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本卷共 22 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 2 题,补全短文5选5 1 题,其他题 1 题,语法填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 22 题。总体难度: 简单
单选题 共 15 题
  1. My brother is good at playing________ basketball. But he is bad at playing________piano.

    A.the; the B.不填; the C.the; 不填

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. Tara often helps old people go________the street. How kind she is!

    A.over B.across C.through

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  3. —Sarah was late for the movie last night. —I’m not surprised at all. She is________ on time!

    A.often B.sometimes C.never

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  4. I had a talk with Jessica on the telephone just now and her voice________weak. What happened to her?

    A.sounded B.looked C.smelt

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  5. —Li Hua, how did you and your friends________ the New Year?

    —Oh, we had a dance party and enjoyed ourselves.

    A.serve B.discuss C.celebrate

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  6. Jack’s parents don’t allow him to swim in the river because they think it’s too________.

    A.dangerous B.special C.easy

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  7. Chinese people are very________, and that’s why Mr. Smith loves China.

    A.shy B.excited C.friendly

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  8. —________ can we get to the airport, Tina? It’s too far and too expensive to take a taxi.

    —Don’t worry. Bob will give us a ride there.

    A.Why B.How C.When

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. —I can ’t find Jerry in the classroom right now. Where’s he? —Oh, he________ in the library.

    A.was studying B.is studying C.will study

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  10. Lucas________in the park almost every morning when he was at college, but now he’s too busy to run.

    A.ran B.runs C.has run

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  11. If you have to catch the first bus tomorrow morning, choose this hotel. It’s very________ the bus station.

    A.close to B.good for C.different from

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  12. Mary can’t find her umbrella. Can you help her________it?

    A.pay for B.wait for C.look for

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  13. —What do you think of the TV play?

    —  ________ . It’ s educational and I like the main characters.

    A.I can’t stand it B.I don’t mind it C.I like it

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. —________! We’ll be late for the meeting. —Sorry, but the traffic is so heavy now.

    A.Look out B.Come on C.Go away

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  15. —Mr. Jackson, could we bring our mobile phones to school?

    —  ________ . Students in our school aren’t allowed to bring them.

    A.That’s OK B.No, you can’t C.Sorry, I’m busy

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完型填空 共 1 题
  1. When four-year-old Derek Paravicini heard the sound of the piano, he ran towards it. Although he was blind, he___________________ to reach the instrument. He pushed the piano player off her chair, _____________________and started to play. Adam Ockelford, a piano teacher, said, “It was_____________________. He was hitting the notes ( 音 键 ) with  his hands, his feet, his nose, even his elbows.”Paravicini _____________________ play the music he had just heard and at that  moment Ockelford___________________the boy was a genius (天才).

    Paravicini was born blind and autistic (自闭症的) on July 26, 1979. He had great learning difficulties as a child._______________________today, he can’t count to ten, and he isn’t able to dress or feed   himself. But Paravicini has a great___________________for music.  Like Mozart, he can remember every piece of music he hears.

    It_____________________when his parents gave him a plastic organ ( 风 琴 ) when he was eighteen months old. He couldn’t see the notes,___________________ he could play music on it. By the time he was four, he could play many pieces on the piano. With Ockelford’s  help, Paravicini developed  his____________________ and played his first big concert at the Barbican Hall in London, aged nine. He has performed all over Europe and the US and in 2006 he recorded his first CD.

    1.A.refused B.stopped C.managed

    2.A.sat down B.tried on C.put up

    3.A.boring B.amazing C.relaxing

    4.A.would B.could C.should

    5.A.imagined B.wondered C.realized

    6.A.Only B.Even C.Also

    7.A.talent B.dream C.wish

    8.A.grew B.failed C.started

    9.A.but B.if C.or

    10.A.plans B.ideas C.skills

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 2 题
  1. One afternoon I was cycling and saw a person about 250 meters away in front of me.

    I could tell he was cycling a little slower than me and I decided to try to catch up with him. I had about a kilometer to go on the road before turning off (拐弯). I started cycling faster and faster. Two minutes later, I was only about 100 meters behind him, so I really picked up the speed.

    Finally, I caught up with him and passed by. I felt so good.“I beat him!”But after I passed him, I found that I had missed my turn. I had cycled six blocks past it! So I had to go all the way back.

    Isn’t that what happens in life when we race with others, trying to show that we’re more successful? We spend our time and energy running after them and we miss out on our own paths.

    The problem with unhealthy competition is that it’ s a never-ending cycle. There will always be somebody in front of you in one way or another. What you should do is just run your own race and wish others well.

    1.When the writer saw a man cycling in front of him, he decided to________

    A.ride past the man B.cycle beside the man

    C.stay away from the man D.make friends with the man

    2.Two minutes later, the writer cycled about________  meters more than the man.

    A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250

    3.What happened when the writer was trying to“beat” the man?

    A.He rode so fast that he fell off his bike. B.The man began cycling faster.

    C.The man shouted at him. D.He missed his turn.

