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本卷共 9 题,其中:
单项填空 6 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 9 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 6 题
  1. -Shall I look after your house while you are away?


    A.If you like

    B.It couldn’t be better

    C.With pleasure

    D.It’s up to you

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. I’m told that languagepractising.com is a free website ______learners can not just learn

    various languages but also chat online.





    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. _____________late, he also forgot his books.

    A.Not only the boy turned up

    B.Not only the boy turned out

    C.Not only did the boy show out

    D.Not only did the boy show up

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. Well, you can buy $20 tickets or 30 $ tickets, ______ you prefer.





    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  5. Gary Locke , a Chinese-American, once______ as the governor of Washington for 8 years and now is U.S.Commerce Secretary.

    A.had worked


    C.is working

    D.has been working

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. It was in the beautiful park____was located by the sea____we first met our new Chinese teacher.

    A.where; which

    B.that; which

    C.that; that

    D.which; where

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


    A recent study shows that gossip(流言蜚语)is more powerful than truth.It suggests people believe what they hear through the grapevine(小道消息)__36__they have evidence to the contrary.

    Researchers, __37__students using a computer game, also found gossip played an important role when people __38__ decisions."We show that gossip has a strong __39__, even when people have __40__ to the original information as well as gossip about the same information.Thus, it is __41__ that gossip has a strong controlling potential," said Ralf Sommerfeld, who led the study.

    In the study, the researchers __42__ the students money and allowed them to give it to others in a series of rounds.The students also wrote __43__ about how others played the game that everyone could review.Students tended to give __44__ money to people described as “scrooges (吝啬鬼)” and more to those described as “__45__ players”.“People only believed the gossip, not the past decisions," Sommerfeld said in a telephone interview.

    The researchers then took the game a step_46_and showed the students the actual decisions people had made.But they also supplied false gossip that contradicted that __47_.In these cases, the students_48_ their decisions to award money on the gossip, __49__ the hard evidence.

    “If you know what the people did, you should care, but they still __50__ what others said,” Sommerfeld said.Researchers have __51__ used similar games to study how people cooperate and the __52__ of gossip in groups.Scientists define gossip __53__ social information spread about a person who is not __54__.In evolutionary terms, gossip can be an important tool for people to __55__ information about others' reputations or find the way through social networks at work and in their everyday lives.

    36.A.in case     B.for fear that     C.as if  D.even if

    37.A.testing     B.checking C.examining       D.experimenting

    38.A.draw       B.make       C.reach       D.conclude

    39.A.impression      B.difference       C.influence D.function

    40.A.access      B.entrance   C.charge     D.communication

    41.A.curious    B.serious     C.obvious    D.worth

    42.A.impressed      B.asked       C.showed    D.gave

    43.A.articles    B.notes       C.dairies     D.letters

    44.A.less B.more       C.fewer       D.much

    45.A.general    B.mean       C.generous D.outgoing

    46.A.away       B.forward   C.ahead       D.further

    47.A.existence B.evidence C.confidence      D.dependence

    48.A.based       B.put   C.focused    D.passed

    49.A.more than       B.less than   C.rather than      D.other than

    50.A.referred to      B.listened to       C.turned to D.stuck to

    51.A.soon        B.presently C.far    D.long

    52.A.strength   B.energy     C.effect     D.force

    53.A.as     B.for   C.to     D.by

    54.A.absent      B.present     C.gone  D.missing

    55.A.achieve    B.earn C.acquire    D.win

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 1 题
  1. Thanksgiving time came and all the relatives were gathered around the long table, or seated behind TV trays.The television was on and some folks were watching it while visiting with one another.Something on television got their attention and one of the adults said, "Listen at it!" Someone else replied."Well, if that don't beat all."

    Simple phrases were spoken by folks whose language was simple and brief.They had several idioms that were just as colorful; Phrases and words that brightened the room and warmed the conversation.In school we were taught to speak differently.The way our relatives spoke was discouraged.Sometimes our parents would say things we weren't taught in school.They'd often correct themselves, as if getting rid of a mistake.Of course we learned some of their phrases and used them.They were comfortable words to pronounce, familiar.

    Our father's side of the family was from Arkansas and Oklahoma and they spoke with the accents native to their birth states.Their voices musical and often high , it was easy to pick up that effect in our own speech and at school my brother and I were often teased for the way we spoke.Our mother's side of the family came from Illinois and they had a tendency to talk fast.They had an accent, too, and my brother and I added that to our own speech, confusing the kids at school all the more.Our father's side of the family loved to laugh and have a good time.Our mother's side of the family was more serious about how they took life in; their joys more silently experienced and enjoyed.It was a rich picture of culture and it gave my brother and me a colorful view in life.

    Thanksgiving holiday was always an easy comfortable going day.It was the first real holiday of the season when everyone came together in one place, and a good time was spent happily together by all.

    64.From the text we can know that ___________.

    A.parents were worried that their relatives might affect their kids’ language

    B.parents didn’t allow their children to speak dialects

    C.parents tried to avoid affecting their kids with their dialects

    D.parents thought the language taught in school was the best

    65.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

    A.English taught in school is different from that used in daily life

    B.his mother’s side of the family spoke in a high voice

    C.the language used by his father’s side of the family was fast

    D.the writer and brother were laughed at school because of their poor English

    66.Why did the writer and his brother puzzle other kids at school by their speeches?

    A.They had relatives from different parts of Europe

    B.They added some dialects in their speeches

    C.There were many mistakes in their language

    D.their speeches were lively and colorful

    67.What’s the writer’s attitude towards dialects?

    A.They were not accepted by others.      B.They should be used everywhere.

    C.They should be taught in school.     D.He liked them very much.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 第二节书面表达(满分25分)







    参考词汇:租赁卡renting card;有效:valid;市政大厅:town hall

    Hi, Peter.

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    Li Hua

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析