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本卷共 21 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,补全短文5选5 1 题,话题作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 10 题,困难题 9 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 15 题
  1. ——Lucy, is your uncle a teacher?

    ——Yes,he is.He       history for nearly 20 years.

    A. teaches   B. has taught   C. is teaching   D. will teach

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  2. —How do you learn English well?

    —By taking notes. I think good study methods can help us

          better results with less effort.

    A. achieve   B. support

    C. praise   D. return

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Frank is an independent boy. His parents are proud ____ him.

    A. On   B. to   C. in   D. of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. We should protect the earth because it is ______ home.

    A. we

    B. us

    C. our

    D. ours

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. —How can I put these parts together?

    —It's easy. Just follow the ________.

    A.decisions B.ideas C.instructions D.questions

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. —Mom, is breakfast ready?

    —Not ________.

    A.already B.just C.yet D.ever

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. It is several years ________the Whites decided to move to another city.

    A.since B.while C.until D.before

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. ﹣ Many boy students think physics is            geography.

    ﹣ I agree.I' m weak in geography.

    A.much difficult than B.as difficult as

    C.less difficult than D.more difficult than

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Joining a summer camp is a great chance ________ free time with your friends.

    A.spend B.spending C.to spend D.to spending

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  10. —Karl ________have seen this movie many times, because he remembers all these names so clearly.

    —But he only watched it one time yesterday.

    A.might B.need C.must D.can

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  11. —Don't you find it hard to realize our dreams?

    —Perhaps, but dreams will come true without doubt as long as we ________ them.

    A.turn off B.stick to C.cut down D.show up

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  12. The man ________is talking to my math teacher is my father.

    A.who B.which C.what D.where

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  13. —What did Tom say to you just now, John?

    —He asked     .

    A.why am I so happy today B.who did I play football with after school

    C.what will I do for the weekend D.if I could go to the movies with him tonight

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  14. I won't lose heart even though I fail. Because I know ________.

    A.practice makes perfect B.if there is a will, there is a way

    C.many hands make light work D.the grass is always greener on the other side

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  15. — President Xi Jinping paid        important visit to the US in 2017.

    — And he was warmly welcomed by Donald Trump,        45th American president.

    A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.an; a

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Before graduating college, Jackie began to look for a job. She aimed at a famous company, but the _________for such jobs was very strong. The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job. _______, Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview. The interview was very _______. The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes. Then the interviewer said to them, "All of you are very good. Please go home and __________our response.”

    Three days later, Jackie received a message saying she would not be ________the job. She felt deeply disappointed. That evening, however, she received another _________. This time it said that she got the job.

    Jackie later found out that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interview---a_________to see if she was suitable for the job. All the three people received the_________text, but only Jackie's reply_________ the company. Of the three, one did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”. This reply showed that Jackie was a/an_________person, so the company offered her the job.

    1.A.exam B.work C.competition D.plan

    2.A.Thankfully B.Unluckily C.Hopefully D.Immediately

    3.A.long B.strict C.interesting D.simple

    4.A.pick up B.wait for C.deal with D.think of

    5.A.offered B.returned C.refused D.shown

    6.A.letter B.e-mail C.call D.message

    7.A.guide B.conversation C.test D.lesson

    8.A.same B.other C.second D.whole

    9.A.reached B.satisfied C.helped D.surprised

    10.A.brave B.clever C.polite D.honest

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. Table of hotels from the Tour Guide(指南) for the city of Mystic and Mystic nearby.

    1.There are ____ hotels with indoor swimming pools.

    A.two B.four C.six D.eight

    2.To get the free Internet, you’d better choose______.

    A.Sleep Hotel B.Groton Hotel C.Quality Hotel D.Hampton Hotel

    3.You can _____ if you live in Roadway Hotel for holidays.

    A.swim indoors B.play tennis C.ride bikes D.do running

    4.The cheapest hotel with a restaurant is ______.

