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本卷共 21 题,其中:
单选题 14 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,填空 1 题,回答问题 1 题,单词填空 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 19 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 14 题
  1. The total number of online literature website users had      to 352 million by the end of June 2017. And the number is still growing.

    A. increased   B. influenced   C. included   D. introduced

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. – Hi, Ken. Did Mrs. Zhang tell us ________?

    --Yes. She said we should meet there at nine.

    A.which was the way to the station B.why we should meet at the station

    C.when we should get to the station D.who we should meet at the station

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Earth is      only home to everyone.Let’s try to make it      greener world to live in.

    A.a;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. 一 __________unusual music he is playing!

    一Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.

    A.How B.How an C.What D.What an

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The number of the people using Huawei ________is getting larger and larger.

    A.cultures B.customers C.products D.histories

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. Of all the festivals_______we Chinese people celebrate,my favorite is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

    A.which B.that C.what D.when

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. It's reported that boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers', and girls usually copy_________of their mothers'.

    A.that B.those C.one D.it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. As far as we know, safety comes first    you do.

    A.whenever B.whoever C.wherever D.whatever

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. —Can you go to the movies with me tonight?

    —I have to ask my mum. If I __________, I will go with you.

    A. allow B. allowed C. am allowed D. was allowed

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. The teacher along with the students _______discussing the Reading Skills that was newly published in America in the classroom now.

    A.are B.were C.is D.was

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. —Could you tell me how I can improve my English?

    —Sure. _______, you could speak it as much as possible.

    A. After all B. In the end C. By the way D. First of all

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. _______ people prefer HUAWEI phones, and about_______of them are adults.

    A.The number of; four-fifths B.A number of; four-fifth

    C.A number of; four-fifths D.The number of; four-five

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. He explained again and again in order to make what he did ________.

    A.understand B.understood C.to understand D.understanding

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. —Honey, I have to say I can’t go to the party tonight. I’m tired out.  —_______. Have some fun!

    A.Don’t pull my leg. B.Don’t be a wet blanket.

    C.Don’t be a black sheep. D.Don’t give me the cold shoulder.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious(叛逆的) on the outside, but on the inside I wanted people to______me.

    Once I left home to hitchhike (搭便车) to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t ______and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. Especially,one situation made me______for still being alive. When I returned home, I was different — not so outwardly(外表上) sure of myself.

    I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was______with us, was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be______if I weren’t there.

    I told my mom, and she explained that ______ Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could ______ me. I pointed out, “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful_____but I was the only person who could fill my______. She made me realize that even with my faults(过错)— and they were many—I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.

    I became a searcher, finding out who I was and what made me unique(唯一的).My______of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist (抵制) pressure to______ in ways that I didn’t like any more, and I______who I really was. I came to feel much more_____ that no one can ever take my place.

    Each of us holds a unique place in the world. You are______no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You______be.

    1.A.receive B.replace C.like D.leave

    2.A.hard B.easy C.fun D.long

    3.A.wonderful B.careful C.helpful D.grateful

    4.A.playing B.eating C.staying D.traveling

    5.A.loved B.cared C.missed D.explained

    6.A.although B.while C.as D.unless

    7.A.replace B.compare C.scold D.match

    8.A.times B.qualities C.people D.girls

    9.A.character B.role C.task D.form

    10.A.picture B.sense C.view D.attitude

    11.A.think B.act C.change D.learn

    12.A.hated B.wished C.expected D.celebrated

    13.A.happy B.doubtful C.sure D.lonely

    14.A.special B.sure C.wonderful D.lovely

    15.A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. If you have your own Acme Rocket Launcher, you can create and send up rockets that show off your personality and creativity.

    All you need is your Acme Rocket Launcher and a few simple household materials:

    ★a 500ml plastic cola bottle ★scissors  ★colored markers

    ★poster board   ★glue

    What to do:

    Step 1 Clean the cola bottle completely and allow it to dry.

    Step2 Use markers to draw three small triangles ( 三角形) and one large triangle on the poster board. Cut out the triangles.

    Step3 Roll (卷起) the large triangle so that two of its sides touch and it forms a rocket's nose cone. Glue the sides of the cone so that it holds its shape.

    Step4 Glue the nose cone to the bottom of the bottle to make the top of the rocket.

    Step 5 Glue the smaller triangles to the other end of the cola bottle, around its opening. The triangles will be the tail fins.

    Follow the launching instructions included with your Acme Rocket Launcher and have a blast!

    1.The main purpose of the text is to     .

    A.introduce the Acme Rocket Launcher B.give instructions on making a rocket

    C.show different kinds of rockets D.encourage 'rocket drawing

    2.Which of the following is TRUE about the bottle?

