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In the late 1990s, I came across an individual with my same last name of Boyter. As you probably already know, Boyter isn’t that common of a _______.

We sat and_______for several hours that day. As we talked I couldn’t help but notice how his general _______ and manner reminded me of my grandpa Boyter. He told a story of his _______ James Boyter who, in the 1870s, left Scotland and _______ the United States with his older brother Alexander.

According to our family _______, the two brothers got into _______ for hunting on royal land. So they escaped to the U.S. with their family and_______ in the Southern Utah town.

I sat and _______ as this man told me this story. I kept ________ and held my excitement inside until he finished telling the story. I had heard that exact ________ story countless times at family gatherings all during my childhood. Now here was a complete “________” telling me this story. I ________ knew how we were related! He was ________ when I told him that I was a descendant (后代) of the older brother Alexander: my great-great grandfather Boyter.

________ the effort of life story preservation of the descendants of James Boyter, we ________ where we came from. We should not forget to ________ stories of our brothers and sisters and other close family members into our own journals, ________ and autobiographies.

What we include in the account of our life story may make all the ________ in the world to your brother or sister’s descendants generations from now. All because you ________ it in your own history!

1.A.name B.place C.word D.man

2.A.rested B.played C.talked D.waited

3.A.idea B.knowledge C.condition D.look

4.A.brother B.ancestor C.acquaintance D.name

5.A.traveled around B.returned to C.passed by D.came to

6.A.tree B.life C.story D.tradition

7.A.confusion B.debt C.trouble D.politics

8.A.settled B.suffered C.grew D.retired

9.A.laughed B.hesitated C.listened D.sighed

10.A.silent B.calm C.busy D.cautious

11.A.interesting B.meaningful C.same D.simple

12.A.storyteller B.stranger C.gentleman D.member

13.A.fortunately B.recently C.slowly D.immediately

14.A.worried B.regretted C.moved D.excited

15.A.Regardless of B.Rather than C.Thanks to D.As with

16.A.wonder B.know C.choose D.forget

17.A.include B.create C.change D.copy

18.A.fictions B.letters C.brochures D.diaries

19.A.choice B.difference C.money D.arrangement

20.A.read B.polished C.recorded D.found

