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Experts agree that parents who give up control over their children’s lives would raise them to be more independent adults. While most parents are not in the position to bribe their children into elite (精英) schools, this extreme case shows the temptation many feel to take control of their kids, lives. But an extreme approach can have devastating (毁灭性的) consequences when it comes to a child’s mental health.

“These parents thought their kids were not able to manage their lives by themselves. And I don’t think there’s any worse message you can give somebody than ‘I don’t have any confidence in your ability to handle your own life,’” the neuropsychologist William Stixrud told HuffPost. Stixrud is the author of The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives, along with Ned Johnson.

In their research, Stixrud and Johnson have showed the importance for young people to feel a sense of control I over their own lives. “They have many problems like anxiety and depression, and those are related to the fact that kids feel so little control over their lives,” said Stixrud. “They feel like, ‘Here’s a script to get into college, and that’s what your life is going to be.’ It’s too stressful and discouraging for many kids.” In order to develop healthy self-motivation, young people need to feel a sense of confidence and control, which parents and educators have the power to promote.

“We suggest parents think of themselves as advisors, rather than a kid’s manager or boss, or the homework police. It’s a very different kind of thinking about your role,” said Stixrud, “As all advisor, your role is not to force anything or say ‘You need to be like this. ’ Instead, help your kid understand what he or she wants to be.” He advises parents to encourage their kids to make their own decisions long before the college years. It’s important to constantly ask, “Whose life is this?” and realize the answer is “My child’s life, not mine.”

1.What does the writer think of the extreme approach in parenting?

A.It’s harmful to children’s mental health.

B.It can raise children to be independent ones.

C.It can have devastating consequences physically.

D.It can help children to be admitted into better schools.

2.Why do some parents control their children’s lives so much according to Stixrud?

A.They want to be considerate in every aspect.

B.They think much stress is good for the children.

C.They don’t want their children to be independent.

D.They have no confidence in their children’s ability.

3.What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

A.To summarize the previous paragraphs.

B.To provide some advice for parents.

C.To add some background information.

D.To introduce a new topic for discussion.

4.Which could be the best title for the text?

A.How to Be Your Children’s Friend

B.Allow Your Children to Grow at Will

C.Be Your Children’s Advisor Instead of Manager

D.How to Help Your Children Adjust to College Life

