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本卷共 24 题,其中:
单项填空 1 题,单选题 13 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 5 题,句型转换 1 题,单词填空 1 题,回答问题 1 题,书信作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 20 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 1 题
  1. This time I don't know if I     the exam.If I     the exam,I’ll have a great vacation.

    A. pass,pass   B. pass,will pass

    C. will pass,pass   D. will pass,will pass

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单选题 共 13 题
  1. —What do you think of ________ talent show in our school?

    —I should say it was ________great success.

    A./  ; the B.a; the C.the; a D.the ;/

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The boy looks nice     white and the red sweater looks good     the girl .

    A.with, on B.in, on

    C.on, in D.in, with

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. The CDs are wonderful.I don’t know ________.

    A.to choose which one. B.which to choose one

    C.which one to choose D.one to choose which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. I think the music is great , and it is worth________

    A.to listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. It’s not the right time to argue about who should be blamed. We’d better ________ and come up with a new way as soon as possible.

    A.stay up B.give up C.calm down D.look down

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. —The exam was very easy, wasn’t it? —Yes, but not ________ could pass it.

    A.somebody B.anybody

    C.nobody D.everybody

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. A number of visitors ________visiting our school. The number of them________ about 180.

    A.is;are B.are; is C.is; is D.are; are

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. I wonder________ it will be rainy tomorrow.

    A.that B.whether C.what D.how

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. —Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start.

    —I’m sorry, but I     when to meet.

    A.wasn’t told B.don’t tell C.didn’t tell D.haven’t told

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  10. — ______ your English teacher ______ you?

    —Yes, but he still encourages me to try my best.

    A.Does; strict with B.Does; strict in C.Is; strict with D.Is; strict in

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. I still have difficulty ________the article________ there are few new words in it.

    A.to understand; because B.understand ; though

    C.understanding ; if D.understanding ; though

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. — Kitty, do you know ______?

    — Sure, about forty minutes.

    A.when did their class meeting begin.

    B.where their class meeting was held

    C.how often their class meeting is held

    D.how long their class meeting will last

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  13. —Thanks for giving me your advice,Amy.

    —______. That’s what friends are for.

    A.Never mind B.All right C.With pleasure D.My pleasure

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. A few years ago, the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved running, so I was really _____ when I found out the apartment they had rented for us was next to Central Park. This meant that I could go to the park to _____ every morning before I went to work.

    A lot of people had told me to _____ robbers(抢劫者)in the park, so usually I didn’t take any _____ with me. What could robbers do to me? But one morning, my wife gave me a $10 bill and asked me to buy some bread on the way. _____ I was running through the park, another jogger(慢跑者)knocked into me. Just as I was _____ what was happening, he said sorry to me and _____ running. I thought it was kind of _____, and suddenly it reminded me of my money, so I checked my pocket and found that the money was _____. Without thinking twice I ran after that jogger. The minute I held him by the arm, I ______. “Give my money back! Now!” I am not usually a hot-headed person, ______ I got really angry this time. This seemed to frighten(使害怕)him, and he ______ the money and gave it to me . Then he ran away as ______ as he could.

    I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I began to tell my wife my ______. “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I started. She immediately stopped me, “I know, you ______ the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

    1.A.free B.proud C.happy D.patient

    2.A.run B.chat C.read D.dance

    3.A.be mad at B.be strict with C.be careful of D.be afraid of

    4.A.drink B.money C.food D.medicine

    5.A.Before B.After C.Since D.While

    6.A.watching B.wondering C.reporting D.reviewing

    7.A.stopped B.forgot C.practiced D.continued

    8.A.strange B.scary C.crazy D.dangerous

    9.A.safe B.broken C.missing D.remaining

    10.A.explained B.laughed C.thought D.shouted

    11.A.but B.until C.unless D.although

    12.A.used up B.took out C.put down D.gave away

    13.A.angrily B.quietly C.quickly D.carefully

    14.A.story B.event C.secret D.tour

    15.A.got B.left C.took D.brought

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 5 题
  1. Every school has a notice board. Let’s see what is on the notice board of an America school.

    School Policy(政策)
    • Fighting, saying bad words and all other bad behavior will not be allowed.
    • Do not throw rocks, snowballs or sticks on the school grounds.
    •Hand in a note or telephone to school if your child will be absent for the day.
    • Parents and visitors need to check in at the office when entering the school.

