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本卷共 9 题,其中:
完型填空 2 题,阅读单选 4 题,补全短文6选5 1 题,语法填空 1 题,书信作文 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 8 题。总体难度: 简单
完型填空 共 2 题
  1. Dear Mike,

    It is October 1st. It's the _______ birthday of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国). I have some fun things to do.

    In the morning, I want to _________the military parade(阅兵仪式)on TV. After that, I'll go to see my grandparents. They are_______--one is 90 and one is 93. But they are very healthy. In the afternoon, I’ll play soccer with my cousins. That is our favorite sport. A big firework show (烟花表演) will be on in the evening. All my family will watch _________ together. How do you like my _______?


    Ma Ding

    1.A.Seventeen B.Seventy C.Seventeenth D.Seventieth

    2.A.watch B.know C.play D.call

    3.A.happy B.short C.old D.boring

    4.A.us B.them C.it D.me

    5.A.family B.grandparents C.trip D.day

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. David is a little boy. He is five years old. He is very naughty (淘气的), _______ his mother always says, No, David!" Here are two _________ about him: No. David! and David Goes to School.

    In the first book, David always does wrong (错误的) things at_________. He plays with balls in the room. He watches too much TV. And he_______ with food a dinner time. His mother finds it is_______ to let him have a good habit. She is always not happy with David but she loves David very much.

    In the second book. David is a_______.  What is he like at school? He is always _________ for school. And he runs everywhere in the_________. He also eats in class. Bu his classmates all like him, because David is_________ to them. He is always a friendly boy.

    The two books are very interesting. They help me __________ some questions, too.I want to buy them for my brother, Jimmy.

    1.A.or B.so C.because D.but

    2.A.lessons B.photos C.books D.pictures

    3.A.home B.school C.table D.store

    4.A.sells B.eats C.plays D.helps

    5.A.healthy B.easy C.interesting D.difficult

    6.A.student B.star C.baby D.teacher

    7.A.relaxing B.late C.right D.sure

    8.A.store B.classroom C.bed D.library

    9.A.fun B.well C.nice D.cool

    10.A.call at B.ask for C.look at D.think about

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项选项中选出最佳答案。

    My name's Nana! I'm a middle school student. I have a good friend. Her name is Tmall Genie (天猫精灵) .She is a white box. In the morning. I say "Tmall Genie, good morning!" She says "Good morning" and then reads the news(读新闻)to me. In the evening ,  she plays nice music.  When I can’t find my phone. I say,“Tmall Genie please find my phone." "What's your telephone number? she says, After I say the number. she calls it.

    Tmail Genie is not only my good friend. All my family love her. She can be my grandmother’s radio.She loves news very much . She can be my mom’s library. She reads books to Mom every day. She can also help my sister Dora with English . She is Dora’s dictionary . For my dad , Tmall Genie always says , “it’s 8:50. You can watch the soccer game on CCTV-5 now.”

    Life (生活) isn't boring when Tmall Genie is with us. We all like her

    1.What’s Tmall Genie?

    A. B. C. D.

    2.Tmal Genie is Dad's ______.

    A.radio B.library C.clock D.dictionary

    3.Tmall Genie can__________.

    ①find the phone    ②) read the news    ③read books

    ④do sports  ⑤ play music   ⑥find the dictionary

    A.①③⑤⑥ B.①②③⑤ C.③④⑤⑥ D.①②③④

    4.What can we know ?

    A.Nana has a phone. B.Five people are in this family.

    C.Tmall Genie is at a very good price. D.Tmall Genie makes (让) Nana's family life boring

    5.What is the best title (最好的趣目)?

    A.Happy family B.Hello, Tmall Genie

    C.A good friend D.Fun things in my life

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Kelly is a student in Class 1. Grade 7 in Sunshine Middle School. She has seven subjects at school and she likes them all. Now the test(考试) week comes. Can she do well in all subjects?






    Thursday,17th January,2019













    Friday, 18th











    1.The History test is on ________.

    A.Wednesday B.Tuesday C.Friday D.Thursday

    2.When does the Chinese test finish?

    A.At 9.30 am. B.At 11:30 am. C.At 3 pm. D.At 2.30 pm

    3.What test comes the third in the second day of the test?

    A.The English test. B.The Biology test.

    C.The math test D.The Geography test.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. Party

    It is an English party.

