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本卷共 8 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,短文填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 7 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. One day, Lindsay and Erica were sitting at Lindsay’s house working very hard. Fourth grade was tough, and they were working on a science project about weather. Lindsay was a hard worker like Erica, so the two girls were happy to have each other as partners. They were writing about rain and were amazed to learn that Hawaii is the world’s wettest place. Lindsay found that Mount Waialeale, on the island of Kauai, gets about 460 inches of rain a year! In 1982, Mount Waialeale set an all-time world record when it received 666 inches of rain! The girls knew that their classmates would find all these facts interesting.

    The girls were enjoying the fun facts they were finding when all of a sudden, Lindsay saw Erica choking. Erica had been chewing on a pen cap and had accidentally swallowed it! Erica started pointing to her neck. Lindsay asked her if she was choking. When Erica nodded to say yes, Lindsay quickly stood up and did the Heimlich maneuver (策略) to try to help Erica stop choking.

    Lindsay was afraid of hurting her friend, so the first time she tried the Heimlich maneuver, she did not do it very hard. She tried a second time, and nothing happened. After trying it a third time, the pen cap flew out of Erica’ mouth!

    Erica was very grateful to Lindsay. She was terrified when she realized she had swallowed the pen cap and could not breathe. Lindsay was very brave and saved her friend. This was one science project that both girls would never forget!

    1.What did the two girls think of the facts they were finding?

    A. Simple   B. Abstract

    C. Interesting   D. Tough

    2.Eric was choking because ______.

    A. she swallowed a pen cap by accident

    B. she was hurt by a pen cap

    C. food was stuck in her throat

    D. her neck was hurt by a pen point

    3.What does the Heimlich maneuver probably refer to?

    A. Person   B. Book

    C. Tool   D. First aid

    4.It can be inferred that ________.

    A. Lindsay has a good knowledge of first aid

    B. Erica pretended to be choking

    C. Lindsay could not breathe without Erica

    D. Eric would be sent to the hospital

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. An online map showing in real-time how busy some of Beijing's best known sites are has been designed for tourists and residents so they can plan their visits. The map, developed by the Beijing Cyberspace Administration and the Beijing Commission of Tourism Development, monitors four popular scenic spots across the capital - the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and Olympic Forest Park.

    People who want to visit the sites can see which parking lots have spaces free, and how crowded the venues are.

    The map, at present available only in Chinese, has been designed by Sogou Inc, the Chinese search engine owned by Sohu.com Inc, and will be expanded to cover more sites across China. There are also plans to turn it into an app for smartphones.

    "If there are traffic jams around these tourism destinations, roads on the map will turn red, and if visitors want to drive to the places, the map will provide every parking area in and near the spots and show a real-time monitor of empty parking lots at the same time," said Kong Xianglai, the designer and producer of the map from Sogou.

    To make the information as clear and simple as possible, some buildings and streets around the sites have been removed from the map if they are not necessary, Kong said.

    "Users will also see peaks in visitor numbers and where crowds are at these destinations on the map, so it is helpful for them to plan and select a travel time," he said.

    1.The online map is especially helpful for those who want to visit ______.

    A. Qinghai Lake   B. the Great Wall

    C. the Yellow Grane Tower   D. the Summer Palace

    2.What can visitors learn from the online map?

    A. How crowded the streets in Shanghai are .

    B. Which parking lots in and near Olympic Forest Park are empty.

    C. Whether there are traffic jams in 50 top tourist spots across the country.

    D. The number of the visitors in all scenic spots across Beijing.

    3.According to Kong Xianglai, the online map is ________.

    A. Useful   B. Unnecessary

    C. Expensive   D. Complex

    4.The text is most likely to be taken from_______.

    A. A science textbook   B. A museum guide

    C. A study report   D. A news report

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. A cookie can give one person a sugar rush while barely affecting another person, a new study finds, indicating that a food’s glycemic index(血糖指数)is in the eater.

    People’s blood sugar rises or falls differently even when they eat the exact same fruit, bread, deserts, pizza and many other foods, researchers report. That suggests that diets should be tailored to individuals’ personal characteristics.

    The researchers made the discovery after fitting 800 people with blood glucose (血糖)monitors for a week. The people ate standard breakfasts supplied by the researchers. Although the volunteers all ate the same food, their blood glucose levels after eating those foods varied dramatically. Characteristics and behaviors such as body mass index, sleep, exercise, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the kinds of microbes(微生物) living in people’s intestines are associated with blood glucose responses to food, the researchers conclude.

