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本卷共 19 题,其中:
短对话 5 题,长对话 4 题,短文 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,提纲类作文 1 题
中等难度 12 题,困难题 7 题。总体难度: 中等
短对话 共 5 题
  1. What did the man do?

    A.He started the phone. B.He broke the buttons. C.He fixed the screen.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. What will the speakers buy at the store?

    A.Bread. B.Meat. C.Chips.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. How much did the woman pay for the refrigerator?

    A.$800. B.$300. C.$150.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Where does the man most likely live?

    A.In Canada. B.In New York. C.In California.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Why did the woman’s plants die, according to the man?

    A.From not enough water. B.From not enough sun. C.From not enough plant food.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

长对话 共 4 题
  1. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.How does the woman most likely feel?

    A.Sorry. B.Disappointed. C.Annoyed.

    2.What has happened to the woman recently?

    A.She failed in the exams several times.

    B.She moved out of her brother’s house.

    C.She turned in papers late.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A.Friends. B.Colleagues. C.Strangers.

    2.What needs to be replaced?

    A.The tires. B.The radio. C.The air conditioner.

    3.Why doesn’t Lynn want to buy the car?

    A.It is not safe. B.The price is too high. C.It doesn’t drive smoothly.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.What does the woman suggest the man do?

    A.Give up soda. B.Stop eating the sweets. C.Exercise more.

    2.What will the man do tomorrow?

    A.Go to the gym. B.Go out for dinner. C.Go to the grocery store.

    3.What is the conversation mainly about?

    A.Losing weight. B.Healthy meals. C.A new restaurant.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

    1.Where does the conversation take place?

    A.At home. B.In a restaurant. C.In a movie theater.

    2.What did the man think about the movie?

    A.It was funny. B.It was realistic. C.It made him hungry.

    3.What will the woman get to eat?

    A.Some ice cream. B.A large popcorn. C.Some candy and soda.

    4.What kind of movie will the speakers watch?

    A.A movie about a jail. B.A movie about aliens. C.A movie about talking cats.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

短文 共 1 题
  1. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。

    1.What is the weather like in the Southern states?

    A.Rainy. B.Snowy. C.Sunny.

    2.In which state is the temperature rather high according to the talk?

    A.Florida. B.Arizona. C.Texas.

    3.What can we know about the weather in the USA?

    A.The weather in the USA is very pleasant now.

    B.The weather conditions are very poor in the USA.

    C.The weather conditions vary greatly in the USA.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题

    Welcome to Harvard University Housing and thank you for choosing to live with us. To help you make a smooth transition, please read the information below on planning your arrival.


    Dogs living with you in your pet-friendly apartment must be vaccinated for rabies and licensed with the City of Cambridge every year.

    International Students

    Consider unlocking your phone prior to leaving your home country. This will enable you to use a SIM card from a company such as campus SIMS or US Mobile in your phone after you arrive. Those sim cards may be available at the Property Management Office.


    If you plan on bringing a moving van or truck it will not fit under the overpasses on Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive. Plan your route in advance to avoid a risky and costly problem.

    Parking arrangements for trucks and vans must be made in advance as well. Visit your property page for information about parking your car.

    Furniture and Lighting

    Most HUH units have no furniture—the unit is empty except for a stove and a refrigerator. You need to bring, buy, or rent a bed, other furniture, and household items. In many HUH units, rooms do not have overhead lights, so you also may need table or floor lamps.

    If you want to stock up on groceries and some household items as soon as you arrive, please find information about “Grocery Shopping” by selecting it from the drop-down menu.

    1.Suppose a French boy chooses to live in HUH units with a dog and a moving van, he should________.

    A.make sure his dog is vaccinated and licensed in France

    B.unlock his phone before leaving France

    C.buy a phone with a SIM card at the Property Management Office

    D.park his van under the overpasses

    2.What are most HUH units furnished with?

    A.Table or floor lamps. B.A bed and a table.

    C.A stove and a refrigerator. D.Bowls and plates.

    3.Where is this text most likely from?

    A.A website. B.A guidebook.

