She doesn’t talk too much, but she is kind and_______.She thinks helping others makes her happy.

    Once I was asked to read a text in an English class. I pronounced some _______ in such a bad way that my _______ laughed at me. After that, I felt so helpless that I wanted to give up English.

    When she knew this, Li Fang helped me and encouraged me to _______ more. With her help, I’m not _______of making mistakes now and has improved my English a lot.

    I feel very proud and lucky to have such a good desk mate.

    1.A.helpful B.busy C.healthy

    2.A.texts B.words C.stories

    3.A.parents B.teachers C.classmates

    4.A.write B.speak C.think

    5.A.afraid B.tired C.sure

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. I do volunteer work every Friday. A week ago, I had the pleasure of helping one sick lady.

    She is in her eighties and is very _______ and I always bring her lunch on Fridays. She looked worried when she opened the door that day. She told me her phone was broken and that she couldn’t receive the _______ from her doctor. She went to her neighbors, but they were not at home. She thought maybe the mailman could _______ her, but he didn’t come. She was disappointed.

    Having heard her story, I decided to do something for her. I tried to satisfy the needs of the old _______ who only needed a helping hand. I called the phone company(公司)and made sure they knew that getting this phone fixed was _______. I took down her phone number and her name just to make sure I could call her _______ to make sure that the phone had been fixed.

    I called the phone company twice that day. They told me they had checked the phone and got the phone fixed. I called the old woman. She was so _______ that she was in tears. To make sure she was _______, I called her every day after that.

    Just being able to help her in her time of difficulty filled my heart with such _________and happiness. It is not so ________ to help someone like a neighbor. Sometimes, all that is needed is just a smile, a hug or a phone call.

    1.A.weak B.rich C.kind

    2.A.medicine B.call C.letter

    3.A.see B.know C.help

    4.A.woman B.doctor C.mailman

    5.A.possible B.difficult C.important

    6.A.easier B.later C.quicker

    7.A.thankful B.worried C.surprised

    8.A.alone B.busy C.fine

    9.A.love B.thought C.task

    10.A.good B.hard C.useful

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的句子涂A, 错误的涂B.

    I bought a new car. My old car was still in good condition and worth $1, 500 at least at the used-car market.

    I have a co-worker, Tom. He is a great worker. He has no enough money for a new car and has been looking at used cars. So I asked him how much he was looking to spend on a car. He thought about $300 to $500. So I told him I’d sell him my old one for $300.

    My mom, who I work with, asked if I had any luck selling my old car. I told her I planned to sell it to our co-worker Tom for $300.

    She started crying. She told me how glad she was that she had brought up a selfless(无私的) kid who would help someone out so much. She told me to give it to him for free and that she would pay me $1,500. I didn’t expect her to say so at all and of course I didn’t take her money either. I want to help more people like my mother does.

    1.The writer got a new car because his old car was broken.

    2.Tom isn’t able to spend too much on a car.

    3.The mother felt happy when she knew her son was going to sell his old car.

    4.The mother is very kind.

    5.The writer got some money from his mother.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. I love singing. But I am often laughed at for being a woman with a really deep voice. I couldn’t go to the choir(合唱团)as a kid. Because of this, I never sing when people are nearby.

    I only sing in the car if I’m alone or when I’m home alone. My husband knows that I have this hobby. He wants to hear me sing. However, I never feel comfortable doing so.

    One day, we were driving and it was a beautiful trip. I got a bit excited and I was feeling a bit brave. I said to my husband, “Could you put on my favorite CD?" He did and my true feelings came out. I couldn’t help singing.

    My husband started crying. Then I started getting choked up(哽咽). It was such a fantastic day. Now I want to share it with anyone who might listen. Sing out loud, people. Don’t be afraid to be laughed at. Someone might even sing along.

    1.Why do people laugh at the writer when she sings?

    A.She has an unusual voice.

    B.She looks like a kid.

    C.She is bad at singing.

    2.What can we learn about the husband from Paragraph 2?

    A.He likes singing.

    B.He understands his wife.

    C.He often leaves his wife alone.

    3.Why did the writer ask her husband to put on the CD?

    A.She wanted to sing.

    B.She was tired of the trip.

    C.She liked to listen to it in the car.

    4.How did the writer feel when their trip ended?

    A.Sorry. B.Busy. C.Happy.

    5.What can be the best title of the text?

    A.Sing out loud

    B.Travel with my husband

    C.Share happiness with friends

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. 31-year-old Rob from California USA was born without arms or legs. But like each of us, he has a dream and with the support of his parents and two sisters, Rob has made his dream come true.

    His interest in football began when he was 13 and a high school football coach gave him a sports shirt. “To a 13-year-old kid, it just made me excited. I felt the need to know more about the sport,” Rob said. After a full understanding of it, Rob dreamed of becoming a football coach. And he made it.

    To do his job, Rob has to use a special chair he controls with his head and neck, and write by using his mouth to hold a special tool.

    Last autumn, Rob worked as head coach of the Prospect High School Junior team. Under him, the team won 8 and lost 2. It gave Rob confidence(信心) and courage. Clearly, football isn’t just a sport; it is his life now.

    1.How many people are there in Rob’s family?

    A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.

    2.What started Rob’s interest in the sport of football?

    A.A shirt. B.A football. C.A dream.

