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本卷共 9 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,短文改错 1 题,提纲类作文 1 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题
简单题 6 题,中等难度 2 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Victor Frankl, the author of Mans Search far Meaning, once wrote, "'Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances." Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.

    To be honest, it wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I finally understood its full impact. All through my teens and into my early adult life, I can't tell you the number of times that I heard, "Bob, if you'd just change your attitude, you would do a lot better." At that time, I didn't know what attitude was, let alone know how to change it!

    Attitude and results are inseparable, They follow one another as night follows day. One is the cause, while the other, the result. There is a term we use to distinguish this "cause and effect " relationship, which is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Simply stated, if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results; if you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. Some people always see wrong things in the world. These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems, rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude. Thus, it would appear as if they were born with bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life. However, there are others who are forever winning and living the good life. They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen. They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another. They're in control of their life. Their wins are a matter of choice.

    You can experience that kind of life as well, you only need to decide. Dorothea Brand once said, "Act as if it were impossible to fail, " and I challenge you to do so. By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day, you will change your entire outlook. You have the power to choose an abundant life no matter what your circumstances are. Don't wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you. Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you are meant to lead.

    1.What can we know from Paragraph 1? ______

    A.Freedom is the last thing we can control.

    B.Most problems in life are in our control.

    C.We can choose our attitude at any time.

    D.A man can lose anything but freedom.

    2.Why docs the author use the example of himself in Para. 2? ______

    A.To show attitude is important to the old.

    B.To show understanding attitude takes time.

    C.To prove attitude impacts greatly on people.

    D.To prove the author was very stubborn.

    3.Knowing "The Law of Cause and Effect" helps readers ______ .

    A.understand what causes a good attitude

    B.analyze the effect of a negative attitude

    C.understand "cause and effect" relationship better

    D.know the benefit of choosing active attitude

    4.What is the writer's message conveyed in this passage? ______

    A.Winning is a matter of control.

    B.Success begins with positive attitude.

    C.Bad attitude results in bad results.

    D.Attitude and results are inseparable.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. The 2019 World Conference on VR Industry shows that Virtual Reality (VR) technology can be used to revolutionize people's experiences in practically any field.

    Held in Nanchang from Oct. 19 to 22, the annual conference attracted more than 300 experts, leading scholars and company principals from over 30 countries. The theme of this year's World Conference on VR Industry was "VR+5G tor a new age of insight." Conferences and exhibitions, which hosted more than 2,000 companies from across the world, were held during the event.

    As China introduces 5G this year, experts and industry insiders said that the VR industry will hug the new era. "We will take the lead in VR technology creativity. For example, the technology has already been applied successfully to this year's National Day parade. The popularity of the technology among younger generations of users guarantees a large potential market, said Guo Ping, representative of Huawei.

    In 2018, Oral Roberts University in the USA opened a new Global Learning Center, which has classrooms equipped with 360-degree cameras on the wail, which follows and records professors as they teach. Through an app on the smart phone, students can see images in 3D and manipulate (操纵)them.

    In May 2019, a VR theme park opened to the public in London. Covering about 13,000 square meters with 120 sets of advanced VR equipment, the park attracts thousands of visitors every day.

    During the 22nd Asian Music Festival, the musical Eight made its second appearance. Eight is a unique fusion of music, theater, VR technology and visual art, in which audience members wear VR headsets to walk through and manipulate an equipment. The show tells a poetic story of an old woman looking back on her life and it lasts for 15 minutes.

    1.What does this year's World Conference suggest? ______

    A.VR technology can be used only with 5G.

    B.VR technology can change people's lives.

    C.China's 5G technology will take the lead.

    D.More VR theme parks will be opened to public.

    2.Why is Guo Ping confident about VR technology? ______

    A.Because it attracts experts to cooperate.

    B.Because it has a large overseas market.

    C.Because young customers have interest in it.

    D.Because it has changed how to teach and learn.

    3.What does the underlined word " fusion'' in the last paragraph refer to? ______

    A.research B.process

    C.combination D.type

    4.Which is the best title of the passage? ______

    A.China Is Leading the Way in the World

    B.VR Technology Development in China

    C.5G Technology: China Moves Ahead Quickly

    D.The Bright Future of VR in Diverse Fields

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Unbelievable Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

    ◆Horses are picky eaters

    Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔) , their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can’t sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say.

