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本卷共 9 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,提纲类作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 6 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.

    The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes along time. What do you think?”

    This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!

    The second question is about speaking. Sam, form Suzhou wrote, “Our school has a foreign teacher. But I’m shy and can’t speak to her. What should I do?”

    When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, “Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?” These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, takes deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.

    The third question is about vocabulary. Oliver, from Anhui wrote, “I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?” Try to remember eight or ten words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when you’re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?

    1.How many basic questions do the students often ask?

    A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

    2.What should you do if you are shy to speak English?

    A.Watch English films. B.Write down the words first.

    C.Listen to real English songs. D.Take a deep breath and smile before you begin.

    3.What is Oliver’s problem?

    A.He’s too shy to talk with others. B.He’s not able to count English words.

    C.He can’t remember new words. D.He doesn’t know what real English.

    4.What’s the best title of this passage?

    A.How to learn English. B.Talking about English films.

    C.Advice about English writing. D.The way of beginning an English conversation.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. From American Express, wedding guests will, on average, spend﹩673 on each wedding they attend this year. It includes airfare (﹩225), hotel (﹩170), dining out (﹩116)and dressing up (﹩95) and the gift. If you have weddings to attend this year, here are some tips for you to avoid breaking the bank.

    1. Book flights in advance

    The moment you decide to attend a wedding is the time to check flight prices at the best time. Plane fares are higher in the summer, especially in July and August. Booking in advance will save you money, as will watch for sales on lower-cost carriers like JetBlue and Frontier. You can check Google Flights for a calendar of prices showing the cheapest days to fly from apps like Hopper to get rea-time alerts when a fare is at its lowest price point.

    2. Don't blow your budget on the gift

    If you've got the money, an expensive gift is lovely. But there's no need to take out loans to prove your love for the happy couple. Skip an expensive necklace by giving (an appropriate amount of) cash instead. To save on the gift, consider making one: A photo album or scrapbook of memories with the bride and groom shows how much you care. You could also share the gift with other guest(s) or even make gifts with DIY ideas by yourself to save money.

    3. Use old dresses and suits

    You don't always have to be on a new dress for a wedding. While men have the option of repeating their suits, women are more likely to spend money on new clothes for the special occasion. But before you take out your wallet, consider reinventing something already in your closet. Belts, colorful scarves, shoes can bring life to any outfit.

    1.How much does a wedding guest spend on the gift on average?

    A.﹩673 B.﹩225

    C.﹩67 D.﹩95

    2.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    A.People always wear their new clothes at the wedding.

    B.Men are more likely to wear new clothes to attend a wedding.

    C.It saves you money to creatively wear old clothes.

    D.Ladies tend to wear their favorite suits for a wedding.

    3.What is the purpose of the passage?

    A.To help people save money while holding their weddings.

    B.To give some tips on saving money to attend a wedding.

    C.To introduce general expenses of attending a wedding.

    D.To state some aspects to be considered while holding weddings.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. A year back I received a full scholarship to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work had paid off. My mom had spent a lot in my attending a private high school, so I made sure to push myself: I volunteered, got involved in various clubs, and graduated with honors. I was so excited to start a new chapter(篇章)of my life. I had totally packed two weeks before it was time to leave.

    Soon enough, the big day came, but it wasn't like what I had thought. The first two weeks were the most difficult days of my entire life. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. I was so homesick and I didn't know how to deal with my broken heart. To distract myself, I threw myself into my studies and I applied for a ton of jobs. In any remaining free time, I started forcing myself to the gym. I wanted to keep every part of my day busy so I wouldn't think how lonely I felt.

    Soon after, I began to limit food,and then I became worse. Finally, I went to see a doctor. When the doctor weighed me, I was crazy about the number of my weight. So I continued to lower my goal, and convinced that controlling this number was the solution for my homesickness. But when I was told that I had no choice but to spend time on my studies. I quickly started recovery in my mind.

    How could I do? I told myself that school was what I was best at. I decided to get rid of my homesickness and took exercise actively. My first term of college had passed by at last and I had gotten straight A's. That's why I want to share my story-to help other students feel less lonely.