    After-school Program
    The after-school program will continue for the year 2012. The program will be open from 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. every day.
    •3.30-4.30 Homework & Reading
    • 4.30-6.00 Activities
    If you have any questions, feel free to call the school at 524-9752.

    Class Announcement (通知)
    •Testing Dates:
    The math testing is June 12-13
    The science test is June 15
    • Parents meeting:
    The next parents meeting is on Friday, June 22 at 7.00 p.m. in the meeting hall.
    • Homework:
    Please check the Homework Board at the school homepage to find your homework.

    Report Card
    Report card about your school life and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.

    MARKING KEY(评分标准)

    Goes beyond grade level standards


    Meets grade level standards


    Does not meet grade level standards,
    making progress


    Does not meet grade level standards, not making progress


    1.According to School Policy, visitors have to ______ when entering the school.

    A.hand in a note B.call at 524-9752

    C.check in at the office D.telephone the school

    2.From ______, students can get information on the parents meeting.

    A.School Policy B.Report Card

    C.After-school Program D.Class Announcement

    3.Report Card shows parents _______.

    A.children’s school life and work

    B.after-school activities

    C.plans for classes and tests

    D.certain school rules

    4.Suppose Tony doesn’t do well at school but makes progress, he will get ______ on the Report Card.

    A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Do you know Ma Yun? He is Founder and Chairman of Alibaba(阿里巴巴)Group. Ma was born in Hangzhou. At an early age, Ma wanted to learn English so he rode his bike each morning in order to go to a nearby hotel and talked with foreigners. He would guide them around the city for free in order to practice and improve his English.

    Ma is never afraid of failure in his youth. Although he failed the university entrance exam three times, Ma entered Hangzhou Normal University(师范大学).He majored in English and graduated in1988.While at school, Ma was elected student chairman. He later became a lecturer(讲师) in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dian zi University.

    In the early of 1995,he went to the United States, and with the help of his friend he got introduced to the Internet. In April 1995, Ma, his wife and a friend collected twenty thousand dollars and started an Internet company. He named their company “China Yellow Pages”. Within three years, his company had made 5,000,000 Chinese Yuan. In 1999,he decided to give up his job in the US, and went back to Hangzhou with his team in order to found Alibaba. Alibaba is a China-based business-to-business marketplace site on the Internet, which serves more than 79 million members from more than 240 countries and areas. In September 2014 Alibaba became one of the most valuable companies in the world. Ma Yun becomes one of the most successful businessmen in China.

    1.Why did Ma Yun guide foreigners around the city for free?

    A.Because he was a volunteer.

    B.Because he was a translator.

    C.Because he wanted to practice his spoken English.

    2.Which is the right order of the following events according to the passage?

    a. Ma Yun started an Internet company “China Yellow Pages”.

    b. Ma Yun founded Alibaba.

    c. Ma Yun went back to Hangzhou with his team in 1999.

    d. He became a teacher in English and International Trade.

    A.a-b-c-d. B.c-d-a-b. C.d-a-c-b. D.b-c-a-d.

    3.Which sentence is right according to the passage?

    A.Alibaba serves more than 79 million members in China.

    B.Alibaba is one of the most valuable companies in the world.

    C.Alibaba had made¥5,000,000 in three years.

    4.What is the best title of the article?

    A.The Story of Ma Yun. B.The story of China Yellow Pages.

    C.The Story of Alibaba. D.The story of Hangzhou Dian zi University

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. As a student, I was most afraid to answer questions in class, and I found that the students around were just like me. At the beginning of each class, when the teacher asked a question, I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher saw me.

    One day, in a foreign language class, Mr. Black gave us a lesson. He wanted us to be active in class, so he asked us some questions, but no one answered. “Let me tell you a story first ,” he said.

    “When I came to the United States to study, the university often invited famous people to make speeches. Before the beginning of every speech, I found an interesting thing. The students around me always took a cardboard folded (折叠的)in half, wrote their names in bold with the most eye-catching color, and then placed the cardboard on the seat. So when the speaker needed the answers from the students, he could see and call a listener’s name directly.

    “I couldn’t t understand that. My classmate told me the speakers were all top people, who meant chances. When your answer was to his surprise, it meant he might give you more chances. In fact, I really saw a few students got great chances because of that.”

    After listening to the story, I understood that the chance will not find you itself. You must show yourself all the time so that you can find a chance on the card.

    1.What did Mr. Black want the students to do in his class?