    C.A magazine. D.A recipe.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. My son Leon’s passion for surfing began at the age of 13. After school each day, he put on his wet suit, paddled out beyond the surf line and waited to be challenged by his companions.

    One afternoon, the lifeguard reported over the phone to my husband Wilson that Leon’s eye was badly injured by his board. Wilson rushed him to the emergency room. He received 26 stitches (缝针) from the corner of his eye to the bridge of his nose.

    I was on an airplane flying home. Wilson drove directly to the airport after they left the doctor’s office. He greeted me at the gate and told me Leon was waiting in the car.

    “Leon?” I questioned. I remember thinking the waves must have been terrible that day.

    “He’s been in an accident, but he’s going to be fine.”

    A traveling working mother’s worst nightmare had come true. I ran to the car so fast that the heel of my shoe broke off. I swung open the door, and my son with the patched eye was leaning forward crying, “Oh, Ma, I’m so glad you’re home.”

    I cried in his arms telling him how awful I felt about not being with him.

    “It’s okay, Mom,” he comforted me. “You don’t know how to surf anyway.”

    “What?” I asked, confused by his logic.

    “I’ll be fine. The doctor says I can go back in the water in eight days.”

    I wanted to tell him he wasn’t allowed to go near water again until he was 35, but instead I bit my tongue and prayed he would forget about surfing.

    For the next seven days he kept pressing me to let him surf again. One day after I had repeated “No” to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game.

    “Mom, you taught us never to give up what we love.”I gave in.

    Back then Leon was just a boy with a passion for surfing. Now he ranks among the top 25 professional surfers in the world.

    1.How did the author feel when she was told her son was waiting in the car?

    A.Anxious. B.Concerned. C.Heartbroken. D. Surprised.

    2.What does the underlined part “he beat me at my own game” mean?

    A.He decided to follow the author’s advice.

    B.He persuaded me with my common method.

    C.He was upset about not being able to surf.

    D.He felt like he’d experienced a nightmare.

    3.What can we infer about the mom according to the passage?

    A.She is a working mom who rarely supports her son’s hobby.

    B.She immediately told her son to stop surfing after the accident.

    C.She fell into grief when she saw her injured son.

    D.She placed her son’s safety second to his dream.

    4.Which of the following words can best describe Leon?

    A.Strong-willed and creative. B.Considerate and persistent.

    C.Optimistic and reliable. D.Responsible and sensitive.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Imagine you are 10 years old. You live in a big city and want to visit your best friend, a five-minute walk away, and then you can go to the park, another 10 minutes’ walk. The problem is that there’s a big dangerous road between you and your friend, and another between your friend’s home and the park. When you ask your parents if you can walk there, they say no. But they are too busy to take you there themselves. Perhaps you have a video conversation with your friend instead, or perhaps you play a video game on the sofa. You’ve lost out on time outside and, of course, play time with your friend. This is the reality for many kids today-but it doesn’t have to be this way.

    Tim Gill, the author of No Fear: Growing up in a Risk Averse Society, says a child-friendly city is one that allows “everyday freedom”, so a child can spread their wings as they grow. “It’s not enough to just talk about playgrounds and nice, pretty public spaces. That just creates play places that children have to be taken to by adults,” says Gill.

    Society’s mistake, argues Gill, is that our planning systems just focus on cars, house-building and the economy rather than the environment, health and quality of life. “You won’t find any urban planners who can disagree with that. It’s because our decision-makers fail to look beyond the next two or three years.”

    Designing cities with children in mind-particularly outdoor spaces that encourage safe movement and social interaction-stands to be an issue of growing concern globally. By 2050 around 70% of people will live in cities, and the majority of them will be under 18. Today, over a billion children are growing up in cities.

    1.What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?

    A.Dangerous roads. B.Parents’ improper behaviors.

    C.Addition to video games. D.Lack of outdoor activities for kids.

    2.What may the urban planners agree according to Gill?

    A.Children lack public spaces. B.People live a life of low quality.

    C.Their city planning is inappropriate. D.They are limited by their imagination.

    3.Why does the author mention the data in the last paragraph?

    A.To stress the necessity of building more cities.

    B.To show the urgency of considering kids in urban planning.