    A.Howard Hotel B.Roadway Hotel C.Holiday Hotel D.Comfort Hotel

    5.We can find out that ____ from the table above.

    A.the largest hotel has 136 rooms

    B.five hotels have meeting rooms

    C.people can’t smoke in Sleep Hotel

    D.kids needn’t pay for meals in Holiday Hotel

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. DIY which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.

    English people like DIY. There is a saying in UK---“An Englishman's home is his castle”. Huge numbers of people spend their holidays making their homes beautiful "castles". If there is anything that needs fixing around their homes, such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY experience with their friends. More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. With the economy becoming worse at present, many people cannot afford a big house. They are looking at how they can make their house better with less money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.

    DIY can be difficult. There is a huge market for DIY furniture. People need to get together pieces of furniture with a few basic tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions. Sometimes the instructions are very simple but the furniture itself is difficult to build. One thing is for sure, though most DIY projects are started with the best ideas, many of them may not get finished. DIY can also be dangerous. For example, anything electrical should be done by a professional worker. Unluckily, many people don’t care about this warming and put themselves in danger. It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.

    Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer for us to DIY. All in all, it is a very good and suitable thing for many people.

    1.What are DIY things?

    A.Things that are done by yourself.

    B.Things that are sold in the supermarket

    C.Things that are shown on TV.

    D.Things that are sold in the store.

    2.Why do people in UK like DIY?

    A.DIY can bring them fun.

    B.DIY can help them save money.

    C.DIY can be difficult.

    D.Both A and B.

    3.According to paragraph 3, which of the following is True?

    A.People can often understand the instructions easily to build a piece of furniture.

    B.All DIY projects with the best ideas can get finished.

    C.Less than 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK in just one year.

    D.41,000 people fell off ladders while doing DIY in UK in just one year.

    4.The passage does NOT mention   of DIY.

    A.the advantages

    B.the disadvantages

    C.the inventor

    D.the meaning

    5.You may read the passage in the part of     in a magazine.





    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. “Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.

    National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity (机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organization’s expectations (期望). Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.

    The following tips can help if you have some of these worries.

    ★ Start out slowly, don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.

    ★ Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.

    ★ Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.

    ★ Work with a veteran volunteer. He volunteered a lot, he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.

    ★ Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them.

    ★ Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up and you’ll surely find the right opportunity.

    Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience, “…little things can change a person’s life.”

    1.Volunteering can help_________.

    A.make a decision B.see the world clearly

    C.thank other people D.make person’s life better

    2.What could be the reason to stop people taking the first step?

    A.They don’t have enough time. B.They are prevented by their families.

    C.They fear that their abilities are shared. D.They don’t expect to become volunteers.

    3.Which of the following can help people take the first step?

    A.Start out quickly. B.Organize a training meeting.

    C.Invite a friend to be with them. D.Join in a group with different values.

    4.The underlined word “veteran” in the passage means “_________”.

    A.polite B.humorous C.young D.experienced

    5.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.To tell people to make changes in their lives.

    B.To encourage people to start their volunteering.

    C.How to make great achievements in volunteering.

    D.How to keep on volunteering whatever happened.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全短文5选5 共 1 题
  1. It's not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives. 1..

    How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co­worker, neighbor, close friend, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store? I'm always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with.2..

    I know of a few people that don't have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say. Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face. They don't get the joke that makes others laugh.3. How can people not get a really funny joke?

    4.. Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy. 5..


    A.There is too much sadness in this present world. It drives people crazy. We all need to find a way to bypass the sadness and bring a little light into our lives.

    B.I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space.

    C.Putting a smile on someone's face when you know they are feeling down in the dumps, as the saying goes, makes me feel good and warms my heart.

    D.My grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine. This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy(礼貌) to speak to others that are around you.

    E.Laughing is essential to make your stress levels under control

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

话题作文 共 1 题
  1. 生活中处处都有惊喜、鼓励、爱或者快乐,请以      Around Me为题用英语写一篇短文,记叙一件发生在你身边对你有影响的事。



          Around Me


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析