    Date:December 9th,2019

    Place: Mr. Black's home(家)Time:6:00 pm-7:30 pm Welcome and have a good time!

    Basketball Game

    There's(有)a great basketball game in PEP Middle School.

    Date: December 13th,2019

    Place: P.E. Room

    Time:2:00 pm-4:00 pm Teams(队):Class 7B-Class 7E

    Class 7A-Class 7D

    Coco's Clothes Store

    A great sale!

    Date: December 15th-21st,2019

    All our clothes are 25 dollars for one and 40 for two, if you pay more than 70dollars, you can get a hat for free.

    Place: No.108. Green Street

    1.The Basketball Game is for_______.

    A.1 hour B.1.5 hours C.2 hours D.2.5 hours

    2.If I want to take 4 jackets and a hat, how much do I need to pay?

    A.125 dollars B.100 dollars C.80 dollars D.105 dollars

    3.Which of the following (下面的) is NOT TRUE?

    A.The English party is in the last month of the year.

    B.Students in Class 7D will play basketball with students in Class 7A.

    C.Coco's Clothes Store has a great sale for a week.

    D.The English party is at Mr. Black's home,room No. 108, Green Street.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. “I can't find Bill," Anna says.“Our class pet (宠物) is lost."

    "We must find him.," Paul says.“Bill is a green lizard(蜥蜴). He can't go out of(爬出) our classroom."

    Paul helps Anna look for(寻找) Bill. Bill isn't under the yellow desks or the blue chairs. Anna goes to the brown bookcase.

    “Oh;a brown lizard is on the book," Anna says.

    “The lizard is not green. It's not ours. It's a new Lizard," Paul says. Anna says, "Let's put it into Bill's box."

    Paul puts the brown lizard into the box with some green things. Oh, what do they see now? They see a green lizard. The brown lizard is a green one now.

    "It's Bill!”Anna says happily.

    1.Anna and Paul are _________.

    A.Classmates B.mother and son C.brother and sister D.2 girls in the same class

    2.Ann and Paul see a _______lizard on a book.

    A.green B.brown C.yellow D.blue

    3.Where is Anna?

    A.In her room. B.In the library. C.In the classroom. D.In the store.

    4.Which is  “ √ ”

    A.Bill has a new box. B.Paul and Anna have two lizards.

    C.Paul and Anna find the lizard Bill at last. D.The Lizard is Paul and Anna’s pet.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全短文6选5 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能选出空白处的最佳选项。

    Aunt Mary is on a trip to China. So there is no one to tidy the room at home.

    In the evening, Uncle Tim wants to read (阅读) his favourite book Say Goodbye for Now. But he can't find it.. 1.Uncle Tim thinks, "That's OK.I can buy one in the store. Where is my wallet(钱包)? 2.”  Uncle Tim goes to his desk. but his wallet is not there. He looks for his wallet everywhere. After about an hour, he finds it in the bookcase. 3.

    “It' time to go!" says uncle Tim.“I only need the car key, 4.” But It’s not there.

    5.He thinks. “ Oh.I must tidy my room first...”

    A. He is very happy.

    B. So where is my hat?

    C. It must be on the table.

    D. Ah, it must be on my desk.

    E. Because his room isn't tidy.

    F. Now, Uncle Tim doesn't want to look for the key.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 第二节语法填空

    Hi, I'm Sally. I usually have lunch with my classmates at school. Look! Here1.(be)my lunch. Wow, it 2. ( look) very great! I have rice, vegetables and chicken in the first box. It's very 3.(health). In the 4.(two) box, you can see oranges, apples, 5. (strawberry)and pears. It's 6.fruit box. My classmates think I really have a good lunch. And they ask me 7.I buy the lunch. Well, you can't buy it in any stores, 8. my mother makes it for me. She wants me to eat 9.(good) every day. What do you have 10. lunch? Can you tell me?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书信作文 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达。

    假设你是 王伟,根据表格提示,写一封信给你新交的笔友Jerry,介绍你的情况。要求: 1. 信的内容要包括表格所有要点。2. 语句通顺,注意信件的格式。3. 80字左右。


    Wang Wei










    青羊实验中学(Qing Yang Experimental Middle School)



    喜欢蔬菜水果,不喜欢汉堡包,( 各说明理由)


    喜爱篮球,讨厌网球。( 各说明理由)


    最爱历史,喜欢英语和语文. (各说明理由)

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析