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本卷共 23 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,信息匹配 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 4 题,中等难度 19 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. The American soldiers_______ Iraq kissed their families goodbye and left in a hurry.

    A.are sending to      B.sending to         C.are sent to         D.to be sent to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. –I’ll take the driving test this month.

    --________ you should fail.

    A.Why not          B.How ever          C.What of           D.What if

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. We have got accustomed__________ in an air—conditioned room, so we can’t stand the terrible heat outside.

    A.to live            B.to not live         C.to living           D.to not living

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Helping others is a habit, _____ you can learn even at an early age.

    A.it                B.that              C.what             D.one

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. We__________ an old man lying in the road, who was badly ill.

    A.came along        B.came by           C.came across       D.came up

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. The committee has recommended that the training program _______ improved .

    A.would be          B.is                C.was              D.be

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. ----Please come in and make yourself___________.

    ----- Thank you !

    A.at sea            B.at will             C.at home           D.at sight

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  8. ---Alice, why didn’t you come the other day ? .

    ---I______, but I had an unexpected visitor.

    A.had              B.would            C.was going          D.did

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. Living in the central American desert has its problems, ________ obtaining water is not the least .

    A.of which          B.for what           C.as               D.whose

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. ----Have you finished the book ?

    ----No, I’ve read up to _______ the children discover the secret cave. .

    A.which            B.what             C.that              D.where

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. “39 Steps”is one of the most exciting films_________ directed by my brother.

    A.which were        B.which was         C.that was           D.that were

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  12. On________ second thought, I decided to give him________ second choice.

    A.a ; a              B.a ; the            C.the ; a            D.the ; the

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  13. ---John has got a very good job in the government .

    ---_______ he looks so happy.

    A.No, doubt         B.No wonder        C.That’s because    D.It’s natural

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so sad that I don’t think he really________ what he was saying.

    A.knew             B.knows            C.besides           D.therefore

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. ----- The cake is delicious.

    ------Well, at least it is ___________ the one I baked last week.

    A.as bad as          B.no worse than      C.no better than      D.not better than.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years . Being a waitress changed my 1. I tried my best to do what I loved--- 2People. I always made everyone , customers and coworkers, 3good.

    One of my 4customers was Fred Hasbrook. He5came for Breakfast on Sunday mornings.6I saw the old man coming, I always smiled at him and 7the best service.

    One day, Fred saw me and asked , “What’s up ? You’re not8today.” I told him that I dreamed of having my own 9. but when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款),they said , “We just don’t have the 10.”“Fred,” I said to the old man, “I know I can 11more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

    The next day , Fred came and 12me a check totaling $50,000—along with a 13 that read, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my 14in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have the chance to 15that dream.

    I accepted the money and plans for the restaurant I would 16. Things did not go well. My plans 17and I lost the money.

    Later I decided to 18a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was 19and became a pretty good agent. 20 I paid back Fred the $50,000.Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.

    1.                A.work           B.life            C.attitude   D.opinion

    2.                A.pleasing        B.serving         C.supporting D.understanding

    3.                A.seem          B.remain         C.feel  D.stay

    4.                A.daily           B.ordinary        C.normal   D.regular

    5.                A.ever           B.seldom         C.even D.always

    6.                A.As soon as      B.Every time       C.Because  D.Since

    7.                A.left            B.made          C.got  D.offered

    8.                A.working        B.joking          C.smiling   D.singing

    9.                A.house          B.way            C.restaurant D.company

    10.               A.time           B.money         C.courage   D.luck

    11.               A.do            B.give           C.have  D.share

    12.               A.handed        B.showed        C.bought    D.lent

    13.               A.gift            B.note           C.picture    D.book

    14.               A.wish           B.trust           C.guess D.demand

    15.               A.express        B.prove          C.realize    D.explain

    16.               A.visit           B.introduce       C.sell   D.open

    17.               A.finish          B.change         C.succeeded D.failed

    18.               A.keep on with    B.put up with      C.apply for  D.give up

    19.               A.paid           B.employed       C.interviewed    D.praised

    20.               A.Generally       B.Actually        C.Finally D.Fortunately

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Researchers questioned nearly 9,800 people over the age of 50 about their lives and found women were happier than men and enjoy life more in old age.

    Dr Elizabeth Breeze, one of the researchers, said that women could become happier as they get older as they no longer have to worry about looking after their families.

    She said:“There is a difference between the way men and women view their quality of life and they are influenced by slightly different things. Women are affected negatively by caring for someone else or if they are not in employment but if they see their children and family more they are positively affected.”

    “A strange thing happens to male actors, especially movie stars, in my experience,” said Helen Mirren, a 62-year-old Hollywood actress.“A young male actor feels that all the girls want him-he’s a star. As actors get older they bad-tempered for they have lost that sense of being in control of their destiny(命运).”

