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The Chinese have a saying, "Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven 1. (necessity) lo begin a day." 2. tea is the last one on the list, we still can see 3. plays an important role in our daily life. For the Chinese, tea drinking and tasting are not the same. Tea drinking is for refreshment, while tea tasting 4. (carry) more cultural meaning. It stresses more about the ultimate goal, 5. (value) highly in Chinese culture: the 6. (harmony) unity of human beings with nature. Because of the fact that the fragrance of tea is not aggressive, tea is often compared to personal character. Its characteristics of being pleasant, low-keyed, and lasting 7. (associate) to a personal character as well as a friendship between gentlemen. Wherever you are,8. a cup of tea in hand, you can get closer to peace and relaxation. While 9. (enjoy) the green leaves in the cup, you will find fame, wealth and other earthly concerns are 10. (entire) far away. Tea is the symbol of elegance.