    C.To illustrate the changes of urban population.

    D.To promote children’s awareness of self-protection.

    4.What is the text mainly about?

    A.The appeal for a child-friendly city. B.Challenges facing urban children.

    C.Difficulties in city planning. D.Problems in modern cities.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. In an apartment, people are having a party. They’re smiling and chatting with each other; they’re drinking cocktails and enjoying snacks. But the mood lighting is a bit strange. No candles or twinkling Christmas lights here. Instead, the light comes from enormous green-glowing plants in the center of the table.

    This is a model inside a museum in New York. The “people” are small silver statues. But the plants are real. They’re watercress planted with nanoparticles (纳米粒) that turn their stored energy into light. It’s a technology developed several years ago by MIT chemical engineer Michael Strano. Now, Strano has partnered with an architect, Sheila Kennedy, to explore how these plants might be a central part of our homes and sustainable energy future.

    The plants in the exhibit are newer versions. Their glow is based on an enzyme (酶) called luciferase, which is what gives fireflies their light. Strano and his colleagues first put luciferase and two molecules (分子) that allow it to work inside a nanoparticle carrier. They then immersed plants in a liquid containing the particles, and added high pressure. The pressure pushed the particles into the leaves through tiny pores (气孔).

    “For the last two decades, plants have been a part of architecture, but they’ve always been used as green walls or roofs,” Kennedy says. However, the plants in Kennedy’s models fill entire rooms, their leaves and stems going wherever they choose. For her, this project was an interesting design challenge. She and her team had to figure out how to bring in sufficient water and where to contain enormous amounts of soil.

    The team is currently working on making the plants brighter and fixing light particles in larger plants such as trees. They’re also eager to extend the duration of a plant’s light from hours to days or weeks.

    1.What is special about the apartment according to the first two paragraphs?

    A.Plants provide mood lighting for it. B.It is powered by nanoparticles.

    C.Real people are enjoying themselves in it. D.It is modeled after a real one.

    2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

    A.What the model is like. B.What gives fireflies light.

    C.How the nanoparticles work. D.How to make the plants glow.

    3.What actually makes the plants produce light?

    A.Luciferase. B.Fireflies. C.Molecules. D.Pressure.

    4.What can we know about the plants in Kennedy’s models?

    A.The plants grow in restricted space.

    B.The plants have grown as large as trees.

    C.The plants still need water and soil.

    D.The light of the plants can last weeks.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. As is often the case, when we wake up feeling sleepy and with dark circles under eyes, many of us often make a decision: “I’m going to bed earlier tomorrow!” we are so determined. 1. We are still absorbed in what we are doing without realizing it is already too late the next day. This behavior is called “bedtime procrastination” (睡眠拖延症), and results from lack of self-control and our body clock.

    2. According to a study carried out by a group of health psychologists, 53 percent of the 2,400 participants said they didn’t follow their sleep schedule, delaying it at least twice a week. They delayed bedtime because they couldn’t stop doing other trivial things (琐事), which were keeping them up in the first place.

    People who generally have trouble resisting temptations (诱惑) and following their intentions firmly are also more likely to delay going to bed. They find it hard to control themselves. 3. Our body clock also plays an important role when it comes to bedtime. Those who get up late are more likely to postpone their bedtime than those who wake early every morning. Night owls would go to bed late at the very beginning of the weekday, even though they had to get up early for work and school. 4.

    Therefore, if we want to cure our bedtime procrastination, the intention to go to bed earlier is not enough. 5. We should have a clear understanding that bedtime procrastination is a big problem. The choices we make could turn out to be pretty important for our health.

    A. Bedtime procrastination is a common problem.

    B. It will have extreme effect on our health sooner or later.

    C. Yet, lack of self-control is not the only thing to blame.

    D. Unfortunately, chances are that we don’t stick to our promise.

    E. It’s their special body clock that plays a part in delaying their bedtime.

    F. Biological processes need to support this intention.

    G. So we just need to take action to change our sleep model.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. Heimaey is a small island off the southern coast of Iceland of just 4,200 people. But with its neighboring islands, there ______ the world’s largest puffin colony (海鹦群). Each spring, puffins go to the islands to breed. Around August, baby puffins ______ their way to the ocean. That’s when the ______ begins.

