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本卷共 7 题,其中:
阅读单选 3 题,补全短文5选5 1 题,完型填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,话题作文 1 题
简单题 1 题,中等难度 5 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 中等
阅读单选 共 3 题
  1. When I was young, each family worked in our father's store. We started working by doing small jobs like cleaning, tidying shelves and packing, and later graduated (毕业)to serve customers. As we worked and watched, we learned that work was about more than living and selling things.

    One day, I was tidying the toy area. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He was wearing an old brown coat, and his hair and shoes were dirty. The little boy looked poor to me—too poor to afford to buy anything. He looked around the toys, picked up some of them, and then carefully put them back.

    At that time, Dad walked over to the boy. He smiled and asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a birthday present to buy for his brother. Dad told him to take his time and look around. He did.

    After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy plane, walked up to my dad and said, "How much for this. Sir?

    “How much do you have?" Dad asked.

    The little boy held out his hand and opened it. He counted the coins and said, “27 cents. But the price of the toy plane is ---US$3.98!”

    “That will just about do it. "Dad said softly. Dad's reply still rings in my ears. When the little boy walked out of the store. I didn't notice the old coat or the dirty shoes. What I saw was a lovely child with a treasure.

    1.According to the passage, the little boy ________.

    A.was under 10 years old. B.was wearing an old grey coat.

    C.didn’t wear shoes D.has short brown hair

    2.What does the underlined(划线)sentence mean in the last paragraph?

    A.The boy couldn't buy the toy.

    B.The money was not enough to buy the toy.

    C.The boy could buy the toy with the money.

    D.The writer's dad didn't want to sell the toy to the boy.

    3.What do you think of the writer's father?

    A.Strict. B.Talented. C.Kind. D.Serious.

    4.What can we learn from the passage?

    A.There were eight people in the writer's family. B.The little boy might be from a poor family.

    C.The work in the store is to sell old clothes. D.The writer didn't like working in his father's store.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Eating less meat is becoming more common all over the world. In the US, for example, there is a campaign(活动)called Meatless Mondays. The idea is to have meatless meals every Monday. By the end of 2018, 230 middle and primary schools in the US had joined this campaign, according to Southern Weekly. These schools give students a vegetarian breakfast and lunch every Monday.

    How did Meatless Mondays become part of food culture in the West? The first reason is that it's healthy. Many studies have shown that eating less meat is good for people's health. -Vegetarian diets can make some diseases (疾病),like obesity (肥胖)and heart problems less." scientist Sharon Palmer told CNN. **Even going meatless one day a week can make a difference."

    But it’s not only about health. A study from Nature found that animal products(制品) create a lot of greenhouse gases. Specifically, they account for 78 percent of total emissions (排放).If we eat less meat, it will be better for the environment.

    In March this year, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said that all public schools in New York City would join the Meatless Mondays campaign. Joining the campaign, he said, will help us stay healthy and keep our planet green for the future.

    1.What do we know about Meatless Mondays?

    A.Many students in the US have joined this campaign.

    B.People who join the campaign will eat meat on Mondays.

    C.This campaign is becoming popular all over the world.

    D.It tells us that people eat some meat every day.

    2.Paragraphs 2-3 mainly talk about________.

    A.food traditions in the west countries B.how some diseases come from

    C.how much meat we need to cat each day D.how eating less meat can help us

    3.What does the passage mainly tell us?

    A.Eating vegetables is the best way to stay healthy. B.Eating less meat is also popular in the East.

    C.Students can get good eating habits easily. D.More people are eating less meat.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Dear parents,

    We are happy to send you the list of the books for the 2019 Summer Reading Program. All the students in our school will take part in this program.

    This year, students will be required to read one book from the list. After reading the book, students will have to write an article about it.

    The books for this year’s summer reading program are:

    ♦Grade 6: The Moon and I by Betsy Byars

    The writer describes her wonderful trip with a black snake.

    ♦Grade 7: My Dog Skip by Willie Morris

    A story about a boy and his dog growing up in the countryside.

    ♦Grade 8: Mama's Girl by Veronica Chambers

    The true life story of Veronica Chambers trying to connect with her mother.

    ♦Grade 9: My Secret Diary by Jacqueline Wilson

    A very interesting and exciting story about Jacqueline Wilson's teenage years.

    We believe that this program is helpful for our students to develop a lifelong interest in reading. We hope that your child will read these books. Thanks for your help with the Summer Reading Program.


    Parkland Middle School

    1.This letter is written by Parkland Middle School to _________.

    A.book writer. B.students. C.students' parents. D.teachers.