    Those findings indicate that blood sugar spikes (血糖尖峰)after eating depend not only on what you eat, but how your system processes that food.

    A team led by a biologist created a computer algorithm(计算程序) that predicted how much a person’s blood sugar would rise or fall after eating a certain food. When testing on a new group of 100 people, the algorithm correctly predicted the response about 70 percent of the time.

    A third group of 26 participants were then given personalized meals. The computer algorithm analyzed each person and then picked diets for 12 of them. A nutritionist chose a “good” and “bad” diet for the remaining participants. Good diets were ones that minimized blood sugar spikes after eating. Bad diets sent blood sugar skyrocketing. The diets contained the same amount of calories. It turned out that foods on the “good” diet for one person were sometimes on another participant’s “bad” list.

    1.A food’s glycemic index depends on ______.

    A. diets   B. sleep

    C. health   D. eaters

    2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “tailored” in Paragraph 2?

    A. limited   B. adjusted

    C. applied   D. compared

    3.The good diets chosen by a nutritionist were the ones that _______ after eating.

    A. made blood sugar unchanged

    B. sent blood sugar rising sharply

    C. reduced blood sugar spikes to the lowest

    D. provided body with lots of calories

    4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. People’s Blood Sugar Rises Or Falls

    B. A Good Diet for You May be Bad for Me

    C. Diets And Blood Sugar

    D. Can a Cookie Give One Person a Sugar Rush?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Enter to win free book giveaways from publishers. See details for each book giveaway below.

    Wilf The Mighty Worrier: Saves the World

    By Georgia Pritchett

    Wilf is a little boy who worries quite a lot, about quite a lot of things. About almost everything.

    Sponsored by: Quercus

    Giveaway dates: December 17 - January 18, 2016

    Copies available: 10

    Battle of the Bots (Robots Rule)

    By C. J. Richards

    Thanks to the eleven-year-old robotics whiz kid George Gearing and his best buddy, Jackbot, the evil Dr. Micron is finally behind bars. But life is hardly back to normal. With TinkerTech closed down for investigation and the townspeople abandoning their own beloved robots...

    Sponsored by: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

    Giveaway dates: November 4 - November 24, 2015

    Copies available: 5

    The Secrets to Ruling School (Without Even Trying): Book 1 (Max Corrigan)

    By Neil Swaab

    It’s the first week of middle school, i.e., the Worst Place in the Entire World. How do you survive in a place where there are tough kids twice your size, sadistic (虐待狂的) teachers, and restrictions that make jail look like a five-star resort? Easy: with the help of Max Corrigan, middle school “expert” and life coach. Let Max teach you how to.

    Sponsored by: Amulet Books

    Giveaway dates: November 23 - January 8, 2016

    Copies available:10

    Weird but True 7: 300 Outrageous Facts

    By National Geographic Kids

    Ridiculous But True! 7 is the newest addition to the blockbuster Weird But True series. This new book offers children 300 more of the strange facts, illustrations, and photographs they love!

    Sponsored by: National Geographic Children's Books

    Giveaway dates: November 12 - January 14, 2016

    Copies available: 10

    1.You can get these book giveaways by _______.

    A. entering a website to win

    B. going to the book stores

    C. writing a letter to sponsors

    D. visiting the publishers in person

    2.Which book would Tom like to get if he is interested in robots?

    A. Wilf The Mighty Worrier: Saves the World

    B. Battle of the Bots (Robots Rule)

    C. The Secrets to Ruling School

    D. Weird but True 7: 300 Outrageous Facts[

    3.The text is intended to ______.

    A. suggest ways to win free books from publishers

    B. help readers contact with free book publishers

    C. inform the readers to win free book giveaways

    D. introduce some newly published children books

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. Reading has been linked to a wide range of mental, physical, and social health benefits. Here’s what to expect when you become a regular reader.

    You’ll keep your brain in top shape. Research has found that reading stimulates the brain, helping the brain function properly for the long term.1., reading is one of the most affordable and accessible brain boosters.

    You’ll become more empathetic. Reading can boost your ability to understand the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of other people. 2..

