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本卷共 8 题,其中:
阅读单选 4 题,信息匹配 1 题,完型填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
中等难度 6 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 中等
阅读单选 共 4 题
  1. Isabella Rose Taylor is quite busy. It's not because of homework or exams. She designs clothes by herself.She will sell those clothes across the US in the future.

    The Texan girl has loved making things since a young age. At the age of 3, she started painting and at the age  of 8, she went to a sewing camp.Soon after, she started to make her own clothes. Her friends liked her designs and asked her to make clothes for them. This encouraged her to start selling her clothes at a local shop. At the age of 9,with the help of her parents, Isabella set up her own fashion brand named after herself.

    The brand is mainly for teenage girls. Isabella usually gets her design ideas from paintings, her travels and the world around her.

    “I want girls of my age to have clothes that truly show who they are. "she said.

    I sabella's future plan is to make her brand more popular. "I'll add something like accessories(配饰)and shoes”.She said.

    1.What is Isabella Rose Taylor busy doing?

    A. Doing her homework   B. Preparing for her exam

    C. Designing clothes.   D. Leaning painting

    2.According to the story, Isabella       .

    A. went to a sewing camp at age 3   B. set up her own brand at age 9

    C. learned design from her parents   D. encouraged her friends to join her

    3.What is Isabella's future plan ?

    A. Make her brand more popular   B. Drop out of school and start a company

    C. Go to a design school   D. Travel around the world

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. After hours of driving ,my wife Tara and I were so tired,but happy to finally get home . We put the car on the driveway and headed inside home .

    At seven o’clock in the morning,we opened the front door and found that the car was stolen ! We called the police .Afterwards ,all we could do was waiting for news .

    As time went by, Tara became very upset as she remembered many things in the car----our wedding album, family photos from past generations and my wallet ,just to name a few .

    Frustrated(沮丧的),Tara asked me how I could stay calm .

    I said: “Honey, we can have a stolen car and be all upset, or we can have a stolen car and be happy. Either way, we have a stolen car. Why not be happy ?”

    Five days later ,our car was returned.As I drove it home ,I crashed into (撞上)another car ,which would cost around 3000 dollars to repair .I was sorry and upset for what I had done .

    I was sad .Then Tara arrived home .She put her arms around me and said, "Honey,we can have a wrecked (撞坏的)car and be upset ,or we can have a wrecked car and be happy .Either way ,we have a wrecked car ,so let's choose to be happy .”

    I looked at her and laughed happily .

    1.Why did the writer’s wife become sad after the case was lost ?

    A. they just bought the car .   B. they couldn't go to meet their family.

    C. she didn't believe the police .   D. many important things were in the car .

    2.Why could the writer stay calm ? Because________.

    A. he knew the car could come back some day .   B. he thought it was not his fault .

    C. he thought it was no use feeling sad .   D. he had enough money to buy a new car .

    3.What can we learn from the story ?

    A. The writer was too careless to lose his car .

    B. The writer was calm after crashing into another car .

    C. The writer’s wife felt angry about their wrecked car .

    D. The writer and his wife encouraged each other to face losses.

    4.What does the passage mainly tell us ?

    A. Bad luck never comes alone ,so be ready for it .

    B. Be careful and there will be no wrecked cars .

    C. You can choose to be happy when bad things happen .

    D. Cars can be easily lost if you forget to lock them .

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. I went to England last year. I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.

    For example, you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time. When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.

    One day, we visited some friends and had afternoon tea together. Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. We ate sandwiches and a large fruit cake. In England, you usually drink tea with milk,too.

    Fish and chips is traditional food in England. You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! It is delicious!

    At the bus stop, you must not push your way onto the bus. You need to stand in a line and wait your turn. Sometimes people are slow to get on the bus. Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder, smile politely and say, “Excuse me! Are you waiting for this bus?” He was really polite.

    1.When you are invited for afternoon tea, you will have_________.

    A. a light meal   B. tea   C. just a drink   D. a big meal

    2.At the bus stop, it is important for you to _________.

    A. push your way onto the bus   B. jump onto the bus quickly

    C. walk slowly to get on the bus   D. wait for your turn

    3.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

    A. I went to England this year and noticed some ways of their life .

    B. In England ,I drank coffee with milk .

    C. You can't buy and eat fish and chips on the street .

    D. In England afternoon tea is about 4 pm.

    4.What is the best title of the passage ?

    A. How to travel in England ?   B. The afternoon tea in England .

    C. My experience in England .   D. The special food and drink in England .

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. On the north coast of Brazil, scientists once found something very strange-lost penguins(企鹅)far from home!The scientists did not know why the penguins were lost. Perhaps a warm current(洋流)took them to the north.But penguins cannot live for long in the warmer waters of the north. It was time to save the penguins.

