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本卷共 24 题,其中:
单选题 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,句型转换 1 题,完成句子 1 题,填空 1 题,单词填空 1 题,书信作文 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 19 题,困难题 4 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 15 题
  1. Mike works in a hospital ________ help people, not ________ the money.

    A.to; to B.for; for C.to; for D.for; to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Sam didn’t want anyone ________ the silly mistake he made at school to his mother.

    A.told B.to tell C.tell D.would tell

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The cost of our dinner at this three-Michelin-star restaurant is $300, ________ food and drinks.

    A.including B.like C.with D.such as

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. There is a solemn statue ________ nine martyrs (烈士) and a tall monument ________ martyrs who died here in Yuhuatai Martyrs Cemetery.

    A.of; of B.to; to C.to; of D.of; to

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  5. Danny is checking everything in the cage to ________ his pet bird lives comfortably in it.

    A.be sure B.make sure C.feel sure D.seem sure

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. —I know it’s my fault to break your glasses. Can’t you give me a chance to make it up to you?

    —________. But first you need to say sorry to me.

    A.I am afraid not B.No, I can’t

    C.Never mind D.Yes, I can

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. When Janet got to Edinburgh last August, there were not ________ hotels for her to choose. All ________ hotels were full. She could only stay in a guesthouse.

    A.other; other B.the other; the other

    C.other; the other D.the other; other

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Helen is such a careless woman that she ________ her keys to her office at home three times last month.

    A.left B.forgot C.lost D.kept

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Debbie doesn’t know what Pete ________ about these days. She ________ it’s his problem, not hers. So she doesn’t care.

    A.is thinking; thinks B.thought; is thinking

    C.thinks; thinks D.thinks; is thinking

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. Taking a tech-free (零科技) holiday would be a good time to ________ something new or ________ hobbies which you never had time for.

    A.put up; get on B.pick up; return to

    C.try on; come up to D.choose from; put on

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  11. Robert hurt his little sister’s hand by accident. He didn’t ________ do it. But he thinks it was his fault.

    A.decide to B.try to C.plan to D.mean to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. —I don’t like young kids. They always make a lot of noise.

    —That’s not a very nice thing to say, ________? You need to be kind to them.

    A.is it B.is that C.isn’t it D.is that

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. Our school basketball team ________ in the final of the basketball competition. Another team from No.5 Middle School ________ doing very well too.

    A.is; isn’t B.are; aren’t C.is; are D.are; is

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. When Alice walked ________ a small door, she saw a beautiful garden ________ colorful flowers and a fountain inside.

    A.from; with B.through; with C.out of; of D.into; of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. —Darren said he would go to the museum with me yesterday. But later he changed his mind.

    —________ He is not someone you can trust.

    A.So what? B.Sounds bad to me.

    C.See? Told you. D.He did it, though.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is ________: Music improves certain (某种) language abilities (能力) in the brain. Here, we look at two examples.

    A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person’s ________ ability. In his study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a ________ room: The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person ________.

    Musicians hear better ________ they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. Think about violinists in an orchestra. When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many other ________, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay ________ attention to the other sounds. ________, musicians are able to focus on (专注于) certain sounds, even in a room with lots of noise.

    Schlaug, a ________ at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke (中风) patients (病人). ________ their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can ________ sing. Schlaug was surprised to ________ that singing words helped his patients to speak. Why does this work? Schlaug isn’t sure. Music ________ to make different parts of the brain work, and even the damaged (损坏的) parts. This might ________ patients to use that part of the brain again.

    Music improves concentration (注意力), memory, listening skills, and our overall language abilities. It can even help sick people get better. Playing an instrument or singing can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp (敏锐的) as we get ________. Music is not only enjoyable, it’s also good for us in many other ways.

    1.A.yes B.unknown C.no D.possible

    2.A.language B.speaking C.hearing D.singing

    3.A.large B.dirty C.beautiful D.noisy

    4.A.clearly B.more clearly C.quickly D.more quickly

    5.A.so B.because C.when D.after

    6.A.voices B.people C.noises D.instruments

    7.A.no B.a lot of C./ D.a little

    8.A.Anyway B.By the way C.On the way D.In this way

    9.A.headmaster B.scientist C.doctor D.student

    10.A.When B.Because of C.After D.Thanks to

    11.A.hardly B.finally C.still D.only

    12.A.find B.see C.know D.learn

    13.A.trains B.starts C.gets D.seems

    14.A.explain B.teach C.help D.stop

    15.A.stronger B.older C.cleverer D.taller

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. 1. San Francisco

    Fisherman’s Wharf is an old marketplace by the sea with fashionable restaurants, shops and street performers. Visit Ghirardelli Square, home to the amazing Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop, and Pier 39, a lively marketplace with shops, restaurants and music. From here you can take a cruise (游艇) around the bay (海湾).

    2. Venice Beach

    This is where skateboarding started, so you must visit the famous skate park right on the beach. Also watch the bodybuilders (健美者) at Muscle Beach Gym, which is where Arnold Schwarzenegger started his career (职业生涯).