    ◆Whale says thanks

    In 2011, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times.

    ◆Pandas like to be naughty

    Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw of ducking its head when confronted by a stranger.

    ◆A cat honors its owner

    Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo’s grave every day since the man died in September 2011. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now "stands guard" at the grave for hours at a time.

    1.What can horses do to pick delicious grasses?

    A.Feel them. B.Taste them.

    C.Smell them. D.Observe them.

    2.What do the whale and the cat have in common according to the passage?

    A.They are clever.

    B.They have a grateful heart.

    C.They are active and lovely.

    D.They have a good sense of smell.

    3.Which of the following acts like a human baby according to the passage?

    A.The whale. B.The cat.

    C.The horse. D.The panda.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  4. A walk through the galleries of Quebec's Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) places individuals face-to-face with some 43,000 artworks ranging from Chinese ceramics (陶瓷制品) to Inuit sculpture.

    While the visiting is an incredible cultural experience, a group of local physicians will soon be able to prescribe(开处方) museum visits as treatment for some illnesses.

    "We know that art contributes to neural(神经的) activity," said MMFA director Nathalie Bondil. "What we see is that being in contact with art can really help your well-being."

    Hélène Boyer, vice president of a Montreal-based medical association, explains that museum visits have been shown to increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (神经传导物质) known as the "happy chemical" which helps to lift mood.

    According to Boyer, the small increase in hormones(荷尔蒙)associated with enjoying an afternoon of art is similar to that offered by exercise, making museum prescriptions ideal for the elderly experiencing pain that prevents them from regularly joining in physical activity.

    The museum visits are designed to improve traditional methods. As Bondil notes, spending time in a peaceful environment can provide a welcome distraction. "What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain," she says. "When you enter the museum, you escape from the speed of our daily life."

    "I am convinced that in the 21st century, culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century," said Bondil. "Some people would do well to recall that just in the 19th century, sports were believed to do harm to the body. Just as doctors now prescribe exercise, they will be able to prescribe a visit to the MMFA."

    1.What does Hélène Boyer think of museum visits?

    A.They can cheer people up.

    B.They can reduce physical activity.

    C.They can slow down our life pace.

    D.They can increase levels of art appreciation.

    2.How do museum visits affect people?

    A.Stop them concentrating on pain.

    B.Stop them focusing on traditional methods.

    C.Encourage them not to be absent-minded.

    D.Encourage them to slow their steps while walking.

    3.What does the last paragraph suggest?

    A.Physical activities were popular in the 19th century.

    B.Sports are considered to be harmful to the body.

    C.Ideas of treating illnesses are changing over time.

    D.Doctors prescribe museum visits regularly now.

    4.What is the main idea of the text?

    A.Museum visits are ideal for the elderly.

    B.Happy chemical helps to lift mood.

    C.Peaceful environment helps escape pain.

    D.Cultural activities will promote health.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. People may have some unclear memories of their childhood, but almost everyone will remember the beautiful princess and the cruel queen in "Snow White", the innocent little girl and the greedy big gray wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood".1. For example, "True love can overcome anything", and "Even a frog can turn into a prince". However, at a certain age, we start to learn new things about life, particularly that love doesn't always win, and that a frog is just a frog.

    2. Just look at animated films like "The Lion King" and "Frozen", which have millions of fans young and old. And this year's Lucerne Festival in Switzerland - a classical music festival - will also feature the themes of "Childhood" and "Fairy tales".

    "Fairy tales endure because they are the stories of our lives in their most stripped down form," wrote US author Laura Packer. "They are stories of love and loss, desire and death, riches and ruin." 3. But if children only see just one side of reality, adults usually see the other. For example, in the movie "Maleficent", we′re told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the evil queen. 4. Instead, she suffers great losses growing up, leading to the creation of her "evil'' side. And in US author James Finn Gamer's book "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories ",he tells the classic story of "Little Red Riding Hood", but with a modem touch.

    5. They may usually start with "Once upon a time but as we grow older, we learn that every story doesn't always need a "happily ever after" to be a good one.

    A.Fairy tales are all about reality.

