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本卷共 18 题,其中:
单选题 9 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 4 题,补全短文5选4 1 题,回答问题 1 题,英汉互译:整句 1 题,日记 1 题
中等难度 15 题,困难题 3 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 9 题
  1. I want to buy a book _________ my son. Do you have any books________ history?

    A.to; for B.for; about C.for; in

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Miss. Lin teaches________English. We enjoy________ in class.

    A.us; ourselves B.our; ourselves C.our; us

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. ________up early tomorrow, or you will be late.

    A.Gets B.To get C.Get

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. —________is it from the cinema to your house?

    —It is about 20 minutes’ walk.

    A.How long B.How far C.How soon

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The handsome young man________short curly blond hair is one of my friends..

    A.has B.is C.with

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. ________ delicious strawberry bread it is!

    A.What a B.How C.What

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. Today is Dragon Boat Festival but it________any other day for Zhuhui and his host family.

    A.likes B.is like C.does like

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. If his classmates or he________the classroom after school every day, the classroom________really clean.

    A.cleans; is B.clean; will be C.cleans; will be

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. They often tell the police artist________the criminal________.

    A.how; likes B.what; look like C.what; looks like

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. A funny thing happened to me yesterday after work. I was really_________ and I didn’t want to make dinner, so I went to a fast-food place near my office building. I_________ a cheeseburger, some fries, and a soda. the mall to meet my friend Sammy. The restaurant was really crowded, _________I had to share a table. I sat across from a young man . I said, “Is this seat_________?” He nodded and smiled. He seemed pretty nice. I_________a magazine and started eating my burger. It was so interesting that I couldn’t stop_________. But then I saw the guy take one of my fries. I couldn’t_________ it, but I was too embarrassed to say anything. Then he took another one , and I still didn’t say anything. The I thought ,”Those are my fries.” So I took some and _________them The guy looked at me in a funny_________, but he didn’t say anything. The he did it again and ate another one of my fries. It was strange. Finally, a few minutes__________, he got up, took his tray(托盘), and left. That’s when I realized the fries were on his tray! And my fries? They were under my magazine. How embarrassing!

    1.A.happy B.surprised C.hungry

    2.A.made B.ordered C.gave

    3.A.because B.so C.but

    4.A.free B.cheap C.expensive

    5.A.took off B.took out C.took away

    6.A.reading B.watching C.seeing

    7.A.see B.hate C.believe

    8.A.sod B.ate C.broke

    9.A.way B.road C.street

    10.A.before B.ago C.later

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. Company: Magic Time Machine Restaurant

    Job Title: assistant server

    Job Type: part-time

    Location:5003 Belt Line Road, Dallas, TX75254

    Minimum Age:16+years old

    Company: Q Time Restaurant

    Job Title: cashier

    Job Type: full-time

    Location: Atlanta, GA 30334

    We are a cafeteria-style Italian food restaurant located in the Historic West-End.

    Company: Legal Sea Food Restaurant

    Job Title: server

    Job Type: full-time, part-time

    Wages: to be discussed

    Location: Chestnut Hil, MA 02467

    Minimum Age:18+years old

    Company: E.J. Pope & Son, Inc.

    Job Title: truck driver

    Job Type: full-time, part-time

    Location: 4953 Virginia Avenue,

    North Charleston, SC 29405

    Minimum Age:23+ years old One year driving experience needed.

    1.Which company needs a cashier?

    A.Magic Time Machine Restaurant

    B.Q Time Restaurant

    C.Legal Sea Food Restaurant

    2.Where is Legal Sea Food Restaurant located?

    A.On Belt Line Road

    B.I n Historic West-End

    C.In Chestnut Hill

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析


    Open time:

    June 12th -16th ,19th -23rd ,26th -30th

    July 10th -14th , 17th -21st , 24th -28th

    July 31st -August 4th , August 7th -11th

    Registration(注册)opens on May 1st

    Open to children ages 5-12 years old

    Camp hours are 9:00 am-3:30pm

    $250 for the week. Partial week options are available(可选择的)

    Register for multiple(多个) full weeks and receive a $25 discount(折扣) for the second and subsequent(随后的)weeks.

    Register early. Limited(有限的)space available. Visit www.wysc.org to register.

    1.The summer camp is not open to children who are________.

    A.5 years old B.10 years old C.14 years old

    2.Tommy finished one week in the summer camp. How much should he pay if he decided to stay for another week?

    A.$225 B.$250 C.$275

    3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

    A.The summer camp ends on August 11th

    B.The summer camp has no limitations on space

    C.Children can register for the summer camp online.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. What do you usually have for breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you nutrition (营养) after a long night without food.

    Breakfast dishes are very different in different parts of China. In the south, people usually grow rice.

    And the north grows wheat (小麦). In many southern cities, popular breakfast dishes are made from rice. And northern cities eat all kinds of wheat food.

    In Guangdong, rice noodle roll (肠粉) is a popular breakfast dish. People make rolls with rice milk.

    They put pork (猪肉), beef, vegetables or other things inside the rolls. People in Guangdong usually put a bit of soy sauce (酱油) on the dish. It tastes good!

    In many northern cities, people like to have roujiamo as breakfast. People in Shaanxi first made it.

    People cook the meat for hours and cut it into small pieces. Then they put the meat inside a bun (面饼). Roujiamo is just like a Chinese style hamburger.

    1.Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

    A.Because breakfast dishes are very different in different parts in China.

    B.Because it gives you nutrition after a long night without food.

    C.Because breakfast is the most popular meal in the world.

    2.What do people in northern cities eat for breakfast?