    Sadly though, some penguins were too sick to travel and some of them were dying. The scientists took the healthy birds and put them on a large plane. They flew to the south coast of Brazil. Many people came to watch the birds. But at first, the birds just looked at the water. Then some of the braver ones swam about in it. It was cold!It was good!

    And so they began the last part of their journey. People cheered loudly as the younger penguins started swimming behind the older ones. Together, they were on their way home at last.

    1.Where were the penguins when the scientists found them?

    A. In the water   B. Far from home

    C. On a plane   D. On the south coast of Brazil

    2.Why were the penguins far away from home?

    A. Scientists took them there   B. They swam there

    C. Maybe the warm water carried them there   D. They flew there

    3.What did the scientists want to do?

    A. They wanted to make the penguins swim all the way home

    B. They wanted to help the penguins get home

    C. They wanted to take the penguins all back to Brazil

    D. They wanted to make the penguins go to different places

    4.How did the younger penguins get back home at last?

    A. They swam behind the older   B. They went by plane

    C. They swam in front of the older ones   D. They went by boat

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面5小题的材料。请从A—F选项中选出符合各段意思的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。


    Keep the places clean!


    Learn about the places!


    Don't forget your camera!


    Don't touch, don't climb, and don't pick!


    Be kind to others!


    Come prepared!

    How to have a pleasant trip?

    Traveling is becoming more and more popular. But how can we have a pleasant trip? Here are some tips for you.

    1. Read up on the places of interest before you go, or pick up a guidebook(旅行指南) or audio guide when you're there. These things can teach you about the places of interest, and point out special things you might miss.

    2. If you're visiting a natural place of interest, first find out whether you'll need good walking shoes or a raincoat. It's always a good idea to bring some food and water, too.

    3. You may want to get very close to beautiful places or to pick a flower or two to take home with you. But remember, this can make future visitors not happy. Look for signs about what not to do, and when you are not sure, please don't touch!

    4. People want to see the places of interest, not your candy wrappers! If there are not many trash cans, bring a plastic bag with you to carry your rubbish.

    5. For many places, it's a good idea to take pictures. But check whether you are allowed to take photos before you start taking pictures. Some special places don't like visitors to take photos.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Cooking was not my job before and I couldn't cook. But one day my mother called, “Nancy, try to cook ______ us today.” “But Mom, I don't know how to cook,” I said. “Today I will ______ you to cook,” said my father. I didn't know ______ it would go, but I agreed.

    I saw my mother cook rice before, so I did it easily. ______ when it came to cooking vegetables, I didn't know how to do it. My father ______ me to cut up one cabbage and make other ingredients(原料) ______. “Now put some garlic(大蒜) into the pot, and then put the cabbage. Don't forget to ______ some salt.” My father stood next ______ me and told me what I should do. ______ finishing the cabbage, I cooked beef soup. ______, I finished cooking the meal in almost two hours. I ______ the food to my parents. They ______ it and said it was wonderful. At last, it was ______ turn to eat the food. I thought it was terrible.

    From that day on, I learned to ______. The first experience of ______ my own cooking was so terrible, but it taught me a great lesson. I started respecting(尊重) food, as I learned that one had to try his best to cook it.

    1.A.at B.in C.on D.for

    2.A.play B.teach C.expect D.question

    3.A.how B.what C.which D.where

    4.A.If B.So C.But D.Because

    5.A.said B.asked C.talked D.listened

    6.A.ready B.lucky C.similar D.traditional

    7.A.shake B.peel C.add D.eat

    8.A.on B.in C.at D.to

    9.A.From B.After C.Before D.Through

    10.A.Luckily B.Quickly C.Finally D.Quietly

    11.A.filled B.turned C.served D.shared

    12.A.ate B.went C.drank D.forgot

    13.A.my B.his C.our D.their

    14.A.go B.cook C.sing D.paint

    15.A.discussing B.reaching C.waiting D.tasting

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式

    What is the best way to study ?That is 1.interesting question.Some Chinese students often study very hard for long 2.(hour ). This is a good habit ,but it is not the 3.(good ) way to study .An efficient (有效的)student must have enough sleep ,enough food4.enough rest .Every week you need to go out for a walk or 5.(visit )some friends or go to some places .That is good for your body ,for your mind and 6.your study .When you return to your studies ,you will find yourself 7.(strong )than before ,and you will be able to learn more .

    Maybe we can say that learning is like 8.(take )Chinese medicine .I do not mean that it is bitter (苦).I mean that the 9.(result )of your hard work appear slowly ,but surely .10.you keep working every day,it will make a difference ,just like Chinese medicine .

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达














    4 词数 70左右

    Winter vacation is coming .But I still remember my last winter vacation .


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析