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本卷共 25 题,其中:
完成句子 1 题,单选题 15 题,补全对话6选5 1 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 2 题,阅读判断 1 题,补全短文5选5 1 题,回答问题 1 题,单词填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 21 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
完成句子 共 1 题
  1. 基础知识


    1.Maybe people will live on the Mars one day. Nobody knows what will _______ in the future.

    2.My grandma is ill and I must stay at home to look _________ her.

    3.Tom was really _________ at that time, so he bought a bottle of mineral water to drink.

    4.Please turn _______ the music a little. Your father is sleeping.

    5.It’s raining outside. You’d better take an ________ with you.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单选题 共 15 题
  1. Dale studies hard and he wants to be ______ engineer.

    A.a B.an C.the D./

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Who listens _________,Tom,Jack or Bill?

    A.the most carefully B.the more carefully C.the most careful D.more careful

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. There is       in today’s newspaper. Let’s read a storybook.

    A.something interesting B.nothing interesting

    C.interesting something D.interesting nothing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. —________ do you go to the bookshop?

    — Once a week.

    A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How much

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Tina, you should ________ some good hobbies. Don’t play computer games all day.

    A.bring out B.care for C.take up D.come out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. — There ________ a talk about science in our school next week.

    一Sounds cool.

    A.be B.have C.is going to be D.is going to have

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. --I have three tickets. _______ of you two can go to see the film with me.

    --Great! Thank you very much.

    A.Both B.All C.None D.One

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Alice decides to see the dentist because she has a ________.

    A.headache B.toothache C.backache D.stomachache

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  9. —Can I read some books in the library, Mr. Liu?

    —No, You can’t read ________ you show me your card. That’s the rule of the library.

    A.if B.because C.although D.unless

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  10. The more careful you are, the ________ mistakes you will make.

    A.few B.fewer C.little D.less

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. --What do you think of the program?

    --______. It’s meaningless.

    A.I love it B.I’m not sure C.I don’t mind it D.I can’t stand it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. We will take a school trip if it ________ tomorrow.

    A.rains B.will rain C.won’t rain D.doesn’t rain

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. When the bell rang, the teacher began to _________ the test papers.

    A.put off B.turn up C.hand out D.give away

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. The girl is eight years old. She is ______ to go to school.

    A.enough old B.enough young C.old enough D.young enough

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. _________ students went to clean the streets last Sunday.

    A.Two hundreds B.Two hundreds of C.Hundreds of D.Hundred of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全对话6选5 共 1 题
  1. 根据对话内容用方框内所给选项补全对话, 其中有一项是多余的。

    A: Hello, Carol! 1.

    B: Yes, I did. What about you, Alice?

    A: Me, too. 2.

    B: Yes, I can. How about you?

    A: I’m afraid not.

    B: 3.

    A:But on Sunday my cousin Lucy is coming here. I want to spend some time with her.

    B: Lucy? 4.

    A: Yes, that’s right.

    B: 5.

    A: That sounds good. But …

    B:Don’t worry! Lucy is a nice girl. I’m sure all people will like her at the party.

    A. How long will she stay in our city?

    B. Can you go to his party on Sunday?

    C. Why don’t you bring her to Alan’s party?

    D. Did you get Alan’s invitation to his party?

    E.I remember I played tennis with her last summer.

    F. Oh, if you don’t go to his party, he won’t be happy.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. When Mr. Smith retired (退休), he bought a small _______in a village near the sea. He_______it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house.

    But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see _______ house in summer holidays, for it was the most _______ building in the village. From morning to night there were _______ outside the house. They kept _______ into the rooms through the windows and _______ of them even went into Mr. Smith's garden. This was too much for Mr. Smith. He decided to ask the visitors to _______.So he put a(n) _______ on the window. It said. “If you want ________ your curiosity(好奇心), come in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. Smith was sure that the visitors would ________ coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. Smith had to ________ every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire not to work ________ a guide,” he said________. In the end, he ________ the house and moved away.