    3. Hollywood

    You can stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and then meet his wax model, along with Hugh Jackman, Brad and Angelina, all at Madame Tussauds Hollywood. Discover how films are made at Universal Studios (环球影城), where there are also exciting park rides (供乘骑的游乐设施) and shows.

    4. Disneyland

    One of the most magical places in the world, Disneyland Park has hundreds of rides such as Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure. A day in Disneyland is a day you will never forget!

    5. Santa Cruz

    Go to the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum and see different boards. Next stop, the Santa Cruz Beach Broadwalk for a ride on a big rollercoaster (过山车).

    1.According to the article most travelers go to Ghirardelli Square to ________.

    A.watch street performances B.take a ride on a cruise

    C.taste some famous dessert D.have meals in modern restaurants

    2.Erin likes going shopping and enjoying great food when she is on holiday. Which place is the best for her?

    A.Santa Cruz. B.San Francisco. C.Venice Beach. D.Disneyland.

    3.In how many places can people take exciting rides?

    A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

    4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

    A.You may learn about the history of surfing in Venice Beach

    B.You can find how films are made at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre

    C.Santa Cruz Beach is where Arnold Schwarzenegger started his career.

    D.You can enjoy a view of the sea in Fisherman’s Wharf.

    5.Where can we probably read this article?

    A.In a travel guide. B.In a news report.

    C.In a TV guide. D.In a sports magazine.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. We brush our teeth every day but few people know ________. Today, a French company has introduced an electric toothbrush, which can work wirelessly (无线地) with a smartphone. It’s called the Kolibree toothbrush. It has different models, and will cost from $99 to $200.

    Users download (下载) an app and connect by Bluetooth, and the Kolibree will record 1) the time you spend brushing teeth, 2) whether (是否) all areas of your mouth are reached 3)whether you brush up and down instead of just side to side. Then it will send the information to a mobile phone by Bluetooth, telling you whether you have brushed in a night way. The Kolibree app records your progress (进步) and scores your brushing way to help you improve brushing habits.

    The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by Thomas Serval. He says the idea of inventing it came from his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They always answered “yes”, but Thomas used to find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided that a kind of brush was needed to tell him how well they brushed their teeth.

    Thomas says that one day it’ll be possible to use a brushing unit with a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.

    1.Which of the following is the best for ________?

    A.what kind of toothbrush is good for us

    B.whether there are bad teeth in our mouths

    C.how interesting brushing teeth can be

    D.how well we’re brushing our teeth

    2.According to the article, the current (目前的) Kolibree toothbrush can ________.

    A.check the holes in your teeth when you brush

    B.tell you whether you have made improvement in teeth brushing

    C.send all kinds of useful information to your mobile phone

    D.help you reach the unknown areas of your mouth

    3.What can be inferred (推断) from the story of Thomas Serval?

    A.Thomas’s kids didn’t have a good brushing habit.

    B.Thomas’s kids never told the truth to him.

    C.Thomas was very interested in making inventions.

    D.Thomas was a careless father.

    4.Who is the Kolibree toothbrush most suitable (合适的) for?

    A.An inventor who wants to make a better toothbrush.

    B.A woman who wants to have whiter teeth.

    C.A girl who wants to know whether she brushes her teeth correctly.

    D.A boy who wants to make teeth brushing fun.

    5.Which of the following statements about the Kolibree toothbrush is NOT TRUE according to the article?

    A.It is an electric toothbrush, which can work with a smartphone.

    B.Different models of it have different prices.

    C.It was first invented by a French company.

    D.You need to download an app to record information with it.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. We usually understand when someone speaks or writes to us, and many gestures have meanings, too. But few of us ever considered what and how we eat as a way of communication. The food people eat during celebrations and ceremonies (仪式) can symbolize (象征) many things. In many cultures, people share food at meal times. Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can improve trust. Food can also have a particular (特别的) meaning, and play an important role in a family or culture’s celebrations or traditions. The foods we eat—and when and how we eat them—are often unique to a particular culture, or may even differ between the country and the city one country.

    In most cultures, bread represents nourishment (营养). It is also one of the most commonly shared foods in the world. Sharing bread, whether at a special time or at the family dinner table, is a common symbol of companionship and togetherness. In fact, the word “companion” comes from the Latin com (together) and panis (bread). Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with beautifully decorated cakes that are cut and shared among the guests. Early types of cakes were simply a kind of bread, so this tradition has its root (根源) in the custom of sharing bread.

    Food also plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. In the southern United States, pieces of cornbread represent blocks of gold for prosperity (繁荣) in the new year. In Greece, people share a special cake called vasilopita. A coin is baked into the cake, which represents success in the New Year for the person who receives it. Most of the foods eaten during the Chinese New Year have symbolic meanings. Sometimes this is based on their shape; for example, long noodles symbolize long life. The symbolism can also be based on the sound of the word in Chinese. For example, people give out oranges because the word for “orange” sounds like the word for “good luck”.

    1.Which of the following is NOT commonly considered as a way of communication?