    A.Read loudly B.Take notes carefully.

    C.Be active D.Listen

    2.How did the writer’s classmates behave when they were asked questions?

    A.They raised their hands. B.They shook their heads.

    C.They closed eyes. D.They lowered their heads.

    3.How did the speaker get to know the students’ names?

    A.He got them from the computer.

    B.He saw the cardboards on the seats.

    C.He asked the students for their names.

    D.He got them from the name list on the teacher’s desk.

    4.What does the underlined word “eye-catching” in Paragraph3 mean?

    A.引人注目的 B.眼睛疼痛的

    C.目光呆滞的 D.泪眼朦胧的

    5.What does the writer mainly tell us?

    A.Doing as others do is necessary.

    B.Answering questions bravely is easy.

    C.Attracting others’ attention is interesting.

    D.Showing yourself bravely can win chances.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. Jacquelyn and her family were sleeping in their home. Their dog Scruffy was asleep next to Jacquelyn. It was 4:36 a.m. and the night was quiet. There were no cars passing in the street, no noise could be heard, it was like everything was still. Jacquelyn always put a cup with water next to her bed, so that if she got thirsty during the night she didn’t have to walk all the way to the kitchen. That was when it happened. The furniture started shaking, and the cup of water fell to the floor. Scruffy started barking and it woke up Jacquelyn. She looked around and saw that all her stuff was shaking. She started screaming. Soon after, her father came in and told her to come out quickly.

    It was an earthquake. Jacquelyn was so scared, and couldn’t move. Her father went in and picked her up. He took her outside, where Jacquelyn’s mother and brother were at already. Jacquelyn and her brother were crying. They didn’t understand what was happening.

    Luckily, Jacquelyn’s mother had prepared an emergency kit (应急箱) and had it outside. She looked for the key, which was hidden inside a fake rock, and unlocked the box. She pulled out blankets from it to keep her children warm. Jacquelyn looked at her mother and took the blanket. She then saw her dad take a flashlight (手电筒) from the box. He used the flashlight to see if the house had any damage. The father knew the house was not safe, so they stayed up until someone could examine the house.

    The children didn’t have school due to the earthquake, so they spent the day with their parents. Jacquelyn was so proud of her parents, because they knew what to do during this disaster. She talked to her friends, and they weren’t so lucky. Jacquelyn went up to her mother and father and hugged them, because she knew she felt the protection of her parents.

    1.When the earthquake happened, ________ .

    A.Jacquelyn was too scared to move

    B.Jacquelyn went out quickly by herself

    C.Jacquelyn’s brother was staying together with her

    D.Jacquelyn’s mother came in and took her out quickly

    2.The underlined word ‘it ’ in paragraph 3 refers to _________.

    A.mum’s room B.the box C.their house D.the flashlight

    3.Jacquelyn’s parents did the following except________.

    A.preparing an emergency box B.pulling out the blanket

    C.examining the house carefully D.taking their children out

    4.Which is the correct order according to the passage?

    a. Jacquelyn’s father went in and took her outside. 

    b. Jacquelyn’s mother and brother rushed outside.

    c. Scruffy started barking and it woke up Jacquelyn.

    d. Jacquelyn’s father used the flashlight to look at the house.

    e. Jacquelyn’s mother found the key and opened the emergency kit.

    A.c,b,a,e,d B.c,a,b,e,d C.b,a,c,d,e D.b,c,e,a,d

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. What colour is your name? What colour is Wednesday? These questions might sound strange to most people, but some can answer right away. One person says her name is the colour red. For another person, Wednesday is blue. These people have a condition called synesthesia. This means they experience two senses at the same time. For these people, the senses of smell, sound, sight, touch, and taste are not separate (分开的).They might see and also hear colours, for example, or hear as well as feel sounds.

    The most common form of synesthesia is to hear sounds as colours, A person with synesthesia might hear the number three as blue or the letter D as red. Someone might always see green upon hearing the word April. Another person might see different colours while listening to music. Some people also taste colours. To one person, beef might taste blue and to another, yellow. Some people experience feelings in colour. For example, one person with synesthesia reports feeling pain as the colour orange.

    Another form of synesthesia is to experience sounds or tastes as shapes. Some people see music as squares and circles. Some people taste a sweet as a smooth ball. There are other forms of synesthesia, as well. For one man, different words have different tastes. Some words taste like pork; others taste like potatoes or eggs.