    1.A.garden B.shop C.house D.school

    2.A.liked B.hated C.sold D.built

    3.A.he B.his C.she D.her

    4.A.big B.interesting C.small D.clean

    5.A.children B.students C.parents D.tourists

    6.A.look B.to look C.looked D.looking

    7.A.no B.none C.many D.much

    8.A.come B.leave C.stay D.play

    9.A.notice B.news C.advice D.information

    10.A.to satisfy B.satisfy C.to satisfying D.satisfying

    11.A.go on B.stop C.like D.not

    12.A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay

    13.A.for B.just C.like D.as

    14.A.angrily B.slowly C.carefully D.quickly

    15.A.sold B.bought C.held D.found

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 2 题
  1. April Fool’s Day is coming! But do you know how April Fool’s Day comes?

    In the sixteenth century in France, the start of the New Year was on April 1st. People celebrated the New Year in the same way as it is today. They held parties and danced into the late night.

    Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar into the Christian(基督教的)world, and the new year fell on January 1st. Some people didn’t believe the change in the date, so they celebrated the New Year on April 1st. Others played tricks on them and called them “April fools”.

    Today Americans play small tricks on friends on the first day of April. One common trick on April Fool’s Day is pointing down to a friend’s shoe and saying, “Your shoelace is untied.” School children like to tell a classmate that there are no classes. Then if someone believes the trick, he or she will be called the “April fool”! People play tricks on each other only because they want to enjoy themselves together. Most jokes are really funny and people play tricks not to hurt anyone but to find happiness.


    1.In the sixteenth century in France, people______ to celebrate the New Year.

    A.held parties and danced B.only made delicious food

    C.played tricks on others D.went to church together

    2.People started to celebrate the New Year on January 1st from_______.

    A.1556 B.1558 C.1560 D.1562.

    3.The underlined word “shoelace” here means _______ in Chinese.

    A.鞋套 B.鞋帮 C.鞋带 D.鞋跟

    4.On April Fool’s Day students may say “_______” most to others according to the passage.

    A.Your shoelace is untied. B.There aren't any classes.

    C.We have no homework. D.You are a fool.

    5.What is the best title for the passage? _______

    A.How does April Fool’s Day come? B.When is April Fool’s Day?

    C.Who invented April Fool’s Day? D.How to play tricks on April Fool’s Day?

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Teeth are important. Strong , healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼) foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look best. Here are some tips for you to take care of your teeth:

    1.Brush your teeth the right way.

    Brush your teeth at least twice a day – after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks, too. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth. Spend at least three minutes each time you brush. Play a song you like to help pass the time. Get a new toothbrush every three months. When you buy toothbrush, be sure it has soft bristles(鬃毛).

    2.Learn how to floss(用牙线清洁牙齿) your teeth.

    Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy. Food may hide between two teeth. Flossing can help get rid of (清除) it. You’ll need to floss your teeth at least once a day.

    3.Have good eating habits.

    You need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Eating sugar is a major cause of tooth decay(蛀牙).Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda(苏打汽水).


    1.How many times at least should we brush our teeth a day?

    A.1. B.2. C.3 D.4.

    2.How often should we change our toothbrushes?

    A.Never. B.Three times a month.

    C.Every three months. D.Every month.

    3.The bristles of the toothbrush must be______.

    A.hard B.soft C.expensive D.new

    4.What is the major cause of tooth decay?

    A.Not brushing teeth. B.Not changing toothbrush.

    C.Eating sugar. D.Not flossing teeth.

    5.Which is the right way to take care of teeth?

    A.Only brush front teeth.

    B.Don’t brush teeth before sleeping.

    C.Spend at most three minutes to brush teeth each time.

    D.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. Owls live in almost every country in the world. Most owls don’t sleep at night. When they fly, you can’t hear them. They are very quiet. Owls are good at hunting(捕猎). They eat a lot of things such as mice, snakes, small birds and even fish. Owls have very good hearing. That helps them to hunt well in dark places. Their eyes are special. Both of their eyes face front. They can see very far away. There are facial disks(面盘) around their eyes. These facial disks can help with their hearing. Owls can turn their heads 270°. That helps them see what’s going on all around them.