    4.Which picture has the same meaning as “ a never-ending cycle” ?

    A. B.

    C. D.

    5.What’s the main idea of the text?

    A.Competition is important in life.

    B.Try to get better grades than others.

    C.There’ s no need to join in any competition in everyday life.

    D.Follow your own road instead of trying to be in front of others.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. At the age of six weeks, Lilo seemed to be a perfect family pet. But as he grew up, he became aggressive ( 富于攻击性的). One day, as his 9-year-old owner went close, Lilo jumped at her angrily. The girl’s arm got hurt badly. It’s unusual for a family pet to hurt its loving owner. But Lilo should never have been anyone’s pet. He was actually a tiger.

    There are thousands of tigers, lions and other big cats kept as pets in American homes.“People love the idea of owning something wild and special,”says Nicole Paquette of the Animal Protection Institute.“But they have no idea how hard it is to take care of them.”

    Tigers like Lilo can grow to weigh 650 pounds. They are strong and powerful. Each year many people are hurt or killed by pet tigers and other big cats.

    The situation can also be deadly for the big cats themselves. They often end up in small and dirty cages. Living in dirty conditions, the cats become sick and often more aggressive. Many of them die. Others are sold to roadside zoos or to hunting ranches (狩猎牧场).

    Shirley Minshew works to help send some big cats to sanctuaries ( 鸟兽保护区). But as Minshew says,“Most of these sanctuaries are already full.”So are big city zoos.

    The only way to solve the problem is for people to stop buying these animals.“Although they can be kept in cages, they will never be like a dog or a cat,”says Paquette.“They are wild — and they should be allowed to stay that way.”

    1.Lilo was a(n)________ .

    A.pet tiger B.6-week-old baby C.aggressive lion D.9-year-old child

    2.Which of the following may Nicole Paquette agree with?

    A.Americans should keep more pets. B.It’s unusual to see the big cats as pets.

    C.It’s difficult to keep wild animals as pets. D.Americans should give more care to their pets.

    3.What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A.Where to buy the big cats. B.How to protect the big cats.

    C.Sad situation of the big cat pets. D.Importance of keeping the big cat pets.

    4.The underlined words“that way”in the last paragraph refer to “________” .

    A.being wild B.living in sanctuaries

    C.living in big city zoos D.being like a dog or a cat

    5.The text is written mainly to ________  .

    A.warn people not to keep pets B.share a story about a pet tiger

    C.let people know more about the big cats D.ask people to stop keeping the big cats as pets

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

补全短文5选5 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能 填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。

    Each October 15, millions of people around the world take part in Global Handwashing Day.1.Well, research shows that not enough people around the world often wash their hands with soap.2.

    It has been proved that washing your hands with soap can have a huge influence on reducing the flu and the spread of other diseases. It prevents people from getting sick and keeps them healthy.

    3.This is partly because of lack of resources in some poor countries, but it’s also because for many people, handwashing is simply not part of their daily habits.4.

    In 2008, the Indian cricket team joined around 100 million Indian schoolchildren in washing their hands to celebrate the first-ever Global Handwashing  Day.5.In 2014, Global Handwashing Day was used to fight against Ebola (埃博拉病毒) in some African countries.

    Let’s hope that handwashing can become a common part of people’s lives and make a difference to the health of millions around the world.

    A.Global Handwashing Day wants to change the situation.

    B.This leads to the deaths of millions of people every year.

    C.But why do we celebrate a day for something we do all the time?

    D.Every year since then, many different events have been held around the world.

    E.However, handwashing with soap does not happen as often as you might think.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. 情景交际











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语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个 空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

    Some people think of zoos as exciting places to see wild animals up close. Others, however, consider them as prisons for animals.

    Those in support of zoos say that they provide environments which are 1./ˈsɪmələ(r)/to the animals’ natural living environments. They also believe that zoos prevent the animals from2.(die) out and help the endangered animals produce (繁育) babies. If these animals are 3.(leave) in the wild, they may not be able to stay alive. Lastly, zoos educate people. 4. more  people learn about animals, the more they want to protect them. Others don’t agree. They say  it’s 5.(possible) for animals to feel completely at home in zoos.6.example, in the wild, elephants typically  walk thirty to fifty kilometers a day in large7.(group). How can a zoo provide that kind of environment to the elephants? And 8.zoos may say their goal is animal safety and protection, many have been found treating their animals badly.

    There isn’t a simple 9./'ænsər/ to this problem , yet that doesn’ t10./mi:n/ we shouldn’ t have a discussion about it. What are your thoughts?

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材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 学校生活有时是快乐的,有时是忙碌的,有时是……假设你是李华,收到英国笔友 Jack的邮件。他想了解一下你的学校生活。请你根据以下图示,用英语给他回复。词数 80 左右。

    注意事项: 1. 必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,格式、开头和结尾 已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范; 3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名。

    Dear Jack,

    I’m glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about my school life.

    My school life is colorful. What about yours? Write to me soon.


    Li Hua

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析