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Everyone has a dream, and SO does Matthew Hessburg from North Carolina(北卡罗来纳州),USA. Although he has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症),Matthew always dreamed of becoming a chef(厨师). After years of hard work, he has made his dream come true.

As a kid, Matthew used to spend hours making different dishes and eating them together with his three brothers. Every year, they visited their grandparents in the village and stayed there for some days. They enjoyed having barbecues (户外烧烤) outdoors together.

Thanks to his sweet childhood memories and strong interest in food, Matthew decided to go to Western Carolina University to study restaurant management.(管理) While he was there, Matthew developed his cooking skills. The experience encouraged him to set up his own barbecue company. As he says,“Good food, good people, together we're better!"

1.Where is Matthew from?


2.What did Matthew always dream of?


3.Did he and his brothers enjoy having barbecues outdoors together?


4.What did Matthew decide to do?


5.What is your dream?(联系自我,用动词不定式结构回答)