    3.What part of body does Rob use in writing?

    A.His neck. B.His head. C.His mouth.

    4.What is Rob now?

    A.A coach. B.A writer. C.A school teacher.

    5.What does the last sentence of the text mean?

    A.Sport makes Rob happy.

    B.Rob lives by playing football.

    C.Football is very important to Rob.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. On a weekend during Spring Festival, my parents and I were sitting in a restaurant. The drinks and food were good, so when we finished, my father left a tip(小费). As we were about to open the door, the waiter caught up with us. He gave the tip back to us. My dad forgot that here is China, and tipping is not common.

    However, in some countries, tipping is the norm. That’s the way it is in the US. It’s said to be good manners to tip your waiter, taxi driver, hairdresser, doorman and so on. And how much you tip depends on the service, which can really put your math skills to the test! But we usually give a tip that is 15-20% of the bill.

    So why is there a strong custom of tipping? In the US, waiters have a very low income(收入). They depend on tips to pay their bills. As a US writer once wrote about her experience as a waitress, “It was difficult and I lived and died by my tips."

    1.What did the family think of the food at the restaurant?

    A.Delicious. B.Cheap. C.Cold.

    2.Where were the parents when the waiter stopped them?

    A.At the table. B.At the door. C.Outside the restaurant.

    3.What does the underlined word “norm” mean in Paragraph 2?

    A.Idea. B.Custom. C.Bill.

    4.What can be the tip for a $100 bill according to the writer?

    A.$8. B.$10. C.$18.

    5.The last paragraph mainly tells us __________.

    A.who need tips for their life

    B.how the US writer made her life

    C.why tipping is popular in the US

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Have you ever heard “You never get a second chance to make a first impression(印象)?” It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true—the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person reacts to you in the future.

    What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds. When you meet someone for the first time, by the time you have said your name or shaken hands, the other person has already formed(形成) an opinion about the kind of person you are.

    So how do you make a good first impression? Being polite and being well dressed is very important. However, the most important way of making a good first impression is your face. Smiling almost always leaves a positive(积极的) impression on people, especially those who do not know you. Most people, generally speaking, are ready to smile back when they are smiled at.

    What’s more, smiling and being positive helps you to know and get a better understanding of new things. This means that you can possibly be friendlier to people you do not know and be more creative and able to solve problems more quickly. So if you ever need a reason to be happy, think about the wonderful people you might meet—and impress—with a cheerful smile.

    1.What do the underlined words “reacts to” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

    A.Treats. B.Changes. C.Describes.

    2.What can we learn about the first impression from Paragraph 2?

    A.It comes very quickly. B.It is very strange. C.It is very interesting.

    3.What is the most important to make a good first impression?

    A.Shaking hands. B.Dressing nicely. C.Smiling.

    4.What can be learned from the last paragraph?

    A.Information helps you solve problems.

    B.There are many reasons to be happy.

    C.Being positive helps you find a way out.

    5.What would be the best title of the text?

    A.The importance of the first impression

    B.The ways of leaving deep impressions

    C.The reasons for leaving impressions

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

根据中/英文提示填空 共 5 题
  1. What would you like to eat on your_________ (生日)?

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. This elephant_________(重量是) many times more than this panda.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. I’ve finally realized why my grandpa loves_________ (喝)tea.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. We were__________ (不幸的)with the bad weather this weekend.

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  5. That store sells things at high__________ (价格), but they’re really good.

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补全对话7选5 共 1 题
  1. 根据对话内容将下面方框中的选项填入对话中,使对话内容完整。其中有两个是多余选项。

    A: You look pale. 1.

    B: I don’t feel well. I’ve got toothache. 2.

    A: How long have you felt like this?

    B: 3.

    A: OK. Open your mouth and let me have a check. ... 4.Take this medicine after meals three times a day. You’ll be all right in a few days.

    B: 5. 


    B.For about two days.

    C.You must be tired.

    D.Well, it’s nothing serious.

    E.That’s right.

    F.What’s the matter?

    G.It hurts.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容和首字母提示, 把所缺单词填写在短文后面的横线上。

    Cindy and Anna were best friends. They were always happy together, but one day they couldn’t agree on w 1.to do.

    “Come on, let’s play chess, "Anna said.

    “I don’t want to play chess,” Cindy replied. “We always do what you want to do, Anna. It’s my turn to make a d2..” Cindy was getting a little unhappy and went away, leaving Anna alone.

    The next day at school, their teacher Mrs. Stone asked for their n 3.Anna looked quite worried because she didn’t find her notebook.

    When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally t4.Mrs. Stone she had Anna’s notebook in her schoolbag. “Thank you for being honest, Cindy,” said Mrs. Stone.

    Later, Mrs. Stone asked the two girls together and helped them realize that it was a good i5.to take turns to decide the activity. They became best friends again.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完成句子 共 5 题
  1. 打篮球对于我来说太难了。

    It’s difficult for me __________ _________ basketball.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. “怎么啦?”他惊讶地问。

    “What happened?" he asked__________ _________.

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  3. 这书桌太重我拖不动。

    This desk is___________ heavy___________ I can’t move it.

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  4. 这就是他今早迟到的原因。

    That’s__________ he was __________ this morning.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. 我不介意他喜欢与否。

    I__________ care if he__________ it or not.

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