    Wealth also helps you live longer with the poorest people more than twice as likely to die earlier than the richest, researchers at University College London discovered. In some age groups. the difference was even greater. The poorest women between 60 and 74 are six times more likely to have died than the richest women of the same age.

    According to the study, you have more chances of living longer if you are married, educated to certain degree or a professional. single people are twice as likely to die early as those  who are married or living with a partner.

    1.What may be the best title of the passage ?

    A.Why Women Are Happier Than Men in Old Age .

    B.How to Live Longer.

    C.Women Happier Than Men in Old Age.

    D.The Difference between Women and Men in Old Age

    2.What can we know from the passage?

    A.Men should not worry about looking after their family any more in old age

    B.Male actors, especially movie stars are easy to get bad—tempered when they get older and older.

    C.The poorest women about the age of 50 can’t live longer than the richest women at the same age.

    D.Education has nothing to do with happy life in people’s old age.

    3.What may be talked about if there is another paragraph as the ending ?

    A.Things that the old should do to be happier.

    B.The disadvantage of being actors.

    C.We should earn money as much as we can.

    D.How to become a professional.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. In South Korea, children get used to the Internet at an early age. A survey last year by the Ministry of information and Communication showed that nearly half of children between the age of 3 and 5 use the internet.

    “In south Korea, the Internet has become a babysitter, said Lee Kyong Ko, a professor at Duksing, Women’s University in Seoul.

    Online role-playing games, where participants make friends and band together, have a strong appeal to Koreans,“One problem with those games is that you build your online person through countless hours of battles, and you develop a huge emotional attachment to your game character,”said Chang Woo Min, a one-time online gamer.

    Parents report that their children steal money and do not come home for days and even weeks, practically living in Internet Cafes, and sometimes they refuse to look for jobs and play games all night and sleep during the day.

    The authorities require Internet cafes to keep their distance from schools, and they open camps for teenage addicts and distribute booklets(小册子) on the dangers of game addiction. In addition, they are training hundreds of counselors, who visit schools and Internet Cafes.

    In the 28,000 Internet Cafes in South Korea, persons under 18 are banded from entry after 10 p.m.. The authorities have even discussed reducing the points of gamers who play for more than three consecutive (连续的) hours, But such talks have produced no agreement, amid concerns that such restrictions would put a high-growth industry in danger and worse the problem of teenagers stealing adult online identification numbers,“Sooner or later we will be able to announce our measures,”the minister of Information and Communication, Rho Jun Hyoung, said at a news conference in May.“Since South Korea is one of the most active and developed countries in the Internet, the world is paying great attention to What policy we will adopt on this problem.”

    1.According to the passage, in order to solve the Internet problem, the authorities of South Korea took the following measures EXCEPT ________

    A.demanding the Internet Cafes to be far away from schools

    B.telling the students about the dangers of game addiction

    C.training counselors to visit schools and cafes

    D.banning all the people from entering the Internet after 10 p.m.

    2.We can learn that ________from the passage.

    A.most children under 6 in the South Korea use the Internet

    B.some parents hope their children use the Internet only at home

    C.all kinds of measures are not supported by all the people

    D.the authorities in the South Korea believe that it is most active and developed country in the Inter

    3.In paragraph 2,the underlined sentence “the Internet has becomes a babysitter”means________.

    A.children are well looked after on the Internet

    B.children likes sitting in the Internet Cafes

    C.children can earn money working as a babysitter in Internet Cafes

    D.Internet has become a place where children are looked after while their parents are not there

    4.The passage is written to tell us_________________.

    A.the Internet problems in South Korea        B.the bad effects of the Internet

    C.the measures of the authorities             D.teenagers like going surfing in South Korea

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Imagine a classroom missing the one thing that’s long been considered a necessary part to reading and writing---paper. No notebooks, no textbooks, no test papers. Nor are there any pencils or pens, which always seems to run out of ink at the critical moment. A “paperless classroom” is what more and more schools are trying to achieve .

    Students don’t do any handwriting in this class . Instead , they use palm size , or specially—designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student’s personal computer. Having computers also means that students use the Web. They can look up information on any subject they’re studying from maths to social science.

    High school teacher Judy Herrell in Florida, US, described how her class used the Web to learn about the war in Afghanistan over one year ago. We could touch every side of the country through different sites from the forest to refugee camps, she said .“Using a book that’s three or four years old is impossible.”And exams can go on line too. At a high school in Tennessee, US, students take tests on their own computers. The teacher records the grades on the network for everyone to see and then copies them to his own electronic grade book. A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper. High school teacher Stephanie—Sorrell in Kentucky,US, said she used to give about 900 pieces of paper each week to each student.

    “Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers,”she said .But, with all this technology, there is always the risk that the machines will break down. So , in case of a power failure or technical problems, paper textbooks are still widely available for these hi—tech students.

    1.What does the part of the last sentence in the first paragraph “run out of ink at the critical moment” mean ?