    2.Which book was written by Jacqueline Wilson?

    A.The Moon and I. B.My Dog Skip. C.Mama's Girl. D.My Secret Diary.

    3.Parkland Middle School is making the reading program to ______.

    A.improve students' interest in reading B.make parents care about teenagers' reading

    C.help students get better grades in exams D.teach students new English words

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

补全短文5选5 共 1 题
  1. 下列短文中有五处需要还原句子。清你从A.B.C.D和E中选出恰当的句子, 补全短文。

    A. The food was delicious.

    B. Then he took me to his house.

    C. But it was necessary to keep away from it.

    D. And they work really hard.

    E. I felt very happy when I touched them.

    Last week I visited my hometown. It was a small village before I left there when I was only five years old.

    My village is next to Saharanpur. I went there by train. My uncle was waiting for me when I reached the station. 1. When I arrived, my aunt was cooking and my two cousins were playing.

    It was a hot day, so I took a shower first. The cold water made me feel good. Then we had lunch together. 2. And it was very good for my health.

    In the evening, I walked to the farm with my little cousin. I watered the crops for the first time in my life. 3. But soon I found a snake under my feet. I was very afraid and shouted to my cousin. He told me not to be afraid. He said this kind of snake would not hurt(伤害)people. 4.

    Through this trip, I find farmers arc very nice. 5. We should respect(尊重)them and their work.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Evan has to travel 20 miles a day to school by bike with his father.

    The family_______ to a new town in January. But no local(本地的)schools have a place for him, so he has to study at his_______school, which is near his old home. "We have to travel by bike from our new home to the old school, which is about 10 miles_______,” said his father. “I’m worried about his safety(安全)on the road. After all, he is_______six years old."

    Every day, Evan has to cross the_______roads with his father. The_______every day is so tiring for him that he often falls asleep at school. It seems_______when the weather is bad. "On rainy days we often get wet,” said the father. “When we see him all wet _______ , it always makes me sad."

    The family doesn’t have a car. _______ there is a bus that can take Evan from the new home to school, the family is too poor to buy bus _______.

    Evan's head teacher praised the father and son. He said, “Evan has done very well here and he has made a lot of progress(进步). He _______very happy. But for a child of that _______ , making such a long trip in the morning and afternoon each day is really hard. We hope he can get into a _______ school.”

    A newspaper reported Evan's story and most people _______ it. Now, Evan will go to a place at a new place at a new school to _______in September. It 's the nearest one to his new home.

    1.A.moved B.travelled C.served D.wondered

    2.A.new B.old C.free D.own

    3.A.far B.away C.along D.across

    4.A.else B.also C.just D.yet

    5.A.poor B.simple C.dirty D.busy

    6.A.road B.space C.trip D.plan

    7.A.harder B.happier C.luckier D.closer

    8.A.through B.with C.over D.into

    9.A.When B.Until C.Though D.Unless

    10.A.events B.parts C.lines D.tickets

    11.A.turns B.keeps C.seems D.makes

    12.A.size B.age C.action D.mind

    13.A.nearer B.older C.newer D.quieter

    14.A.answered B.read C.made D.found

    15.A.start B.send C.touch D.take

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的内容(1个单词), 或括号内单词的正确形式。

    I'm a piano teacher. I can feel clearly how talent and hard work affect(影响)my students.

    In fact, not everybody1. (be) good at playing the piano when they came to this world. For example, some of my students just spend two or three months 2.(learn)to play the piano well. But other students need to learn for years. Many of my 3.(talent) students learn faster than I did before. But talent doesn’t always bring 4. good result. When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes 5. find it boring and then give up (放弃).And talented students sometimes have other things they enjoy6.(much), so they give up, too.

    Some of my students work very hard. But they still can't play the piano7.(beautiful). I teach them again and again, and they practice for long. However, it just does not work for these students. In my 8.(eye), it is not necessary to do everything very well. When you really don't have any talent 9.something, the best way is to give up(放弃).Then you can choose 10. you are really interested in. And put all your heart into it.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

话题作文 共 1 题
  1. 第二节: 书面表达

    在下周的英语课上,老师要求同学们就“How I study for a test?”这一主题进行交流。现请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你是如何为考试作准备的。要求:1.根据下表提示信息,结合已学课文句型表达,可适当发挥,使行文逻辑连贯。2.词数不少于60个。3.开头已给出,只需接着写。

    Step 1 Find out what I have to study and how much time I have

    Step 2 Make a study plan

    Step 3 Create a study group

    Step 4   .....

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析