    You’ll reduce stress. In one study, reading was found to be one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. 3.. If you want to cheer up quickly, pick up a book.

    You’ll fall asleep easier. Developing a calming bedtime routine is helpful for anyone looking to fall asleep faster.4., give up alcohol, electronics, and cigarettes before bed and pick up a book instead, for reading is a great way to relax before turning off the light.

    You’ll become more interesting. 5.. And that means readers can not only teach themselves new skills or knowledge, but also share it with other people.

    A. It proved even more effective than listening to music, talking a walk, or drinking a cup of tea

    B. In order to satisfy yourself

    C. In other words

    D. For better sleep

    E. And that means you’ll be better to form meaningful relationships with others

    F. Develop a consistent reading plan and stick to it

    G. Reading allows us to learn new things and expand our minds

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. One day after school I was just finishing up some math homework. My dad came back from work and sat right beside me, ______ over my homework with me. We made corrections _____. After that we _______ and my dad said,” I will always _______ every moment spending time talking with you”.

    I remember my Dad telling me his stories of when he was ______. My dad didn't have a father ____. He was always moving from place to place with my ______. My dad wasn't the easiest kid to_____. He would _______ with kids at school, which made my grandma worried. He’d act out to release the anger he had from not having his father present in his ________ and teenage years.

    At high school, things got a little ________. He made a football team, he did well and didn’t get into as much _______ as before. He also made many friends. ______ those friends was my uncle. My Dad and Uncle were friends all throughout high school. It was through my uncle  _______my Mom and Dad met _________. Later, they got married. After I was born, my dad felt that becoming a _______ was an honor and that he would not be ______ in my life.

    I suddenly looked up to see my Dad ______ at me. I could see in my Dad’s eyes how he longed for a _______ like this. I continued to do my math homework and _______ my Dad say,” I love you, always”.

    1.A. taking   B. looking   C. getting   D. handing

    2.A. equally   B. instead   C. together   D. hardly

    3.A. thought   B. planned   C. listened   D. talked

    4.A. waste   B. organize   C. treasure   D. choose

    5.A. young   B. old   C. tired   D. poor

    6.A. growing up   B. turning up   C. settling down   D. breaking away

    7.A. mom   B. uncle   C. grandpa   D. grandma

    8.A. connect   B. handle   C. change   D. recognize

    9.A. fight   B. dance   C. compete   D. study

    10.A. struggling   B. travelling   C. childhood   D. adulthood

    11.A. harder   B. easier   C. worse   D. larger

    12.A. trouble   B. debt   C. sadness   D. anxiety

    13.A. Between   B. Apart from   C. Among   D. As for

    14.A. who   B. when   C. how   D. that

    15.A. practically   B. officially   C. especially   D. entirely

    16.A. father   B. mother   C. fighter   D. student

    17.A. present   B. different   C. absent   D. strict

    18.A. glaring   B. pointing   C. aiming   D. smiling

    19.A. appearance   B. relationship   C. background   D. behavior

    20.A. felt   B. found   C. heard   D. made

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文填空 共 1 题
  1. Ecotourism (生态旅游) 1.(grow) in popularity. It is 2.(common) agreed that ecotourism must preserve the wildlife and culture of the area, benefit the local people and the local community, make a profit without3. (destroy) natural resources and provide an experience that tourists want to pay for. In a true ecotourism project, a nature reserve 4.(allow) a small number of tourists to visit 5. rare animals and uses the money that is earned 6.(continue) with important conservation work. The local people not only have jobs in the nature reserve as guides and keepers, but have a voice in how the project develops. Tourists stay in local houses with local people, not in specially 7.(build) hotels. They experience the local culture and do not take precious energy and water away from the local population. They travel on foot, by boat, bicycle or elephant so that there is no pollution. You can apply the principles of ecotourism 8. you go for your holiday. Leave nothing  9. you except footprints and take nothing away except photographs. Don’t buy souvenirs made from 10. (danger) animals or plants.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

    One day I was walking with my mom out of a supermarket then I found a wallet and picking it up. We were on our ways to the parking lot. In front of us were a lady, who seemed to be looking for something and we asked her what she was looking for. She said she has lost her wallet. I asked her if one I picked up was hers. Saw the wallet, she said yes. So I gave it back to her. She was so glad that she insisted on giving me 100 yuan for return. I refused. She was gratefully to us. I returned back home with delight.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析