    1.How was the author during the two weeks before she left for the college?

    A.She was as normal as before.

    B.She couldn't wait to leave for the college.

    C.She was afraid to leave her home.

    D.She didn't enjoy her mother's company.

    2.What is the author's problem at the beginning of studying in the university?

    A.Her weight. B.Her bad study habit.

    C.Her diet. D.Her homesickness.

    3.Which can best replace the underlined phrase "distract myself" in paragraph 2?

    A.achieve my dream B.improve my studies

    C.take my attention away D.earn money by myself

    4.What is the main purpose of the author's writing the passage?

    A.To look back at her past life. B.To help girls to lose weight.

    C.To increase her own confidence. D.To help lonely college students.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Vinegar is great. It makes salad, fries and dumplings taste better, and you can even clean your windows with it. And now, according to scientists, it may even help the planet’s population survive climate change.

    Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan have found that growing plants in vinegar makes them more resistant to droughts. This could mean that in the future, worries about climate change affecting the world’s supply of food will be much lower.

    The discovery was made after the researchers studied the Arabidopsis, a plant known for its ability to survive in dry weather. It was found that when the plant was placed in drought-like conditions, it produced a chemical called acetate(醋酸盐)—the main component of vinegar.

    After discovering this, the scientists experimented further by adding acetate to the soil of other plants, and they stopped giving them water completely. After leaving the plants for 14 days, they found that the ones treated with acetate had survived, while the untreated plants had dried up and died. It’s hoped that this simple method of survival could soon be used to help farmers in dry countries keep their crops alive.

    Jong Myong Kim, co-author of the study, tells Popular Science magazine that he’s already been in touch with people all over the world who are interested in trying this simple and cost-effective method out for themselves from flower growing companies to amateur gardeners. Although at this point keeping thirsty plants alive isn’t as easy as just pouring vinegar over them, Kim says he and his team are working on making the process as simple as possible. “Now we are trying to cooperate with some farmers, and also some companies, to make a method to apply this system,” he says.

    And for those of us who always forget to ask our neighbors to water our plants when we go away, hopefully this means the end of returning home from a trip to find our favorite flowers have died.

    1.What is mentioned as a feature of the Arabidopsis?

    A. It produces acetate in wet conditions. B. It is mainly composed of acetate.

    C. It can survive in nowhere but desert. D. It can be tolerant of drought.

    2.The scientists experimented further by adding acetate to the soil of other plants to _______.

    A. find a simple way of keeping the crops of farmers alive

    B. add acetate to the soil of other plants to stop watering

    C. check the effectiveness of the acetate to resist drought

    D. treat the dried-up plants by adding acetate to them

    3.What is the author’s attitude to the discovery?

    A. Objective. B. Unsupportive.

    C. Indifferent. D. Optimistic.

    4.What does the text mainly tell the readers?

    A. Vinegar May End Hunger B. Vinegar Keeps Plants Living Forever

    C. How to Survive Climate Change D. Plants Need Water

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. Four Habits to Help You Succeed

    Nobody would like to experience failure. We all want to succeed. For those who have tried and failed, success seems difficult to understand. 1.

    • Know your values.

    Finding your values is in line with creating motivation.2.Pick a handful of things and write them down. Remind yourself of your values every day and reflect on whether you are honoring those values through your work.


    Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement, while adjusting well to your values. If you want to achieve your goal, focus is the key here. 4.If you perform many tasks at a time, you might never finish your projects because they will take far too long.

    • Set a time for success.

    Set a date for success. Know when you hope to realize your goal.5.By setting a time limit, you are making the process realistic.

    • Don’t give up because of failure.

    Failure can’t be avoided when you take risks. By its very definition, the desire to succeed means you are risking failure. Many people tend to give up far too early. Don’t fall into this trap! Use failure. Treat it as a good thing, and go on.