    Maybe because owls look a little different and have special life habits. There are a lot of stories about them. Some cultures believe that owls are very clever and some cultures think owls may bring bad luck to people. In fact, owls are really good friends of people. They eat lots of mice every year. That helps save a lot of food for people. But the number of owls in the world is becoming smaller and smaller because of people’s activities. Now owls are protected by law(法律) in many places of the world. For example, in some places, people can’t keep an owl as a pet at home.


    1.Owls can fly quietly.

    2.Good hearing helps owls hunt well in dark places.

    3.Facial disks help owls see what’s going on all around them.

    4.All the people around the world like owls.

    5.In fact, owls are people’s good friends.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

补全短文5选5 共 1 题
  1. Paris —a dream city for many people!1.And from this summer, it will become a city of bicycles. On July 15 when Paris people wake up, they will find thousands of bikes are for rental (租赁).2.If you want to use longer, you should pay a little money.

    The stations work day and night, seven days a week.3.Encouraging people to ride bikes is good for the environment. 4.A Paris official (官员) said, "We think riding bikes may make Paris greener and quieter. With cleaner air, people can live better lives."5.Lyon, France’s third largest city, started it two years ago. Other European cities like Stockholm and Brussels do the same.


    A.You can ride them for free half an hour.

    B.It is a city of food and art.

    C.Paris is not the first French city to encourage people to ride bikes.

    D.There will be fewer cars on roads, so less pollution.

    E.People can return the bikes to any of the stations.

    A.You can ride them for free half an hour.

    B.It is a city of food and art.

    C.Paris is not the first French city to encourage people to ride bikes.

    D.There will be fewer cars on roads, so less pollution.

    E.People can return the bikes to any of the stations.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

回答问题 共 1 题
  1. Playtime is important to children, and playing outdoors is really good for them. But today more and more children spend their free time indoors. They watch TV, play computer games, play with their smart phones, etc.

    American father Mike doesn’t think it’s good for children to spend too much time indoors. So he turned his yard into a playground. Now on the open playground, there is a zip line (飞索) and a large playhouse with a trampoline (蹦床) and a slide (滑梯). His three sons and other children from the neighborhood like to have fun there.

    Mike and his wife Kathy live with their three boys. They began building their playground in 2008. “To let our kids go outside and play on their own, we think it’s a good idea to turn our yard into a playground,” said Mike.

    Mike encourages(鼓励) his three boys to take risks(冒险) when they play on the playground. They also welcome three to four children from the neighborhood every day to play there. “ Usually within about half an hour, every kid becomes excited and they play, run and laugh. It’s just so wonderful for me to see,” said Mike.


    1.Which is good for children according to the passage, playing outdoors or playing indoors?


    2.What did Mike do to make his children play outside?


    3.How many children does Mike have?


    4.Can other children play on their playground?


    5.How do the children feel when they play on the playground?


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. 《流浪地球》是中国第一部科幻大片,也是春节期间最受欢迎的电影之一。该电影由郭帆导演,吴京主演,如果你想去看电影,这部科幻大片是不错的选择。

    Do you like watching movies? If you are interested 1. movies, I think The Wandering Earth is the best choice. It's a very successful Chinese science fiction movie and is also one of the most 2. movies during the Spring Festival. The movie is directed by Guo Fan. Wu Jing is the main 3. and he acts as a great Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang. In the movie, people tried their best to 4. the earth, or all the people on the earth would die. They finally came 5. with a good idea. But at last, Liu Peiqiang died because he wanted more people to live. What a touching movie!

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 大作文

    同学们, 新的学期开始了,你有什么新学期计划呢?通过计划合理安排时间,相信你会变得更优秀!请你根据下面提供的信息,写一篇英语短文,介绍你的新学期计划。

    1. 多做运动,吃健康食物,保持健康;

    2. 每天坚持阅读,大声朗读英语(read English aloud);

    3. 上课认真听讲,努力学习,取得好成绩。

    4. 分担家务(share the housework)。


    1. 80词左右。

    2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。

    3. 所给提示必须全部用上,可适当发挥。

    4. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析