    A.Eating moon cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival.

    B.Writing emails to your teacher.

    C.Talking to your grandparents.

    D.Shaking hands with someone when you first meet.

    2.________ can help improve trust among people according to the article.

    A.Eating bread with family members B.Having lunch together

    C.Sharing a pizza with friends D.Cutting a cake into pieces

    3.What is the root reason for sharing cakes at birthdays?

    A.Birthday cakes are usually too big for one person to eat.

    B.Cakes are a kind of beautiful and delicious dessert.

    C.Cakes and bread have been the same food for many years.

    D.Sharing cakes has got its tradition from sharing bread.

    4.________ represent good luck for the new year in its own culture.

    A.Coins in vasilopita B.Oranges

    C.Pieces of cornbread D.Noodles

    5.Which of the following is the best title for this article?

    A.The importance of different foods B.The way of eating foods

    C.What we eat really matters D.Another way of communication

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

句型转换 共 1 题
  1. Sentence transformation

    1.There are many different ways of running a company. (改写同义句)

    There are many different ways _________ _________ a company.

    2.There is a boy called Brooklyn in my class. He got his name from a well-known city, Brooklyn. (两句合并为一句)

    The boy ________ ________ a famous city, Brooklyn, is in my class.

    3.The bus finally got to the hotel. (改写同义句)

    The bus finally ________ ________ the hotel.

    4.Lily washes dishes every day after dinner. (改写同义句)

    Lily does the ________ every day after dinner.

    5.I want to tell you the truth. I never hoped to win the game. (两句合并为一句)

    ________ ________ ________, I never hoped to win the game.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完成句子 共 1 题
  1. Complete each sentence according to the Chinese given.


    My hero is Mulan. It is said she was a female ________ in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. She joined the army instead of her father and fought bravely in the war. She never gave up, even ________ ________ ________ ________.


    Michael, three ________ world ________, likes working with ________ ________ ________ at a school in his spare time.


    When Karen walked out of the gift shop and walked ________ the ________, she ________ ________ ________ look back at the beautiful necklace in the shop window.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, even purple computers! Purple is very popular today. But a long time ago, purple was a very expensive and unusual color. Let’s take a look at the rich history of the color purple.

    Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago probably looked purple, not green. Plants today are green because they use green chlorophyll (叶绿素) to produce energy. But these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple color.

    During the time of the Roman Empire (37 BC-476 AD), it was very difficult to make purple dye (染料). The dye came from sea snail (海螺). But 10,000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye... as well as a very bad smell! This special purple dye… was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred colour of emperors (皇帝).

    In 16th-century England, purple was only for the king’s family members. Queen Elizabeth I’s clothes were purple, but common people were not allowed (允许) to wear the color.

    In 1856, William Perkin, an 18-year-old science student, noticed something strange while doing an experiment (实验). The chemicals he used to clean his instruments mixed with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color. This discovery led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was not expensive. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple.

    The1.of the color purple


    Purple was very expensive and unusual in the2..

    Now it is one of the most popular3.. We use it a lot in our life.

    The first plants on Earth probably looked4.. They5.energy by using retinal, which is dark purple.

    During the Roman Empire, people6.sea snails to make purple dye. 7.the dye had a bad smell, emperors liked it very much.

    In 16th century, common people could not8.purple clothes in England because purple was only for the royal family.

    In 1850, William Perkin found that something strange9.in an experiment. He got a bright purple colour by mixing certain chemicals together. Later he started a company to make purple dye, which was much10.than sea snail dye. Now everyone can afford to wear purple.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. A boy named Reggie was well-known in his hometown because he couldn’t hear anything. He was b1. deaf (聋的). Although people liked him a lot, they treated him much differently than other people. The other children w2. that they might hurt him while playing together. Adults (成年人) acted like he could not understand them, as if he was a baby.

    However, this year, people got to understand Reggie a l3. better. On Reggie’s birthday, everyone in town would wear earplugs (耳塞) so that they couldn’t hear a4. either. This day came to be known as the Day of Silence. People got to know how difficult l5. could be when you can’t hear anything. They a6. learned that Reggie had some amazing skills.

    On that day, no one thought of Reggie as just a deaf person. People saw a whole new side of him. They paid more attention to the things he said. They were s7. by his intelligence and his ability to find a solution to nearly any problem that he had. They r8. that he had always been like that and that he simply needed to c9. with others in a different way. In the end, he was really just like any other little boy.

    On the Day of Silence, people came to know Reggie’s true nature. They learned that although most of us are different, we are still mostly the same in our h10. and minds. So we need to care for each other.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

书信作文 共 1 题
  1. Suppose Alison is your e-pal in Britain. She is very interested in your school life in NFLS. Please write an email to her with around 60 words.

    Your email should include:

    1. your feeling about your school life in NFLS;

    2. school clubs or extra-curricular activities in NFLS;

    3. your favourite club or activity and the reason why you like it.

    Hi Alison,

    How are things going? Hope you’re well. ______________________________________________________

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析