    Synesthesia is not a common condition. Perhaps only one person in every 5,000 has it. For these people, the everyday world can be a colourful and interesting place.

    1.What is this passage mainly about?

    A.An unusual condition. B.People who like colour.

    C.The colour of pain. D.Music and art.

    2.How many people probably have synesthesia?

    A.Only 5,000 in the world. B.One out of every 500.

    C.About 5 million. D.One out of every 5,000.

    3.Which is the most common form of synesthesia?

    A.Experiencing tastes as shapes.

    B.Experiencing sounds as colours.

    C.Experiencing words as tastes.

    D.Experiencing music as shapes,

    4.Which of the following is NOT an example of synesthesia?

    A.Feeling pain in red.

    B.Tasting beef as green.

    C.Feeling warm in April.

    D.Seeing music as squares.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

句型转换 共 1 题
  1. 请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

    1.There are something wrong with my computer.(改为一般疑问句)

    ________ there  ________ wrong with your computer?

    2.I would rather stay at home than go out when I was young.(保持句意基本不变)

    I ________ staying at home to ________ out when I was young.

    3.We often see Tom clean the blackboard (改为被动语态)

    Tom is often  ________   ________  clean the blackboard.

    4.The tiger are facing great danger.(感叹句)

    ________ ________  danger the tiger are facing.

    5.“What do you sell online?”I asked the young boy. (改为宾语从句)

    I asked the young boy ________ he  ________ online.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。

    Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friend, c1.up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you'll find that the whole world smiles to you. While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the h2. smile on your teacher's face when you did a good job?

    One day it is fine. Just before you want to go out, it s3. starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the w4.. But dear friend, why don't you sit down and listen to the sound that the n5. offers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will g6. better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.

    Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failures can't be a7.. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are a8.of it and give up hopes. When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish w9. we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success. "

    Attitude (态度) decides e10.. Let's smile to whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. 阅读与回答问题

    Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason. Everyone wants to be happy. But sometimes, a guest comes in without invitation. It’s unhappiness. Don’t let it get you down. Send it away.

    When you are happy, the world feels like a better place. As the saying goes: When you smile, the world smiles with you; when you cry, you cry alone. Wearing a smile makes you more charming(迷人的)and helps you to win lots of friends. A good mood(心情)always gives you hope, which makes trouble and problems easier to handle.

    No matter how happy you are, it’s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while. We can’t change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one. To help us do this, it’s good to know some of the factors(因素)that influence happiness.

    One of the biggest factors is social relationships. People who are close to family and friends are happier than people who don’t have those relationships. Talking and sharing is a good way to relax and build confidence. Knowing someone is there for you will make you braver and more outgoing.

    Another factor is work or school. If you enjoy school, even if you have lots of homework or extra classes, you will feel that your school life is meaningful and happy. But if you hate school, your negative attitude(消极的态度)may cause you to feel bored and upset that you hate to do so much work.

    A third factor is your attitude towards life. How do you feel if you fail in an exam? Maybe you think it’s unfair because you always study and should have got a good mark. You can’t stop blaming(责备)yourself. Or, maybe you accept it. You go through the paper carefully, find out why you made stupid mistakes, and tell yourself, “Take it easy! I’ll do better next time!” Your attitude makes a big difference.

    Do you smile a lot or wear a long face most of the time?

    1.What is happiness?


    2.What makes you more charming and gives you hope?


    3.What can we do when we can’t change the way life is?


    4.How many factors influence happiness?


    5.How do you make yourself happy in your daily life? Give an example.


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书信作文 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达

    假如你是Sandy, 你们班的英语老师Mr Lee想了解班级同学的状况,以便有针对性地对学生进行考前心理辅导。请你根据下面的内容要求,给Mr Lee写封电子邮件,说明自己目前的情况,自己所做的努力,并请他给你仍有的困惑提一些建议。内容要点如下:



    ①学业重, 上课困









    要求:1. 内容须包含所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯;

    2. 词数90个左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

    3. 第3点的内容需展开合理补充。

    参考词汇:distracted adj. 分神的;

    From: sandy@163.com

    To: Jason_Lee@163.com

    Subject: My problems

    Date: November 17

    Dear Mr Lee,

    I’m very glad to write to you. I have some problems and feel really stressed these days. Every day I have so much homework to do that                                

    What should I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I hope to have a good talk with you soon.

    Best wishes.


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析