    Baby puffins leave at night by instinct (本能) and follow the light of the ______ to the sea. But they are  ______ by bright lights. Every year, a large number ______ lost. Worse still, the lost birds are ______ hit by cars or eaten by cats.

    Each breeding season, the ______ of Heimaey start their own midnight ______, which is called the Puffling Patrol. They ______ to form search parties. “When you see a bird, you try to ______ it and guide it into the box,” Eldur Hansen, a 14-year-old boy said.

    The next morning, they take the birds to the beach for ______. Over the years, kids have even developed a ______ method. “You do not throw them like a baseball,” Eldur says. “You hold them in both hands. Then ______ your arms out in front of you and let go.” Before being set ______, the birds are ______and tagged(附上标签) for tracking purposes.

    “Thanks to kids’ help, we scientists have learned that baby puffins now weigh less. That means they have a ______ chance of survival,” says Erpur Hansen, Eldur’s dad, a researcher in the Southeast Iceland Nature Research Center.

    Scientists worry puffins will ______ completely. But the kids give ______ to Erpur Hansen. “The ______ is that people can make a difference,” he says. “Each time these kids help a bird get back to the ocean, they show us that.”

    1.A.has B.lives C.stands D.contains

    2.A.search B.continue C.make D.follow

    3.A.life B.journey C.trouble D.luck

    4.A.sun B.moon C.candle D.bulb

    5.A.puzzled B.excited C.delighted D.surprised

    6.A.get into B.give off C.figure out D.end up

    7.A.slightly B.fluently C.mainly D.hardly

    8.A.scientists B.children C.birds D.adults

    9.A.adventure B.voyage C.research D.competition

    10.A.collect B.get C.turn D.gather

    11.A.corner B.run C.catch D.count

    12.A.sale B.freedom C.fun D.release

    13.A.gentle B.calm C.tough D.rough

    14.A.take B.fold C.spread D.wave

    15.A.up B.down C.apart D.free

    16.A.raised B.weighed C.eaten D.tapped

    17.A.lower B.higher C.worse D.better

    18.A.die away B.die out C.die down D.die off

    19.A.source B.love C.energy D.patience

    20.A.purpose B.news C.story D.message

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    High on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 1.(lie) China’s “water tower” Sanjiangyuan. It is home to the headwaters of China’s three rivers: the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Lancang(Mekong) River. It is the three rivers 2. provide water for about half the population of China. However, human activities are putting this ecosystem 3. risk. Hopefully, though, we can repair this damage. In 2016, the Chinese government established Sanjiangyuan National Park in Qinghai province. The park, 4.(schedule) to open in 2020, has increased the area’s green coverage and attracted more wildlife. The local government has also made great effort to improve biological diversity. The success of Sanjiangyuan will mark the start of a 5.(green) future. With Sanjangyuan 6.(take) the lead, nine other regions in China 7.(choose) by a field conservation station to carry out projects over the past three years, 8. will form a national park system together. The idea of a national park system is still new in China, but9.(it) realization is urgent. After all, building an ecological civilization bears great  10.(important) in the development and progress of human civilization.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。


    删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。


    注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    One day on my way to home, I saw a boy hit by a motorcycle. I rushed to him rescue immediately. I lifted him gentle in my arms, stop a car and sent him to a nearby hospital. Know he only suffered minor injuries, I smiled in relief. This evening I got home very late, and my heart was full of joy and peace. Not until then did I understand meaning of the proverb: “Helping others are the source of happiness.” This may be one of the most unforgettable memory of my life.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

提纲类作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你是李华,你校即将迎来建校100周年的庆祝活动。请给你校爱好摄影的外教Jonny发一封电子邮件,邀请他和你一起拍摄一个短片,为校庆献礼。内容包括:

    1. 拍摄短片的目的;

    2. 短片的内容;

    3. 拍摄的时间和地点。


    注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 信的开头和结束语已为你写好。

    Dear Jonny,

    Our school will have the 100th anniversary celebration of its founding.


    Yours truly,

    Li Hua

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析