    A.Wheat food B.Dishes made from rice C.Rice noodle roll

    3.Which of the following thing is NOT in rice noodle roll?

    A.Pork B.Vegetables C.Mutton

    4.Who first made roujiamo?

    A.People in Guangdong B.People in the South C.People in Shanxi

    5.What’s the best title of the passage?

    A.Important breakfast B.Different breakfast in China C.Rice and wheat

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Thomas Edison was an American inventor. When he was 7 years old, his mother had anappendectomy(阑尾切除手术). But it was too dark. So Edison put mirrors(镜子)near oil lamps (油灯) to light up the room

    The story is in a Chinese textbook for primary school students by People’s Education Press(人民教育出版社). Perhaps many of you have read it before. But the publisher (出版社) recently said itwill cut out this story. That’s because many people think it’s not true. Many believe that the world’s first appendectomy was in 1886. But when Edison was 7, it was 1854.

    The publisher also said it will not use some other stories. For example, there’s a story about the first US President George Washington. The story says young Washington cut down a cherry (樱桃) tree in the yard of his house. But in fact, there was no cherry tree in the area at that time

    So what’s the problem? Experts (专家) say that some editors (编辑) care too much about the educational meaning of stories, without checking if the story is true first.

    The publisher says, in the future, they will pay greater attention to the truth of the stories in the textbook. “We will invite experts to check our stories,” it said in a statement.

    1.The textbook said Thomas Edison________.

    A.was the inventor ofmirrors

    B.did an appendectomy for his mother at the ageof 7

    C.helped light up the room during her mother’sappendectomy

    2.When was Thomas Edison born?

    A.In 1847. B.In 1854. C.In1879.

    3.Why will the publisher cut out George Washington’s story?

    A.Because nobody should make stories about a president

    B.Because it’s wrong for a president to cut down trees.

    C.Because the story is not true.

    4..What is the problem of some editors?

    A.They will pay greater attention to the truth of the stories in the textbook

    B.They care too much about the educational meaning of stories

    C.They don’t like checking if the stories are true.

    5.What will the publisher do in the future?

    A.They will ask experts to check if stories are true.

    B.They will pay more attention to the educational meaning of stories.

    C.They will invite experts to write stories for textbooks.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

补全短文5选4 共 1 题
  1. Tips for cinemas

    Do you often go to the cinema? Here are some tips on how to be a good moviegoer.


    You may disturb(打扰)others if you go into the cinema when the film is already playing. Try to arrive no less than 5 minutes before starting time. And try not to get up in the middle of the film. You can go to the restroom before it starts.

    Don’t eat and drink noisily

    It’s fine to eat and drink during a film. 2.. No one hear your food crunching(咯吱咯吱的咀嚼).

    Don’t talk or sing.

    3..But you have to stay quiet during the film. The cinema is for everyone , so it is important not to talk. You can talk when the film is over.

    Don’t use your phone.

    Put your smart phone into silent mode(静音模式) during the film. Also , don’t use them when the movie is on.


    A.The light from the screens(屏幕) can be very bright in the dark cinema.

    B.It is great place to enjoy the latest films with others.

    C.Don’t be late.

    D.You may have some thoughts about the film and want to share with your parents and friends.

    E.But you have to do it quietly.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Fight with flood

    Dayu (大禹)was a leader of a tribe(部落). He was kind and friendly to everyone. One day, a flood came and broke a dam(大坝)。 Dayu went to fight the flood. Different from his father, Dayu didn’t build new dams. He widened the river courses(加宽河道). He also built new river courses. In this way, more water could go through and flow into the sea. There was no more flood problem. This is not easy work at all. It took 13 years and 20000 workers to do it. Dayu worked very hard every day. During the years, Dayu passed by his house three times. But he never went inside. He didn’t want his family to take his time and mind(心思)away from the work. Dayu then became the hero of people. He also helped homeless people build new houses. People admired(敬仰)Dayu very much and made him the new king. After that, Dayu built Xia. It was the first dynasty(朝代) in Chinese history.

    1.What was Dayu like?


    2.How did Dayu fight the flood?


    3.How many times did Dayu pass by his house?


    4.Why didn’t Dayu go inside his house?


    5.Did Dayu help those people who didn’t have homes build new houses?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

英汉互译:整句 共 1 题
  1. 语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将画线的句子译成英文或中文。

    A grasshopper (蝗虫)

    1.A grasshopper (蝗虫) spent all summer dancing in the sun and singing. At that time the grasshopper saw a little ant busy gathering food from the field.

    The grasshopper asked the ant, “Why are you working so hard? Come and chat with me. ” The ant replied to the grasshopper, “2. I am collecting foods for the winter. Why can't you also store some food the winter season?” And the ant the work. The grasshopper laughed at the ant by saying “winter is so long to come” and continued to work .

    When the winter came the ant was in his home using the food he saved during the summer time. 3.那个蝗虫没有食物,非常饥饿。The grasshopper asked the ant to give some food to eat. The ant laughed at the grasshopper and said, “4.上个夏天你做了什么?The grasshopper felt ashamed of .He went into the ant's house and had enough food for its stomach. And at the request of the ant, the grasshopper sang and danced.“well” said the ant.5.”If you do no work all summer, you will be hungry in the winter.”






    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

日记 共 1 题
  1. 假设你是李华,于7月15日星期六这一天参加了学校组织的校外活动。请你以school trip为主题,写一则英语日记。内容包括参加人员,集合时间,活动地点,交通方式,活动内容以及个人感受等。




    难度: 困难查看答案及解析