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It was already midnight when Eliza finally finished her work. She went out of the office and found the 1. (street) were empty.

Eliza 2. walking back home quickly when she heard some footsteps (脚步声) behind her. She turned around to look, 3. no one was there. She kept 4. (walk) but there were still footsteps behind her. Eliza was really afraid. She started 5. run. But the faster she ran, the faster and 6. (loud) the footsteps behind her got.

Then she saw the door of 7. old building was open. She quickly ran into it and hid(躲避) there. Eliza listened 8. (careful). The footsteps stopped. Just then, Eliza remembered there was a 24-hour store nearby. She quickly ran inside the store and asked the store owner 9. help. But the man said to her,“Madam, the footsteps are 10. (you). Look, the soles (鞋底) of your shoes have come off!"

