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本卷共 7 题,其中:
单词拼写 1 题,选词填空 1 题,完成句子 1 题,阅读理解 2 题,完形填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题
中等难度 7 题。总体难度: 中等
单词拼写 共 1 题
  1. 单词拼写

    1. A man should be j______ by his deeds, not by his appearance.

    2. He can e______ himself in fluent English now after four years’ hard learning.

    3. We c______ him on his winning the prize.

    4. We sent Nancy our c______ on her winning the gold medal in the 1,500-meter race.

    5. I ______(真诚地)hope that you recover quickly after the operation.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

选词填空 共 1 题
  1. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空

    congratulate…on   do damage to   in honour of   give out   judging by

    1. ______ his accent, he may be from my hometown.

    2. Many volunteers ______ food in the area hit by the earthquake.

    3. The stadium was named ______ the club’s first chairman.

    4. She ______ me warmly ______ my exam results.

    5. The earthquake ______ the area where many houses fell down and many people were trapped in ruins.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完成句子 共 1 题
  1. 将下列直接引语转换为间接引语,每空一词。

    1. She asked me, "When are you going to Shanghai?"

    She asked me when ______ ______ going to Shanghai.

    2. My brother told me on the phone, "I will go back tomorrow."

    My brother told me on the phone that he ______ ______ back ______ ______ ______.

    3. Our headteacher told Li Ming’s mother, "He has gone home."

    Our headteacher told Li Ming’s mother that ______ ______ gone home.

    4. The reporter asked the girl, "Do you like your volunteer work on weekends?"

    The reporter asked the girl ______ she ______ ______ volunteer work on weekends.

    5. "Why do you stay at home?" my father asked.

    My father asked ______ ______ ______ at home. 

    6. The woman teacher asked the students, "Can you understand what I am saying?"

    The woman teacher asked the students ______ ______ could understand what ______ ______ saying.

    7. She said, "Are you from the south?"

    She asked ______ ______ ______ from the south.

    8. Mr. Paul said to us, "The moon goes around the earth."

    Mr. Paul ______ us that the moon ______ around the earth.

    9. "I can’t find my wallet," he said to me.

    He ______ me that ______ ______ ______ ______ wallet.

    10. "I will take it home with me," she said.

    She said that ______ ______ ______ it home with ______.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 2 题
  1. A

    My first day of high school was like any other’s: registering, finding new classmates, meeting new teachers, and seeking new friends.

    During lunch, I ran into my first snag(困难) of the day. At the dining hall, as the checkout(付款处) lady asked for my money, I realized that I had forgotten my lunch money. When I told her about it, I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and there stood a teacher telling her he would pay for my lunch. He told me his name, Mr Pete Walker, and said, "If you get a chance, you should take my history class." I recognized his name, and told him I was in his class later that day. Mr Walker befriended me on the very first day of school at a very crucial time of the day — lunch!

    He always told us we should do more than we ever thought. He pushed us to do all things better. He coached many sports, and sponsored many after-class activities. If we were interested in something, he would find a way to expose us to it by inviting speakers, taking us on field trips, or obtaining information for us.

    Two years later, my junior year in school was clicking along nicely when one day I was riding my motorcycle and I was hit by a car. I spent six days in hospital and was at home in bed for two weeks before returning to school. Mr Walker stopped by the hospital each day with my work from my teachers. Once I was at home, he would bring my work too.

    After high school, I attended the United States Army Airborne School in Fort Benning, Georgia. I knew my parents would be there the day I graduates, but they brought an unexpected guest. They came across Mr Walker at lunch several days before and told him I was about to graduate. His visit, however, was not a surprise to me.

    1.At the dining hall,       .

    A. the lady didn’t want to charge the author for his lunch

    B. the author knew Mr Walker was right behind him

    C. Mr Walker didn’t know the author was his student

    D. the author decided to invite Mr Walker to lunch

    2. The story in Paragraph 4 showed that Mr Walker was       .

    A. caring B. strict  C. skilled    D. learned

    3.What happened on the author’s graduation day?