    A.It can be of any size. B.It should be clean and dry.

    C.It must be made of glass. D.It needs to be filled with cola.

    3.The rocket's nose cone is rolled from     .

    A.the cola bottle B.the poster board C.the large triangle D.a small triangle

    4.What can you get from Step 4?

    A.A B.B C.C D.D

    5.In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the text?

    A.Sports News. B.Do It Yourself. C.Job Wanted. D.Lost and Found.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. “Why do I live? Why do I wish for anything, or do anything? Is there anything my my life that will not be destroyed by my death?” Like Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian writer, many people ask these difficult questions. Tolstoy spent his whole life trying to answer these difficult questions.

    As a young man, he thought people could achieve perfection if they tried hard enough. So he worked very hard to be the best in everything. He thought that he would find meaning and truth in success.

    In the 1850s, Tolstoy wrote his first stories. He wrote about his life in the army. He also told stories about his childhood. These works were published and Tolstoy became a well-known writer.

    He earned the respect he always wanted. Many rich and smart men met and talked with Tolstoy. Some of them were writers like him. They talked a lot about faith(信仰) and the meaning of life. But soon Tolstoy recognized that these men were not perfect. Now he knew they could not answer his questions about faith.

    So in the 1860s, Tolstoy tried a different way to find the meaning of life. He opened a school for the children of his serfs— the people who worked on his land. These workers were very poor. He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the rich people he knew.

    Tolstoy learned a lot from his workers. He understood how they worked hard to support their families. He began to believe that marriage and family would give his life meaning. So in 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs.

    The next 15 years were the best years of Tolstoy’s life. It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books— War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Many experts say that War and Peace is one of the greatest books ever written. In these books, Tolstoy believed humans should live a simple life and take care of their families. Tolstoy thought this would satisfy him and bring him happiness.

    Leo Tolstoy is still a very respected writer today. His faith and writings have influenced many people all over the world.

    1.Which is the correct order of the following events?

    ① Tolstoy served in the army.        ② Tolstoy got married.

    ③ Tolstoy wrote War and Peace.    ④ Tolstoy opened a school.

    ⑤ Tolstoy became a well-known writer.

    A.①⑤③②④ B.⑤①③②④ C.⑤④①③② D.①⑤④②③

    2.Why did Tolstoy want to be the best in everything when he was young?

    A.To prepare for his books. B.To show his wisdom.

    C.To make a lot of money. D.To achieve perfection.

    3.Tolstoy thought he would learn a lot from his workers because they were ________.

    A.poor B.patient C.friendly D.honest

    4.According to the passage, which of the following is the most important to Tolstoy?

    A.Fame(名声). B.Success. C.Wealth. D.Family.

    5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

    A.Leo Tolstoy: Living for writing. B.Leo Tolstoy: Influencing the world.

    C.Leo Tolstoy: Being the best in everything. D.Leo Tolstoy: Searching for the meaning of life.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. “Ghost of the Future!” Scrooge exclaimed, “I fear you more than any ghost I have seen. But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to accept your company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me?”

    The ghost gave him no reply. It stopped beside one little group of business men. Seeing that the hand was pointed to them, Scrooge advanced to listen to their talk.

    “No,” said a great fat man with a monstrous chin, “I don’t know much about it, either way. I only know he’s dead.”

    “When did he die?” asked another.

    “Last night, I believe.”

    “Why, what was the matter with him?” asked a third man, taking a vast quantity of snuff out of a very large snuff-box. “I thought he’d never die.”

    “God knows,” said the first, with a yawn.

    “What has he done with his money?” asked the fourth man, a red-faced gentleman with a pendulous excrescence on the end of his nose, which shook like the gills of a turkey-cock.

    “I haven’t heard,” said the first man with the large chin, yawning again. “Left it to his company, perhaps. He hasn’t left it to me. That’s all I know.”

    This pleasantry was received with a general laugh.

    “It’s likely to be a very cheap funeral(葬礼),” said the same speaker, “for upon my life I don't know of anybody to go to it. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer?”

    “I don’t mind going if a lunch is provided.” said the gentleman with the excrescence on his nose. “But I must be fed, if I make one!”

    Another laugh.

    “Well, I am the most disinterested among you, after all,” said the first speaker, “for I never wear black gloves, and I never eat lunch. But I’ll offer to go, if anybody else will. When I come to think of it, I’m not at all sure that I wasn’t his most particular friend; for we used to stop and speak whenever we met. Bye, bye.”

    Speakers and listeners strolled away, and mixed with other groups. Scrooge knew the men, and looked towards the ghost for an answer.

