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本卷共 18 题,其中:
单选题 10 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 3 题,多任务混合问题 1 题,单词填空 1 题,将所给单词连成句子 1 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 14 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 10 题
  1. Oh, I have ________ English book. It is in my room.

    A. a B. an C. / D. the

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. --Linda, are these Anna’s tapes? —No, ________ are in the box.

    A. He B. His C. She D. Hers

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Mary likes fish and ________ for lunch. What about you?

    A. apple B. food C. hamburgers D. banana

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. This sweater looks ________ on my daughter. I’ll take it.

    A. big B. small C. nice D. well

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. I often play volleyball after class. But my cousin Lily _________.

    A. does B. doesn’t C. do D. don’t

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. We usually finish our classes ________ 5: 30 in the afternoon.

    A. at B. in C. on D. from

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  7. —________ is this red T-shirt?      —It’s 17 dollars.

    A. How much B. How many C. What color D. What

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. My mother ________ me a pair of new shoes for sports.

    A. sell B. buy C. sells D. buys

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Look! The ball is behind the door. Let’s _________ it.

    A. get B. to get C. find D. to find

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. Tom likes vegetables, ________ he eats them every day.

    A. because B. and C. but D. or

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. I have a sister. She ___ a middle school student. __ name is Li Mei. She is in ___. There are 30 girls and 28____in the class.

    They have four ___ in the morning, and three ___. They study Chinese, English and other lessons. Li Mei is ____ at Chinese. But she isn’t good at English.

    They ___ like English. And they like ___ English teacher, too. They read and write English every day. I think they can study it ____

    1.A. is B. am C. are D. be

    2.A. His B. He C. Her D. She

    3.A. Grade 7, Class 1 B. Class and Grade 7 C. 2 Class, 1 Grade D. Class 1, Grade 7

    4.A. students B. student C. boy D. boys

    5.A. classes B. a lesson C. class D. lesson

    6.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at morning D. at afternoon

    7.A. well B. fine C. bad D. good

    8.A. don't B. are C. all D. look

    9.A. theirs B. their C. them D. they

    10.A. well B. good C. fine D. nice

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. Hi, I'm Sasha from the USA. I’m 13 years old. In this picture, the man is my father. His name is Barack Obama. He is very busy. The woman is my mother, Michelle Obama. One girl is my sister. Her name is Malia. She is 16. We go to the same middle school from Monday to Friday. At school, we have some subjects. We have Chinese, too. It is difficult but interesting. In March, I visited (访问) China for a week with my grandmother, my mother, and my sister. I think China is really great. And I like it very much.


    A. 妇女 B. 叔叔 C. 男人 D. 男孩

    2.What's Sasha’s last name?

    A. Maia. B. Barack. C. Michelle. D. Obama.

    3.Michelle is Malia’s ________.

    A. sister B. father C. mother D. grandmother

    4.How many people(多少人) in Sasha's family visited(访问) China in March?

    A. 6 B. 4 C. 5 D. 1

    5.Which of the following sentences is NOT right?

    A. Sasha' s father visited(访问) China in March.

    B. Sasha visited China for seven days.

    C. Sasha and Malia are sisters.

    D. Sasha likes China.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. North Carolina Middle School has many different clubs(俱乐部)for all the students. You can join(加入) them. Come and see.

    Science Club

    Time: Monday, Thursday &Friday 9:00 a.m.~11:00 a.m.

    Location(地点): Room201

    Teacher: Miss Lutz

    Tel: 023-8209


    Time: Monday, Thursday & Sunday 9: 00 a.m.~11:00 a.m.

    Location: Room 307

    Teacher: Miss Cooper

    Tel: 023-6822

    Computer Club

    Time: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9: 00 a.m.~11: 00 am; 3:00 p.m.~5: 00 p.m.

    Location: Room 503

    Teacher: Mr Bemard

    Tel: 023-6820

    Music Club

    Time: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday 9: 00 a.m.~11: 00 a.m.; 3: 00 p. m.~5: 00 p.m.

    Teacher: Miss Lagarde & Mr Green

    Tel: 023-8602

    1.Jenny wants to learn about(学习) the computer. He can call ________.

    A. 023-8209 B. 023-6820 C. 023-6822 D. 023-8602

    2.If(如果)you want to learn drawing, you can go to ________.

    A. Room 201 B. Room 402 C. Room 503 D. Room 307

    3.Dick is not busy on Thursday afternoon. He can go to learn ________.

    A. science B. drawing C. music D. computer

    4.When are all the clubs open(营业的)?

    A. 9:00a.m.~11:00a.m. B. 3:00p.m.~5:00p.m.

    C. 9:00am.~6:00a.m. D. 9:00a.m.~5:00a.m.

    5.Which of the following is RIGHT?

    A. Miss Lutz doesn't teach science.

    B. The Drawing Club doesn't have a telephone.

    C. Miss Lagarde and Mr. Green can teach you music.

    D. Children(孩子们) can go to the Science Club on Sunday.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Dear Tom,

    Thanks for your letter, and I am glad to be your pen friend. Let me tell you something about myself.

    I am a student in Class One, Grade Seven. This year, I learn many new subjects. They are English, geography, history and so on. I like English very much because it's very useful. I often see English movies on the weekend. I think it is good for my English.

    I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. After class I do sports. My favorite sport is soccer. I think it's very exciting. I often play soccer with my friends, Martin and Victor. What about you? Please tell me something more about yourself.


    Li Yong

    1.Who writes the letter?

    A. Tom. B. Li Yong. C. Martin. D. Victor.

    2.What subject is NOT mentioned (提及) in the letter?

    A. English. B. geography. C. History. D. Math.

    3.What does Li Yong often do on the weekend?

    A. He often reads English. B. He often plays soccer with his friends.

    C. He often writes letters. D. He often sees English movies.

    4.How many lessons does Li Yong have every day?

    A. Two B. Four C. five D. Six

    5.What sport does Li Yong like best?

    A. Basketball. B. Soccer. C. Baseball. D. Tennis.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

多任务混合问题 共 1 题
  1. Mr. Hand is busy every day. He has a big clothes store. He usually gets up at 6:00.After brushing his teeth, he does some running. He has breakfast at 6:30 and takes a bus to his store at 7:00. His clothes are cheap (便宜的). So many people go to his clothes to buy clothes. He usually has lunch at 11:30 in the store. For lunch, he usually eats burgers, salad or oranges. He gets home at about 19:00. He has dinner with his families——his wife (妻子) Julia Brown and daughter Nancy Hand. They like chicken, broccoli, salad and tomatoes. After dinner, he takes a shower(淋浴). Then he watches TV. He goes to bed at 21: 30.


    1.Mr Hand has dinner with his wife and daughter at home.(_____)

    2.Mr Hand usually gets up at ________.

    3.What does he do after brushing his teeth?


    4.Why does many people buy his clothes?



    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. Ⅹ.词语运用

    Jack is from Canada. He is1.English boy. He likes2.(play) soccer. His favorite subject is 3.(历史). Now he lives in China with his parents. He 4.(有)a sister. 5.(she)name is Mary. She likes h 6.food. In the evening, Jack does h7.homework. And then he reads b8.. Mary  w 9.TV and plays with toys. They often go to bed a 10.nine.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

将所给单词连成句子 共 1 题
  1. A)连词成句。


    1.phone   number   what’s   your


    2.birthday  in  August  her   is


    3.that  is   schoolbag  yours


    4.don’t  like  I  chicken  lunch   for


    5.play  volleyball  let’s  Monday   on


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你是Mike,请你介绍一下你的三餐饮食习惯。




    难度: 困难查看答案及解析