    A.Pens may not write well at the critical moment.

    B.Pens get lost easily , so you may not find them at the critical moment.

    C.Pens may have little or no ink at the critical moment

    D.Pens use ink, while pencils don’t.

    2.The high school teacher, Judy Herrell, used the example of her class to show that ________.

    A.the Web could take them everywhere

    B.the Web taught them a lot.

    C.the Web is a good tool for information.

    D.the Web , better than the textbooks ,can give the latest and comprehensive information.

    3.The paperless classroom will benefit _________ the most.

    A.students          B.teachers          C.trees             D.computers

    4.What does the phrase in the last paragraph “break down ”mean ?

    A.Break into pieces   B.Stop working       C.Fall down          D.Lose control

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Weighed down by study? Pushed to the limit by the fast pace of life ? Frightened by the possible war ? Well, you’re not alone. Men and women in France are seeking relief using the world’s best medicine-----laughter.

    In the past year, more than 15 laughter clubs have been set up across the country. People of all ages go to release their stress with an hour group laughs. “People telephoned me and said they have forgotten what it is to laugh. They want to find a place where they can escape all their problems for a while. So they come,” said 40—year—old Jocelyne Le Moan. She usually takes a class of around 60 people through a series of laughter techniques.

    Her pupils range from teenagers to 70 years old, but most are middle---aged white collars seeking 60 minutes of relaxation at the end of a busy day. Le Moan takes them through the “Lion Laugh”and the “Laugh Contest”, where participants “speak”to each other in different ways. And instead of talking, they break into fits of laughter. At the end there are 15 minutes of “meditation”, when they lie on their backs and let the laughs burst out of their mouths.

    “I love it. It’s an experience that has changed my life. Through it I rediscovered the child’s laugh inside me,”Said Romain Jouffroy, 24. “US President George W. Bush should give it a try. He has lost his laugh,”she joked . Like Jouffroy, many laughter club members find themselves changed into children again, and why not ? The average preschooler laughs up to 400 times a day.

    The average adult only a day seven to 15.

    The physical benefits of laughter are already well—recognized. Doctors say the act of laughing releases good chemicals into the blood—stream, while the quick breathing that accompanies it helps massage(按摩)the digestive organs and strengthens the heart.

    “A full hour is like having your inside go jogging!One finishes out of breath, but feels revitalized(产生新活力. And on top of that , you’ve had a laugh,”said doctor Alexisd’ Estaing.And many participants in Paris also emphasize the psychological benefits. They believe that laughter is a way of making oneself feel more confident.

    1.Which of the following is not included among the benefits of laughing?

    A.It can make people rediscover their children’s laugh.

    B.It can release good chemical into blood streams.

    C.It can make you feel self—confident.

    D.It can cure the illness of people.

    2.The writer suggested that you should_____________.

    A.take the world’s best medicine.

    B.talk to each other about what troubles you.

    C.learn series of laughter techniques.

    D.have a good laugh after a busy day.

    3.From the passage , we can conclude the following but___________.

    A.Jocelyne Le Moan is a teacher of the club.

    B.the members are mostly middle---aged white collars.

    C.people always need some way to relax in life.

    D.laugh freely and everything goes well.

    4.Which of the following is not the reason why so many people join the laughter clubs ?

    A.Those members feel too much pressure on them.

    B.They want to find a place to relax themselves.

    C.Laughters help massage the digestive organs.

    D.The members don’t know how to laugh.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is

    good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they

    always say “My spoken English is poor.”________1.________I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

    First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary. ________2.________

    However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow

    You as long as you use the words that you know. _3.________. Sometimes they make mistakes

    when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember

    that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate

    following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly.

    However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk

    to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may

    use a wrong word or tense , but it doesn’t matter.________4.________.

    The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening . You have one mouth but two

    ears!All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking .

    Actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.________5.________.

    A.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

    B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.

    C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary .

    D.If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

    E. However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”!

    F. Second , they are afraid of making mistakes.

    G. The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

    I first met Li Ming at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Ming over in my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon become best friends. Three years ago, Li Ming’s parents invited me to spend two wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday. Li Ming and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there. Last year I was ill but had to stay in hospital for a week. Li Ming came see me every day. Then his father has changed jobs and they moved to another city . Since then we haven’t see each other much. But we’ve kept writing to each other.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 酒驾是一个谈论很久的话题。酒驾酿成的悲剧一直在发生, 尽管国家出台了严厉的法规, 但是依旧屡禁不止。前有高晓松,近有王志文,这些名人大腕们都没能避免。假设你是李华,请你针对酒驾这一现象,给报社写一篇英文书信, 并谈谈你的看法。

    1. 词数;100词左右,  2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯,通顺。

    3. 参考词汇;酒驾, drunk driving

    Dear Sir,

    Though severe laws and regulations are carried out, cases of drunk driving happen frequently,

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析