    The ghost glided on into a street. Its finger pointed to two persons meeting. Scrooge thought that the answer might lie here.

    1.How did Scrooge feel when he saw the ghost of the future?

    A.Bored. B.Fearful. C.Hopeless. D.Shy.

    2.How many businessmen were there in the talk?

    A.3 B.6 C.5 D.4

    3.Who was sure to know how the dead man dealt with his money?

    A.The first businessman. B.The fourth businessman.

    C.No one. D.All of the businessmen.

    4.What does the underlined word “advanced” in Paragraph 2 mean?

    A.停止 B.坚持 C.提到 D.前进

    5.What would happen next according to the last paragraph?

    A.Scrooge would ask the ghost to explain to him.

    B.The ghost would tell Scrooge the answer directly.

    C.Scrooge would turn back to ask those businessmen to get the answer.

    D.Scrooge would listen to the two persons for the possible answer.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. Giving up studying in China’s top universities is truly surprising. It’s reported that two young people dropped out of Tsinghua University after they found they had no interest in their majors (专业). They took the CEE (college entrance examinations) again. Luckily, they passed the exams and studied new majors in Peking University. Their actions have come under hot discussion among the public.

    Supporters praise the two students for being brave enough to chase (追逐) their goals.

    1 We shouldn’t blame (责怪) those who are willing to take a risk and take the CEE again. It’s OK for everyone to choose their favourite major for a better career in the future.

    2 The two students prove that life is full of changes and possibilities. They set up an example of the power of courage in changing lives.

    However, those who are against their actions criticize them for being capricious (任性的).

    1 By dropping out after studying for a period of time, the two students have wasted educational resources, which could have been provided for others.

    2 The two students were not wise enough to choose their majors when they first applied to go to college. Their actions should be a warning to other young people instead of being followed.

    A case leading to1.

    Dropping out of China’s top universities is really uncommon. Two young people2. to give up studying at Tsinghua University simply because their majors weren’t their3.  . They retook the CEE and luckily they got the chance to 4.  Peking University to study new majors.

    Different 5.

    . We shouldn’t blame those who are willing to take a risk and retake the exams. Everyone has the6. to choose their favourite major.

    . The two students prove that our life is 7. with many changes and possibilities . Their actions can encourage young people to 8.  their lives.

    . If the two students haven’t dropped out after studying for a period of time, others could have got the educational resources.

    . The two students didn’t choose their majors9. enough for the first application. Young people shouldn’t10. their actions

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. The first step is sending up a manned spacecraft. It will carry out all kinds of space experiments. The Shenzhou-5 and Shenzhou-6 have completed this task. Sending up a space laboratory marks the second step of the program. One of the most important tasks during this step is docking(对接)of a manned spacecraft and space lab.

    Shenzhou-7 was the third human space flight, which included the first Chinese extravehicular(舱外)activity. It is a milestone(里程碑)during this project. The building of the Tiangong-1 Space Lab, together with Shenzhou-8 to 10 Spacecraft, is expected to complete the rest of the second step tasks, which prepares for China's final goal of building a space station. It is part of Step 3.

    After about two years, Tiangong-1 returned to earth in 2013.Tiangong-2 was launched in 2016. It can do many experiments. And then, the Tiangong-3 space station will have astronauts living inside and can develop new types of vegetables and fruits or produce new materials in space. Cargo shuttles(货运飞机)will carry food, space suits and other necessary things into space. To our excitement, the first cargo shuttle named Tianzhou-1 will be sent into space. To our excitement, the first cargo shuttle named Tianzhou-1 will be sent into space late this month.

    The goal of having a space exploration station is to be realized by 2020. Then China will be the first country to build its space exploration station on its own. All Chinese look forward to seeing the day.

    1.Who has completed all kinds of space experiments?


    2.How many steps does the China's Space Program experience?


    3.What is the second step of China's Space Program?


    4.How can the necessary things be sent into space?


    5.What will be built by China in the future?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. Chinese writing is one of the world’s greatest writing systems. It is more widely in use than alphabetic(字母的) writing systems. More than half of the world’s books are written in Chinese, i1.historical writing and novels, along with writing on government and law.

    At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based l2.. It dates back several thousand years to the use of animals bones and shells on w3.symbols were carved(刻) by ancient Chinese people. Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in t4.hanzi.

    By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols had become a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the system d5.into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, leading to different dialects(方言) and characters. This, however, c6. under Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty.

    Emperor Qinshihuang united(统一) the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was of great i7. in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in w8.. Written Chinese has also become an important method to connect China’s present with its p9.. People in modern times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times.

    Today, Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a great role in the world, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate(欣赏) China’s culture t10.this amazing language. Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it goes.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析