    A. Make the right decision.

    B. Pick a goal and focus on it .

    C. The more focused you are on one goal, the higher chance you have of success.

    D. Keep it realistic, while not giving yourself too much time.

    E. I have made a list of four habits to help you set goals and realize them.

    F. Sit and reflect on what you value most.

    G. Push yourself to be courageous, and take that next step.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. My 20-year-old daughter, Allison, living in Philadelphia, sent me a text the other day:"I need socks and shampoo.”She was actually asking me to______those items for her, but I ______she was playing a cell phone game. I decide not to be a helicopter(直升机)______,because experience as a mother and professor has taught me how______that can result.

    __, I prefer a more hands-off approach. From the time Allison turned 18, I no longer had any____ to know her work and life schedule.

    But that's not what I ___ at Drexel University where I teach. Most of my students talk to their __ three times a day or more. One student's mother called because she didn't ____ from him for a few days. He was in the library so he______"hello". She doubted that he was drinking, and insisted on asking him to______a picture of himself. Holding a newspaper with that day's ____,he took a picture and sent it to his mother in order to ___ that he wasn't telling a lie.

    I've always treated my students as independent beings. I tell them on the first day that I will not follow up with them on missing____or assignments. I am getting them to become independent thinkers, and take responsibility for their ____.

    But their parents don't______them like me. I know a mother. She supervises(监督)her son too much. She hopes he will walk by the______,so that she can know what he is doing. Another mother checks her son's credit card daily. However, I never do that. My daughters only come to me with____things that need my decision, and I think that's because I give them space.

    Many parents try to find if their kids are______from them. But we have to learn to respect boundaries(界限),even when technology is so ____. So I am going to do my best not to be a helicopter parent.

    1.A.donate B.check C.prepare D.receive

    2.A.thought B.managed C.decided D.remembered

    3.A.customer B.mother C.trainer D.boss

    4.A.normally B.badly C.simply D.amazingly

    5.A.Instead B.Besides C.Otherwise D.Still

    6.A.way B.courage C.power D.desire

    7.A.do B.achieve C.see D.predict

    8.A.professors B.friends C.parents D.classmates

    9.A.learn B.hear C.escape D.judge

    10.A.waved B.meant C.added D.whispered

    11.A.gain B.gather C.draw D.take

    12.A.date B.picture C.name D.plan

    13.A.apologize B.comment C.prove D.preserve

    14.A.themes B.nutrition C.mineral D.classes

    15.A.secrets B.choices C.skills D.humour

    16.A.treat B.protect C.change D.employ

    17.A.school B.door C.camera D.road

    18.A.impressive B.ordinary C.obvious D.important

    19.A.hiding B.suffering C.developing D.benefiting

    20.A.valuable B.powerful C.harmful D.limited

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    If it weren't for the ninth BRICS Summit (金砖峰会) held in Xiamen last year, many people would probably never have realized 1. rich the culture in Fujian is.

    The welcoming ceremony displayed the traditional local culture, including2. (vary) art forms such as children's folk rhymes and Hui'an women dances. However, one of the most 3.(impression) performances was Nanyin, which is translated as “the music in the south”. Nanyin is a type of musical performance art based on southern Fujian dialects. 4. (general) considered to date back to the Song Dynasty, Nanyin has been called precious treasure of China's music history and is5.(old) traditional music form in China today. When6. (interview), a Nanyin performer said, “Some people say such old music isn't necessary or suitable7.modern people, but I don't think8.. As a matter of fact, Nanyin can be a social communication break for modern people who9.(feed) up with the fast-paced lifestyle.” Another performer added, “10.(get) involved in Nanyin performance makes me remain young. Anyway, who can be older than this kind of 1000-year-old music? ”

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    I like travelling and my dream of visit Beijing, the capital city of our country, come true during the National Day holiday this year. In October 1st, I went to Tian'anmen Square with my parents, there we watched the flag-raising ceremony. As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem, feel extremely excited. Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction, like the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, I felt very proudly. I thought of the old saying that "One who fail to reach the Great Wall is not a hero." Although I was tired, I really had a fun.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

提纲类作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你是李华,你看到美国留学生Sharon 在网上发帖,希望有人能够帮助她提高普通话(Mandarin)水平。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。

    1. 表达给她提供帮助的意愿;

    2. 说明你能胜任辅导的理由;

    3. 给出讲好普通话的两点建议。

    注意:1. 字数100词左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析