    B.But somehow, our love for fairy tales never dies.

    C.Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales.

    D.The theme of fairy tales is to teach people courage and kindness.

    E.Fairy tales have been adapted into versions suitable for children.

    F.It looks like fairy tales aren't just stories our parents read us at bedtime.

    G.Unlike the children's version of the story, we see that the queen wasn't born evil.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    Paul, congratulation! I'm exciting to know your admission to Tsinghua University. I am going to take a very important exam the next year. I hope that you can share me some ways that was used in the preparation. For example, how did you reasonable spend your time? Sometimes I do not have enough time to finish your assignment. Besides, could you please tell me what I can deal with anxious and the lack of sleep? To be honest, I had been under great pressure for a long time, especially when my grades were low. Looking forward to your reply!

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

提纲类作文 共 1 题
  1. 假设你是李华,为迎接即将来访的美国某中学生代表团,你校决定举办英语讲故事比赛。请你为校 英语报写一则通知,内容包括:

    1. 比赛时间和目的;

    2. 比赛内容中国传统文化故事;

    3. 报名截止日期。





    Student Union

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. On my way back home I was stopped at traffic lights by some people who asked for help. A woman—in her attempt to give____to an ambulance—had driven her car over stony obstacles that separated the bike line from the street,and,as a result,had gotten her car____.She couldn't move the car in any____without damaging it. A couple of people tried to____the car back but the obstacles were too high. Seeing that they couldn't do much about it,they left. The woman in the car tried to____some service,and was told that it would take about 45 minutes for someone to get there.

    While watching the other people____.I realized the woman would be on her own and I imagined how____that would be if I were in her shoes. After some talking,she____me to sit inside her car.

    I wasn't in a hurry,so I___ my family that I would be later and then tried to___ the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others___ .But actually it wasn't too much trouble ___they could still pass,and also there wasn't anything she could do about it____.We laughed and____that all we needed was some tea for our picnic.

    Finally____came and helped her back on the street. She____me and asked for my phone number so she could return the____,but I told her it was okay. She seemed to feel much___ when we said our goodbyes. I believe that not having to face a difficult situation____can make a lot of____.

    1.A.sign B.way C.time D.help

    2.A.stuck B.broken C.dirty D.abandoned

    3.A.sense B.minute C.direction D.line

    4.A.lift B.hold C.pull D.drive

    5.A.offer B.seek C.refuse D.take

    6.A.shout B.discuss C.stand D.leave

    7.A.amazing B.pleasant C.uneasy D.incredible

    8.A.forced B.invited C.ordered D.allowed

    9.A.consulted B.warned C.advised D.informed

    10.A.persuade B.comfort C.frighten D.satisfy

    11.A.trouble B.disbelief C.anxiety D.embarrassment

    12.A.though B.until C.since D.unless

    13.A.anyway B.therefore C.still D.somehow

    14.A.remembered B.realized C.thought D.joked

    15.A.news B.my partner C.assistance D.an ambulance

    16.A.greeted B.thanked C.accepted D.attracted

    17.A.car B.company C.favor D.picnic

    18.A.nervous B.unwilling C.disappointed D.better

    19.A.alone B.bravely C.bitterly D.directly

    20.A.decision B.fortune C.choice D.difference

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 在空白处填 1 个适当单词或单词正确形式。

    The construction of pocket or mini parks has given Beijing more greenery as well as a place in1.people can come out for fresh air, socializing and other activities.

    In the central commercial and old areas in the capital, where there is a high density(密度)of buildings as well as people, it is an2.(challenge) job to create new parks. An advantage of mini parks is that they are “flexible". They can be in different shapes according to their location(位置),providing3. (variety) services.

    These parks contribute to a much4.(good) environment. Mini parks do the work of urban parks for those who live far away from5.latter. People can6.(easy) walk over to mini parks built on their streets or in their neighborhood, where they can exercise and enjoy the scenery. Also, with the mini parks, people can be more than7.(visitor). They can participate in the construction and management. Recently, people in San miao Community in west Beijing, for example, are planning a small garden8.their own. Shortly after the community decided9.(turn) an abandoned area into a garden park, they10.(call)a meeting to discuss people's requirements.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析