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It's “BABY DAY” at the Chartwell River Parkseniors' residence(住所)in Ottawa. Eulah Johnson, 90,never_______the twice-monthly event.

Today, Johnson sits on a sofa and smiles at a baby sitting on the seat of her walker. After a few moments, the girl_______to play with the dozen or so other small children_______together with 20 of Johnson's fellow residents. As the_______eat snack sand drink tea or coffee, their young guests crawl(爬行) around, draw in coloring books, bat balloons back and forth or sleep in the arms of_______residents.

Babies Who Volunteer, bringing these_______together, is the inspired idea of Jessica Turner. During a(n)_______with her baby daughter Amelia to a friend's mother, who was living in a long-term-care center,people gathered around Amelia,_______to play with her. She was most_______by the response of her friend's mother: She hadn't spoken for two years, but with Amelia in her lap, she__________singing.

Turner went home and immediately put out a__________on a moms' Facebook group: Would anyone be interested in__________seniors' residences with their babies? One hundred women__________said yes. A year later, there are now 1 ,500 volunteers.

Everyone benefits from intergenerational programmes. This playgroup is__________for the mothers,too. They're giving something to the community, which provides a__________of purpose and belonging. It can really__________someone who is feeling alone.

Local__________is growing: The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation__________,has donated $25,000. With the help of charitable donations, Turner hopes to__________programming from baby visits to having school kids communicating with__________pen friends, and seniors teaching kids how to bake.

1.A.affords B.selects C.creates D.misses

2.A.turns up B.skips off C.makes up D.shows off

3.A.mixed B.replaced C.covered D.compared

4.A.guests B.waiters C.seniors D.kids

5.A.delighted B.brave C.confused D.strict

6.A.prediction B.generations C.evidence D.organizations

7.A.interview B.argument C.visit D.move

8.A.pretending B.wanting C.regretting D.falling

9.A.surprised B.embarrassed C.scared D.disappointed

10.A.minded B.forgot C.considered D.began

11.A.signal B.story C.call D.policy

12.A.setting up B.dropping by C.cleaning up D.taking over

13.A.quickly B.frequently C.properly D.safely

14.A.free B.ready C.true D.good

15.A.list B.system C.sense D.copy

16.A.help B.reward C.find D.war

17.A.demand B.pressure C.economy D.interest

18.A.at times B.for example C.after all D.by chance

19.A.observe B.mention C.attend D.expand

20.A.awkward B.hungry C.elderly D.innocent