    A. His parents met Mr Walker by chance.

    B. His family invited Mr Walker to lunch.

    C. Mr Walker brought an unexpected guest.

    D. His parents came together with Mr Walker.

    4. What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage?

    A. The author had invited Mr Walker to his graduation ceremony.

    B. The author’s parents had informed him of Mr Walker’s visit.

    C. Mr Walker had a very close relationship with his students.

    D. Mr Walker went to visit the author frequently.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. B

    On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner. They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table.

    "Hey, aren’t you from Mississippi?" the elegant, white-haired writer remembered being asked by the stranger. "I’m from Mississippi too."

    Without a second thought, the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.

    "They began telling me all the news of Mississippi," Welty said. "I didn’t know what my New York friends were thinking."

    Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine. By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside. Welty’s new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab. Heading back downtown toward her hotel, her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi.

    "My friends said: ‘Now we believe your stories,’" Welty added. "And I said: ‘Now you know. These are the people that make me write them.’"

    Sitting on a sofa in her room, Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, looked pleased with this explanation.

    "I don’t make them up," she said of the characters in her fiction these last 50 or so years. "I don’t have to."

    Beauticians, bartenders, piano players and people with purple hats, Welty’s people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends, from walks through the streets of her native Jackson, Miss., from conversations overheard on a bus. It annoys Welty that, at 78, her left ear has now given out. Sometimes, sitting on a bus or a train, she hears only a fragment(片段) of a particularly interesting story.

    1.What happened when Welty was with her friends at the cafe?

    A. Two strangers joined her.

    B. Her childhood friends came in.

    C. A heavy rain ruined the dinner.

    D. Some people held a party there.

    2. The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 6 refers to Welty’s.

    A. readers       B. parties       C. friends      D. stories

    3.What can we learn about the characters in Welty’s fiction?

    A. They live in big cities.

    B. They are mostly women.

    C. They come from real life.

    D. They are pleasure seekers.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There are many kinds of friends. Some are always   1  you, but don’t understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only  2  friends leave footprints.

    I shall always recall the autumn and the girl with the  3  . I know she will always be my best friend. I could see the yellow leaves  4  in the cool wind. In such a  5  , I liked walking alone in the leaves,  6  to the sound of them. Autumn is a harvest season. However,   7  is uninteresting. The free days always get me   8  . But one day, the sound of a violin   9  into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. A young girl, standing in the wind, was   10  in playing her violin. I had   11  seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn’t know that I had been   12  there for so long but my existence(存在) did not seem to disturb(打扰)her.

    Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building   13  I went downstairs to watch her performance. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became   14  . Though we didn’t know each other, I thought we were already good   15  .

    One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly   16  . To my surprise, the girl came over to me. "You must like violin," she said. "Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?" I asked. Suddenly, a   17  expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual. "I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that   18  me." she said. "In fact, it was your playing  19  gave me a meaningful autumn," I answered, "Let’s be friends." The girl smiled, and so did I.

    I never heard her play again in my life. But I will always remember the fine figure(身影) of the girl. She is like a   20  — so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off much light that makes the autumn beautiful.

    1.A. with     B. for      C. against    D. to

    2.A. good     B. true      C. reliable    D. stubborn

    3.A. sound      B. song     C. partner    D. violin

    4. A. shaking       B. hanging     C. rising    D. floating

    5. A. season       B. situation      C. day      D. weather

    6. A. watching       B. listening      C. seeing       D. hearing

    7. A. journey       B. work     C. life     D. view

    8.A. bored      B. determined     C. excited   D. concerned

    9.A. flowed       B. grew     C. entered    D. ran

    10.A. lost      B. active     C. busy    D. interested

    11.A. once      B. never     C. frequently     D. usually

    12.A. waiting       B. stopping     C. standing     D. hearing

    13.A. because       B. but      C. when    D. before

    14. A. interesting     B. moving     C. boring    D. tiring

    15. A. comers     B. listeners     C. players    D. friends

    16.A. stopped       B. began     C. gone    D. changed

    17. A. happy     B. sad      C. strange    D. calm

    18.A. surprised      B. excited     C. encouraged      D. interested

    19.A. that      B. which     C. it     D. who

    20.A. song      B. dream     C. wind    D. sister

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Today I visited the Smiths — my first visit to a American family. They live in a small quietly town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. The Smiths did their best to make me feel at home. They offered myself coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking or laughing together. They happy to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析